South African’s National Liberation Movement

aNC Statements

ANC host Virtual Memorial Service to remember Jackson Mthembu

25 January, 2021

The African National Congress will today, 25th of January 2021, hold a virtual memorial service in honour of its National Executive Committee member and minister in the Presidency Comrade Jackson Mthembu. Comrade Jackson passed away on Thursday, 21 January 2021, following Covid-19 related complications and was laid to rest on Sunday the 24 of January 2021 as per national lockdown regulations.

A number of prominent political activists including former National Spokespersons of the ANC will deliver tributes. ANC Treasurer General Comrade Paul Mashatile will deliver the Eulogy.

The virtual Memorial service will take place under the following details:

Time: 15:00
Date: Monday, 25 January 2021
Platform: Zoom and @MYANC social media.

Streaming details of the virtual memorial service will be made available across all @MyANC platforms and through DIP’s media relations unit.



Pule Mabe
National Spokesperson
071 623 4975

Media Relations
Amos Phago
076 750 6961(calls)
079 868 4684 (whats app)