South African’s National Liberation Movement

ANC Women's League Constitution

African National Congress Women's League Constitution

As amended and adopted at the 5th National Conference

July 2008




Rule 1 Name

Rule 2 Aims and Objectives

Rule 3 Character of the ANC WL

Rule 5 Rights and Duties of Members

Rule 6 Organisational structure of the ANC WL

Rule 7 The Branch

Rule 8 Sub –Regions

Rule 9 Regions

Rule 10 Provinces and Provincial Conferences

Rule 11 Provincial Executive Committee

Rule 12 Provincial Working Committee

Rule 13 Provincial General Council

Rule 14 National Conference

Rule 15 National General Council

Rule 16 National Executive Committee

Rule 17 The Electoral Commission

Rule 18 Elections and Composition of the NEC

Rule 19 National Working Committee

Rule 20 Duties and Functions of National Officials

Rule 21 Relationship with the ANC

Rule 22 Discipline

Rule 23 Members Dues

Rule 24 Rules and Regulations

Rule 25 Amendments

Rule 26 Dissolution


Whereas :

The women of South Africa have for decades suffered under the triple oppression of race, class and gender under the apartheid system;

Whereas :

The women of South Africa have throughout the history of our struggle been part of the national liberation struggle in South Africa;

Whereas :

In the course of fulfilling this historic task of the women, South Africa has emerged as a leading force in the struggle for national liberation and the emancipation of women;

Whereas :

The Women’s League of the ANC, founded in 1913 to resist national oppression was banned in 1960;

Rising :

To the occasion of the unbanning of the African National Congress and other democratic forces in our country;

Cognisant :

Of the fact that the new situation demands that we, the women of South Africa reassess our participation in the struggle for national liberation and re-organise ourselves.

Further :

Recognising the need to transform the African National Congress and all its structures to achieve its aims;

And :

Fully aware of the historically disadvantaged position occupied by women in our society and in our political structures;

Now :

Therefore, the Women’s League of the African National Congress duly only constituted and assembled hereby now adopts this amended constitution as at 2nd to 6th  July 2008 in conference, resolves to organise women for the reconstruction and development of South Africa promoting a democratic, non-racial, non-sexist society;

Therefore ; women shall participate in all political structures of the ANC, in leadership structures and all programs designed for the socio-economic development of the country.



The name of the organisation shall be the ANC Women’s League hereafter referred to as the Women’s League and in the abbreviated form ANCWL.

The Logo and the colours of the ANC WL are described in the schedule of the WL.


The aims and the objectives of the ANC Women’s League shall be:

2.1 To mobilise, organise and unite South African Women to participate in the struggle for the liberation of all oppressed groups;

2.2 To spearhead the objectives, policies and programmes of the ANCWL and the African National Congress, amongst women in particular, and society in general;

2.3 To spearhead the emancipation of women within the African National Congress and its structures and at all levels of government and South African Society as a whole;

2.4 To promote the all-round development of women and help in building their own confidence and to interpret their needs nationally;

2.5 To promote among and through women and young women in particular, national consciousness, patriotism, unity and a sense of accountability at all levels;

2.6 To promote women’s participation in every sector of public life and to strive for women’s participation in every office;

2.7 To combat discrimination in public and in private life and institutions and to work actively towards the dismantling of the patriarchal system, the elimination of laws, customspractices and structures which militate against equality and to oppose any strengthening of patriarchy;

2.8 To campaign for the adoption and implementation of affirmative action programmes to combat the legacy of past gender and race discrimination;

2.9 To campaign for an end to all forms of violence against women, children and other vulnerable groups;

2.10 To co-operate with democratic organisations for the promotion of peace and development locally, regionally, nationally and internationally; and

2.11 To campaign for a culture and recognition of women’s rights as human rights.


3.1 The Women’s League is based on the policies and principles of the African National Congress.

3.2 Membership of the ANC Women’s League is open to all women who are members of the African National Congress. The policies of the ANCWL are determined by its own membership in terms of the procedures laid down in its Constitution.

3.3 The ANCWL is a democratic women’s organisation, which is non-sexist and opposed to all form of discrimination and chauvinism along tribal, religion and ethnic lines;

3.4 The ANCWL is an organisation which, while striving for maximum unity of purpose and functioning shall respect in the context of the Bill of Rights theo linguistic, cultural and religious diversity of its [it] members and the principles of freedom of speech and the free circulation of ideas.

3.5 The ANCWL recognises and addresses the different experiences of all women arising out of race, class, ethnicity, religion and geographical location and, at the same time, endeavours to unite all South African women;

3.6 The ANCWL recognises further the nature and or of intensity of the legacy of oppression of women in general, and black women in particular; with biasness toward working class and rural poor women

3.7 The ANCWL will ensure that laws, regulations and practices at all levels of government, at national, regional and local spheres are consistent with the aspirations of a united, democratic non-sexist and non-racial South Africa.


