South African’s National Liberation Movement


National Consultative Conference


Report, main decisions and recommendations

22 June 1985


The Conference was attended by 250 delegates and special invitees by the National Executive Committee. The delegates and invitees came from all the places where we have ANC branches, units and students. The bulk came from the three main areas where we have the concentration of our membership – Tanzania, Angola and Zambia. The full list of Conference participants is compiled separately.

The first part of the Conference was dedicated to the three main reports of the NEC. These were the Political Statement presented by Comrade President OR Tambo; the Organisational Report, presented by Comrade Secretary General Alfred Nzo; and the Financial Statement, presented by Comrade Treasurer General TT Nkobi. The full texts of these statements will accompany this report.

The second part of the Conference proceedings was taken up by Commission and Plenary Sessions on the reports of the various commissions. At the very end of the Conference deliberations a new National Executive Committee was elected by Conference. Opening Remarks The Conference started off with the singing of the National Anthem. Comrade Dan Tloome, who chaired the opening session, briefly outlined the significance of the period chosen for the holding of this Second National Consultative Conference (the first being the historic Morogoro Conference of 1969). Originally the dates set for the Conference were from the 16th June (Soweto Day) to June 26th (our National Day). But it was later decided to complete Conference business a bit earlier than originally planned. This was possible because most of the discussions had taken place during the pre-Conference preparatory work and in the various commissions held during Conference itself.

When opening the Conference, the President, Comrade O,R Tambo, started off by underlining that our Conference was taking place in the wake of increasing violence and acts of aggression and assassinations by the Pretoria regime. Only two days earlier the racist mercenaries had killed fifteen people in Botswana. These included our members, nationals of Botswana, and nationals of other countries who were caught up in the raid. Conference rose to observe a minute`s silence for the fallen comrades and friends.

In continuing his opening remarks the President noted that we need to convey our deepest gratitude to the Party and Government of the Republic of Zambia for making it possible for the ANC to hold its Second National Consultative Conference on Zambian soil.

The President announced that three members of the outgoing National Executive Committee were absent from the Conference. These were Comrades Moses Mabhida (ill), Florence Mophosho (ill) and Josiah Jele (on assignment abroad). Also absent from the Conference were our leaders who are locked up on Robben Island and Pollsmoor Prison inside the country.

The President then proceeded to read the message that came from Comrade Nelson Mandela and our leaders in jail. The message expressed great hope that this Consultative Conference will be yet another milestone in the history of the development of our struggle. The message also noted that despite the great distance that divides us, there was commonness and unity in approach. The ANC must raise mass activity to ever higher levels.

Other messages read out to Conference were from Comrades Moses Mabhida and Florence Mophosho.

After the opening remarks, the first lot of solidarity and support messages were read out. These came from the President of Senegal, the OAU Secretariat, the Party and Government of the GDR, the Swedish Social Democratic Party, Evangelical Council of Churches, the Central Committee of the USSR, the British Labour Party, the UN Special Committee Against Apartheid, the Romanian Communist Party, British Council of Churches, IUS, TASS, WPC, PLO (Arafat), CARE in Australia, Mozambican Association for Friendship, Dutch Anti-Apartheid Movement, International Defence and Aid Fund, Solidarity Committee of Bulgaria, West German Anti-Apartheid Movement, Chinese Peoples` Association for Friendship, Socialist International, the Central Committee of the Workers Party of Ethiopia, the Social Council of Ghana, People`s Democratic Party of Afghanistan, NUS (England), American Committee on Africa, World Marxist Review, Anti-Apartheid Movement of France, City of Reggio Emilia (Italy), Swedish Ambassador to Tanzania, Solidarity and Peace Council of Cuba, Ford Organisation (Denmark), All-India Peace and Solidarity Organisation.

The messages are compiled separately and are attached to this report. The messages were read out to Conference in instalments throughout the duration of Conference.

After the first batch of fraternal messages were read out, the President delivered his political statement to Conference. The statement reviewed the political developments inside the country covering the post-Morogoro Conference period up to the present stage of our struggle. The first part was read out on the 16th and the second part on the 17th. The report took about six hours to complete. The text of the Presidential Statement is printed separately and forms part of the Conference documents.

At the end of the address by the President, other 1 solidarity messages were read out. These came from Swapo, WIDF, SACP, Sactu, Communist Party of the USA, WFDTU, WFDY, and Socialist Unity Party of New Zealand.

After this item of fraternal messages, a report of the National Preparatory Committee was given. The report dealt with the work done by the Preparatory Committee from the time of its inception up to the beginning of Conference itself. The culmination point of the work of the Preparatory Committee was the Composite Report compiled from the Regional Conference reports and contributions by individuals and units on the various topics canvassed for Conference. A full text of the report also forms part of the final Conference documents.

Following the report of the NPC came the report of the Secretary General of the ANC, Comrade Alfred Nzo. The report dealt with the organisational activities of the ANC both inside and outside the country starting from the Morogoro Conference decisions. The full text of this report forms part of the overall report on Conference.

The Secretary General`s report was followed by the Treasurer General`s report on the financial standing of the Movement. It full text, too, forms part of the overall Conference reports. Agenda The agenda for the Conference proceedings was formally put to the House and adopted. The final agenda then was as follows:

  1. Opening Session:
  • National Anthem
  • Remarks by the Chairman
  • Opening by the President
  • Fraternal Messages (first batch) 2. Main NEC Reports
  • Political statement – by the President
  • Organisational report – by the Secretary General
  • Financial report – by the Treasurer General 3. Work of the commissions (lasting about three days) 4. Plenary sessions to discuss reports from commissions 5. Elections and resolutions 6. Closing session Conference Committees For purposes of facilitating the work of Conference the following committees were set up: a)Presidential Committee (five members)
  1. Steering Committee – consisting of ten NEC members plus the heads of the various delegations
  2. Recorders` Committee – to keep a record of the Conference proceedings and compile a report on Conference
  3. Credentials Committee
  4. Resolutions Committee Commissions Conference then proceeded to consider the proposed commissions for in-depth and all-round concentrated study and discussion of the various topics that were basically drawn from the contributions and reports from the regional conferences. The topics were many. But it was finally decided to put together all those that were related.

The commissions that were finally decided upon were as follows:

  1. Constitutional Guidelines, Structures and Codes
  2. Strategy and Tactics
  3. Internal Mobilisation
  4. Education, Culture and Health
  5. Foreign Policy (International Mobilisation)
  6. Cadre Policy, Political and Ideological Training
  7. Finance, Projects and Transport Plenary Session Discussions on the main reports presented by the President, the Secretary General and the Treasurer General.

The delegates did not discuss these reports in detail. The understanding was that some of the aspects raised in these reports would come up in commissions.

