South African’s National Liberation Movement

ANC Statements


The African National Congress has taken decisive steps to address the ongoing energy crisis, this follows the inaugural meeting of the National Executive Committee (NEC), which met from 27 to 28 January 2023, at Esselen Park in Ekurhuleni. The meeting follows the 55th National Conference of the organisation, which was convened between 16 and 20 December 2022 at the NASREC Expo Centre in Johannesburg and officially concluded on January 5, 2023, at the Imvelo Safari Lodge in Mangaung. Consequently, amongst others, the NEC processed the resolutions of the conference which, in line with the 2023 theme called for “Decisive Action to Advance the People’s Interest and Renew Our Movement”.

The successful NEC meeting was also preceded by several consultations by President Cyril Ramaphosa and Secretary General Fikile Mbalula with opposition parties, experts and interested parties on the energy crisis, which President Ramaphosa characterised as a “House on Fire” that requires all of government and society to act akin to a “Code Red” situation. The engagements included an Energy Dialogue hosted on January 25 at the University of Johannesburg. The NEC meeting was also followed by an extended NEC Lekgotla from 29 to 30 January, which had a special focus on the ongoing energy crisis, and adopted a programme of action which focuses on:

1)   Accelerated actions to resolve the energy crisis to end load shedding

2)   Specific initiatives and programmes to intensify the ANC’s Renewal,

3)   A bold programme to mobilize social partners around economic reconstruction and recovery to increase job creation, investment, and empowerment,

4)   Steps to improve the delivery of basic services and maintain infrastructure,

5)   Initiatives to strengthen the fight against crime and corruption and

6)   Specific actions to build a better Africa and world.

In solving the energy crisis, the NEC Lekgotla encouraged the President of the Republic to declare a national state of disaster, which will also require that the ANC reconnects with our communities and society, as the ANC does not have the monopoly of ideas.  We therefore call on all of society to work with us in progressively solving the challenge since it affects all of us, in particular the poor and the working class. Lekgotla also directed Cabinet to study in detail the obstacles in delivering infrastructure, vandalism and counter revolutionary tendencies, with a view to increase infrastructure investment whilst strengthening the capability and capacity of the state.

Presenting to the Lekgotla, Cde Pravin Gordhan, who is also the Minister for Public Enterprises, said an additional 46 000 Mega Watts was required to be added to the 26 000 MW current capacity. In trying to build and maintain capacity key concerns remain the vandalism which has posed a risk, further compounded by the fact that 6 power stations are not in operation. Consequently, the National Chairperson in his presentation advocated for the improvement of the performance of Eskom’s existing power stations whilst upgrading and expanding current capacities and capabilities in the context of the Energy Action Plan and the Just Energy Transition as proposed by the National Energy Crisis Committee (NECC).

This plan will be bolstered by lessons drawn by the Lekgotla from the Energy Dialogue, presentations from technical experts and communities, as well as international best practices from India and Germany, amongst others. Lekgotla also called for the acceleration of the plans of the committee such that there is no load-shedding by the end of the year. In meeting this objective, the NEC agreed that all measurers should be taken to protect, rebuild and save Eskom.

The NEC Lekotla, in line with the presentation of Cde Enoch Godongwana, noted that this will require a reprioritisation of the already pressured national budget which has been impacted on by global dynamics such as the performance of the China and USA markets as well as the conflict in Ukraine. The Lekgotla also noted that the budget and the potential to raise capital has negatively been impacted upon by the municipal debt to Eskom. This together with national debt of R 4,8 trillion as well as the progressive social wage (which amounts to 58% of the budget) has made the budgeting manoeuvring space quite tight. Lekgotla noted that there are billions which are projected to be underspent and called for the reprioritisation of the funds to address the crisis. This can be complemented by the redesign of existing grants to optimise and aggregate infrastructure financing and capacities. Additionally, consideration should be given for the restructuring of the Eskom debt and the financing thereof.

