South African’s National Liberation Movement


National Conference​

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Report of the Independent Electoral Commission

6 July 1991

The elections for the position of Deputy President, Secretary General, Deputy Secretary General and the National Executive Committee of the ANC were conducted by the Independent Mediation Service of South Africa (IMSSA).

Prior to the conference the ANC requested IMSSA to undertake this task and requested three independent persons to observe the elections, and to satisfy themselves that the procedures established by IMSSA were fair and that the elections were conducted in a fair manner. These persons were Professor J. Reddy, Vice-Chancellor and Rector of the University of Durban-Westville, Mr Enos Mabuza, a business consultant and former Chief Minister of KaNgwane and Mr Arthur Chaskalson SC, National Director of the Legal Resources Centre. Together with Mr Charles Nupen, Director of IMSSA, they constituted an independent electoral commission.

At the commencement of its proceedings conference confirmed these arrangements, and gave full power to the independent electoral commission to decide and make rulings on all matters connected with the elections. This was in fact done, and neither the National Executive Committee or any other structure of the ANC played any part in conducting the elections.

The right of delegates to bote was verified by a Credentials Commission on which all structures of the ANC were represented.

IMSSA prepared voters lists in accordance with the decisions taken by the Credentials Commission, provided sealed ballot boxes and voting booths, prepared the ballot papers (which were stamped by it to confirm their authenticity) and engaged independent mediators to act as marshals during the elections, and to deal with queries raised by voters. The arrangements made were explained to the press which had access to the voting hall immediately prior to the elections and was able to observe the arrangements that had been made.

Non-voting representatives of all ANC regions constituted an ANC Electoral Commission which was consulted and kept fully informed by the Independent Electoral Commission, observed the balloting and the counting and expressed their satisfaction with the arrangements which were made and the manner in which the election was conducted.

The Independent Electoral Commission satisfied itself that

  1. Voting procedures were understood by the delegates.
  2. The persons who voted were all duly accredited delegates.
  3. The voting was conducted fairly.
  4. The ballot was secret.
  5. The counting was accurate

The Electoral Commission has reported that it is satisfied that free and fair elections were conducted for all positions and that the results which have been announced are in accordance with the secret ballots that were conducted


Position       % of           Total
No.            Total          Votes              Candidate

1               94.7          1858               Chris Hani
2               93.0          1824               Thabo Mbeki
3               87.8          1761               Joe Slovo
4               87.9          1724               Patrick `Terror` Lekota
5               86.8          1702               Pallo Jordan
6               86.5          1697               Ahmed Kathrada
7               85.0          1666               Ronnie Kasrils
8               83.8          1644               Harry Gwala
9               83.3          1634               Steve Tshwete
10              78.8          1546               Arnold Stofile
11              77.7          1523               Popo Molefe
12              77.0          1510               Joe Modise
13              75.9          1489               Raymond Mhlaba
14              74.6          1462               Mac Maharaj
15              72.4          1420               Alfred Nzo
16              69.2          1357               Ruth Mompati
17              67.4          1321               Albertina Sisulu
18              66.8          1310               Raymond Suttner
19              63.9          1253               Trevor Manuel
20              63.7          1249               Abrahim Ismail Ebrahim
21              61.1          1198               Aziz Pahad
22              59.6          1168               Cheryl Carolus
23              59.2          1161               Albie Sachs
24              57.1          1119               Joel Netshitendze
25              56.5          1107               Wilton Mkwayi
26              53.9          1057               Winnie Mandela
27              53.7          1053               Joe Nhlanhla
28              53.9          1049               John Nkadimeng
29              52.6          1031               Dullar Omar
30              51.7          1014               Mohamed Valli Moosa
31              48.9           958               Gertrude Shope
32              48.8           956               Andrew Mlangeni
33              48.7           955               Simphiwe Nyanda/Gebuza
34              47.3           931               Sidney Mafumadi
35              47.3           927               Elias Motsoaledi
36              45.1           884               Mendi Msimang
37              43.5           854               Reginald September
38              43.0           844               Barbara Masekela
39              42.7           837               Billy Nair
40              41.5           884               Mcwayizeni Zulu
41              41.2           808               Sister Bernard Ncube
42              40.8           800               Gill Marcus
43              40.4           792               Jeremy Cronin
44              39.4           772               Rocky Malebane-Metsing
45              39.3           771               Kadar Asmal
46              38.7           758               Sakkie Macozoma
47              37.3           731               Peter Mokaba
48              36.7           719               Zola Skweyiya
49              36.6           717               Thozamile Botha
50              36.6           717               Marion Sparg