South African’s National Liberation Movement

Policy Documents

The Reconstruction and Development Programme

7. Conclusion

1 March 1994

7.1. Throughout this document, we have stressed that the RDP is a
people-driven programme. People have been part of drawing up the
RDP and they must now take the process forward. How can this be
done in concrete ways? A number of processes must now begin.

7.2. The RDP will now be used to consult widely, in order to get comment
and further input. Any organisation that wishes to make such a
contribution can do so in writing, or contact the ANC to arrange a
meeting. Any organisation that feels that it can make a specific
contribution to the implementation of the RDP should do likewise.

7.3. We welcome written comment from any organisation, expert or
person with knowledge about any of the areas covered in the RDP.
Clearly we will not be able to use every comment, and the comments
will need to be written within the spirit of the basic principles outlined in
Chapter One, the ‘Introduction to the RDP’.

7.4. In the provinces and at local levels, the Alliance, the South African
National Civics Organisation (SANCO) and the National Education
Coordinating Committee (NECC) have begun to apply the RDP
framework in their own areas. They are discussing the particular
problems their provinces may have, and how their own RDP should
address these.

7.5. Material is being produced that will popularise the RDP and allow for
its discussion throughout the length and breadth of our land. However,
this must not be a process of telling people what the new
government’s RDP will do for them, but of encouraging people to play
an active role in implementing their own RDP with government

7.6. The Alliance will now be reaching out to many organisations to discuss
and receive inputs on the RDP. This support and information will be
used as we continue to develop detailed policy. Work groups are
being established to develop both policy and programmes of
government at national and provincial levels.

7.7. The future is in our hands and we must carry forward the work needed
to finally liberate ourselves from the evils of apartheid.