South African’s National Liberation Movement

Stop the War

Stop the War activities, 3-10 April 2003

1 April 2003

South Africans of all faiths, colours and creed unite against the War in Iraq

The American government continues to pursue its criminal war of aggression against the people of Iraq. As the civilian death toll rises, South Africans of all races, faiths and creeds are increasingly outraged by the horrors of this imperialist war.

In solidarity with the people of Iraq, the Stop the War campaign invites the media to join South Africans of all colours, religions and creeds in the following main events over the coming week:


MASS PRAYERS FOR PEACE will be led by the Women`s Interdenominational Prayer League (Manyanos) between 12h00 – 14h00 at the Beyer`s Naude Square (Library Gardens). People of all faiths, especially women are welcome to come and pray in solidarity with the people of Iraq. For further information call Masechaba on 083 710 3542.

The US EMBASSY IN PRETORIA will be the venue for a protest meeting between 7PM – 9pm on the evening of Thursday 3 April. Activists and people of faith from all communities will be joined by Smuts Ngonyama and other leadership of the tripartite alliance and the mass democratic movement to pledge solidarity with the People of Iraq outside the embassy of the aggressor state. Join in this poignant candle-lit event, which combines prayers with political songs and speeches, choirs and poetry for the people of Iraq.


THE TRIAL OF HENRY KISSINGER, an acclaimed documentary film, will be screened outside the American consulate in Killarney, Johannesburg at 6.30pm on Friday 4th April. For further information call Rehad Desai on 083 997 9204.


PUBLIC MEETING in solidarity with the people of Iraq will be addressed by Pallo Jordan, Aziz Pahad and Shadrack Gutto. Following the addresses, the participants will be encouraged to express their views and raise their questions on the war, South Africa`s contribution to world peace and other issues. The meeting will take place in the Johannesburg City Hall between 5pm – 8pm. For further information call Mandla Dlamini: 082 551 9185


LENASIA PUBLIC MEETING in solidarity with the people of Iraq will be addressed by Willie Madisha, Blade Nzimande as well as recently returned South African human shields, who will share their experiences of the effect of the war on the innocent people of Iraq.

Issued By `Stop The War` Campaign:

For further information call Mandla Dlamini on 082 551 9185 or Michael Sachs on 083 289 2233

Stop the War Campaign includes the following organisations:

Africa Institute(AISA),
African National Congress (ANC),
AIDS Consortium,
ANC Women`s League(ANCWL),
ANC Youth League (ANCYL),
Anti-Racist Movement (ARM),
Azanian People`s Organisation (AZAPO),
Ceasefire Campaign,
Centre for Conflict Resolution (CCR),
Centre for Justice and Reconciliation (CJR),
Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation (CSVR),
Church of the Province of Southern Africa (CPSA),
Civil Society Initiative (CSI),
Congress of South African Students (COSAS),
Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU),
Council of Muslim Theologians (CMT),
Development Action Group (DAG),
Electoral Institute of Southern Africa (EISA),
Friends of Cuba Society (FOCUS),
Gauteng Network on Violence Against Women ,
Gun Free South Africa (GFSA),
Human Rights Foundation (HRF),
Human Rights Institute (HRI),
Human Sciences Foundation (HSF),
Institute for Democracy in South Africa(IDASA),
Institute for Global Dialogue (IGD), Institute for Multi-Party Democracy (IMPD),
Islamic Relief Fund (IRF),
Jamiatul Ulama ,
Jewish Voices,
Justice and Peace,
Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR),
Media Review Network(MRN),
Methodist Church of South Africa (MCSA),
Mkhonto weSizwe Military Veterans Association (MKMVA),
Musicians Union of South Africa (MUSA),
Muslim Alliance Against War (MAAW),
National African Federated Chamber of Business(NAFCOC),
Not In My Name (NIMN),
Pan African Youth Congress (PAYCO),
Pan Africanist Congress of Azania (PAC),
People Opposing Woman Abuse (POWA),
Religious Society of Friends ,
Safer Africa,
Sankofa African Renaissance Development Institute,
Sexual Harassment Education Project (SHEP),
South African Catholic Bishops Conference (SACBC),
South African Communist Party(SACP),
South African Council of Churches (SACC),
South African National Civics Organisation (SANCO),
South African Students Congress (SASCO),
South African Students Volunteer Organisation (SASVO),
Treatment Action Campaign (TAC),
United Democratic Movement (UDM),
United Democratic Movement Students` Movement (UDESMO),
United Democratic Movement Women`s Organisation(UDEMWO),
United Democratic Movement Youth Vanguard (UDMYV),
Youth Power.