These are therefore the first preliminary comments made by delegates from the floor.

  1. Refugee mentality: Comrade Magapatona felt that the term refugee mentality was not clearly defined. He also felt that the main weakness in our work is lack of guidance and leadership from above.
  2. Misplacement of cadres: Comrade Magapatona also underlined that one of our weaknesses is the misplacement of our cadres. He quoted the case of a comrade who did agriculture as a speciality but in practice is working at Headquarters as a driver. He further mentioned the lack of consultation before opening up projects like the farm. A new farm has been bought in Lusaka before there has been a proper assessment of the viability of the first one by our economists. What is the justification for buying a new one?
  3. Many casualties: Comrade Mzala wanted to know why we have so many casualties inside the country.
  4. Funds into the country: Comrade Mzala also posed the question as to how much money was directed home as against the amount spent outside.

After these preliminary discussions the delegates felt that Conference should break into commissions in the hope that all questions will be gone into in the commissions and the plenary sessions following the commission reports. Solidarity Messages: Algeria (President), Botswana (President), Zimbabwe (External Affairs), Ghana (Foreign Affairs), Jamaica, Lesotho Peace and Solidarity Committee, Central Committee of the Communist Party of Bulgaria, London Rally of 25,000 participants led by Bob Hughes, MP and Father Huddleston.

Special Announcements:

  1. 60th Birthday of the Secretary General: Comrade President OR Tambo announced that Comrade Alfred Nzo, Secretary General of the ANC, was 60 years old on the particular day of Conference (19.6.85). He, Comrade President, briefly traced the life history of Comrade Nzo and his rise to the position of Secretary.
  2. Walter Sisulu Honoured: It was announced to Conference that the York University in Toronto, Canada, had bestowed an honourary degree of Doctor of Law on Comrade Walter Sisulu in recognition of his outstanding role in the struggle for national liberation.
  3. Campaigning Around Delegates: The President drew the attention of the House to the fact that there was a lot of campaigning among delegates. He pointed out that this has the effect of diverting delegates from the main issues facing Conference. Appealing to the comrades engaged in this campaigning, Comrade President stressed that our friends and allies are united in their support for our case: are we united amongst ourselves?


  1. Constitutional Guidelines, Codes and Structures Arising from the discussions:
  1. Membership: Age limit for membership? 18 years proposed. All spouses of ANC members who are foreigners or non-members must apply for membership if they want to be members of the ANC.
  2. Assistants to SG and TG: Conference felt that there should be assistants appointed to the Secretary General and the Treasurer General. The Secretary General will act on behalf of the President in his absence from Headquarters.
  3. National Working Committee Secretariat: Flowing from the report of the Secretary General, Conference decided that there should be a permanent NWC Secretariat.
  4. Separation of the SGO and ECC Secretariats: Conference felt that, in order to make the ECC Secretariat more effective, the administrative personnel of the SGO and the ECC should be separated. In practice this implies separate staffing for each of the two. To ensure this, these should be placed in separate offices. At the same time the personnel in the SGO should be reinforced.
  5. Secretary for Presidential Affairs: This post should be filled.
  6. Department of Political Education: To ensure a more concentrated effort on the political and ideological training of our cadres, Conference felt that we should have a political department directly in/under the SGO. Additionally, we should also work towards the creation of a Political School for Training of Cadres. On the question of the post of National Commissar, a feeling was expressed for its abolition. On RPCs it was noted that the RPCs are not functioning effectively. As a result the level of political consciousness amongst our members is not up to the mark. It was further noted that the RPCs are useful instruments for raising the political level of our membership. There should be more dynamic contact between RPCs and the SGO.
  7. Department of Manpower Development: This department needs to be reinforced.
  8. h) Control Commission: Conference decided that we need to create the office of a control commission in our structures. This commission will be headed by a member of the NEC. It shall be the watchdog of the NEC to ensure the implementation of our decisions and the smooth functioning of our structures.
  9. Auditor General Conference also decided that we should have an organ – the Auditor General – for auditing the books of the Movement. This organ shall be headed by an NEC member assisted by suitably qualified assistants. It shall be independent of the Treasury Department.
  10. Size of the National Executive Committee: The numerical strength of the NEC increased from 22 to 30. This increase was dictated by the volume of work to be done by the NEC. The incoming NEC was further mandated to co-opt a further five members into the NEC if and when the need arises.

There was also a feeling expressed that for purposes of effective specialisation we should adopt a `one person one job` approach in assigning tasks to NEC members. The distribution of these tasks amongst NEC members is to be done by the NEC itself.

Group of Five: Conference was informed of the existence of an inner core in the NEC called the Group of Five or the Presidential Committee.

  1. Youth and Students` Section, Women`s Section Department of Arts and Culture: With regard to these sections of the Movement and the Department of Arts and Culture, it was decided that they too should be headed by members of the National Executive Committee.
  2. Constitutional Guidelines: These are temporary guidelines to give the Movement a framework for conducting its duties and tasks, because the Constitution adopted at home cannot apply in all its implications under conditions in which we operate at the present stage. In the meantime we shall be working according to these guidelines whilst work continues on a Constitution. m)Open Membership: On the question of open membership, the delegates overwhelmingly decided that ANC membership should be open to all South African revolutionaries that accept the programme and policy of the ANC irrespective of race or colour. This decision meant that membership is open to all levels of the Movement, including the highest leading organ – the National Executive Committee.

The main reasons for adopting this step were that the ANC is today the leader of all South Africans from all racial groups. Comrades from other racial groups have laid down their lives for the cause of freedom.

Replying to the question as to whether we have consulted our people and leadership inside the country, Comrade President explained to Conference that originally we came out of the country with the understanding that we would go back quickly. This did not happen. By and large the leadership of the Movement 3 devolves on our shoulders. Despite the fact that the majority of our members are inside the country, the National Consultative Conference can take decisions on the question and explain to the rest how we came to such conclusions. In Morogoro we could not take a decision, but now think we should open membership to all.

Finally, the matter was put to a vote. The results were: 225 for opening membership; 2 against; 3 abstentions.