Thus, amongst other steps to be taken is the incentivising and subsidisation of solar roof top panels for households and businesses, as well as accelerated maintenance, securing and building of the energy infrastructure. These can be complemented by measures such as renewable energy supply and standby generation which can also be diesel, petrol and battery based in the telecommunications and broadcast services, as these can also enhance key social services such as education and training.

Further, short term actions include the reconfiguration of government such that the areas of energy security is better aligned. Lekgotla also called for acceleration of the work of the National Energy Crisis Committee, by utilising the State of Disaster legislation to bring about a multi sphere command centre to better manage the crisis. Additionally, the current plan requires deepening such that it responds to the immediate challenges and further promote the:

1)   Prioritisation of maintenance, management, and security of Eskom power plants.

2)   Management of Load shedding such that it minimizes the impact on the economy and the provision of basic services, including water.

3)   Mitigation of the decision by the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) regarding Eskom tariffs on people and the economy.

4)   Implementation of measures to manage electricity demand, including the installation of solar heaters and panels and other energy efficient systems, which should be incentivised.

5)   Expediting of the procurement of emergency power.

6)   Relief and support to poor households, as well as, small and medium sized enterprises

7)   Curb the outward migration of technical and management skills and capabilities at ESKOM, whilst mobilising further skills in areas such as engineering.

8)   Support of the Just Energy transition as a long-term programme.

To complement this the ANC, the alliance and Government will mobilise society and deliver a mass communications campaign directed at demand management and energy saving measures such as switching off geysers. This will be reinforced by ANC structures through Reginal General Councils who will be empowered to communicate on energy saving and security measures, as a contribution to sustained economic growth.

In facilitating vibrant economic growth and resilient infrastructure, the government will implement mega and catalytic infrastructure projects which will include new cities as well as constructing government buildings, maintenance, as well as integrated transport and corridors. The Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan (ERRP), will continue to guide such projects, however Lekgotla noted that in growing the economy extra ordinary investment levels, co-investing, and Local Economic Development (LED) will be required. Therefore Lekgotla, in the context of social contracting, called for the prioritisation of:

  • Programmes to end load shedding and restore energy security,
  • Programmes to increase infrastructure investment including water, roads and rail infrastructure,
  • Programmes that promote industrialisation, and
  • Programmes to end corruption, crime and better protect our economic infrastructure.

Lekgotla noted the successes recorded by the investment conferences, but called for better reporting and communications of the gains made by government in this regard. In addressing the transformation of the economy, the NEC agreed to pay special attention to curbing the effects of rising costs of living whilst creating an inclusive economy that works in the interests of all South Africans, especially women. These, in line with the developmental state paradigm, will include considered and progressive reforms in the state revenue, tax, and industrialisation with an emphasis on Agro-processing and development of specialised markets such as cannabis, creative sector and tourism. These and other sectors stand to benefit from global trade and the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).

The anticipated growth should be supported by key Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) and domestic financiers. In transforming and democratising financing the Lekgotla also called for transformation of the Post Bank into the envisaged state bank.

In considering the improvement in the delivery of basic services and maintaining infrastructure, Lekgotla recalled that the ANC has adopted the District Development Model to enhance the speed and quality of service delivery. The DDM will be complemented by the reestablishment of Local Government Forums. In providing political oversight to service delivery Lekgotla directed the Secretary General to establish a Delivery Command Centre in the SGO.

The NEC further identified 42 priority municipalities, which require urgent actions where amongst others, service delivery interventions must be expedited. To support this, the NEC will deploy NEC members to districts and strategic municipalities, in line with the District Development Model. In supporting these and other municipalities the ANC will adopt a 15 month local government resuscitated strategy which will, amongst others, focus on a skills audit as well as accelerated delivery in water & sanitation, integrated transport, and an expanded social safety net (which includes the National Health Insurance). Given that such a programme will require resourcing, the NEC also directed government to review the municipal fiscal model, including the division of revenue between national, provincial and local spheres of government.

