South African’s National Liberation Movement

Media Statement


The African National Congress (ANC) National Disciplinary Committee of Appeal (NDCA) upheld the decision of the National Disciplinary Committee to expel Mr. Jacob Zuma from the ANC. This decision reaffirms the ANC commitment to revolutionary morality, revolutionary discipline, and democratic centralism.

Discipline is a core foundation of our movement, ensuring unity of purpose and unity in action. It is during testing moments of trial and challenge that the most advanced cadres are distinguished by their unwavering commitment to the principles which have held this movement together, respect for organisational processes, and loyalty to the collective decisions of the movement. Mr. Zuma’s behaviour exemplifies the highest form of ill-discipline and a direct assault on the historical mission of the ANC. By establishing and leading a rival political party, he abandoned the core values of organisational loyalty and collective accountability, converting himself into a tool for destabilisation.

The ANC’s traditions do not call for unity for its own sake, devoid of critical reflection, engagement, and accountability. The selfless commitment to the NDR demands that cadres place the collective movement and its processes above their ambitions and organisational discipline compels adherence to the movement’s decisions, even in the face of adversity.

As a former president of the ANC, Mr. Zuma was expected to embody the highest standards of disciplined leadership and advanced cadres who serve as guides and inspiration for all members of our movement and society. Instead, his actions have undermined the unity and cohesion of the movement at a time when it is critical to consolidate and push forward with organisational renewal and confront the pressing challenges facing South Africa. This severe breach of our organisational foundation necessitated his expulsion to safeguard the ANC’s integrity and ensure that the unity of the organisation remains in form and content.

Unity is not a given, it is achieved in active struggle, and built on the collective disciplined actions of conscious actions of leaders and members alike. The ANC will never permit an individual, regardless of stature or historical contribution to undermine its mission to build a non-racial, non-sexist, democratic, and prosperous society.

We call on all cadres to recommit to the guiding principles of revolutionary morality and discipline, standing firm against factionalism and self-serving conduct. This decision must serve as a reminder that no individual is greater than the movement, and that the ANC strength lies in its collective leadership and unwavering dedication to the aspirations of the people.



Mahlengi Bhengu-Motsiri
National Spokesperson

For media enquiries:

Mothusi Shupinyane Ka Ndaba
Media Liaison Officer
084 498 0105