  1. Expulsions: Details of the manner and implications of expelling members of the Movement to be sorted out by the National Executive Committee.
  2. Offences and Punishments: Members of the organisation must be informed of the offence committed by comrades and penalties meted out and how long these are to last. There was a debate as to whether to keep the clause dealing with intensive methods of interrogation. Some comrades felt it should be understood and not put in black and white.
  3. Translation of the Codes into Vernaculars: To be pursued by the NEC.
  4. Control Commission:
  • To be headed by a member of the NEC
  • Tasks to be defined
  • There is need for the leadership to account to the membership.
  1. Foreign Policy Contributions by delegates:
  • The International Department is weak on the continent of Africa. We need more representatives.
  • The work of the International Department should be in line with Internal work.
  • Chief Representatives should avoid rushing into claiming or disowning armed operations inside the country. Rather, they should get their lead from Headquarters.
  1. Finance, Projects and Transport The report from the Commissions to Conference noted:
  1. That there is a need to decentralise some aspects of the Treasurer General`s Office.
  2. That all communications affecting the regions should go through the Chief Representative. The Chief Representative himself/herself should be an ex-officio member of the Regional Finance Committee.
  3. That half of our expenses come from air travel. There is need to curb this maybe by:
  1. An ANC member should scrutinise all travel requisitions to ensure that they are justified.
  2. Each department should submit an annual budget, including air travel.
  1. That there is need to form Regional Fundraising Committees (eg making use of Amandla, our Film Unit, etc).
  2. That working members of the Movement should contribute 10% of their earnings to the Movement.
  3. That we should have ANC representatives in the Arab world for purposes of mobilising political and material support for our struggle.


  • We must have a tighter system of control.
  • Politicise our members.
  • Action must be taken against offenders (thieving and looting). Transport:
  • Our handling of transport is bad. We need to work out guidelines on transport handling.
  • A pooling system should be introduced (except for cars used by the President, the Secretary General, the Treasurer General and operatives in sensitive areas of work).
  • Comrades in charge of transport should have specialised training on transport management.

On the question of accidents, a view was expressed that perhaps we should have women as our drivers to reduce the damage caused to our transport by our male comrades. This needs to be explored. Projects: Our members should be involved in the running of our projects. We should also eliminate the misconception given to our membership that projects are `punishment areas`. The Movement should work towards producing qualified personnel for our projects i.e. qualified auditors, regional treasurers, carpenters, builders and other relevant specialists in vocational and technical skills. Political Orientation of use of Funds: This was a general assessment made by one of the delegates on the Treasury report. This assessment on the use of funds was that expenditure is not geared towards lifting the struggle inside the country. Additionally, there was no mention of projects funded by ANC inside the country.

Another comrade from the West also mentioned the fact that the Treasury report does not reflect the needs of the Army.

On the question of allowances (money) for marriages, the comrade also indicated that there were discrepancies (i.e. no uniformity).

These points were not actually discussed by Conference, but were noted.

  1. Education, Culture and Health Health Comments from the Floor:

The argument that the problems of the Health Department are problems of growth is not acceptable. The department has been in existence now for a number of years and in the process we are losing lives of comrades. For example, in East Africa there is no screening of children against diseases like TB.

The Secretariat of the Health Department is not discussing with its members, hence there is no collective spirit in the department.

Why are the leaders of the Health Department not based at Headquarters?

One view was that the whole Secretariat should be dismissed. The other view was that the Secretariat 4 should be reshuffled.

  1. The Commission on Strategy and Tactics

Comrades Chris Hani and Pallo Jordan jointly chaired the plenary discussion on the Commission on Strategy and Tactics. Comrade Joe Slovo, the rapporteur, read the report. The full text is appended hereto.

The report pointed out that the Commission felt that the draft document placed before it required more thorough discussion throughout the ranks of our Movement at unit, branch and regional level and that the incoming NEC be charged with the responsibility for setting up a sub-committee to attend to this task. In addition, a number of significant omissions in the first draft were noted, including a definition of the epoch during which our struggle is unfolding, the role of the working class in our struggle, the revolutionary alliance and our international allies. The Commission had also felt that the style in which the draft was written did not lend itself to easy accessibility by the mass of our people outside our Movement`s ranks.

The Commission addressed itself to seven main topics:

  1. People`s War and Insurrection
  2. The Bantustans
  3. The Working Class
  4. Military Combat Work (MCW)
  5. Embryos of People`s Power
  6. The Relationship Between Urban and Rural Warfare
  7. Action Against the Enemy`s Support Base Besides these the Commission had also examined nine other sub-topics:
  1. Internal growth and training
  2. The special role of Ordnance in our developing situation
  3. The general political strike as an insurrectionary weapon
  4. Work in the enemy`s armed forces
  5. Armed propaganda in the present phase
  6. The revolutionary alliance – ANC, SACP and Sactu
  7. International allies
  8. The content of our revolutionary nationalism in relation to the epoch in which our struggle occurs
  9. The concept of internal colonialism and the character of the South African state During the plenary a number of issues were raised from the floor in relation to the report. The question of insurrection and its relation to people`s war occupied a prominent place in these contributions. Comrades called for a clearer definition of how we viewed this, the place for partial or full insurrections in the context of People`s War and one sounded a warning against the temptation to play with insurrection.

On the bantustans, one comrade criticised the report in that it seemed to suggest that bantustans were synonymous with rural areas, whereas in a number of instances urban areas are included within the borders of bantustans. It was also stressed that we need to pay greater attention to the opposition parties in the bantustans and explore ways and means of drawing these into the struggle. The role patriotic chiefs could play and those elements not fully committed to the regime was emphasised.

On the general question of who could be mobilised, one contribution pointed out that a revolution that excluded Christians in South Africa would be a revolution that excluded the people. In the light of this she recommended that a special NEC group visit Nicaragua to study their experience in this respect.

The distribution of tasks within the incoming NEC should reflect the priority we are giving to the home front. NEC members should be placed to give practical guidance and the leadership should cut back on foreign travel to concentrate on work inside the country.

The role of the working class was again emphasised and attention was drawn to the activities of the African-American Labour Centre, whose objectives are to win support for US policies amongst our trade unionists. It was stressed that the mobilisation and organisation of workers is the responsibility of all parties to the alliance and that we must place special emphasis on the key industrial areas.

The prosecution of the struggle requires the increased infiltration of trained cadres and an effort to reduce our reliance on ordnance and logistical support from outside by increasingly seizing our arms from the enemy. It was also suggested that the Luthuli Detachment be reactivated and involved in MK work.

After the contributions, Comrade Slovo summed up the discussion, noting the value of a number of individual contributions from the floor.

  1. Internal Mobilisation
  1. Mass Mobilisation The basic documents the Commission made use of were the Morogoro Document on Strategy and Tactics and the Green Book. The Commission did not have time to go through other background material like the Presidential Statement, the Secretary General`s Report, People`s War, the Nature of the Ruling Class, the Role of Women and the Labour Front. These should still be processed.

On mass mobilisation the Commission report recommended that:

  • We should be active in all organisations, including reactionary organisations, and trade unions.
  • We need to be active in democratic mass organisations.
  1. The Working Class There is growing militancy among the black working class. These must be organised into democratic trade unions and into the ANC. This process should also cover the unemployed masses.

