South African’s National Liberation Movement

National General Council

1st National General Council (NGC)

11-15 July 2000

The ANC held a National General Council (NGC), in Port Elizabeth from 11-15 July 2000. The NGC was a large political school for the entire organisation, it brought together in one forum delegates from ANC branches, regional and provincial structures, members of the National Executive Committee, veterans, members of parliament, Alliance and MDM delegates and cadres working across a number of sectors.

The NGC considered the ANC’s role as a ‘People’s Revolutionary Movement for Transformation’ in South Africa, on the African continent and globally. The Council discussed and debated the strategic organisational and political issues facing the movement.

The objectives of the NGC were to:
1. Ensure that all members and cadres of the movement understand the character and nature of the ANC as a revolutionary movement and their responsibilities as cadres of this movement.

2. Build a common understanding of the present context in which we operate – nationally, on the continent and globally and the current tasks of the ANC as leader of the national democratic forces and an agent for change;

3. A common understanding of the contending views in our society, the motive forces and how as a movement we engage with these views in our society and more effectively mobilise and organise the motive forces. Three discussion papers aimed at raising the issues and stimulating debate in the structures of the movement and amongst our cadres and members were made available prior to the NGC.