South African’s National Liberation Movement


Declaration of the National General Council of the ANC Women's League

29 March 2007 - 1st April 2007

We, the delegates of the ANC Women’s League coming from all our nine provinces and branches throughout the country, representing young and old women, women from rural and urban areas, our struggle veterans, women activists, invited guests, representatives of the ANC lead Alliance and the mass democratic movement gathered in Kempton Park, in city of Ekurhuleni, from the 29th of March -1st of April 2007: once more take stock of the path that we have traversed in contributing to the reality of a better life for all our people since our National Conference in Nasrec, 2003 and as part of the run-up to the ANC Policy conference discussed the ANC draft policy documents in order to prepare our members for this conference.

The rallying call for this august gathering was anchored around the theme of the NGC which declared this momentous occasion as “The year of women to intensify the struggle against poverty as we advance in unity towards 2012”

As informed and inspired by our strategic task of ensuring the emancipation of women and attainment of gender equality in our society and the objective of mobilizing women behind the vision of the African National Congress, of creating a united, non – sexist, non – racial, democratic and prosperous South Africa.

Since our last National Conference this council noted the ANCWL has succeeded in:

  • Providing leadership to society on matters affecting women as was witnessed with successes achieved amongst many other similar mass campaigns such as the Save the Life of Amina Lawal Campaign”, the “Find Constable Rasuge – aimed at the eradication of violence against women in all its forms and manifestations.
  • Organizing and leading women in society as witnessed by the successful launch of the Progressive Women’s Movement of South Africa aimed at fighting and eradicating all forms of patriarchy in the country.
  • Positioning itself in the frontline of organizing women during the Local and National elections. Women managed to return the ANC to power with an overwhelming majority which was testimony to the continued confidence of the people of our country in the African National Congress.

The gathering reiterated its commitment to the eradication of poverty and unemployment, the fight crime and violence against women and children.

We are also committed to the ongoing program for the transformation of our society in achieving the Millennium Development Goals by 2014, through amongst others the following campaigns:

  • Continuing to build a strong ANC Women’s League and strengthen its presence in the predominantly minority areas. Strive for the active participation of young women in the structures of the Women’s League and foster dialogue amongst women both in the professional and domestic spheres.
  • To continue participating in the Progressive Women’s Movement and demonstrate our leadership role to that effect.
  • Continue to ensure that the 50% representations of women in decision making structures at all levels are implemented in both public and private sectors.
  • To intensify all efforts of building a better Africa and a better world.

The ANCWL calls all its members to action through:

Implementation of programs designed to fight against poverty. We call on the South African Government through the President to establish ministries of Women Affairs and Planning and Co-ordination with Executive authority. These Ministries will ensure that all poverty eradication programmes will be effectively and efficiently developed, co-ordinate, implemented and monitored.

We the delegates to this NGC, hereby call for the establishment of a Special Women’s Fund to facilitate and fast-track the total participation of women in the main stream economy.

We recommit ourselves to participating and advocating to all processes that support peace, justice and human security in the continent and the world.

We the delegates to this National General Council, aware of the responsibilities and challenges facing us, enthusiastically re -committed ourselves to intensify efforts to building national unity and achieving social justice, peace and prosperity for all South Africans.

To accomplish this task, we were mindful of the need for a strong, vibrant and democratic ANC Women’s League that will lead all the women of our country in the complex task of deepening the reconstruction and development of our country.

As we move towards our 5th National Conference and 52nd ANC National Conference we re-dedicate ourselves to strive for and entrench the founding values and principles of the African National Congress, which include Unity, Solidarity and reflect the change we want to bring about.

We commit ourselves to building an ANCWL that becomes a beacon of hope and the symbol of unity through action and work within the communities where we live. We further commit our selves in enhancing the capacity of the ANC to lead in a united and cohesive manner as we move towards its centenary.

Long live the ANCWL, Long Live!!!!!!!!!