The trade unions are working towards the formation of a united, democratic trade union federation. This development has its own difficulties. The working class is bedeviled by ideological problems

It is necessary for the ANC, Sactu and the SACP to work towards closer co-operation and knock out a 5 common programme of action.

The role of Sactu is very vital but needs to be clearly defined. Our training programme should include work among the trade unions.

  1. Women

The true liberation of our womenfolk can only come about with the destruction of the apartheid system. The organisation and mobilisation of women should be linked up with the national liberation movement and trade unions. Women in the rural areas should be organised, exploiting existing traditional structural forms of organisation.

  1. Rural Masses More than 50% of our people live in rural areas. We have not paid enough attention to these masses. They need to be brought into active struggle. Difficulties:
  • Bantustan administrators ban all democratic trade unions and organisations.
  • Farm workers are politically isolated. But still our organisers from the urban areas must find ways and means of reaching these rural masses. Armed propaganda must continue. In our work we must distinguish between the puppet bantustan administrations and the masses. We should revive areas with traditions of resistance and revolt. We should destroy border farms. Hostel dwellers must also be involved in our organisational efforts.
  1. Youth and Students

We should identify the social problems of our youth and students and guide them in action. Influences of Trotskyites and NEUM should be combated. We should have ANC cores in all youth and student organisations. We should extend our work to the religious youth. Our Church front should be reinforced. Youth going into the country should be fully briefed on our work on this Front. The core of the youth movement should be working class. This movement should, in turn, be linked up with bodies like the UDF.

  1. Civic Organisations Civic organisations are mushrooming everywhere.

They operate at grassroots level, but tend to limit themselves to local issues. We must work towards linking these struggles with the overall national liberation movement.

  1. White Community Democratic whites, in the main, play a supporting role.

We need to draw them into active participation in the struggle.

We should encourage them to take part in democratic trade unions. They should promote the formation and growth of youth and church organisations opposed to the system. They should concentrate their efforts on work in the white community.

  1. On UDF On the question as to whether the UDF should transform itself into a political party or not, the view is that it should remain a broad front.

The problem of the national image of the UDF is in the process of being resolved, with the blacks now forming the majority in its leadership.

  1. Underground ANC Presence We should pursue the strategy for setting up APCs all over the country to ensure the presence of an all-round leadership based on the principles of MCW. The ANC should be present in all public organisations. Operatives manning the PMCs should now and again go inside the country to get first hand information on the situation. We must also ensure our presence in enemy forces like the SADF and the police services. We have not paid enough attention to this aspect of our work.
  2. Armed Struggle It was noted that our MK units, which should form the nucleus of the people`s army, are not present in sufficient numbers inside the country.


  • We should strike at enemy personnel.
  • We should shift the struggle from the black ghettoes into the white areas.
  • The stress should be on training inside the country.
  • Increase the presence of white, coloured and Indian comrades in the ranks of MK.
  • We should strive to get our weapons from inside the country.
  • We should work among enemy forces, including the bantustans.

Internal Propaganda.

Our internal propaganda should play an increasing role. It should be put on a war footing and complement MK activities for mobilising and organising the masses. It should be in dynamic contact with the people. We should explore possibilities of having mobile Radio Freedom stations inside the country.

  1. Internal Structures

The political and military operatives should work together for maximum effect.

  1. PMC To be retained as a decision-making and executive organ on work internally.
  1. Cadre Policy, Political and Ideological Training

The full text of the report of this Commission is contained in the section of this report that contains all the other reports from the Commissions.

These are some of the key questions posed during the presentation and discussion of the Commission reports:

  1. Producing cadres: This lies at the very centre of the success of our revolution. In other words it is the key and guide to victory.
  2. Lack of manpower: The feeling expressed here is that it is not quite understandable why we talk of shortage of manpower whilst we have many comrades hanging around without any specific assignments given to them. Are these comrades completely unusable? In many cases comrades have never really understood why they are demobilised. What is the fate of those who have been demobilised from the ranks of MK?
  3. The ideological shifts in the enemy positions/policies are a direct result of the pressure of our revolutionary efforts. These need to be consolidated.

6. We need to clearly identify the class content of our revolution.

  1. A special appeal was made to the NEC to pay particular attention to the overall needs of our cadres in the camps. NEC members should visit our camps on a regular basis.
  2. The Department of Information and Publicity has a special role to play in the field of political and ideological work. In doing so DIP should have a fresh look at the decisions of its last conference.
  3. On Women: In our drive to ensure the fullest and active participation of our women in the struggle, we must follow a policy of positive discrimination in favour of women.
  4. Leftist Marxism: Here it was noted that the NEC was rather relaxed on the solution to this question. What is really needed is that these `Marxists` should be expelled from our ranks, not suspended.
  5. Department of Political Education: A Political Department to look after the political life of the Movement should be set up in the Office of the Secretary General.
  6. ANC-Trained Cadres: ANC trained academic and vocational cadres must work for the Movement on the completion of their studies. Report on NAT The report dealt briefly with the problems of security the ANC was facing as a result of enemy attempts to liquidate our Movement, the place and role of our intelligence and security services, the misunderstandings that had developed between the Department and the membership during the course of its work, the place and role of the Department in our revolution and the need for all members of our organisation to regard themselves as its eyes and ears and therefore give it the fullest possible backing and support.

As our delegates were assembled at the Conference, solidarity messages of support were pouring in, expressing full confidence in the ANC to fulfil its historic mission of leading the oppressed masses of our country to final victory. The report underlined that this growing capacity of the ANC to defeat the forces of oppression and exploitation frightens the enemy and drives him to desperate acts of trying to destroy our ranks. This is done with the fullest and active co-operation of the regime`s imperialist allies.

One of the main methods of destabilising our ranks was to infiltrate as many specially trained agents into our midst as possible. For playing this treacherous role these agents are promised and paid fat sums of money as material incentives.

The missions assigned these agents vary. Some of them are: the assassination of leaders of the Movement; poisoning our cadres; infiltration of the highest organs of the ANC; capture of our comrades on return home; gathering of intelligence data on our camps for facilitating their destruction by the enemy.

The report dealt at some length with the methods used by the Pretoria regime to recruit agents from among the oppressed, the type of training they undergo, and how to penetrate and operate in the ranks of the Organisation.

The report also gave some examples of the damage caused by these agents, starting from the 1981 period of `Operation Clean-up` to the `Rebellion` we had in the West last year. In these disturbed moments, the Department played a key role in neutralising all these enemy attempts at destroying the ANC.

