ANC LGE Candidate Lists
Message from President Cyril Ramaphosa
The ANC is fielding 4,937 PR candidates and 4,468 ward candidates, after a rigorous and robust democratic process to select the most capable and committed representatives to work with the people of this country to build better communities.
In choosing candidates for the next term of local government, the ANC was determined that we should deepen community participation in the process and assign oversight of the selection process to an electoral committee led by the elders of our movement.
We have candidates who enjoy the confidence of the people they are expected to serve, who are rooted in communities and with a record of service.
ANC candidates to reflect the great diversity of the South African people, reinforcing the reality that the African National Congress – more than any other political formation in our country – represents the interests and the aspirations of the South African nation.
At least a quarter of our candidates are young people, with our youngest candidates being just 20 years of age. They will bring greater energy and innovation to local government, and a far deeper understanding of the needs of young people.
These young candidates will be joining hands with an experienced cadre of older councillors, enabling us to build on the gains that have been made, learn from our mistakes and take local government into a new era.
Forty-six percent of all ANC candidates are women, confirming the ANC’s commitment to gender equality and the achievement of a non-sexist society. While this is a great achievement, we will not rest until at least half of all ANC candidates and half of all ANC public representatives in all spheres of government are women.
The selection of ANC candidates for these local government elections is an important moment for the renewal of our movement. Our structures have been very firm, removing those with criminal records from our candidate lists and seeking to place capability above popularity.
We must acknowledge that the selection process was not without its difficulties. There were several disputes about the process, allegations of undue interference, and isolated acts of violence and intimidation.
We deeply regret these instances.
They do not represent the ANC candidate selection process, which, for the most part, was democratic, inclusive, free and fair. Even under the limitations imposed by the COVID-19 restrictions, ANC branches diligently undertook their responsibility to select the best candidates.
Through the Electoral Committee led by former ANC Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe, we will continue to improve our candidate selection process and deal with lapses and shortcomings. Where there was wrongdoing, we will act firmly.
The hopes and aspirations of people in communities across South Africa rest with these candidates. We all have high expectations of them.
We expect them to display leadership as they go out to convince voters to vote for the ANC, and as they inspire our volunteers through their example of hard work, discipline and dedication. We want them to listen to the people and engage with their problems.
We do not want them to make empty promises, but to work together with the people to find lasting solutions.
We instruct them to be the embodiment of ethical servant leadership, to fight against corruption and mismanagement, and continually improve the functioning of local government – to be the best councilors our nation has seen. We demand from them that, if elected, and throughout the five years of their term, they stay close to the communities that have entrusted them with a solemn mandate.
They must remain in close and constant contact with residents, providing information, answering questions and addressing concerns.
It is these candidates, once elected, who will be our builders, to correct the mistakes of the past, and, working together with national and provincial government, to build strong municipalities that involve and serve all residents.
Together with our Candidates, once elected, we will build better communities.
Vote ANC