South African’s National Liberation Movement

Media Statement


The ANC joins millions of South Africans in celebrating Human Rights Day after 30 years of democracy to remember the 64th anniversary of the 1960 Sharpeville Massacre. This significant day, built out of the bravery, blood and the ultimate price of women and men who in the face of death and defiance vowed to challenge an odious system that respected to human rights.

This system of oppression relegated the black majority to the status of second class citizenship in their country of birth, trampled upon their human rights and dignity by restricting their movement, the right to work and others rights through an institutionalized systems of Group Areas Act, the Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act and other pieces of apartheid legislation repugnant to human rights.

Many years later on the birth of democracy the ANC government has advocated for a Constitution based on a culture of human rights. In recognition of “the injustices of the past and in honour of those who suffered for justice and freedom and in healing the divisions of the past and establishing a society based on democratic values, social justice and human rights,” a democratic Constitution based on the values of “human dignity, the achievement of equality, the advancement of human rights and freedoms, non-racialism and non-sexism” aa advocated by the Constitution of the Republic.

Since 1994, the ANC led government have prioritised the advancement and fulfilment of the Bill of Rights as a cornerstone of our democratic order. We have championed pro-poor policies to advocate social safety net, universal health and education for the majority of our people. We have ensured the people get decent housing, water and electricity to ensure that Human rights are the basic rights that all human beings should have for all South Africans. We have ensured that South Africans enjoy human rights that embody the key values of our society

such as equality, dignity and fairness, and define our nationhood. As such, we have created a society that ensures that people enjoy human rights that manifest themselves through protection for vulnerable groups, freedom of speech and expression, religious freedom, freedom to love and other rights that promote the well-being of people.

As we celebrate the 30th anniversary of democracy the country will be voting on the 29 May 2024. As a continuation of what the 1960 generation valiantly fought for, entrenchment of the right to vote, a democratic state based on the will of the people and a credible Constitution, the ANC committed itself to invest in people, defend democracy and advance freedom as some of its key priorities of the Election Manifesto that elevates people to the apex of social transformation, economic emancipation and a society devoid racism sexism, gender based violence and femicide. These priorities are catalytic vehicles to consolidate democracy and the gains amassed since 1994, and a dream for what the 1960 generation fought for.

These priorities are about water, electricity, education, social security, equality, justice, citizenship, expression, belief, association and other rights as contained in the Bill of the Rights. Voting for the ANC on the 29 May 2024 is a continuation and advancement of our democracy and the advancement of our freedom. Despite the socio- economic challenges and shortcomings over the past 30 years, and we have a long way to go towards completely fulfilling the promise of the Constitution and creating of a better life that together we can do more from the immense progress we have made.

To advance our freedom and in building a true non-racial, non-sexist democratic South Africa the ANC led government established the Commission for Gender Equality, the Human Rights Commission and the Commission, the Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities as institutions to support our constitutional democracy. In these areas, a lot has been done since 1994 where the ANC led government had built houses, provided electricity, potable water, scholar transport, free quality education, social security, sanitation, basic services, road infrastructure and other rights in line with the Freedom Charter and a quest for a better life for all.

In commemorating this day the ANC pays tribute to the 69 brave men and women who died at the hands of the apartheid killing machine. We owe this day to those who bestowed upon us a legacy and culture of human dignity and respect.




For media inquiries, please contact:

Mahlengi Bhengu-Motsiri
076 891 5420


Martina Della Togna
082 355 3645

Mothusi Shupinyane Ka Ndaba
084 498 0105