South African’s National Liberation Movement


Communiqués issued by the ANC, often in conjuction with other institutions .

A communiqué is a short document, summarising a number of issues, or a consensus or position, often in connection with a meeting or conference.

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Communique on the meeting of the Heads of Political parties of former liberation movements
Final Communiqué of the Summit of the Frontline Heads of State and Government
Congress of Traditional Chiefs and the ANC`s appeal to all Traditional Leaders of South Africa
Whites in a Changing Society – Joint Communiqué of the Five Freedoms Forum and the ANC
Joint Communiqué of the ANC, the International Campaign Against Apartheid Sport and the South African Non-Racial Olympic Committee
Communiqué arising from a Lawyers` Conference on the Role of Law in a Society in Transition
Communiqué of the meeting between the ANC and the National Soccer League and Soccer Association of South Africa
Joint Communiqué of the ANC, the Natal Indian Congress, the Transvaal Indian Congress, and members of the Indian community of South Africa
The Dakar Declaration: Communiqué issued after a IDSA organised conference with the ANC in Dakar
Communiqué from the meeting between the ANC and the Northern Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa
The Dakar Declaration: Communiqué issued after a IDSA organised conference with the ANC in Dakar
Communiqué of the meeting of the National African Federation Chambers of Commerce (NAFCOC) and the ANC
Joint Communiqué of the ANC, the International Campaign Against Apartheid Sport and the South African Non-Racial Olympic Committee
Joint Communiqué of the meeting of the National African Federated Chambers of Commerce and the African National Congress: Oliver Tambo
Joint Communiqué of the meeting of the Southern African Catholic Bishops` Conference and the ANC
Joint Communiqué of the meeting of the ANC and the National Union of South African Students
Communiqué of the meeting between COSATU, SACTU and the ANC
Joint Communiqué of the ANC and the Inyandza National Movement following their meeting in Lusaka
Second National Consultative Conference Communiqué