South African’s National Liberation Movement


National General Council

Media Statement

Statement of the African National Congress ahead of the 4th National General Council

8 October 2015

The African National Congress convenes the 4th National General Council from today 8th October until Sunday, 11th October 2015. The National General Council takes place every 5 years, mid-term between National Conferences, and is convened to assess implementation of ANC resolutions from conference, their adoption into government policy and translation into programmes. The NGC does not change policy, but reviews implementation of resolutions and can adjust programmes to deal with challenges and problems, and identify areas where new policy is needed.

The 4th National General Council will be attended 4094 delegates with a minimum of 90% of these drawn from branches of the ANC as follows:

Eastern Cape:403
Free State:165
North West:257
Northern Cape:125
Western Cape:162
Total branch delegates:2500

Other categories of delegates include the Leagues of the ANC, Alliance Partners, the NEC, PECs and RECs and Umkhonto WeSizwe Military Veterans Association (MKMVA). We are also honoured by the confirmation of attendance by Izithwalandwe Comrades Kathrada, Mlangeni and Mme Shope. Other stalwarts including members of the Integrity Committee have also been invited.

As is the tradition within the ANC, we have also invited  fraternal organisations, notably the Former Liberation Movements – MPLA (Angola), ZANU-PF (Zimbabwe), CCM (Tanzania), FRELIMO (Mozambique) and SWAPO (Namibia) who have confirmed their attendance. We also expect in attendance representatives of the BRICS embassies – Brazil, Russia, India and China.  Cadres deployed in government and members of the business community make up the balance of delegates to the NGC.

Delegates will be transported in 67 busses, all of which have already left the various provinces across the country. The first delegates arrived at 09h00 this morning. We are currently busy with the registration of delegations, following the pre-registration that have been done in provinces. We are pleased with the speedy and smooth registration that has characterized the accreditation and registration process thus far.

This evening the Progressive Business Forum will host a Gala Dinner to be attended by business, members of the diplomatic corps, our international guests and leadership of the ANC. The NGC will be officially opened tomorrow, 9th October 2015 when the President of the ANC, Comrade Jacob Zuma, will deliver the political report. NGC will also receive the Organisational Report which will assess the state of the organisation, the functioning of our structures and progress made in the implementation of resolutions of the 53rd National Conference. The Treasurer-General will deliver the Financial Report to the NGC. The complete draft programme of the NGC is attached to this statement.

Issued by
Gwede Mantashe
Secretary General
African National Congress

Zizi Kodwa 082 330 4910 

Draft Programme NGC

8th October 2015
Arrival and RegistrationSt Georges07h00- 19h00
SupperAt Respective Hotels
9th October 2015  Session One
Chairperson Baleka Mbete
National Anthem  
Interdenominational Prayer 09h00
Political ReportPresident JG Zuma09h20
Credentials Report 12h00
Lunch – 12h30
Session Two
Chairperson Baleka Mbete
Organisational ReportSG – GS Mantashe14h00-16h30
Financial ReportTG – Zweli Mkhize 
Implementing the NDP Progress ReportNPSC Chairperson- J Radebe16h30-17h30
Balance of Forces PresentationPESC  Chairperson- N Mthethwa17h30-18h15
Commissions BriefingNPSC Chairperson- J Radebe18h15-18h30
Supper- 18h30
Session Three
CommissionsPolitical Report, Organisational Building and Balance of Forces x 820h00 – 22h30
10th October 2015 Session Four
Commissions ContinuePolitical Report, Organisational Building and Balance of Forces x 809h00-11h00
CommissionsSectoral x 8
1. Education and Health
2. Social Transformation
3. International Relations
4. Peace and Stability
5. Legislature and Governance
6. Communications
7. Economic Transformation
8. Land Reform and Rural Development
11h00 – 13h00
Session Five
 Sectoral – Commissions Continue14h30- 17h30
Session Six Plenary
 Organisational Building Report19h00 – 21h30
 Balance of Forces Report
11th October 2015 Session Seven – Plenary Reports
Chairperson Jeff Radebe
1. Education and Health
2. Social Transformation
3. International Relations
4. Peace and Stability
5. Legislature and Governance
6. Communications
7. Economic Transformation
8. Land Reform and Rural Development
Lunch – 14h00
Session Eight- Plenary
Chairperson Baleka Mbete
DeclarationJeff Rabebe15h30 – 17h00
Closing AddressPresident JG Zuma