South African’s National Liberation Movement


National Conference​


Resolution on Umkhonto we Sizwe

6 July 1991


Noting that MK has played an important role in the last 30 years in bringing about the immense political victories we have scored and the political situation to its present level

Noting that while we have suspended armed activities we however have not abandoned armed struggle

And further noting that the agenda of the regime is to hold on to power by among other things destabilising the NLM by engineering or conniving at violence against the people

And further noting that the regime deliberately misinterprets the clause on related activities in a manner that attempts to render the ANC impotent and our people defenceless


  1. That the ANC shall maintain and develop MK until the adoption of a democratic constitution and the creation of a new defence force into which cadres of MK will be integrated. Until such a point is reached the equipment of the movement shall NOT be surrendered to the regime.
  2. MK shall remain in constant combat readiness.
  3. The ANC accepts full responsibility for cadres arrested and/or detained by police and security organs in the course of the execution of their duties in defence of the people.
  4. The ANC shall establish structures of MK throughout the country at all levels including the establishment of offices and the provision of resources for such activities
  5. The ANC shall be entrusted with the task to popularise the demand for a single military force that will uphold and defend the values of democracy in our country


that the role of MK in the present period shall period shall be

  1. To act in defence of peace and stability to guarantee the people`s political victories by imparting the necessary skills
  2. To participate in the rebuilding and organisation of the ANC
  3. To act in defence of the personnel and property of the ANC.
  4. To encourage MK cadres to join and to channel their political concern through the established branches


That the NEC take full responsibility for the transferring of funds to regions for the maintenance development and general welfare of all MK cadres, both inside and outside the country and that proper and appropriate binding mechanisms be established to ensure this


that the NEC shall take steps to ensure the marking of the 30th anniversary of MK throughout the country .