In the course of carrying out its duties, the report explained, some of the comrades have over-reacted to situations and committed some mistakes in their handling of suspected and confirmed agents. But our task still remains that of defending and supporting the Department, without necessarily condoning its mistakes. It is the political duty of us all, singly and collectively, to defend the Movement, the statement concluded. Elections Procedure

  • The President of the ANC will formally dissolve the current NEC.
  • The elections will be divided into two parts. During the first stage the delegates will elect the first three main officers of the Movement – the President, the Secretary General and the Treasurer General. During the second stage of the elections, the delegates will elect the rest of the NEC members.
  • The three Officers, plus two returning Officers, will then form the Electors` College.
  • The method of elections was Secret Ballot. Each delegate will write down the names of the NEC members he chooses.
  • Each delegate was given the full list of delegates plus a list of possible candidates proposed by the President.

 (NB. The list of the President was not binding). Introduction of NEC members atAt this stage the President introduced the NEC members to the delegates.

These were:

OR Tambo (President),
Alfred Nzo (Secretary General),
TT Nkobi (Treasurer General),
Dan Tloome (Deputy Secretary General and Deputy Treasurer General),
John Nkadimeng, T
habo Mbeki,
Chris Hani,
Johnny Makatini,
Jacob Zuma,
Simon Makana,
Joe Nhlanhla,
Joe Modise,
Stephen Dlamini,
John Pule Motshabi,
Henry Makgothi,
Mzwai Piliso,
Robert Manci,
Andrew Masondo (on a mission to Botswana),
Gertrude Shope (on a mission to Botswana),
Moses Mabhida (abroad for treatment),
Florence Mophosho(absent due to illness) and
Josiah Jele (not standing).

Election Results

  1. Main officers:
  1. President – OR Tambo
  2. Secretary General – Alfred Nzo
  3. Treasurer General – TT Nkobi The three main Officers of the Movement were unanimously re-elected.

7. President Pledges: Comrade OR Tambo, on being re-elected President of the ANC, pledged, in the name of our leaders and the people of our country, to serve the revolution of our people. He further called on all members to make the necessary sacrifices for the success of our cause. This will demand loyalty and discipline. He finally expressed the hope that the success of the Conference will be a contributory factor to the victory of our revolution.

  1. NEC Members Stephen Dlamini Chris Hani Pallo Jordan Moses Mabhida Mac Maharaj Simon Makana Johnny Makatini Cassius Make Robert Manci Thabo Mbeki Francis Meli Joe Modise Ruth Mompati Florence Mophosho Anthony Mongalo Joe Nhlanhla John Nkadimeng Aziz Pahad Mzwai Piliso Reg September Gertrude Shope Sizakele Sigxashe Joe Slovo James Stuart Dan Tloome Jacob Zuma NB. Names arranged in alphabetical order. After the names were read out, Comrade President welcomed the NEC members, particularly the new ones. He thanked the Conference for the confidence they showed in the leadership and for reinforcing it. He further pointed out that there is a lot of work ahead and Conference is but a starting point. He once more pledged that the new leadership will do its best to carry out the Conference decisions.

11. Resolutions

At this stage the Resolutions Committee presented its report.

  1. The resolutions were as follows:
  1. Message to Comrade Mabhida
  2. Message to Comrade Florence Mophosho
  3. Call to the People of South Africa
  4. Message to the World Community
  5. Message to SWAPO
  6. Message to President Nyerere of Tanzania
  7. Message to President K Kaunda of Zambia
  8. Message to the Kingdom of Lesotho
  9. Message to MPLA (Party of Labour)
  10. Message to ZANU (PF)
  11. Message to FRELIMO
  12. Message to Comrade Govan Mbeki on his 75th birthday
  13. Message to our Comrades in Prison
  14. Message to the OAU 15. Resolution on the New Zealand Tour
  15. Message to the XII World Youth and Students` Festival
  16. Message to the Nairobi World Conference for Women
  17. Resolution on Awards and Emblems
  18. Resolution on the 75th Anniversary of the ANC
  19. Resolution on the 10th Anniversary of the Soweto Uprisings
  20. Resolution on the Freedom Charter
  21. Resolution on Expulsions (i.e. the `Marxist` group in London)
  22. Political Declaration (to be finalised by the President)
  1. Closing Remarks

In his closing remarks, the President, Comrade OR Tambo, pointed out that the preparations for the Conference have been going on for a period of a year. Our members have worked hard for its success. For this we thank our Regional Preparatory Committees.

He also thanked the National Preparatory Committee, the Technical Staff, the Steering Committee, the Credentials Committee, the Recording Team, and the Resolutions Committee for their good performance.

The President also made special mention of the co-operation and support given to the ANC by the Party and Government of the People`s Republic of Zambia in agreeing to our hosting our Conference on Zambian soil and giving us all the facilities we needed. This was done despite the short notice we gave them.

Comrade President announced that the following week there would be a Press Conference on our National Consultative Conference.

Our President concluded by underlining that during Conference our unity had been consolidated and our allies have in turn been strengthened by the success of our meeting. The next stage will then be the implementation of these decisions. That responsibility rests on all of us. Closure: National Anthem and delegates dispersed.


A. On National Structures and Constitutional Guidelines and Codes Remarks

  1. The Secretary General and Treasurer General, Assistant SG shall each have an assistant chosen by the NEC from amongst its, Assistant TG members who shall:
  1. Assist them in their respective activities.
  2. Deputise for them in their absence, save that in the event of death or permanent incapacity, the NEC shall, as soon as possible, elect a replacement from its ranks.
  1. The NEC shall appoint from its ranks a NWC based at HQ who NWC Permanent Core shall constitute a permanent core responsible for NEC activities of NEC in between meetings. The NWC will consist of at least one quarter of NEC. / 1/4 of NEC Any member of NEC at HQ shall attend meetings of NEC.
  2. Appointment of Working Secretariat comprising: Secretariat of NWC / * Three secretaries of NEC (appointed from ranks of NEC).3 NEC secretaries / * Two Administrative Secretaries (PMC and ECC)Secretaries for administration of PMC and ECC / * Assistant Secretary General Assistant Secretary General / * Secretary General Secretary General Seven persons
  3. Office of the President It was recommended that two persons be appointed:
  1. Secretary for Presidential Affairs (from amongst ranks of NEC).
  2. Political Sub-Committee.
  1. Secretary General`s Office
  • Strengthen the personnel of the SGO as a matter of urgent Priority. In this, special attention should be given to persons responsible for political education in liaison with RPC and other structures Political Education of the organisation.
  • The post of National Political Commissar be abolished
  1. Control Commission
  • Creation by NEC of full time Control Commission to ensure Control Commission compliance with decisions of the movement and accountability at 3 members, i.e. 1 NEC (head) all levels.and 2 others / * Shall be headed by NEC member plus two others (on basis of Powers and duties to be their experience and authority within the Movement)specified in line with general resolution.
  1. Office of Auditor General, OAG / * The NEC shall create the Office of the Auditor General to ensure Headed by NEC member strict control of assets and Movement and accountability of members others concerned with financial matters.
  • Shall consist of three members headed by one member of NEC Financial Expertise (at least two members shall have suitable expertise in financial matters).
  • Accountable to NEC through Finance Council. OAG to be accountable independent of the Office of the Treasurer General Independent / * OAG shall act as supervisory financial inspectorate
  1. Codes of Conduct
  • Codes accepted (with minor and substantial amendments), to come into force immediately, their operation to be reviewed after two years` experience. Urgent:Appoint a Justice Officer (whose first task shall be the +,Justice Officer Investigation of all cases of persons serving sentences or Investigation awaiting trial.Serving sentences Awaiting trial 9 National Executive Committee:
  • The general feeling was that on the basis of the principle of `one man, one task`, the NEC should consist of 30 members.
  • The NEC should have the power to co-opt a further five members (whenever the need arises).