4.1 Membership of the Women’s League shall be open to all women members of the ANC who are 18 and above who are South African Citizens, and who undertake to carry out the decisions of the ANCWL and the ANC.

4.2 Women younger than 18 are encouraged to join the Youth League.

4.3 The Branch shall, not later than one month after receipt of an application for membership to the ANC Women’s League, accept or reject such application. The reasons for rejecting an application shall be set out in writing, if an application is rejected. The reasons must be provided in writing.

4.4 Members shall pay an annual membership subscription fee as determined by the National Executive Committee.

4.5 Members who fail to renew their membership subscription fee for a period of three months and having been reminded of their lapse will not be regarded as members in good standing until they pay their membership subscription fees.  Failure to renew membership within a year will result in the expiry of membership and the member in question will be treated as a new applicant in the next applications for membership.

4.6 The Women s League shall have a separate identity and logo, but shall retain the colours of the ANC.

4.7 Refusal of membership shall be reviewed by the PEC and NEC, which shall make its decision for or against the application known within a period of six weeks.

4.8 Every Branch shall keep an up-to-date record of its members and regularly transmit details to all levels.



A member of the ANCWL shall have the right to:

5.1.1 Take a full and active part in the discussion, formulation and implementation of the policies of ANCWL;

5.1.2 Receive and impart information on all aspects of the ANCWL’s policies and activities;

5.1.3 Offer constructive criticism of any member, official, decision, policy, programme, activity or process and procedure of the ANCWL within its structures;

5.1.4 Submit proposals or statements to the branch or regions or National Executive Committee through proper channels.


A member of the ANCWL shall:

5.2.1 Belong to and take an active part in the life of her branch

5.2.2 Take all the necessary steps to understand and carry out the aims, objectives, policies and programmes of the ANCWL;

5.2.3 Explain the aims, policies and programme of the ANCWL:

5.2.4 Deepen her understanding of the social, cultural, political and economic problems of the country;

5.2.5 Combat propaganda detrimental to the interests of the ANC and defend the policy and programmes of the ANCWL and the ANC;

5.2.6 Fight against sexism, racism, tribalism or chauvinism, religious and all other forms of discrimination;

5.2.7 Observe discipline, behave honestly and loyally, and carry out the decisions of the majority and of higher bodies;

5.2.8 Inform her branch of movement to any other area and report to the new branch secretary on arriving.

5.2.9 Refrain from publishing and or distributing any media material without authorisation, which purports to be the view of any organised grouping, faction or tendency within the ANCWL.

5.2.10 Members serving in executive committees who absent themselves for three consecutive meetings without any valid apology should be removed from office.

5.2.11 Members of the ANCWL who hold office in more than one of the structures of the ANCWL should vacate office in the lower structure


ANCWL structures shall be divided into the provinces whose areas and boundaries shall coincide with provinces of the ANC; which are as follows;

Eastern Cape, Free State, Gauteng, Kwa-Zulu Natal, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Northern Cape, North West, Western Cape.

The ANCWL shall consist of the following organs:

6.1 The branch Bi-Annual General Meeting which shall elect the Branch Executive Committee (BEC);

6.2 The Regional Conference which shall elect a Regional Executive Committee (REC);

6.3 The Provincial Conference which shall elect a Provincial Executive Committee (PEC);

6.4 The National General Council;

6.5 The National Conference which shall elect the National Executive Committee.


7.1 Every member of the ANCWL shall belong to a branch, which shall be the basic unit structure of the Women’s League

7.2 Branches may be grouped together into zones, sub-regions and may be subdivided into smaller units. Such units shall only be used as coordinating and administrative tools by the branch and shall not posses any decision-making powers. These units must operate on the basis of acceptable democratic principles and practices to promote management and active participation of membership.

7.3 The branch shall:

7.3.1 Be registered with the PEC and have a minimum of members, provided that the PEC may confer special recognition, due to exceptional circumstances, that the branch can have fewer than minimum of 50 members;

7.3.2 Meet as provided for in the rules and regulations;

7.3.3 Be the place where members exercise their basic democratic rights to discuss and formulate policy

7.3.4 Be the basic unit of activity for members;

7.3.5 Elect every two (2) years, at an branch general meeting Branch Executive Committee (BEC) consisting of a Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Treasurer and other committee members consisting of not less than three and not more than ten persons.  Members should have served at least one (1) year in the ANCWL.

7.3.6 Meet at least once per month.

7.4 The quorum for the biannual branch general meeting and at any properly constituted branch general meeting where the branch makes nominations of candidates for elections within the ANCWL or ANC or forum taking decisions relating to policy matters, shall be 50% plus one of the total paid-up members of the branch.