The NEC further noted the sporadic and increasing acts of racism that continue to manifest themselves in the country, and agreed to develop programmes and campaigns while intensifying existing interventions to combat and eradicate racism. These acts include activities of the Cape Independence Party and the Democratic Alliance in the Western Cape, who continue to resist efforts to achieve spatial transformation in the Western Cape, as well as the continued existence of the racist Orania.

The NEC acknowledged the preponderance of young people in our population and the ongoing challenge of youth unemployment in our country. To this end, the NEC called on the Government to play an active and leading role in addressing the burning issue of youth unemployment as well as the revival of the Presidential Youth Working Group, which requires a resuscitated African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL). The Lekgotla further proposed that a national youth service programme be considered post matric so as to instil further discipline in young people and combat crime.

The NEC also noted the rise of the cases related to mental health and agreed to pay greater attention to mental health and widespread manifestation of depression in our society.

In strengthening the fight against crime and corruption, the Lekgotla noted progress in key areas in the security sector. These include the additional recruitment of 10 000 police officers and the strengthening of key institutions such as the National Prosecutions Authority (NPA). Lekgotla called for an integrated programme which will ensure that South Africa is a crime free society by 2030. Key actions will include the (1) assessing and strengthening Community Policing Forums, (2) increasing the ratio of personnel to citizens, (3) addressing cyber security, (4) strengthening the intelligence services, (5) bringing to an end the political assassinations, (6) addressing stock theft, (7) strengthening witness protection and (8) improving the management of migration especially as it relates to Zama Zama’s. Lekgotla also echoed the January 8 Statement in relation to the fight against Gender Based Violence and Femicide and called for consideration to be placed on having a specialised unit.

In processing the National Conference resolutions the NEC agreed to receive written submissions from NEC members and deployees, within two weeks, so as to conclude and adopt the resolutions through a special NEC meeting. In the meantime the NEC elected into office the National Working Committee (NWC) which is seized with the day to day operations of the organisation.

The elected members of the NWC exceeds by 5 percent the 50/50 Gender Parity Principle of the ANC and they are:

  1. Cde Mmamoloko Kubayi (F)
  2. Cde Barbara Creecy (F)
  3. Cde Enoch Godongwana (M)
  4. Cde Tina Joemat Petterson (F)
  5. Cde Zizi Kodwa (M)
  6. Cde Ronald Lamola (M)
  7. Cde David Mahlobo (M)
  8. Cde Pemmy Majodina (F)
  9. Cde Thandi Modise (F)
  10. Cde Sibongile Besani (M)
  11. Cde Stella Ndabeni Abrahams (F)
  12. Cde Mdumiseni Ntuli (M)
  13. Cde Angie Motshekga (F)
  14. Cde Senzo Mchunu (M)
  15. Cde Mondli Gungubele (M)
  16. Cde Mduduzi Manana (M)
  17. Cde Peggy Nkonyeni (F)
  18. Cde Thembi Nkadimeng (F)
  19. Cde Nonceba Mhlauli (F)
  20. Cde Khumbudzo Ntshavheni. (F)

The NEC and the Lekgotla noted progress recorded in some areas of the National Democratic Revolution but also considered that the ANC has been gradually losing the trust of the people due to social distance, greed and corruption. Therefore NEC agreed to conduct an assessment or “diagnostic report” on the functioning of the previous NEC so as to identify challenges that must be avoided, in order to build on its strengths and achievements. In taking this forward the Secretary General’s Office (SGO) will constitute a team, which will also consider all matters raised in the Political Overview, including the origins and nature of factionalism. The assessment will also inform the ANC Elections Strategy Session which will soon be hosted by the NEC.

In promoting unity and renewal the ANC will also implement a concerted programme to eradicate factionalism, which is detailed in the 2023 Year Planner. Key to implementing the programme is the convening of a monitoring and evaluation machinery from branch up to national. Which machinery will require a clear plan from branches, every subcommittee, every caucus, all public representatives, and all structures at all levels.

