South African’s National Liberation Movement

ANC Statements


The National Working Committee (NWC) of the African National Congress (ANC) met on Monday, 14 March 2022 to conduct the current work of the ANC and carry out decisions and instructions of the National Executive Committee (NEC).

Following their recent visit to the Deputy Secretary General, Comrade Jessie Duarte, the National Officials reported to the NWC that the DSG was good spirits and that her treatment was progressing well. They conveyed her appreciation to NWC for its support and well-wishes.

In line with the decision of the NEC, the NWC decided that Comrade Gwen Ramokgopa, a member of the NEC and the NWC, should be assigned the responsibility of reinforcing the Treasurer General, Comrade Paul Mashatile, as he assists the DSG in conducting the work of the Secretary General’s Office.

Covid-19 Pandemic

Containing the Covid-19 pandemic and ensuring the social, economic well-being of South Africans remains a priority for the ANC and the government that it leads. President Cyril Ramaphosa updated the NWC on the work of the National Coronavirus Command Council (NCCC).

The NWC also received a report from the NEC Sub-committee on Education, Health, Science and Technology making recommendations regarding the lifting of the National State of Disaster and the introduction of vaccine mandates. These reports will be considered by the next NEC meeting.

The NWC reiterated its call to all who live in South Africa to ensure that they are vaccinated and adhere to public health protocols designed to contain the Covid-19 pandemic.

Russia / Ukraine

The NWC expressed appreciation for the efforts by President Cyril Ramaphosa to engage various parties to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. It noted the ongoing discussions between Russia and the Ukraine, and reaffirmed the ANC’s conviction that differences are best resolved through negotiation, dialogue and compromise.

In supporting calls for negotiation and dialogue, the NWC reaffirmed the ANCs commitment to human rights and condemned the human suffering inflicted on civilians by the conflict. It also expressed its concern regarding the plight of South African students in Ukraine affected by the conflict.

BBGMS, Regional and Provincial Conferences

The NWC received a detailed report from the NEC Sub-committee on Organising and Campaigns regarding the state of organisation and the holding of Biennial Branch General Meetings (BBGMs), Regional and Provincial Conferences.

The ANC has over 4400 branches across the length and breadth of South Africa. Currently ANC members in these branches are engaged in the democratic process of electing Branch Executive Committees and giving them mandates based on programmes of action agreed upon in BBGMs.

Of the ANC’s nine provinces, eight are scheduled to hold Provincial Conferences during the course of the year:

Eastern Cape, Free State, Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, North West, and Western Cape. Of the organisation’s 52 regions, 34 are due to hold Regional Conferences.

The NWC reaffirmed the importance of the ANC branch as the basic unit of the organisation. It emphasised the need for BBGMs to be used to engage in political discussion and the formulation of programmes of action focussed on addressing community concerns.

The NWC called upon all branches to focus on tasks assigned to them by ANC Constitution:

  • To identify basic service needs and grievances of residents in the community;
  • To enter into collaborative partnerships with civic, sport, cultural, religious, business, women and youth

organisations in the community with a view to forming a common front to accelerate the delivery of basic services;

  • To initiate the formation of street committees in urban areas to deepen democracy and to safeguard the personal security of residents;
  • To foster trust and cross-cultural relations among residents in an endeavour to build stable, (non-racial and non-sexist) communities; and
  • To received and consider reports from ward councillors and make recommendations to councillors on basic service needs and other challenges of residents.

Furthermore, the NWC called upon all NEC deployees to provinces to be actively involved in preparations for conferences and convening of BBGMs and BGMs.

The NWC urged the Provincial and National Dispute Resolution Committees to ensure that all disputes are resolved timeously and that final verification reports are signed off before conferences.

The NWC warned that strict disciplinary action would be taken against any ANC member or staff member found guilty of manipulating organizational processes and defrauding the membership system.

Where structures are dissolved, the NWC called for members of such structures to be engaged on the reasons for such action.

The NWC condemned any forms of violence and ill-discipline in the activities of ANC structures. It welcomed the intervention being made by the ANC National Officials in the Eastern Cape, Mpumalanga, and KwaZulu-Natal. It called on ANC structures to take disciplinary action against those who engage in violent and criminal behaviour, and for law enforcement agencies to investigate and prosecute in such instances.