  1.  Set up a Drafting Committee composed of NEC and PMC to revise and strengthen the Draft Document on Strategy and Tactics (B/2) presented to Conference. The revised version should be circulated amongst all units, branches and regions for thorough discussion and critical appraisal from which can emerge a comprehensive document on Strategy and Tactics. Omissions in the Draft (B/2):
  • The role of the working class and emergence of the trade unions;
  • The bantustans, their changing nature, leadership/elite, programme of action for;
  • Rural areas outside the bantustans; the revolutionary alliance.
  1. Recommendations of Plenary:

Set up a machinery to study key nerve centres of every urban area so as to identify priority targets in cases of insurrection, provide knowledge on how and where to deploy forces; study enemy`s capacity to respond speedily to a major crisis, etc. PMC/MHQ.

  1. In-depth study of the bantustans to provide more adequate understanding of social stratification; class formation, differentiation, patterns of ownership and control, distribution of wealth and power, etc. PHQ/Research.
  2. Application of MCW principles to the work of PMC, greater co-ordination of its two arms – PMC and MHQ. Creation of an underground structure according to the rules of MCW.
  3. Research of rural areas focusing on land distribution, rural workers, distribution of skills, rural organisations, problems of unionisation.

Detailed study required on demographic patterns of strategic rural areas and white farming areas. PHQ/MHQ/Research.

  1. Closer attention to the politicisation of religious communities and provision of political education consonant with their beliefs. PHQ/Department of Political Education.

On Conference Decisions and Recommendations from Commission Report on Strategy and Tactics

  1. We must build up stores of simple, basic equipment in the vicinity of all major urban complexes.
  2. There must be special concentration on the creation and strengthening of mass organisations in the rural areas so that urban and rural action can be drawn together at the crucial moment. 3. There must be escalation of political and military struggles in the bantustans, in which over half the African population is forced to live.
  3. We must isolate the incorrigible bantustan collaborators and win over those whose job opportunities are not irreversibly dependent on the bantustan system.
  4. We must consider and be sensitive to the various shades of difference among the bantustan governments and leaders.
  5. The Movement must take a flexible approach on the question of whether we should advocate the overthrow of the bantustan administrations or whether we should focus on the struggle against Pretoria.
  6. Special attention must be paid to the organisation of workers in strategic industrial sectors.
  7. We can no longer allow our armed activities to be determined solely by the risk of civilian casualties. The time has come when those who stand in solid support of the race tyranny and who are its direct or indirect instruments, must themselves begin to feel the agony of our counter-blows. It is becoming more necessary than ever for whites to make it clear on which side of the battle lines they stand.


Internal Structures:

  1. To create combined political/military structures to attend to the all-round activity within the sphere of their operational zone. Commission accepted in principle the PMC structures as represented diagrammatically in the `NEC and PMC Documents B`, which provides for regional PMCs for planning and supervising of our political and military work, as well as the tasks of Sactu and Security and Intelligence.
  2. The PMC should be retained as a planning and executive body for all home front work.
  3. The PMC be reduced in number so as to allow it to function as a more decisive and prompt leadership organ.
  4. Structures should have a specialisation in youth as well as women.
  5. RPMC`s, in their sub-structures, should consider the church front.
  6. The DIP Conference recommendations of 1983 need to be re-examined, adjusted to meet the current situation.

Major decisions Major and Urgent Decisions of the NCC: Political and Ideological Work (and Cadre Policy)

  1. We should set up a Department of Political Education whose function would include:
  1. The drafting and implementing of a syllabus of political education and ensuring its fulfilment.
  2. Appointment and monitoring in every region of political officers.
  3. The preparation of such material as may be found necessary and useful for conducting political classes.
  1. The Movement must establish its own political school.
  2. Conference urges DIP to implement the decisions taken at its Conference in 1983.

1.. Overt Organisations and Mass Mobilisation:

1.1 Mass Organisations:

  1. Democratic mass organisations, such as UDF, Civic Organisations, Cosas, UWO, Churches, Trade Unions, etc.
  2. Reactionary mass organisations such as Inkatha, bantustan opposition parties, Coloured Labour Party, etc.

Our organisers need to be active inside them to expose the reactionary leadership, radicalise the organisations and draw their base into active struggle.

1.2 Trade Unions and the Working Class:

  1. ANC, Sactu and SACP should meet regularly to:
  • Define their respective roles with regard to the working class and its struggles;
  • Work out a programme of action based on close co-operation.
  1. We should pursue the goal of a single federation.
  2. Special attention needs to be given to drawing workers into MK to play their leading role in our struggle and we should also incorporate trade unionism in our training courses.

1.3 Women: Our training courses in MK should be specially adapted to acknowledge that women start with a disadvantage arising from the society we come from.

Further, we should:

  • Increasingly deploy women in all areas;
  • Pay special attention to the women in the rural areas.

1.4 Rural Areas:

  1. Rural machineries should be reactivated, i.e. the Rural Mobilisation Units existing before should come into action again.
  2. Armed propaganda, which is mainly in the urban areas, must be stepped up in these rural areas.
  3. Our approach and attitude towards traditional leaders should differentiate between puppet and patriotic traditional leaders.
  4. Farm workers should be encouraged to sabotage and destroy the economy of the farms – especially the border farms.

1.5 Religious Fronts:

  1. The comrade at Headquarters must be reinforced urgently.
  2. Rural churches must receive special attention as they are, in many cases, the centres of community activity in the rural areas.
  3. We should have external and internal sections on this front.
  4. The RPMC`s, when creating their sub-structures, should consider this front.

