South African’s National Liberation Movement

ANC Statements


 The African National Congress (ANC) is encouraged by the African Union’s (AU) ousting of Israeli representatives from the African Union Summit presently underway in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. This occurred against an attempt to undermine the current sitting AU Summit from considering a report that is supposed to guide discussions on whether Israel must be granted an observer status. 

The ANC’s stated views on apartheid Israel remains relevant to this day. Independent reports of Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch firmly define the character of Israel as that of an apartheid state.Instead of awaiting outcomes of deliberations on their possible observer status, Israel simply chose to undermine the AU’s 55 African member states. 

Only a two-state solution, based on agreed international parameters, can bring an end to the hardships suffered by Palestinians at the hands of Israeli forces. The peope of Palestine that includes women and children are subjected to the most horrendous deeds day in and day out. All peace loving nations rooting for a world premised on a better life for all should be consistent in their calls for apartheid Israel to be respectful of human life as well as past agreements on how to end the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. ANC calls on the Israeli government to stop expropriation of ancestral Palestinian lands. Israel is reportedly escalating this expropriation and essentially transgressing international law. This provocation is done instead of directing efforts and energies towards creating conditions for meaningful talks between apartheid Israel and Palestine. 

The ANC is against the AU granting apartheid Israel any observer status. Africa’s colonial history and apartheid Israel’s present oppressive nature towards Palestine demands that all pressures be applied for the sake of all Palestinian people, including women, children and families. 


Issued by the African National Congress 


Mahlengi Bhengu –Motsiri National Spokesperson 0768915420 

Media Relations
Amos Phago