South African’s National Liberation Movement

ANC Statements


Our friend and neighbour, the Rev. John L. Dube, Principal of the Ohlange Native Industrial School, has received the high honour of being elected the first President of the newly inaugurated Inter-State Native Congress, Mr. Dube has issued a manifesto to his countrymen  which is so good that we regret we cannot find sufficient space for it. But we give below a couple of paragraphs which will show the excellent tone of the letter.

“Although, as a race  we posses the unique distinction of being the firstborn sons of this great and beautiful continent ; although as a race we can claim an ancestry more ancient than almost any round about us, yet as citizens of the glorious British Empire, we are the last born children, just awakening into political life, born on January 8, in this the year of grace 1912. Yes, politically, new-born babes, we are still very young and inexperienced, and as such it behoves us to feel our way slowly and warily. While teaching ourselves to walk boldly and upright  before all mankind, we must still be careful ever to seek out the way where wisdom (not mere sentiment or desire) leadeth, treading softly, ploddingly, along the bright path illuminated by righteousness and reason -the steep and thorny path, yet only one that will safely and surely lead us to our goal, the attainment of our rightful inheritance as sons of Africa and citizens of the South African Commonwealth.

“Many are the difficulties I foresee in out way- enemies without, fierce and frank ; dangers within, undesigned perhaps, but still more harmful. It will be an uphill fight, but our watchword shall be “ Excelsior !”- onward, higher ; cautiously, ploddingly ! By dint of our perseverance, our patience, our reasonableness, our law-abiding methods and justice of our demands, all these obstacles shall be removed and enemies overcome. We have been distinguished by the world as a race of born gentlemen- a truly glorious title, bestowed on  few other peoples – and by the gentleness of our manners (poor though we may be, unlettered

 and ill-clad), and by the nobility of our character shall we break down the adamantine wall of colour prejudice and force even our enemies to be our admirers and our friend”