South African’s National Liberation Movement


This year marks the 113th anniversary of the formation of the African National Congress, the people’s movement for freedom that continues to unite our country in a national effort to transform South Africa into a united, non-racial, non-sexist, democratic and prosperous society.

The NEC therefore resolved that we will focus our branches, our public representatives and our leadership at local, regional, provincial and national level on the immediate tasks of the National Democratic Revolution as set out in our manifesto.

Since the elections, South Africans from all walks of life have rallied behind the objectives, programme and work of the new GNU.

Only the ANC can bring together workers, women, youth, professionals, intellectuals, business, middle-strata, traditional leaders, faith-based organisations, cultural activists and creatives to build a better South Africa.

The onslaught against transformation should make us more determined to succeed in building a better life for all and to be more deliberate and resolute about the renewal of the ANC, the broad democratic forces and our society.

We present this 2019 Manifesto Review discussion document, mindful that things are very difficult for many families and households, and we must redouble efforts to address the concerns of unemployment, corruption, electricity, crime, GBVF and basic services.

We present this 2019 Manifesto Review discussion document, mindful that things are very difficult for many families and households, and we must redouble efforts to address the concerns of unemployment, corruption, electricity, crime, GBVF and basic services.

This is a generation that unflinchingly devoted their lives to the creation of a new democratic South Africa that is united, non-racial, and non-sexist.

The movement has lost a stalwart and a dedicated freedom fighter. Here comrades lies an organiser, an excellent communicator, an activist and all round dedicated cadre of our movement.

Our presence here today is but one practical demonstration of our commitment, as the ANC, to a strong and vibrant alliance with all our allies.

The current epoch of our quest to re-industrialize and make substantial value-addition to our raw material requires a dynamic, innovative, and creative young person who understands that our  quest for economic transformation is premised on a just and inclusive economic development. 

Up to this day, we recognise the NUM as the progressive and pre-eminent voice of workers in the Mining, Energy, Construction and Metal sectors of our economy.

Load shedding means that households and supermarkets are unable to keep food fresh, water supply is often disrupted, traffic lights do not work, streets are not lit at night.  Without a reliable supply of electricity our efforts to grow an inclusive economy that creates jobs and reduces poverty will not succeed. 

The ANC government has made a measurable impact on the lives of South Africans and we must articulate a number of successes in improving the lives of South Africans.

As we undertake the important work of this Conference, let us apply ourselves with the humility, the dignity and the determination of our beloved DSG.

As we take this opportunity to remember the life and time of Cde. Peter Mokaba, we celebrate his impressive contribution marked by bravery, radical thought and militancy.

Welcome to this very important meeting where we will process the Discussion Documents towards the National Policy Conference later in the year. We decided to focus on these documents in a dedicated manner and this is the real focus.

This Conference must be a model of the very best of our movement, and the very best of our cadres. This Conference must help dispel the myth that as ANC comrades, we cannot differ in a democratic way; that we only care about positions and material accumulation for ourselves.

This is a Human Rights Day of profound significance for so many reasons. It is the first time in two years that we are able to gather to celebrate this day together. This is a reminder of how far we have come since the first case of COVID-19 was declared in our country, and we entered a nationwide lockdown to contain its spread.

It is exactly 50 years since Isithwalandwe/Seaparankoe President OR Tambo delivered a January 8th Statement commemorating the 60th Anniversary of the founding of the ANC. Framed under the theme, “The Building of a Nation,” the January 8th Statement of 1972 reminded us that this date is not merely the birthday of the ANC, but also a date of great significance and hope for the South African people, especially the oppressed and marginalised.

Fellow South Africans, Comrades and Friends, A week ago, millions of South Africans went to the polls to cast their votes in the sixth local government elections since the advent of democracy. Once again, these elections were held in conditions of peace and stability, where every citizen was able to cast their votes freely and without fear.

A month ago, we gathered in Tshwane to launch the ANC’s local government manifesto, where we made a solemn promise to the people of South Africa to do better, to be better and to work together to build better communities. Since then, ANC leaders, members and volunteers have gone door-to-door across the nation.

Candidates of the African National Congress for the local government elections, Friends and Comrades, South Africans. This evening, throughout the length and breadth of our country, nearly 10,000 ANC local government candidates have made a solemn pledge to the people of South Africa.