To be read with reference to “Official Status Position Of Delegates To Conference” document.
James Stuart
Credentials Committee
- Allocations to delegates have been made on a Voting and Non-Voting basis.
- Voting delegations are categorised as follows:
Internal Regions
External Other (including MR Internal, NEC/ILC, ANCWL, ANCYL)
Chief Representatives
National Departments - Non-Voting delegates are categorised as follows:
National Departments
Other (including SACP, COSATU, UDF, Stalwarts) - Allocations to all categories was decided with continuous discussion and consultation, but repeated revision has had implication for the 2,000 voting delegate ceiling originally agreed to. The allocation totals per category as it now stands is as follows:
Voting | | Total |
Internal Regions | | 1,909 |
External | | 83 |
Other- MK (internal)
| 45 40 42 48 | 175 |
Chief Representatives | | 41 |
National Departments | | 36 |
Total | | 2,244 |
- With regard to the totals reflected above, note the required amendments in the “Official Status Position Of Delegates To Conference” document.
This needs to include under the Chief Representatives category an additional delegate each for Italy, Sweden, Netherlands and France to account for the transitional situation of outgoing and incoming Chief Representatives. In addition, Cuba and Libya are added as countries with Chief representatives.
With regard to the National Departments Non-Voting category, credit the Interim Science and Technology Group with one delegate. The breakdown of Non-Voting delegates thus reads:
Non-Voting | | Total |
National Departments | | 41 |
Other | 10 10 2 54 | 76 |
Total | | 117 |
- The official record of delegates to conference is entered as part of this statement and is available for perusal by arrangement with James Stuart, Credentials Committee head.
- Finally, the figures for all voting delegates reflect that 85% of delegates are delegates from branches inside the country.