7.5 The branch executive committee shall:

7.5.1 Meet as soon as possible after its election and allocate tasks and functions among its members to enable it to carry out day to day activities of the branch;

7.5.2 Carry out the publicity and organisational work in its area in the furtherance of its policy, programme and decisions, including those of the ANC;

7.5.3 Meet at least once per fortnight;

7.5.4 Submit reports on its work to the branch meeting and at least each month to the Regional Executive Committee;

7.5.5 Co-opt not more than three persons if it considers it necessary to ensure greater representativity.

7.6 The quorum for each meeting of the Branch Executive Committee shall be 50% +1 (fifty percent plus one) of the total BEC membership.


8.1 Any two or more zones within a Region or an appropriate number of branches, in the absence of zones may, for the purpose of co ordination of activities and greater organisational efficiency, be formed into a sub-region at the instance of the REC, which shall be in line with the ANC structures.

8.2 Whenever a Sub-Region has been established, the Regional Executive Committee shall ensure, at a properly convened meeting, that a Sub-Regional Committee, which shall comprise of Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and one representative from each zone or branch, is elected.

8.3 The Sub-regional committee shall meet at least once a month and its functions shall be similar to those of a Zone.


9.1 The provincial regions of the ANCWL shall be in line with those of the ANC.

9.2 Each region shall hold a regional conference every three (3) years, which shall elect the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Secretary, Deputy Secretary and Treasurer and a committee of not more than ten members. A person must be a member of the ANCWL for at least three (3) years for her to qualify to be elected into executive positions

9.3 Each branch in good standing within a region shall be entitled to send delegates to the regional conference in proportion to its members.

9.4 There shall be at least one regional council meetings in the course of each year.

9.5 Additional regional council meetings may be convened by the regional executive committee or the PEC or at the request of at least one-third of the branches.

9.6 The regional executive committee shall be accountable to the PEC, the Regional Conference, and the Regional General Council for its functioning.

9.7 The regional executive committee may recommend to the PEC suspension or dissolution of the BEC, Zonal Committee or Sub-Regional Committee.

9.8 The Chairperson and Secretary of each region shall serve be ex-officio on the PEC in an ex officio capacity..

9.9 The Regional Executive Committee (REC)

  • The powers of the regional executive committee are such powers as are delegated to it by the PEC. In addition, the REC may, subject to the directions of the PEC, exercise the following powers:
  • Meet as soon as possible after its election to elect the Regional Working Committee (RWC) and thereafter as and when necessary but at least once a month.
  • Carry out the policies and programmes of the ANCWL in the region and do all things necessary to further the interests, aims and objectives of the organisation.
  • Carry out the decisions and instructions of the Provincial Conference, the Provincial General Council, the PEC, the Regional Conference and the Regional Council.
  • The REC will provide broad political and organizational perspectives to the RWC. It will further receive reports, supervise the work of, and delegate such functions to the RWC, as it considers necessary.
  • Manage and control the funds and assets of the ANCWL in the Region.
  • Submit reports to the PEC, Regional Conference and Regional General Council, as often as is required, on the state of the organization, financial position of the region, and such other matters as may be specified.
  • Request and receive reports from branches and other substructures in the region.
  • Supervise and direct the work of the ANCWL in the region.
  • Recommend to the PEC the suspension or dissolution of a BEC, Zonal Committee or Sub-regional Committee.
  • The REC may co-opt no more than 2 persons, in order to provide for a balanced representation that reflects the true character of the South African people.
  • The REC may invite any member of the ANC to attend its meetings. Such a member may participate in the meeting and be allocated tasks to perform on behalf of the REC, but shall not vote on any issue.

9.10 Regional Working Committee

9.10.1 The Regional Working Committee (RWC) shall consist of the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Secretary, Deputy Secretary and Treasurer of the Region and not less that one quarter of its directly elected members, who shall be elected by the REC.

9.10.2 The RWC will:

(i) Carry out the decisions and instructions of the NEC, PEC, REC, the Regional Conference and the Regional General Council.

(ii) Submit a report to each REC meeting.

(iii) Will meet at least every two weeks and whenever necessary.

9.10.3 The RWC may invite any member of the ANC to attend its meetings. Such a member may participate in the meeting and be allocated tasks to perform on behalf of the RWC, but shall not vote.


10.1 Subject to the overall guidance of the NEC, the provincial conference shall be the highest organ of the ANCWL in each province.

10.2 The provincial conference shall be held every four (4) years and if requisitioned, for good cause by at least a third of the branches in the province.

10.3 The conference shall be attended by delegates chosen by all branches with representation in proportion to the paid-up membership. At least ninety percent (90%) of voting delegates at conference shall be from branches, elected at properly constituted branch general meetings. The remaining ten percent of the voting delegates at conference shall be from the Regional Executive Committee (REC), and the Provincial Executive Committee (PEC) of the Women’s League.