ANC Veterans League, Women’s League and Youth League

The NWC received reports on the state of organisation and preparations for the National Conferences of the ANC Veterans League and Women’s League, as well as the National Congress of the ANCYL.

The NWC noted that the NEC of the ANC Women’s League was elected in August of 2015, and that its five-year term of office has expired. The NWC appointed a task team consisting of Comrades Thandi Modise (Convenor), Nathi Mthethwa, and Jenny Schreiner to consider the status of the ANCWL and to make recommendations to the NEC in this regard.

Report of Expert Panel on July 2021 Civil Unrest

The NWC received a report from the NEC Sub-committee on Peace and Stability regarding the report of the Expert Panel on the July 2021 Civil Unrest. The report will be presented to the next meeting of the NEC.

Monitoring and Evaluation: Local Government Barometer

The Monitoring and Evaluation Unit in the ANC Presidency reported to the NWC that work is underway to publish the second ANC Local Government Barometer at the end of March as part of ensuring that the ANC keeps to commitments made in the ANC Local Government Elections Manifesto. The Barometer will also monitor whether

ANC councillors are living up to the Ekurhuleni Pledge to Voters, to do and to be better in working with and accounting to communities.

ANC Electoral Committee

The NWC received a briefing on the work of the ANC Electoral Committee from its Chairperson, Comrade Kgalema Motlanthe.

Members of the Electoral Committee will serve as the Electoral Commission for the 55th National Elective Conference due take place in December 2022. The Committee is reviewing the current rules, procedures and guidelines for all elective conferences with a view to make recommendations to the NEC.

The Committee is also finalising the processing of disputes and appeals arising from the selection of ANC candidates for the 2021 local government elections. The Committee received allegations of serious transgressions and deliberate non-compliance with the rules and guidelines for candidate selection.

Consistent with the undertaking given to communities and ANC structures, the NEC decided that the dispute resolution process should continue until all matters are satisfactorily resolved. By-elections could be triggered if some councillors are found to have been fraudulently nominated for registration with the IEC.

The Electoral Committee will present a final report to the next NEC.

The NWC noted that municipal by-elections will take place in four wards in Intsika Yethu, Engcobo, Dr Pixley Ka Isaka Seme and Thaba Chweu municipalities in Eastern Cape and Mpumalanga on Wednesday, 16 March 2022.

The NWC calls upon the residents of these wards to exercise their democratic right to vote and to give the ANC a mandate to represent them.

Amendments to the Electoral Act

The NWC supported the broad approach encapsulated in the Electoral Amendment Bill to give effect to the judgment of the Constitutional Court ordering that provision should be made for independent candidates to be elected to the National Assembly and provincial legislatures.

It supported proposals by the NEC Sub-committee on Legislatures and Governance to strengthen various provisions of the Bill to ensure maintenance of the current system of proportional representation, fairness, accessibility and practical implementability of the electoral system.

Parliamentary Matters

The NWC noted that Parliament is scheduled to debate and vote upon motions of no confidence in the President and Cabinet, respectively, on Wednesday, 30 March 2022. The NWC expressed its confidence in President Cyril Ramaphosa and the Cabinet.

Task Team on Report of Commission of Inquiry into State Capture The NWC received a progress report from NEC Task Team on the report of the Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture, based on a detailed consideration of the reports made public so far.

The Task Team will present a report to the next NEC in which it will make recommendations regarding actions required to be taken by the executive, the legislature and the ANC as an organisation. The latter will include policy matters to be referred to NEC sub-committees, changes in organisational policy, as well as referrals to the Integrity Commission.

Furthermore, the Task Team will develop a discussion document to encourage engagement in the organisation and society on the prevention of corruption and state capture.

Passing of Mam Maria Ricey Marks

The NWC noted with sadness the passing of Mam Maria Ricey Marks, sister-in-law to the late JB Marks. It conveys its condolences to her family and loved ones.

NEC Meeting

The next meeting of the National Executive Committee will take place on 25 – 27 March 2022.






Pule Mabe

National Spokesperson

071 623 4975