1.6 Civic Organisations:

  1. Special attention must be paid to transform these into truly mass organisations.
  2. For their countrywide co-ordination and participation in all political struggles, the Movement must draw up a programme of action for these.

1.7 White Community

  1. We should draw the conscientious objectors, war resisters and their supporters into active combat within MK
  2. Groups such as the PFP youth, who are uncomfortable in Botha`s `new style political deal`, should be accommodated within white democratic organisations.

1.8 United Democratic Front

  1. The UDF should remain a front and not narrow its base.
  2. We should take initiatives to resolve the regional and `ideological` differences, real and otherwise, that exist within the UDF.

2. Development of the ANC Underground and MK Network

2.1 We should adopt the approach that underlay the APC document with the necessary modifications which would take into account subsequent developments. We should further ensure that:

  1. A specialised training programme is drawn up to produce suitable cadres to reinforce those who are drawn from within the country into the APCs.
  2. The APC leadership is firmly imbued with the strategy and tactics of our Movement, our policies, and functions according to MCW rules.

2.2 Cadres must periodically go into the country to acquaint themselves with the situation.
2.3 Increasingly, we must deploy full time organisers in the ANC underground.
2.4 The SADF, bantustan armies and the police force must be infiltrated as an urgent task.

3. Armed Struggle

3.1 The People`s War document must be updated in the light of current developments at home.
3.2 It is imperative that our army strikes at enemy personnel. We must take counter-measures which would effectively demonstrate to our people that our army shall no longer allow the ruthless murder of our people at home and in the neighbouring countries to go unpunished. Our actions must also ensure that we shift the focus of attention from within the black ghettoes into the enemy camp.
3.3 Increasingly, our `officer corps` trained from outside must be deployed to train military combat units inside the country.
3.4 We should disperse the enemy from its present concentration in our urban black communities, as well as create conditions which would facilitate infiltration of our cadres in large numbers into the country.

4. Internal Propaganda

We need to:

4.1 Establish a chain of information personnel from inside to outside the country.
4.2 All relevant structures of our Movement must see to it that the DIP is constantly serviced with information to facilitate its work.
4.3 The Movement must immediately look into some of the major obstacles in the timeous production of our 11 journals.
4.4 We need a feasibility study on the latest technology for mobile broadcasting at home.
4.5 We must pay more attention to the development of the democratic press inside the country.
4.6 DIP conference recommendations of 1983 need to be re-examined, adjusted to meet the current situation inside our country and also be implemented.

5. Internal Structures (contained in extracts on Structures)

5.1 We should have combined political/military structures.
5.2 Commission accepted in principle the structures as represented diagrammatically in the `NEC and PMC Documents B`, which provides for regional PMCs.
5.3 The PMC should be retained as a planning and executive body for all home front work.
5.4 The PMC be reduced in number so as to allow it to function as a more decisive and prompt leadership organ.


  1. In view of the volume of work to be done by the International Department, the Commission noted that the Department needs to be reorganised and strengthened.
  2. That the Department should establish separate desks to deal with the various continents, regions, international and/or regional organisation.
  3. The Department should work out an annual programme of work. This should include a programme of selection of potential cadres for training in diplomatic work, exploiting existing offers and tapping fresh ones.
  4. The Department should increase the number of ANC missions and representations, strengthening some of the important ones that are understaffed.
  5. The Office of the Secretary General should keep the missions and representations abreast of developments inside the country and ensure prompt feedback to reports. Our representatives should avoid unilateral claiming or disclaiming of armed operations inside the country. They must instead get the lead from Headquarters.
  6. We need to have a clearer definition of the task of the chief representatives. The NEC to pursue the question.
  7. We should monitor events so that we are in a position to anticipate possible developments. In addition, the organisation should work out a plan for a diplomatic offensive.
  8. The Movement should fully exploit opportunities given, i.e. to make use of the mass propaganda media in all countries.
  9. Greater need to strengthen our ties with the OAU and Front Line States, the Arab League, Non-Aligned Movement and other international organisations. Special attention should also be paid to mobilising the Arab countries to actively support our struggle.
  10. The Movement should launch a concerted, conscious diplomatic and political offensive in Latin America where the region seems to be enjoying some considerable support.
  11. We should work towards the recognition of the ANC as the sole representative of the authentic liberation movement in South Africa by the OAU, the UN and other international bodies.


  1. Recruitment
  1. Launch a recruitment drive with special emphasis on the working class, the rural masses and within enemy institutions.
  2. In this drive, we must concentrate on the swelling of the ranks of MK.
  3. In principle, all members of the Movement must engage in recruitment. In addition, special cadres should be trained for this purpose.
  1. Deployment
  1. We should deploy our best cadres in the front ranks of political and military battles, and ensure the combination of the old and the young.
  2. The following proposals should receive attention:
  • The Department of Manpower Development (DMD) should continue to seek for and explore possibilities of deploying our highly trained cadres in the independent states.
  • Deployment should primarily be the concern of the DMD in consultation with other departments which would recommend deployment and redeployment through the DMD.
  • Special attention should be paid to the deployment and promotion of women at all levels and in all sectors of the Movement.
  1. Promotion and Accountability
  1. Heads of departments should display keen interest in the performance of cadres, and the Movement should ensure constant check-up of cadres` work.
  2. A concerted effort should be made to develop and exploit to the full the creative abilities and talents of women. In deployment and promotion of cadres, Conference recommends positive discrimination in favour of women.
  1. Preservation of Cadres
  1. Preservation of cadres should include improvement of their working conditions, health and political life.
  2. Organisations which look after the welfare of our imprisoned cadres must be strengthened. 5. Military Training There was a strong recommendation that all cadres of the Movement should undergo military training.


  1. Conference Resolution Conference resolves to expel the individuals who call themselves the Marxist Tendency of the ANC.
  2. Women`s Question
  1. The Women`s Section should be revitalised and activated.
  2. Units and branches must begin discussing the question of women`s emancipation and a national seminar must be organised. 12
  3. A study commission comprising both men and women must tour such countries as Vietnam, Cuba and Nicaragua.
  1. Political Education
  1. We should set up a Department of Political Education in the SG`s Office, whose function would include:
  • The drafting and implementation of a syllabus of political education and ensuring its fulfilment.
  • Appointment of political officers and monitoring their work in every region.
  • Preparation of material for conducting political classes. (The report outlines broad guidelines for a political syllabus, as well as recommendations to ensure its fulfilment).
  1. The ANC must establish its own Political School.
  2. Within the Army, the Commissariat, in conjunction with the Department of Political Education, must ensure uninterrupted political work. There should be a comprehensive programme of training political workers in the army, viz, commissars, instructors, propagandists, etc.
  3. Veterans and stalwarts of the Movement should be fully utilised for the purpose of political work in the army.
  1. Work of DIP in the Ideological Struggle
  1. DIP should analyse, compile and distribute papers on the various ideological trends in South Africa.
  2. The internal propaganda machinery must be strengthened.
  3. Conference urges the DIP to implement the decisions of its 1983 Conference.