In strengthening the ANC machinery the NEC adopted a compliance matrix and paid attention to the deployment of NEC members to provinces, committees and standing committees, which will be informed by capabilities and key policies such as the District Development Model (DDM). In implementing the DDM in the organisation the Lekgotla, encouraged branches to develop annual programme of actions, which will be evaluated in assessing branches in good standing.

Furthermore in deploying NEC members to committees and standing committees the SGO will give consideration to deploying former NEC members.

In further strengthening the NEC, in line with Rule 12.3.7 of the ANC Constitution which provides that the NEC shall be constituted by, amongst others, “Not more than 5 (five) additional members that the NEC may co-opt at any time during its term of office in order to provide for a balanced representation that reflects the true character of the South African people”, the NEC co-opted Comrades:

(1)  Mapaseka “Steve” Letsike

(2)  Gerhard Koornhof

(3)  Fawzia Peer and

(4)  Alvin Botes

In strengthening the ANC Headquarters (HQ) the NEC delegated the newly elected NWC to further deploy NEC members to the HQ as and when the need arises. In allocating roles for the National Office Bearers (NOB) the NEC agreed that:

(1) DSG Nomvula Mokonyane will be responsible for Elections, Campaigns, International Relations, and Human Resources;

(2) DSG Maropene Ramokgopa will be responsible for Monitoring & Evaluation, and Governance; and

(3) The Secretary General will, in addition to his other duties and deployments, be responsible for Organising and Membership.

The NEC also noted that any organisation worthy of a future should plan generational succession ensuring that there is transfer of experience and intergeneration exchange of innovative solutions to intractable challenges. Therefore the ANC will strengthen its deployment strategy to include the introduction of succession planning. In this regard, the ANC will also strengthen and intensify its political education, making it compulsory for all ANC public representatives. The ANC will also implement a programme, through the OR Tambo School, to improve the quality of leadership and membership. To complement this the training and induction manuals of the ANC will be improved.

The NEC also noted, and expressed its disdain on the ongoing attacks on it National Chairperson and expressed its confidence in, and support for, the National Chairperson.

The NEC further thanked Cde Pule Mabe for the sterling work he has undertaken as the National Spokesperson and agreed to facilitate for the further strengthening of the ANC communications and the rebuilding of public trust. Consequently, the NEC appointed Cde Mahlengi Bhengu-Motsiri as its National Spokesperson. Cde Mahlengi will be supported by Cdes Hope Papo and Vukani Mthintso. We have distributed their bio’s. They have been collectively charged with strengthening the Department of Information and Publicity (DIP).

As part of due organisational governance in accordance with acceptable organisational protocols, the NEC adopted a Delegation of Authority, authorising the SG and DSGs to institute and defend legal action by or against the ANC. Special focus was also given to the effect of Coalition Governments, particularly in local government, to which end the NEC adopted and sharpened the ideologically based Principles and Strategic Framework for Local Government Coalitions to better manage coalitions. This will be enhanced by the soon to be adopted Monitoring and Evaluation Framework and capacities.

These will be enhanced by building a stronger alliance with the South African Communist Party (SACP), Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) and the South African National Civic Organisations (SANCO), which is critical to the advancement the National Democratic Revolution (NDR). Consequently, the Lekgotla called for the urgent convening of the proposed Alliance Economic and Energy Summit.

The Lekgotla also noted that in addressing its challenges South Africa should and can build on global solidarity. To that end, the Lekgotla encouraged ANC members and leaders to better capacitate themselves in understanding global dynamics. In building a just and equitable world, the NEC acknowledged the increasing significance that the Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa (BRICS) partnership is playing in the global political economy and therefore

(1)    Agreed that BRICS must be expanded, amongst others to enhance its role as a counter hegemonic bloc.