10.4 Special arrangements may be made for the representation of branches in areas where the membership is low.

10.5 Members of the NEC who resides in that province shall attend as ex-officio members, with full voting and speaking rights. Non-voting delegates maybe invited by the PEC composed of individuals who have made a special contribution to the struggle or have special skills or experience to attend the conference.

10.6 The Provincial Conference shall receive and consider reports from the PEC, develop and carry out the policies and programmes of the ANCWL and of the ANC and implement the decisions of the National Conference and of the NEC of the ANCWL.

10.7 The Provincial Conference shall, every four (4) years, elect the Provincial Executive Committee, which shall comprise of the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Provincial Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Treasurer and twenty (20) additional members, all of whom shall hold office for three years and shall be eligible for re-election. A person nominated to a provincial executive committee must be a member in good standing and should have been a member of the ANC Women’s League for four (4) years.

10.8 Provincial Conference will:

10.8.1 Determine its own procedures in accordance with democratic principles and practices.

10.8.2 Vote on key questions on secret ballots if at least one third of the delegates at the Provincial Conference demand it.

10.8.3 Vote for the election of the PEC by secret ballot.

10.8.4 Each voting delegate shall vote once in each ballot

10.8.5 Promote and implement decisions and policies of the National Conference, NEC and the NWC.

10.8.6 Receive and consider reports by the PEC, which shall include the Chairperson’s address, the Secretary’s Report and Treasurer’s Report.

10.8.7 Carry out and develop the policies and programmes of the ANC Women’s League in the Province.

10.8.8 Have the right and power to review, rectify, confirm, alter or rescind any decision taken by any of the constituent bodies, units or officials of the Women’s League in the Province.

10.8.9 Have the power to elect or appoint any commission or committee and assign specific tasks to such commission or committee


11.1 The Provincial Executive Committee is the highest organ of the ANCWL in the Province between Provincial Conferences and has the authority to lead the organisation in the province subject to the provisions of this constitution.

11.2 The PEC shall be responsible for carrying out the decisions of the Provincial Conference. The PEC and other organs of the ANCWL shall meet at least once every month.

11.3 It shall submit reports to the NEC and the Provincial Conference as often as is required on the state of the organisation and membership, the financial position of the province and any other matter as may be specified.

11.4 It shall organise, establish and service branches, zones, regions and sub-regions in the province and appoint such staff as is required, taking into account the financial constrains.

11.5 It shall have the right to co-opt up to three persons in order to ensure adequate representation of areas and interests of the province. Occasional vacancies may be filled by it, provided that a report is made to the next PGC on the co-option and filling of vacancies. Co-option should reflect the true character of the South African people.

11.6 Provincial Executive Committee will consist of elected, co-opted and ex-officio members. The Chairperson and/or Secretary shall equally represent each region in the province in the PEC, as determined by the PEC with ex-officio status, provided that number of regional representatives on the PEC does not exceed the number of elected members of the PEC.

11.7 The PECWL may invite any member of the ANC to attend its meetings. Such member may participate in the meeting and be allocated tasks to perform on behalf of the PEC, but shall not vote on any issue.

11.8 The PEC shall:

11.8.1 Meet as soon as possible after its election to elect the Provincial Working Committee and thereafter as when necessary but at least once a month.

11.8.2 Carry out the policies and programmes of the ANCWL in the Province and do all things necessary to further the interests, aims and objectives of the organisation.

11.8.3 Carry out the decisions and instructions of the National Conference, the NGC, the NEC, the Provincial Conference and the Provincial General Council.

11.8.4 The PEC will provide broad political and organizational perspectives to the PWC. It will further receive reports, supervise the work of, and delegate such functions to the PWC, as it considers necessary.

11.8.5 Manage and control the funds and assets of the ANCWL in the Province.

11.8.6 Submit reports to the NEC, Provincial Conference and Provincial General Council, as often as is required, on the state of the organization, financial position of the Province, and such other matters as may be specified.

11.8.7 Request and receive reports from regions and other substructures in the province.

11.8.8 Supervise and direct the work of the ANCWL in the Province.

11.8.9 Ensure that the Provincial, Regional, Branch and other structure of the Women’s League in the Province function democratically. To this end, organise, establish and service branches in the province; supervise the work of the regions in the province; suspend and dissolve and re-launch Branch Executive Committees and Regional Executive Committees where necessary, subject to any directive from the Provincial Conference, provided that where a BEC or REC has been suspended or dissolved, there shall be a right to appeal to the NEC. The suspension of an REC shall not exceed a period of two months. Elections for an REC, which has been dissolved, shall be called within six months from dissolution. A suspension of a BEC shall not exceed a period of one month. Elections of a BEC, which has been dissolved shall be called within three months from dissolution. The Provincial Executive Committee may appoint an interim structure during the period of suspension or the dissolution of the REC or BEC to fulfill the functions of such REC or BEC.

