South African’s National Liberation Movement

53 rd

National Conference

Media Statements

ANC statement on the 53rd ANC National Conference voting delegates

3 October 2012

The team of NEC members that was mandated by the Special NEC To finalise the allocation of the 53rd National Conference delegates met today as scheduled and agreed on a formula that will be used uniformly to allocate the remainder of the 416 delegates.

The total allocation of all branch voting delegates inclusive of the 416 is now as follows:

Eastern Cape delegates. – 676
Free State delegates. – 324
Gauteng delegates. – 500
Limpopo delegates. – 574
Mpumalanga delegates. – 467
KwaZulu-Natal delegates. – 974
Northern Cape delegates. – 176
North West delegated. – 234
Western Cape. – 178

Total – 4103 (which is 91.2% of conference voting delegates)

NEC, ANC Provinces and Leagues

ANCWL. – 45
ANCYL. – 45
ANCVL. – 45
ANC NEC. – 82
ANC Provinces. – 180

Total. 397 (which is 8.8% of conference voting delegates)

These allocations total 4500 delegates who will participate as voting delegates in the 53rd ANC National Conference in December.

Issued by:
Jackson Mthembu
National Spokesperson
African National Congress

Keith Khoza-082 823 9672