South African’s National Liberation Movement


National Policy Conference


Launch of Policy Discussion Documents

8 March 2017

The African National Congress will  hold a media briefing to launch the Policy Discussion Documents towards the 5th National Policy Conference to be held from the 30th of June to the 5th of July 2017 at Gallagher Convention Centre, Gauteng. Convened, at least, 6 (six) months before the National Elective Conference, the National Policy Conference reviews policies of the ANC and recommends new or amends existing policy for consideration by the National Conference.

The ANC makes public the Discussion Documents for in-depth discussions, on the policies and programmes that the movement must pursue to drive Radical Economic Transformation over the next five years, by the membership and supporters of the ANC, stakeholders and society at large.

Discussion Documents will focus on the following policy areas:

  1. Strategy and Tactics
  2. Organisational Renewal
  3. Communications and Battles of Ideas
  4. Legislature and Governance
  5. Economic Transformation
  6. Education, Health, Science and Technology
  7. Social Transformation
  8. Peace and Stability
  9. International Relations

Members of the media are invited to the media launch of the discussion documents which will be held as follows:

DATE: Sunday, 12 March 2017
TIME: 10h00
VENUE: Chief Albert Luthuli House, 54 Pixley Seme Street, Johannesburg

Issued by the African National Congress

Zizi Kodwa 082 330 4910
National Spokesperson

Khusela Sangoni 072 854 5707
National Communications Manager