11.8.10 Recommend to the NEC the suspension or dissolution of a PEC.

11.8.12 Appoint the Provincial and Regional staff as required subject to direction from the office of the Secretary General of the Women’s League.

11.8.13 The quorum for any meeting of the PEC shall be fifty percent plus one of its total membership.


12.1 The PEC will meet immediately after conference and elect the PWC.

12.2 The PWC shall consist of the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Provincial Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Treasurer and five other persons elected from among the PEC at its first meeting following the Provincial Conference.

12.3 The PWC shall be elected for a period of four (4) years and PEC shall fill any vacancy that may arise. It shall meet at least once every two weeks.

12.4 The PWC will carry out the decisions and instructions of the Provincial Conference, NEC, NWC and the PEC. The PWC shall perform the functions and duties of the PEC to which it shall report.

12.5 Submit a report to each PEC meeting.

12.6 The PWC may invite any member of the ANC to attend its meeting, such member can be allocated tasks to perform on behalf of the PWC, but shall not vote on any issue.


13.1 The Provincial General Council shall be the highest decision making body in the Province between Provincial Conferences.

13.2 It shall consist of all members of the PEC and delegates representing branches in proportion to their paid-up membership, with a minimum of one delegate per branch. The REC will be appropriately represented as determined by the PEC.

13.3 The Provincial General Council may discuss and decide any issue it deems necessary, including any matter brought before it by the PEC, and may decide on any matter falling within its competence, subject always to the policies and directives of the National Conference, National General Council, Provincial Conference or the NEC.

13.4 The PGC may fill any vacancy on the PEC provided that the filling of vacancies does not exceed fifty percent of the membership of the PEC.

13.5 It shall meet at least once a year but additional meetings shall be convened by the PEC, if requisitioned, for good cause, by at least one third of the branches in the region or at the discretion of the PEC.

13.6 The Provincial General Council shall have the power to deal with any issue, subjected always to the directives and policies of National and Provincial Conferences and the NEC.


14.1 The highest organ of the ANCWL shall be The National Conference and provide direction, leadership to the organisation and determine the policies and programmes of the ANCWL.

14.2 In addition, the Conference shall:

14.2.1 Have the authority to amend the Constitution;

14.2.2 Receive and discuss the reports of the NEC which shall include the Presidential Address, the Secretary General’s Report and the Treasurer General’s audited balance sheet and Report;

14.2.3 Have the right and power to review, ratify, alter or rescind any decision taken by any of the constituent bodies, or officials of the ANCWL;

14.2.4 Have the right and power to elect or appoint any committee or commission to assign specific tasks to such a body.

14.3 The National Conference shall elect the President, Deputy President, Secretary General, Deputy Secretary General, Treasurer General, and the remaining forty (40) of the NEC members.

14. 4 The National Conference shall be composed of:

14.4.1 At least 90% of delegates from the branches, elected at properly constituted Branch General meeting. The number of delegates per branch shall be in proportion to its paid-up membership.

14.4.2 The remainder of the ten percent of the voting delegates at the Conference shall be allocated by the NEC from among the PECs and the NEC.

14.4.3 Delegates shall be elected proportionally according to their paid-up membership of each region.

14.4.4 The number of delegates to be elected to National Conference by each province shall be determined by the NEC in proportion to the paid-up membership of each Province.

14.4.5 All outgoing members of the NEC shall attend as ex-officio and full participants in the Conference and may be nominated and voted for.

14.4.6 The NEC may invite individuals who have made a special contribution to the struggle or who have special skills or experience to attend the conference as participatory observers.

14.5 The NEC shall appoint a conference organising committee, which will circulate conference documentation in advance to determine the precise procedure for the selection of delegates and arrange for the time-table for the circulation of resolutions and receipt of amendments thereof.

14.6 The Conference shall determine its own procedures in accordance with democratic principles.

14.7 Voting on important questions shall be by secret ballot if at least one third of the delegates demand such a vote.

14.8 The National Conference will be convened at least every five years.

14.9 A Special national conference may be convened by the NEC if a requisition is received from at least two-thirds of the provinces.


15.1 A National General Council may be convened by the NEC from time to time, provided that the NEC shall convene a National General Council not later than 30 months after National Conference.

