South African’s National Liberation Movement


First Draft: Declaration of ANC Gauteng 4th Annual Provincial General Council

5 - 7 July 2013

We the delegates from across the length and breadth of Gauteng, representing branches, alliance structures and the entire mass democratic movement gathered over three days to discuss progress in preparing for the 2014 general elections under theme; “Forward to a decisive ANC Elections victory in 2014.

We met in the month in which celebrate the life of the founding father of our democratic nation, Former President Nelson Mandela who has been in hospital for some time. We will continue to pray for his speedy recovery and urge the nation and the rest of society to honour and celebrate the legacy of Nelson Mandela.

In celebrating and honouring the legacy of Nelson Mandela, we urge all of our structures and communities to take action to help change the lives of our people for the better, with the aim that all and everyone in the world; “Take Action; Inspire Change; Make Every Day a Mandela Day”. We further commit and dedicate ourselves to emulate the values that Mandela stood for, values of unity, reconciliation,

The PGC was in the main focusing on ensuring that we prepare for the 2014 general elections and ensure that the ANC wins the 2014 general elections with a decisive victory. We will therefore in the coming months between now next focus all of our structures towards ensuring that we indeed win the 2014 general elections with a decisive victory. Our province Gauteng contributes 37% to the national GDP. It is the heart of the South African economy and the economy has been growing at an average of 5.1%. We have reduced Unemployment since 2001 has reduced from 37% to 26%.

With regards to education 9.5%of the population 20+ had no schooling in 1996 and this has been reduced to 4% and 27;7% had Matric in 2001 increased to 34.7%. Those with post matric increased from 12.3% in 2001 to 17.6% in 2011

About 98% of households in Gauteng have access to running water and 96% of Gauteng households now have a flushing toilet that is connected to a water-borne sewerage system, a septic tank or an improved pit latrine.

The number of Gauteng people that have access to electricity increased from 78% to 87% between 1996 and 2011.

The 2011 Census findings also show that 46.5% of Gauteng residents have access to internet with almost 18% accessing it via smart phones.

We have also made significant progress in delivering social and economic infrastructure and this includes the building new health facilities and public schools. We therefore declare that going forward we will speed the delivery of social infrastructure and ensure that many of our people and in particular youth and women cooperatives participate in the programmes to maintain our social infrastructure as part of creating work opportunities.

These are some of the achievements of the ANC led government in Gauteng. We therefore declare that going forward we will continue working together with the rest of society to decisively improve the quality of life of our people.

In order to continue to change the lives of our people for the better, we will continue to build Gauteng as a globally competitive city region that is inclusive, with a metro system of government.

In order to decisively win the 2014 general elections, we will strengthen our sectoral campaigns and mobilise all sectors society; labour, youth, women, the professionals, the church, including increasing the number of the Moses Kotane Volunteer brigades.

We also welcome the work done in building a strong and united ANC focused on the tasks of the national democratic revolution. In this regard the PGC also filled in the vacancy of the deputy secretary. This was done in the most revolutionary and disciplined manner. We therefore declare that we will support the PEC and the newly elected Deputy Secretary as we build a strong, united ANC rooted in communities.

The ANC Lives! The ANC Leads!