  1. The Commission recommends that all communication with the regions, including matters dealing with finance committees, must be through the Chief Representatives. In order to promote the smooth functioning of the affairs of the ANC in the region, the Chief Representative must be an ex-officio member of the Finance Committee.
  2. The Commission recommended, as far as air travel is concerned, that a member of the NEC be assigned the special responsibility of examining all authorised air travel requisitions to ensure control and cut down travel expenses by proper planning and/or by the use of excursion tickets.

As a measure of expenditure control, the Commission recommended that each department be required to submit a yearly budget covering their total expenditure costs, including air travel.

  1. The Commission recommended the setting up of Regional Fundraising Committees, stressing further that these committees be accountable to the Chief Representatives.

On fundraising, the Commission further recommended that all members of the ANC who are in private employment be taxed, and that the Movement should place ANC personnel in UN agencies in order that we obtain expert information regarding the functioning of these bodies and the channelling of the applications for the Movement for financial aid to the appropriate organs of the United Nations.

  1. The Commission recommended that a transport policy be clearly defined that will govern the purchase, distribution and use of vehicles.

The Commission further recommended that due to the long-standing policy of the organisation, calling on the international community to boycott South African goods, the practice of purchasing vehicles from South Africa in Botswana be discontinued in favour of other alternatives.

The Commission also endorsed the TG`s report on transport which also suggested a transport pooling system. In this regard the Commission recommended that the Movement invites a specialist in transport management to advise on the appropriate system for our needs; that suitable candidates be identified and sent for training in transport management; that a code of conduct governing the use of transport be drawn up.

  1. The Commission recommended the undertaking of feasibility studies before any project is embarked upon; and that all projects should have maximum participation of ANC members; that no ANC project should be used as a punishment centre; and that efforts should be made to ensure that opportunities for on-the-job training be provided.
  2. The Commission recommended the appointment of an Auditor General, who will be independent of the Treasury.
  3. The Commission also recommended that the Treasurer General should have an assistant.
  4. The Commission also endorsed the Treasurer General`s call for increased personnel in his Office, and called for the training and appointment of accountants to perform various functions in the Office of the Treasurer General; the appointment of regional treasurers; the immediate training of artisans, particularly in building, carpentry, plumbing, cobblery and the electrical fields, and other required vocational skills.
  5. The Commission recommended that there be decentralisation in the Treasury Department and that more authority be given to the Head of the Treasury Department.



  1. The Department of Education and the Youth Secretariat must establish closer working relations; and an immediate replacement of a Youth Secretariat representative in the Secretariat of Education must be found. The Youth Secretariat must also have a representative at Somafco.
  2. The Education Department should recruit and train specialists in career guidance, educational statistics, educational planning etc.
  3. We must constantly ensure the creative and democratic participation of students, teachers and the community in educational activities. A seminar on this question should be organised.
  4. Set up an adult education programme.
  5. Academic upgrading and vocational/technical training should be part of the Education Department`s programme to improve the skills and qualifications of all the cadres.
  6. Conference resolves that the East Africa region should immediately hold unit, zonal and regional meetings to thrash out problems in the area, including Somafco.
  7. A permanent staff should be retained at Somafco to prevent high turnover of staff.


  1. There should be a Commission of Inquiry into the Health Department with the view to removing the glaring discrepancies in its functioning.
  2. The Health Department should maintain contact with all medical students to orientate them and give them guidance on a continuing basis.
  3. The NEC must receive guidelines from the Department as soon as possible for endorsement and implementation.
  4. The present structure should be reviewed in order to improve it.
  5. The Health Department should be headed by a member of the NEC. Conference directs that all members of the Health Secretariat be based in Lusaka. It was further recommended that members of the Secretariat should not necessarily be health practitioners.
  6. Medical personnel in military establishments must fall within the structures of MHQ. MHQ should make arrangements to train its own medical staff who specialise in its needs. Closer liaison between MHQ and the Health Department should be established.
  7. Council meetings must be held on a regular basis with follow-up to enhance control. h)East Africa region Health Department should meet to thrash out its problems and report to the NEC with its recommendations.
  8. WFTU should be approached to recruit medical staff to assist in the running of ANC health projects in the Front Line States.
  9. Personnel should be encouraged to upgrade themselves; training workshops and conferences should be ensured; refresher courses should be arranged.
  10. Greater opportunities should be afforded for personnel to enter into exchanges with professional peers.
  11. Health Department should have a programme for medical check-ups to prevent, in particular, mental diseases, TB and malaria, as well as to ensure the proper rehabilitation of mental patients.


  1. The Commission report should not be accepted as written (save the recommendations). It should be revised taking into account comments from the floor, recirculated for more thorough discussion at unit, branch and regional levels.
  2. NEC should assist the Department to set up a Cultural Centre at Dakawa.
  3. The Department should be headed by a member of the NEC.
  4. The Department must have a budget commensurate with its needs and role as assigned to it by the Movement.
  5. The Department should work out guidelines for its work, which must be submitted to the NEC for endorsement.
  6. The question of teaching and imparting indigenous languages should be discussed and greater co-ordination between Education and Culture should be established to ensure implementation of an integrated programme in this regard.
  7. Setting up of Regional Arts and Culture Committees to see to the cultural life and activities of our Movement.
  8. The Department should make an input into internal structure. (Recommendations at Plenary that there should be a culture specialist in the PHQ).
  9. We must ensure dynamic contact with the developing cultural streams at home through access to books, journals, poetry, films, video, records, tapes etc, at all levels of the Movement.
  10. Amandla should be placed on a more professional footing with an adequate infrastructure and back-up in areas of public relations, equipment, transportation, legal representation, artistic and educational development and political development. We should invest more in the ensemble to generate more funds and promote our revolutionary culture.
  11. We must encourage cultural exchanges with other progressive cultural workers at home and abroad.
  12. Greater attention must be paid to isolating the racist academics in the international community.
  13. Regular meetings of the National Cultural Council should be held.
  14. Subjects such as ARts, Music, Creative Writing should be included in the Somafco curriculum.
  15. The Department should be assisted to organise a cultural conference so as to draw up a programme of action.
  16. On the cultural boycott:
  • There should be a blanket ban on world artists performing in South Africa.
  • Artists who have refused to perform in South Africa must be encouraged to perform in the Front Line States.
  • Progressive South African artists should be acceptable abroad.