15.2 The NEC will, after consultation with Provinces, determine the composition of the National General Council.

15.3 The National General Council will:

15.3.1 Subject to paragraph (d) below, determine and review the policies and programmes of the Women’s League;

15.3.2 Receive and discuss reports of the NEC;

15.3.3 Have the right to ratify, alter or rescind any decision taken by any of the constituent bodies, units or officials of the Women’s League, including the evaluation of the performance of members of the NEC;

15.3.4 Have the power to discuss any issue it deems necessary taking into account policies and directives of the National Conference; and

15.3.5 Fill vacancies that have arisen in the NEC provided that such vacancies do not exceed 50% of the Executive.


16.1 Powers and functions

The National Executive Committee is the highest organ of the ANCWL between National Conferences and has the authority to lead the organisation, subject to the provisions of this constitution.

16.2 With prejudice to the generality of its powers, the National Executive Committee shall: Carry out the decisions and instructions of the National Conference; Supervise and direct the work; of the ANCWL and all its organs:

16.2.2 Issue and send directives, advice and instructions to, and receive reports from Provinces.

16.2.3 Ensure that the Provincial, Regional and Branch structures of the ANCWL function democratically and effectively. The NEC may suspend or dissolve a PEC where necessary. A suspension of a PEC shall not exceed a period of three months. Elections of a PEC which has been dissolved shall be called within three (3) months from dissolution. The National Executive Committee may appoint an interrim structure during the period of suspension or dissolution of the PEC to fulfill the functions of the PEC.

16.2.4 Establish National departments, and set up committees it considers appropriate;

16.2.5 Produce and issue policy statements as and when it deems it necessary;

16.2.6 Receive reports, supervise the work of, and delegate such functions to the NWC, as it considers necessary.

16.2.7 Confer such honors, as it may deem appropriate.

16.2.8 Manage and control all the National and other assets of the ANCWL.

16.2.9 The National Executive Committee, except where otherwise stipulated, shall be elected by secret ballot by the National Conference and shall hold office for five (5) years and shall be constituted as follows: The President, Deputy President, Secretary General, Deputy Secretary, Treasurer, and forty (40) other members. The chairperson and secretary of each elected ANCWL Provincial Executive Committee shall be ex-officio members of the NEC, provided that they shall serve on the NEC for the period they hold their Provincial offices;

16.3 The NEC shall have the power to co-opt not more than three additional members at any time during its term of office, provided that such co-option enjoys the support of the PEC of the province where such a person is a member;

16.4 Should a vacancy occur on the NEC for any reason, the NEC shall have the power to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the period of office until the National Conference, and to consult the Provincial Executive Committees before any such vacancies are filled.

16.5 Nominations for the posts of national officers and elected members of the NEC may be made by any region and placed before National Conference. Such nominations may be made in advance of the Conference in which case they shall be circulated to delegates prior to or at the beginning of the Conference.

16.6 A province, represented at a conference, shall however have the right to nominate any person whose name has not been proposed in terms of the above. In such an event, the presiding officer shall call for a seconder. If such nomination is seconded by another province, the name of the nominee shall be placed on the ballot paper.

16.7 The procedure for taking nominations from the floor and referred to 15.7 above shall be initiated as soon as possible after the President’s Address.


17.1 The NEC shall appoint an Electoral Committee of not fewer than three members whose task will be:

17.1.1 To prepare the ballot papers

17.1.2 To make provision for ballot boxes or other means of secret voting

17.1.3 To create machinery for the counting of ballot papers and the effective supervision of the counting of votes.

17.1.4 To announce the results of all ballots and make known the number of votes received by each successful candidate

17.1.5 To establish procedures for voting and to determine any dispute raised in regard to elections and election procedures, and to determine how any tied vote should be resolved

17.2. The names of the Electoral Committee whose work is to commence before Conference opens shall be submitted to the Conference for endorsement and they will then be reinforced by a representative appointed by each Provincial delegation.


18.1 The National Executive Committee except where otherwise stipulated shall be elected by secret ballot by the National Conference and shall hold office for five years and shall be constituted as follows:

18.1.1 The President, Deputy President, the Secretary General, Deputy Secretary General and the Treasurer General who will be elected separately by the National Conference and forty (40) additional members.

18.1.2 The Chairperson and the Secretary of each elected ANCWL Provincial Executive Committee who shall be ex officio members of the NEC.

18.1.3 The NEC may co-opt not more than five (5) additional members at any time during its term of office in order to provide for a balanced representation that reflects the true character of the South African people.

18.1.4 Should a vacancy occur on the NEC for any reason, the NEC shall have the power to fill the vacancy by appointing a replacement.

18.1.5 The quorum for meetings of the NEC shall be fifty per cent plus one (50%+1) of its total membership.

18.1.6 A person must be a paid-up member of the ANCWL for at least five years before she can be nominated to the National Executive Committee of the Women’s League.