(2)    South Africa must clearly define its desired objectives. And

(3)    Strengthen the New Development Bank

The Lekgotla also directed government to work closer with the BRICS nations to solve the energy crisis. Consequently, given that South Africa will this year host the BRICS Summit, Lekgotla requested that the Summit pay special attention to Energy Security. Further, Lekgotla called on the global North to implement more just financing mechanisms, outside loans, to enable the global South to generate, manage, and distribute energy. 

The Lekgotla, requested the SGO to develop a strategic partnerships and solidarity position which will amongst others (1) strengthen relations with former liberation parties, (2) strengthen South-South Relations, (3) enhance development solutions, with a focus on economic and cultural diplomacy and 4) strengthening the role of South Africa as the AU infrastructure champion. Lekgotla also encouraged government to advocate for the ending of sanctions in Zimbabwe, turn around the situation in eSwatini and the removal of Morocco as a member of the African Union.

Bios of the ANC Communications Team


  1. Cde Mahlengi Bhengu-Motsiri (National Spokesperson)

Cde Mahlengi Bhengu, who was born in KwaZulu Natal, has been an African National Congress (ANC) member and activist since her youth. – Apart from being the first female Secretary General of the South African Student Congress (SASCO), she was also a member of the National Executive Committee of the ANC Youth League (ANCYL). President Nelson Mandela appointed Mahlengi as the first Chairperson of the National Youth Commission (NYC), where she led the development of South Africa’s first Youth Policy. Mahlengi Bhengu, who holds a Bachelor’s degree in Public Administration from the University of KwaZulu Natal and a postgraduate diploma in Popular Economics, from the Smith College, Amherst, US. Further, she has acquired various courses on Risk Management, Scenarios Planning, Strategy, Leadership & Governance.

Cde Mahlengi has wide-ranging experience as a professional in the public and legislative sector, is currently a Management Consultant focusing on strategy, organisational design and policy development. She has extensive experience in strategy, leadership and policy development, with her most recent stint being that of Executive Director: Core Business at the Gauteng Provincial Legislature.

Cde Mahlengi is currently serving as Chair of the state-owned enterprise (SOE), the Gauteng Partnership Fund (GPF), which is a Gauteng Provincial Department of Human Settlements entity that provides development finance in the areas of mega human settlement project development, social housing, student accommodation, etc. Mahlengi serves on the Funding and Investment Committee of the GPF. Apart from serving on the Board of Directors at the Oliver Reginald Tambo School of Leadership, the ANC Executive Committee recently appointed Mahlengi as a Member of its Organisational Renewal Commission.

Cde Mahlengi is a long-standing gender and political activist, who has coordinated various gender studies programmes. Her gender activism was initiated by the Natal Organisation of Women (NOW), after she served on a number of women’s formations, including the Women’s National Coalition. Her activism and leadership experience can also be traced in the evolution of the South African youth and student movement.

Cde Mahlengi is not only known for her strong sense of values, integrity and honesty, but also for her strong vision and focus, her decision-making and communication skills and her exceptional ability to inspire others. The ANC has committed itself to a new era of renewal – a New Dawn – and with her recent appointment to the ANC’s Renewal Commission; she is one of the people that are looked upon to rise to the challenge of leading the people of South African into a future of hope.


  1. Cde Hope Mankwana Papo (Spokesperson)

Comrade Hope Papo is a seasoned political activist and Member of Parliament who has an Honours Degree in Public Management and Governance from the University of Witwatersrand School of Governance.

He became active in student politics in 1980 at high school. He was later recruited into the ranks of the United Democratic Front affiliated Azanian Students Organisation (AZASO) in 1983 whilst studying at the then Mabopane East Technikon. He was also active in AZASO branch at the then University of the North in 1985-86. AZASO was renamed to the South African National Students Congress (SANSCO) in December 1986.  He was also a member of the Saulsville Atteridgeville Youth Organisation (SAYO) and active in activities of the Atteridgeville Saulsville Residents Organisation (ASRO) in his home township of Atteridgeville from 1984 until the early 1990s. He was also a volunteer Regional Organiser and Educator for the South African Domestic Workers Union (SADWU) Wits Region from 1988 to 89. He was also recruited into the ranks of the ANC and SACP in the 1980s.

