South African’s National Liberation Movement

Media Statement


As leader of society at the heart of our 30-year democracy, the ANC has ushered an irrefutable transformation towards a democratic society, the ANC is fully committed to meeting the demands of the society it leads.

At the 55th National Conference held in December 2022, the ANC made it clear that our priority is to defend and advance the gains of freedom and promote unity through renewal. Organizational renewal is a crucial process in the realization of a national democratic society.

The ANC launched its Manifest to the people of South Africa outlining the 6 priorities and what it is we are committing to. We are confident that the candidate list adopted by the Special Extended NEC will give expression to the Manifesto and our ability to live up to its promise.

On the 2nd August 2023, informed by the adopted candidate selection guidelines, the ANC announced the commencement of its candidate selection process which entailed the nomination and selection of candidates who would serve as public representatives at national and provincial level under the ANC’s banner. This process has been managed by the Electoral Committee led by our stalwart, Comrade Kgalema Motlanthe and esteemed comrades who have steered the process with absolute integrity and independence.

The electoral process was designed to be open, transparent, inclusive and participatory, reflecting not only the views of the branches of the ANC, but also those of the alliance partners and the broader democratic movement and progressive sectors in South Africa.

The NEC painstakingly sought to create a harmonious balance between democratic branch nominations with strategic political interventions – crafted to ensure the selection of dedicated cadres possessing the utmost capacity, qualifications, and experience. Guided by the ANC’s policies, our commitment to unity and renewal, and other considerations, the ANC’s members of Parliament and provincial legislatures shoulder the vital responsibility of giving substance to our policy positions as well as their roles defined in the Constitution. We expect that our candidates will be aligned to the ANC’s manifesto in line with the nation’s developmental objectives, while also championing effective public involvement and oversight.

After an elaborate process that combined selection and election, the ANC lists for Parliament and the nine Provincial legislatures, can be characterised as a mosaic of culture, gender, geography and skill, the list is representative of the non-racial, non-sexist promise of the South African constitution. The list also signals a significant inter-generational mix, with young leaders stepping into the national body politic. It is our conviction that this process demonstrates the ANC’s position as the only political party capable and intentional about both descriptive and substantive representation, inclusion and diversity in our outlook on governance and matters of leadership.

The ANC’s Election Committee has followed a thorough interview and vetting process for all the candidates to ensure that the list reflects the deployment of individuals characterized by the right skillset, integrity, experience, and capabilities to serve the demands at provincial and national government.
Our integrity safeguards are intended and premised on paying due deference to our nation’s Constitution and its legal framework, the ANC’s constitution and guidelines as well as other public interest considerations. The work of the integrity committee in not novel nor is it a function of electioneering or this list process, it has become a permanent feature in the work of the ANC and its commitment to purge itself from ill-discipline, corruption and disunity. It is our expectation that the work of the integrity committee will be continuous and inform and strengthen the NEC’s outlook even post the formulation of the 7th administration.

We are fully committed to electing leaders within the framework provided by “Through the Eye of a Needle.” This framework helps us strengthen the ethics of our members, particularly those deployed in the public sector. Our core values of courage, service, self-sacrifice, human solidarity, integrity, temperance, humility, honesty, hard work, self-discipline, and mutual respect remain at the forefront of everything we do.

The criteria for candidates to qualify for nominations comprised of a comprehensive set of requirements ensuring their suitability and commitment to the ANC’s values and goals. To qualify, candidates preferably possessed post-matric qualifications or demonstrated capacity, experience, education, or expertise conducive to making constructive contributions within the relevant legislature or executive. Moreover, candidates were mandated to complete the four OR Tambo Leadership School online modules covering crucial topics such as the History of the ANC, Building Organizing, Understanding Government, and Economic and sustainable development. Additionally, candidates maintain ANC membership in good standing, exhibited a proven track record of commitment to and involvement in the democratic movement or government. In addition to rigorous interviews, all candidates underwent vetting, to ensure that they represent the ethical values expected from ANC public representatives.

All candidates agreed to subject themselves to lifestyle audits, have not been charged in a court of law, nor have adverse findings against them from the ANC disciplinary process nor by the ANC Integrity Commission. The representation of women, youth, people living with disabilities, and LGBTQIA+ individuals has been paramount in this process indicative of the ANC’s commitment to a list that reflects the South African society.

The Electoral Committee received 2457 candidates nominated for national Parliament. 31 comrades declined nomination, amongst those are comrades who have served the movement admirably for decades and to whom we owe a sincere debt of gratitude for their contribution to shaping the first 30 years of South African democracy. 284 Candidates were interviewed by the Electoral Committee. On the final lists submitted: 52.5% are women, we have increased youth representation to 17%, the list has ensured the deliberate inclusion of a diversity of sectors including persons with disability, traditional leaders, alliance partners and LGBTQI+ persons.

The ANC is pleased to announce the successful conclusion of its public representative candidate selection process which enables it to make a timely and compliant submission as required by the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC). The ANC’s list will be released to the public in due course.
We echo the words of President Ramaphosa when we launched our 2024 Elections Manifesto at Moses Mabhida stadium in eThekwini two weeks ago:

“The challenges of our struggle for a better life for all are difficult and diverse. Transformation requires honest and dedicated leaders. We are working hard to restore trust and confidence in us as the leader of fundamental socio-economic transformation in our society. At our last two national conferences, the ANC vowed to address society’s challenges and to serve the people with discipline and integrity. The ANC is committed to developing and, where necessary, correcting its members and leaders. That is part of our renewal.”

Our candidates for public representatives, led by our President, have a huge responsibility to ensure that as we celebrate 30 years of freedom and move towards the next phase of our journey to build a better life for all, we do so together with the people, and that we act decisively and call on South Africans to do more together, with more determination than ever before.



For media inquiries, please contact:

Mahlengi Bhengu-Motsiri
076 891 5420


Martina Della Togna
082 355 3645

Mothusi Shupinyane Ka Ndaba
084 498 0105