18.2 Nominations for the NEC members shall be by the following procedure:

18.2.1 Nominations for the posts of:

  • President
  • Deputy President
  • Secretary General
  • Deputy Secretary General and
  • Treasurer General,

shall be made by any Province and placed before the National Conference. A delegate to the Conference shall, however, have the right to nominate any person whose name has not been proposed in terms of sub-section (i) above. In such event the Presiding Officer shall call for seconders to the nomination. If such nomination is seconded by a minimum of 25 percent (25%) of Conference delegates, then such nomination must be regarded as having been duly seconded, in which event the name of such nominees shall be placed on the ballot paper. If the nomination fails to secure the support of a minimum of 25% of conference delegates, such nomination shall fall away. Nominations of candidates for the National Executive Committee other than the above positions shall be carried out by the following procedure:

i. Subject to sub-section (ii) below, only those candidates who have been proposed by a Province shall appear on the National Conference ballot paper.

ii. A delegate to the conference shall, however, have the right to nominate any person whose name has not been proposed in terms of sub-section (i) above. In such event the presiding officer shall call for seconders to the nomination. If such nomination is seconded by a show of hands by a minimum of 25 percent (25%) of Conference delegates, then such nomination must be regarded as having been duly seconded, in which event the name of such nominee shall be placed on the ballot paper. If the nomination fails to secure the support of a minimum of 25% of delegates, such nomination shall fall away.

iii. Not more than two persons per province may be successfully nominated in terms of b)(ii) above.

18.3 Voting shall take place by secret ballot. Each voting delegate shall vote once in each ballot.

18.4 If any Provincial Chairperson or Secretary is elected to the

NEC in his or her own right or as a national official, such person shall vacate the Provincial position, provided that the Province has the right to make representations to the NEC, in a special case, where extraordinary circumstances may warrant an exception to this rule. However, when such a provincial officer is allowed to retain his or her NEC position, the Province shall not be entitled to an additional member on the NEC.

18.5 Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, the Secretary General shall be full-time functionary of the Women’s League. The NEC may decide based on resources available for other officials or NEC members to be full time functionaries.

18.6 The NEC shall meet in plenary session at least once every three months and will provide broad political and organisational perspectives to the National Working Committee.

18.7 The NEC may invite any member of the ANC to attend its meetings. Such member may participate in the meeting and be allocated tasks to perform on behalf of the NEC, but shall not vote on any issue.


19.1 At its first meeting following its election by the National Conference, the NEC shall elect a National Working Committee (NWC) whose term of office will be concurrent with the NEC i.e. five years.

19.2 The NWC shall comprise of five office bearers and ten other members elected by the NEC and shall meet at least twice a month.

19.3 The NWC shall:

  • supervise the work of the ANCWL;
  • carry out the decisions and instructions of the National Conference and the NEC;
  • implement the decisions of the ANCWL.

19.4 The NWC shall conduct the business of the ANCWL and submit a report to every NEC meeting on its work. The NWC may employ such staff as is necessary for the work of the ANCWL.

19.5 The NWC may invite any member of the ANC to attend its meetings. Such member may participate in the meetings and be allocated tasks to perform on behalf of the NWC, but shall not vote on any issue.


20.1 The President:

The President is the head and chief directing office of the ANCWL and the leader of the house in a National Conference. She shall:

  • Present to the National Conference a comprehensive statement of the state of the nation and the political situation generally;
  • Make pronouncements for and on behalf of the NEC outlining and explaining the policy or attitude of the ANCWL on any question;
  • Preside over meetings of the NEC in conformity with the Constitution by law and rules of procedure adopted by the NEC;
  • Under the overall supervision of the NEC, orientates the activities of the organs and committees of the ANCWL.

20.2 The Deputy President

The Deputy President shall assist the President, deputise for her when necessary and carry out whatever functions entrusted to her by the National Conference, President and the NEC.

In the event of death or permanent incapacity or resignation of the President and the Deputy President, the NEC shall as soon as possible appoint an Acting President until such time as the National Conference meets.

20.3 The Secretary General

The Secretary General is the chief administrative officer of the ANCWL. She shall:

  • Keep the minutes of the National Conference and the NEC, as well as other records of the ANCWL;
  • Conduct the correspondence of the NEC and send out notices of all conferences and meetings at the national level;
  • Convey the decisions and instructions of the National Conference and the NEC to the provincial committees, and see to it that all units of the ANCWL carry out their duties satisfactorily;
  • Prepare reports on the work of the NEC and such other documents which from time to time may be required by the NEC;
  • In the absence of the President or Deputy President the Secretary General shall assume the functions of the President;
  • Ensure that all departments, save those falling directly under the President, report on their activities to her;
  • Secretary General shall be the full time functionary of the ANCWL with remuneration and benefits.

20.4 Deputy Secretary

The Deputy Secretary shall assist the Secretary General, deputise for the Secretary General when necessary and carry out the functions entrusted to her by the National Conference and the NEC.