After the unbanning of the ANC, SACP and other liberation struggle organisations in February 1990, he rejoined the student movement and was elected to the leadership of SANSCO University of Witwatersrand branch. He was also elected as the last SANSCO National Treasurer General before the merger with the National Union of South African Students (NUSAS) in September 1991. In 1991, he was elected as the founding National Treasurer for the South African Students Congress (SASCO), He was also part of the team in the early 1990s with the task of rebuilding legal structures of the unbanned ANC and SACP in the Johannesburg Inner City.

From 1991 he served in various leadership capacities within ANC and SACP Joburg inner city structures. He also served in the ANC Regional Interim Leadership Cores (RILC) in Greater Johannesburg and West Rand Regions. From 2000 to 2006 he was the ANC Gauteng Provincial Spokesperson. He has also worked as a full time SACP PWV Regional Organiser and Political Educator from 1993 to 1997. He has also served on the SACP Gauteng PEC from 1998 to date.

In 1998 he joined the Gauteng Provincial Legislature as ANC MPL from February 1998 until December 2014, where he occupied the positions of Whip, Deputy Chief Whip, Chairperson of Portfolio Committees for Finance, Petitions and OCPOL He was appointed into the Gauteng Provincial Executive Council/Cabinet as MEC for Health from June 2012 until May 2014. From 2014 to 2018 he served as the ANC Gauteng Provincial Secretary. In

2018 to 2022 he served as an additional member of the ANC Gauteng PEC. He has served in various capacities including being a Deputy Coordinator of the Provincial Task Team in the North West.

He currently serves as an ANC Member of Parliament (MP) in the National Assembly where he is the Parliamentary Counsellor to the Deputy President


  1. Cde Vukani Lumumba Mthintso (Spokesperson)

Cde Vukani has an extensive civil society and public sector experience having completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Politics and International Relations at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) at the University of London and the Management Advancement Programme (MAP) at the University of Witwatersrand. 

He is an activist who has served and worked at several student organisations, Non-Governmental Organizations and public sector institutions including the South African Students Press Union (SASPU), Departments of Social Development and Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation as well as the National Development Agency (NDA) and the Independent Development Trust (IDT).  An experienced stakeholder manager, communications strategist, development practitioner and international relations expert. He is currently employed as a Special Advisor to the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. He was also previously a Chief of Staff for the Minister of Social Development and a Special Advisor to the Minister in the Presidency. He was also an Executive Head: Integrated Development Services at the IDT. From 2012 to 2017 he was also seconded to support the Chairperson of the African Union Commission (AUC) as a special advisor where, amongst other things, he was the main organizer for the 50th Anniversary of the OAU/AU and contributed to the arts, culture, sports, youth empowerment, and communications areas. He was part of the team that developed and mobilized the continent in support of Africa’s blueprint for development Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want.

Cde Vukani has also ventured into events management as a business partner and content developer for Rock Star Entertainment where he was content director for the Metro FM Awards, Sports Awards, and Teachers Awards, amongst others. He serves and has served on several boards including the IDT, Development Update, Utshani Fund for the Urban Poor, Open Disclosure Foundation and Volunteer South Africa. He has also supported, contributed and been a member of the African National Congress (ANC) Subcommittees of the National Executive Committees on Economic Transformation, Social Transformation, International Relations, Legislature & Governance as well as Health, Education and Science & Technology. He was also a member of the Masupatsela A Sisulu (the Pioneer Movement of the ANC in exile) and a coordinator of the ANC Youth League’s International Relations NEC Subcommittee.




Mahlengi Bhengu-Motsiri

National Spokesperson


Media Relations

Amos Phago