20.5 Treasurer General

The Treasurer General is the chief custodian of the funds, property and assets of the ANCWL.:

  • Receive and bank all monies on behalf of the NEC and shall, together with any two (2) members of the NEC operate a banking account;
  • Keep such books of account as may be necessary to record clearly the financial position of the ANCWL;
  • Submit to the National Conference a report showing the Income and Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet of the ANCWL for the period since the previous National Conference (which shall be independently audited) and shall submit periodic reports to the NEC;
  • Be responsible, with the NEC and any other committee established, for working out and executing strategies for fundraising.


21.1 The Women’s League is an integral part of the African National Congress and is part of its mobilising machinery.

21.2 The Women’s League is, however, autonomous in the conduct of its affairs and in the administration and control of its resources.

21.3 The Women’s League has specific tasks of advocating and campaigning for equality, integration and development of women in all areas. It is, therefore, firmly committed and adheres to the policies and programmes of the ANC.

21.4 All the organs of the Women’s League shall closely co-operate with the National Executive Committee and National Working Committee of the ANC, the NEC’s National Commission for the Emancipation of Women and Gender Equality, including the ANC departments and structures on all issues affecting women.

21.5 The ANCWL shall receive an annual budget, together with the supplementary grants for specific projects and tasks from the office of the Treasurer General of the ANC. The books of account of the ANCWL shall be open for inspection by the Treasurer General of the ANC.


22.1 Disciplinary Proceedings shall be confined to violation of the basis principles and rules of the ANCWL and the ANC. Such proceedings shall not be used as a means of stifling debates or denying members their basic rights neither will they be means to suppress members, or interfere with their private life.

22.2 Proceedings shall normally be conducted at levels where the alleged violation has taken place, namely the branch, regional or national levels, and shall be heard by the relevant structure, without prejudice to the right of the NEC to initiate such proceedings at any time.

22.3 Any person to appear for disciplinary proceedings shall have the right to receive reasonable notice of any hearing and of the basic allegation against her. She shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to prepare and present her defense.

22.4 Any person adversely affected by the outcome of any hearing have the right to have a matter reviewed by the appellate or review committee set up by the NEC.

22.5 In addition to misconduct which directly violated the norms of the ANC and ANCWL, any abuse of office, corruption, harassment or misappropriation of funds shall give rise to disciplinary proceedings.

22.6 Proceedings may also be brought against members who behave in a disgraceful way which brings the organisation into disrepute or manifest a flagrant violation of the moral integrity expected of members.

22.7 Penalties for the proven violation of the constitution, principles, norms and decisions of the ANC and the ANCWL shall include counseling, reprimand, apology, demotion, suspension, payment of compensation, the performance of useful tasks or expulsion.

22.8 The NEC, on the proposal of the NWC, shall establish a National Disciplinary Committee which shall have the right to initiate disciplinary proceedings against members in serious cases.

22.9 The National Disciplinary Committee shall have a minimum of five and a maximum of seven members and shall decide by majority vote, with the chairperson having a casting vote. The Committee shall serve for a period of three years, with vacancies being filled by the NWC.

22.10 An appeal from the National Disciplinary Committee shall lie with the NEC, whose decision shall be final and binding.

22.11 NEC to appoint a National Appeals Committee which shall hear all appeals and their decision shall be final and binding.


23.1 Every member of the ANCWL shall duly pay the appropriate subscription which shall be fixed by the Conference, on joining the ANCWL and shall continue to do so on the annual renewal of her membership. Membership records shall be kept by the branch, region, and province and transmitted to the National Office, where a central register of members shall be kept.

23.2 A paid-up member, for the purpose of this constitution, is a member who has paid the required annual subscription within the previous twelve calendar month, the paid money having been received by the national office.


24.1 The NEC shall have the power to adopt rules and regulations to facilitate better management of the activities of the ANCWL.

24.2 The PEC shall have the power to adopt rules and regulations for better functioning of the ANCWL in their respective province.

24.3 All such rules and regulations shall be consistent with the constitutional norms of the ANCWL. Rules and regulations framed by the PEC shall only become operative when approved by the NEC.

24.4 The NEC shall have the power to frame a Code of Conduct for all structures, officials, office bearers and members of the ANCWL.


25.1 Any amendments to this Constitution shall be by two-third majority vote at the National Conference or at a specially convened conference.

25.2 Notice of intent to propose any amendments the conference should be forwarded to the office of the Secretary General at least two months before such a conference, and proposed amendments must be circulated to provinces at least one month before the conference.


The National Conference or any Special Conference may dissolve the organisation by two-third majority of delegates present and voting and transfer the assets and liabilities of the ANCWL in such a manner as determined by Conference

Signed by:



