South African’s National Liberation Movement


Resolution of the ANC National Executive Committee

10 December 2007

1.1 Role of the ANC Youth League in the ANC and the NDR

This, the 21st National Congress, notes that,

  • The ANCYL is a political and organisational preparatory school of the ANC, an organisation of young revolutionary democrats established in 1994 to rally the youth into the national liberation struggle under the banner of the ANC and to champion their political and socio-economic interests of the youth of South Africa,
  • Accordingly, it is charged with the task if injecting the youth with a purpose and mission,
  • Its organisational autonomy remains critical in its discharge of its responsibilities and in the independent political and organisational training of the youth,
  • It is a critical instrument to ensure youth participation in ANC programmes and the national democratic revolution (NDR),
  • · The ANC, in turn, has a duty to build and strengthen the ANCYL, providing it with the requisite political and material support to ensure its sustenance and further ensure that it is able to discharge its responsibilities among the youth, the ANC and in society at large,
  • Often, various ANC structures have failed to play this role or have played it unevenly,
  • The ANCYL remains critical in bridging the gap between the successive generations of the movement,
  • Recent political changes have imposed an obligation on the youth of today to renew and regenerate the struggle,
  • This has, in turn, imposed on the ANCYL an obligation to regenerate the organisation itself in order to reposition it consistent with the new epoch, the new mission and tasks, to redefine its role and reverse some of the recent weaknesses observed in the organisation,
  • Many cadres of the ANCYL, nonetheless, continue to play a critical role in the ANC.

With regard to the ANC, we therefore resolve to,

  • Strengthen the participation of youth in the advancement of the NDR through participating in the programmes of the ANC, carving out a unique youth role and defining a unique character of the youth and ANCYL in particular vis-à-vis the NDR,
  • Ensure that this unique character and role is also defined with regard to our critical engagement with government and the private sector on matters of youth development and socio-economic change,
  • Re-affirm the organisational autonomy of the ANCYL,
  • Ensure that all our ex-officio members in ANC structures report consistently and continuously on ANC activities,
  • Raise the political and ideological consciousness of the youth, conscientise and organise them,
  • Enhance the co-ordination of and strengthen the Progressive Youth Alliance (PYA) in order to coherently pursue the above tasks,
  • Simplify the branch political manual,
  • Continue to engage in political programmes to unite and unify the ANC and fiercely fight against factionalism and other divisions,
  • Strengthen induction programmes especially at new members and leaders,
  • Intensify cadre development programmes.

With regard to the NDR, we resolve to,

  • Strengthen the ANCYL’s capacity to direct the course of the NDR, shape its future and determine its progress through escalating the pursuit of its strategic objective, central to which is the socio-economic upliftment of black people in general and Africans in particular,
  • Continue to play a vanguard role with regard to championing the political and socio-economic interests of youth and with regard to leading them to make a contribution in the struggle for social change, thus asserting our hegemony in the youth sector and communities,
  • Intensify the ideological training of cadres to discharge their responsibilities,
  • Continue to engage with the all challenges of transformation, including such matters as the changing of the patterns of ownership of economic resources in the interest of fundamental economic transformation as well as the creation of a democratic state,
  • Continue to combat counter-revolution and defend the gains of the revolution,
  • Initiate debates about our ideological orientation in line with our membership of both the International Union for Socialist Youth (IUSY) and the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY),
  • Intensify international solidarity programmes, and in this regard bring branches on board in line with our revolutionary internationalist perspective,
  • Develop a strategy for civic education and the mobilisation of social consciousness among youth.
1.2 Building the capacity of the ANCYL to act as an agent for change

This, the 21st National Congress, noting that,

  • This second phase of the NDR poses mammoth challenges of national liberation and social emancipation,
  • The ANCYL constitutes is one of the critical instruments created by the revolutionary masses in pursuit of the goal of national liberation,
  • It must lead the current generations of youth ultimately to accomplish the NDR and must be at the centre and helm of all progressive youth forces pursuing the objectives of the African Century,
  • To fulfil this mission, the ANCYL must possess a strong ideological edifice and must rely on a committed and developing young cadreship grounded in the ideological perspective and culture of the movement,
  • However, weaknesses have been witnessed in the quality of its cadreship and the availability of sufficient cadres to carry out its functions, compounded by that many of its developed and experienced cadres play multiple roles in the movement,
  • It remains the, nonetheless, a primary instrument for the political training of young revolutionary democrats, and
  • It is a principled ally of the progressive international youth movement for the creation of a new and better world order.

We, hereby, resolve to:

  • Strengthen our organisational capacity to be consistent with the new challenges so that we may discharge our organisational-political responsibilities,
  • Strengthen our branches and re-align them in line with the ANC re-alignment process, empowering them to keep dynamic contact with our members and the youth at large,
  • Empower branches to adapt the POA to their local conditions and implement it,
  • Intensify the cadres development programme through political education and induction of all members and leadership structures, targeting particularly young women,
  • Encourage all our members to embark upon self-development initiatives through self-study and the development of skills that will enable them to play a dynamic role in the organisation, the movement, state and society at large,
  • Broaden our mass base to attract into our ranks such sectors of youth as had not traditionally belonged to the organisation, such as, inter alia, professional and business youth,
  • Build an effective partnership with government structures at all levels,
  • Strengthen our policy development capacity in conjunction with ANC policy units and the policy institute,
  • There must be a serious effort to raise the public profile of the ANCYL and this includes building a strong communication capacity at all levels of the organisation.
1.3 Mass Campaigns and Leadership to the Youth Sector


Noting that:

  • The HIV/AIDS pandemic still highly affects young people, resulting in immense socio-economic hardships in many families and communities,
  • This pandemic has enormous economic implications for this country’s future,
  • Our government has adopted a comprehensive strategy and is implementing a comprehensive programme of action against this epidemic, included in which is the current battle it is waging against the pharmaceutical companies,
  • The ANCYL has embarked upon an HIV/AIDS awareness campaign, adopting the
    ABC strategy that has gained ground among youth in society and at the policy level by government,
  • However, the ABC strategy alone cannot avert the spread of this virus,
  • Poverty remains the central factor in the massive spread of this virus among, especially, black communities,
  • Our country and continent continue to suffer from preventable and curable diseases as a result of poverty,
  • The phamarceutical industry, in collusion with the opposition and some sections of the media, have conducted a witch-hunt against the movement, especially the President, distorting its views and hence confusing our people,
  • Our communications strategy on HIV/AIDS remains weak

Believing that:

  • South Africa’s only success against this epidemic lies solely on the responsible actions of her people, both those infected and uninfected,
  • Further, the national strategy must include nutrition and food security,
  • Our people must urgently be mobilised in massive programmes to care for the infected and affected,
  • All South Africans are affected by this pestilence,
  • In regard to this epidemic, the phamarceutical companies are driven by profit motives and hence are not interested in the finding of a solution to this epidemic or the drastic reduction of its impact as this will reduce their profits,
  • This informs the approach of some scientists, researchers, media institutions and opposition parties that serve the interests of the phamarceutical industry,
  • This is why the opposition parties are interested only in the purchase of drugs and premise their campaign exactly on this one factor, whilst doing nothing in communities to influence our people to adopt different sexual lifestyles,
  • The ANCYL has the responsibility and capacity to make a major contribution in the campaign to defeat this epidemic,
  • Generally, government has a major contribution to make to stop the spread of all poverty-related diseases, including HIV/AIDS.

We therefore resolve to:

  • Support the government’s comprehensive strategy against this epidemic,
  • Support it in the battle against pharmaceutical companies and embark on mass mobilisation,
  • Work closely with progressive non-government organisations caring for the infected and affected at community level,
  • Ensure that our messages are massively spread and our people are informed of the government strategy,
  • Encourage infected people to break the silence, declare their status and engage in public education,
  • Mobilise and educate communities against stereotyping and victimising infected people who have declared their status,
  • Intensify public education about all preventable diseases,
  • Continue to lobby for sexuality education as part of the mandatory school curriculum,
  • Establish health youth desks and structures at community level,
  • Volunteer our service in health centres, especially in rural areas,
  • Enhance the campaign to prevent the spread of preventable diseases, and
  • Mobilise communities to embark upon community-wide home-based care programmes alleviating the hardships caused by poverty on infected families and communities.


Noting that:

  • The ANCYL together with the PYA components must engage in the COLTS campaign,
  • The ANCYL should seek to play a meaningful role in the well being of the SGB’s to make them play a meaningful role in education transformation,
  • The parents’ participation in the functioning and governance of schools has generally been insufficient,
  • The government is indeed making success in the transformation of the education system.

Believing that:

  • The ANCYL as the vanguard of the youth movement should play a leading role in the education transformation processes
  • Its branches have a responsibility of making COLTS succeed in their localities,
  • For COLTS to succeed, crime must be eradicated in schools and school life must be revived through sports, cultural and other activities that shall make schools vibrant,
  • Parents must take charge of their children’s education and must hence demonstrate a keener interest than thus far has displayed,
  • Learners and Teaches must greatly improve their commitment to changing things around in schools and re-commit to their work,
  • The transformation process in our country depends exactly on this improvement of the culture of learning, teaching and service.

Therefore resolve to:

  • Embark, jointly with COSAS and SADTU, on a programme to spearhead COLTS in schools,
  • Assist COSAS to continue to implement the Operation MAZIBUYE Campaign,
  • Unite efforts with all other stakeholders to ensure that schools are places of learning,
  • Lead a process to root out criminal behaviour and elements in our schooling system.

On campaigns against women and children abuse

Noting that:

  • There is still a continuous abuse of women and children,
  • There are still not sufficient places of safety and counselling for abused women and children,
  • The persistent problem of sexual harassment and violence in our schools,
  • Success against social scourge is pivotal in the success of the campaign against sexist and gender inequality itself,
  • The ANCYL has not played a significant role in combating this scourge.

Therefore resolve to:

  • Encourage our branches effectively to participate in structures dealing with women and child abuse,
  • Establish support groups for abused women and children,
  • Work with others, especially COSAS, to combat sexual harassment and violence in schools,
  • Campaign and lobby for the establishment of places of safety and counselling in community centres,
  • Initiate programmes focused specifically on issues of violence against women and children, and
  • Develop programmes aimed at educating society on women and children’s right.

On anti-crime

Noting that:

  • Youth are the most vulnerable sector in relation to crime,
  • Our socio-economic conditions still contribute towards crime in its different manifestations,
  • The ANCYL has not embarked on concerted and consistent programmes against crime,
  • Certain elements of crime are used as an instrument of counter-revolution to undermine our democracy and the economy,
  • The society as whole has a responsibility towards the eradication of crime.

Therefore resolve to:

  • Actively participate in the national campaign against crime,
  • Initiate a concerted campaign against crime,
  • All branches of the ANCYL must participate and play a leading role in CPF’s, especially in the Youth Desks.

1.4 Providing leadership to the Youth Sector

We, delegates to the 21st National Congress of the ANCYL, noting,

  • The decline of Youth organizations both national and local from over 16000 in 1990 to less that 1500 by 1996,
  • The weak state of the PYA and SAYC,
  • Insufficient impact of youth in the political arena,
  • Weak leadership in the sector,
  • ANCYL cannot succeed on its own to advance youth development without the mobilisation and support of the broadest section of youth.

Therefore resolve that:

  • The ANCYL should convene a PYA summit which will re-evaluate the relevance and the role of the PYA,
  • It should consistently communicate and simplify its messages,
  • Its branches should work with other youth formations in an endeavour to advance youth development,
  • Branches must further engage in youth out-reach programmes, reaching out to youth in religious institutions, sports, arts and culture clubs and others.
1.5 Vibrant Branches and re-alignment of structures

This, the 21st National Congress, noting that,

  • The ANCYL remains a leading political youth organisation in our country,
  • That to discharge its responsibilities, it relies upon its strong and vibrant basic units, the branches.

Believing that,

  • The branch of the ANCYL should be rooted in the community, taking up the concerns and championing the interests and aspirations of all sectors of youth.

Therefore resolves:

On the ANCYL Branch, that

  • Our branches should lead in communities by taking up and addressing youth concerns in particular and community concerns in general,
  • They should form partnerships with other youth formations around common concerns, in order to ensure that we raise their political consciousness and extend the hegemony of the League over these structures,
  • We should develop programmes that would attract and capture the imagination of all sectors of youth, at the same time ensuring that our programmes reflect the political objectives of the movement,
  • We should enhance our communication capacity at all levels,
  • Branches should be the basic unit responsible for developing the “ideal cadre”, and should implement political education programmes that would stimulate the development of this cadreship.

On the Re-alignment of Structures,

  • This Congress re-affirms the ANC 50th Conference and NEC Lekgotla Resolutions on the re-alignment of organisational structures, and we further commit ourselves to the speedy re-alignment of ANCYL structures, in line with these resolutions,


  • The YL will ensure that it actively participates in governance at this level, with particular reference to the Local government Ward Committees,
  • That in big wards, ward based branches be demarcated into sub-branches, especially in rural areas,
  • That the incoming NEC should speed up the implementation of the membership allocation to branches,
  • That all branches of the League be renamed after this process of re-alignment.


  • Upon the establishment of new regions, we revisit the current structure, powers and functions of regions in order to capacitate them for their new role after re-alignment,
  • The decision on regional allocations be speedily implemented to ensure that regions are enabled to effectively manage and co-ordinate the organisation at this level.

On Campus Branches,

  • The NEC should do an assessment of the functioning and political life of these branches and guide lower structures on the implication of re-alignment on these structures.


  • Broadly, the NEC should discuss and further develop this framework on re-alignment to guide this process.
1.6 Gender Equality

On the Struggle for gender equality

The 21st National Congress, noting that,

  • Non-sexism is one of the key principles of the strategic objectives of the NDR,
  • Our members, followers and youth in general need to understand the concept of gender equality and accept the principle and practice of non-sexism,
  • A lot of progress has been made with regard to gender struggles in the ANCYL,
  • It is important for the YL to continue to clarify and deepen its understanding and pursuit of this principle within its own structures and among youth in general,
  • Issues of gender are still regarded as women issues,
  • Cadre development and support programmes for young women joining the organisation are still insufficient.

Believing that:

  • The ANCYL has a mammoth challenge to mobilise the current generation of youth to pursue behind the struggle to create a non-racial and non-sexist society,
  • The ANCYL remains the only relevant and progressive organisation in a position to pursue and champion issues of gender equality in our society,
  • The ANCYL should continue to mobilise all progressive forces behind the struggle for gender equality.

Therefore resolves that:

  • The ANCYL must develop programmes to advance the empowerment and development of young women in all spheres of society, government and the organisation,
  • All structures of the YL must ensure that the mobilisation of young women should be consistently coupled with the cadre development programme,
  • Very systematic and efficient monitoring systems (such as an annual audit) should be developed and implemented to ensure that young women are progressively developed,
  • All structures of the organisation should develop practical programmes to ensure that a conducive environment is created for the participation of young women in branches, regions and provinces,
  • We should hold a national gender development workshop to sharpen our Gender Policy,
  • We must develop a national campaign, involving the PYA, against sexual harassment and sexism,
  • Engage the Commission for Gender Equality and the National Youth Commission on matters of gender equality and the struggle against sexism.

On strengthening the relationship with the ANC Women’s League


  • There is poor participation of young women in the ANC Women’s League,
  • The ANCWL accordingly pays lip service to the interests and role of young women in its programmes, including cadre development,
  • Political and organisational relations between the ANCYL and ANCWL are poor.

Believing that:

  • The Women’s League membership is for all women above the age of 18 years that are members of the ANC,
  • The participation of young women is critical to sustenance and political and organisational vibrancy of the ANCWL,
  • Young women have a duty to join the ANCWL and participate in its strengthening and in its programmes,
  • Both the ANCYL and ANCWL are critical instruments of the revolution in the struggle for national emancipation and gender equality.

Therefore resolve that

  • Young women of the ANCYL above the age of 18 years should be obliged to join the ANC Women’s League,
  • We need to identify some joint programmes,
  • There should be a young women’s desk in the ANCWL,
  • We need a strategy to embark on cadre development within this sector,
  • There’s still a lot to be done in strengthening the ANCWL,
1.7 On Cadre development

The 21st Congress,

  • Having assessed our role in the continuation of the NDR,
  • Noting that we need to build successive layers of qualitative and committed cadres at all tiers of the organisation,
  • Noting that moral renewal is crucial in the imbuing of young people with the correct values and ethics consonant with the democratic society we are creating, and
  • The challenges posed to the organisation and its cadres by the new conditions that have drastically changed the character of the youth and require new focus on cadreship development.

Believing that:

  • One of our twin tasks is to rally young people behind the vision of the ANC,
  • We need to enhance the interest of our people socio-economically,
  • We must create dynamic interaction between the quantity and quality of our young cadres,
  • One of the ANCYL’s major and unique contributions to the ANC is to develop quality future cadreship.

Therefore resolve to,

  • Develop a massive cadre development programme and filter it into all our branches,
  • Bring back the culture of discipline and capacity building,
  • Steep our cadres into the best cultures and traditions of this movement,
  • Encourage all our members to also engage in steps to develop and advance their own understanding of the struggle and improve their skills and capacity to engage in it and fulfil the tasks of the movement.

1.8 Finance

On Organisational Funding

This Congress noting that,

  • Financial resources are critical to enable the organisation to implement its programmes and maintain its administration,
  • However, the allocation to provinces is not adequate to for these functions to be fulfilled,
  • We continue heavily to rely on allocation and we do very minimal fundraising to supplement allocation funding,
  • The POA is thus often compromised in favour of administration and running of PEC meetings only and this greatly and adversely affects regions which often lack resources to service branches and receive minimal material support from the ANC RECs.

Believing that:

  • Regions, as structures closest to branches, have the primary responsibility to service branches and monitor the implementation of the POA, and hence require increased material assistance,
  • We should not continue to rely solely on Head Office allocations, but must devise creative methods to fundraise,
  • The allocation of R500, 00 to regions as suggested will assist the ANCYL REC’s both politically and administratively,
  • The transfer of such money must be centralized,

Therefore resolve that,

  • Funding to regions must be programme-based,
  • Accountability for such funds must directly fall within the political management of the Treasurer-General, as well as the Provincial Executive Committee,
  • For any other funding to Regions, the NFC must develop clear guidelines and should also approve or disapprove such funding requests,
  • We endorse the recommendation of the National Finance Committee that, 40% of the allocation to provinces must be used for administration and 60% for the implementation of the ANCYL POA.

Accountability and Responsibility

The Congress noting,

  • The general lack of accountability by our structures,
  • Lack of a systematic way of book-keeping and handling of finances,
  • Lack of capacity building for our Treasurers as and when they are still in office,
  • Some comrades engage in fundraising on behalf of the ANCYL and do not submit the money and records to structures.

Believing that,

  • Capacity building is crucial to improve the financial situation in provinces and regions,
  • That accountability is not necessarily the Treasurer’s responsibility, rather it is the work of the collective and should thus be implemented as such,
  • Consultation and communication in drawing of Provincial POA by the Secretary and the Treasurers can alleviate unnecessary misunderstandings with regards to finances,
  • Accountability is a centre-piece of building a united and honest organisation and cadres,
  • Such accountability must be done regularly and ceaselessly.

Therefore, resolve that,

  • Provincial and Regional Finance Committees must be formed and treated as planning and accounting structures to the PEC and REC respectively,
  • The NFC must develop guidelines for the formation of such structures,
  • A basic bookkeeping workshop be run to assist comrades with their responsibilities,
  • Monthly reports must always be an agenda item in every structure meeting so that the entire collective must take responsibility for the finances of the League.


The Congress noting that,

  • Provinces and Regions are not fundraising as expected, but do so on spontaneous and ad-hoc basis, often due to lack of human, skills and material capacity.

Believing that:

  • The ANCYL has a potential to fundraise through many activities at branch, regional and provincial levels,
  • Fundraising must be a continuous process in all our structures in a very systematic and proper way,
  • The ANC, WL and YL must meet on a continuous basis to discuss fundraising strategies to avoid duplication and competition,
  • All funds fundraised by both the province and the region must be disclosed and accounted for, to both the Sponsor/Donor and the Youth League upper structures,
  • Clear incentives for the youth when joining the youth league will assist both financially and politically.

Congress therefore resolves that,

  • Provinces must draw fundraising programmes to be implemented by regions as reinforcement and should also monitor and ensure implementation of such programmes,
  • We must form partnership with communities in fundraising for programmes that we commonly agree on,
  • We should explore various creative fundraising measures,
  • The NFC should further consider the reproduction and compilation of our historic events and eclipses that could be sold at a reasonable price. This will also assist us in marketing the youth and conscientising the youth on political events,
  • We should utilise our graduates at different levels of our structures to impart their skills to the organisation and its cadres,
  • The NFC must declare a period where they will assist Provinces to put together big events and bashes by utilising various progressive artists in different provinces at a reasonable price,
  • The NFC must urgently look into forming a youth burial society for all ANCYL members as an incentive to youth that join the organisation,
  • Explore the possibility of appointing full-time fundraisers in provincial and national offices.


The Congress noting that

  • The political and organisational sustenance of the ANCYL depends a lot on its financial self-sufficiency,
  • Provinces are not taking any initiatives to engage in business ventures, among others because both provinces and regions do not have guidelines on how to engage in joint venture activities,
  • If left to provinces and regions alone, such programmes can be subjected to abuse and corruption.

Believing that,

  • Clear platforms have been created for us to can invest,
  • Provinces have the potential to become financially sound if they engage in business ventures.
  • Congress therefore resolves that,
  • Provinces and regions must first communicate with and receive the authorisation of the NEC before engaging in any business deal for reasons of protecting the image of the youth league,
  • That the NFC must develop guidelines in relations to the above and send it to all provinces as a premise, and
  • The NEC must ensure tight control of business ventures to ensure that they are not open to abuse, corruption and mismanagement and they do not result in bringing the image and name of the organisation into disrepute.

Membership Fees

The Congress noting that,

  • Due to a poor and weak membership system, membership fees often get misused and misappropriated in different provinces and the culprits are often not apprehended,
  • This results in grave outcomes for the organisation and affects its image and growth,
  • The membership fees do not sufficiently cover the printing and reproduction of cards, with serious implications for the future.
  • The youth we are leading are predominantly unemployed,
  • The system as it stands makes ANCYL members to join the organisation annually, and makes printing more expensive, whilst a member can retain the cards for as long as possible,
  • The membership system does not cater for clause G2 of the constitution, because cards are issued with recruiter packs.
  • The NEC was unable to provide regions with their share of the fees because of the insufficient membership fee,
  • The process of issuing of recruiter packs and cards is subject to misuse if not clearly monitored, that is, buying of cards without having members on the ground.

Congress therefore resolves that,

  • The membership fee must remain at R5.00 and the NEC and NFC must further investigate the possibility to increase it,
  • A portion should remain at a branch level and be accounted for to the BEC,
  • The BEC must appoint membership officers who will recruit and report to the BEC on any on membership and membership funds,
  • Branches must have the right to deposit money directly to the national allocation when they have recruited to avoid the transfer of money from one hand to the next,
  • The Congress must discuss the issue of buying of cards by BEC on behalf of unemployed youth who want to join the movement, without opening this system up to abuse,
  • Recruiter packs must be reduced to a manageable size of less than 50.


2.1 Economic Transformation

We, the delegates of the ANCYL, gathered at the 21st National Congress,


  • The fundamental structural damages and distortions in the economy created by apartheid policies, significantly affecting its ability to grow and create productive employment,
  • The distortions in redistribution and development,
  • That the economy is still reeling from this legacy.

Acknowledging and recognizing,

  • The endeavours of the ANC government to effect the necessary structural changes in the economy,
  • That the success of this fundamental transformation would improve the standards of living of our people, improve the performance of the economy, and change the delivery systems to better the lives of all our people, the youth and poor people in particular.

Agreeing that,

  • The macro-economic stabilisation through GEAR was a necessary step which has opened up possibilities for us to effect the requisite micro-economic changes which will enhance productive activities, lessen the production costs, encourage investment into labour intensive jobs, and create opportunities for the creation of new wealth,
  • It is imperative for the state to make strategic interventions in the economy, through investment in physical and social infrastructure, necessary legislation to regulate the economic activity, offer financial and material support to the historically deprived, thus allowing the state to play its role, and equally not undermining the market fundamentals.

Believing that,

  • This strategic approach provides an opportunity to stimulate the economy to high sustainable growth,
  • It provides an enabling environment for black economic empowerment, the development of small, medium and micro enterprises, and the entrance and creation of new business and industry, and facilitates the creation of new wealth in our communities,
  • The ANCYL as a champion of youth interests and given the state of the youth in the country, that of unemployment, lack of skills and lack of opportunities, needs to encourage the creation of jobs and opportunities that wil enable the youth to be the creators of new wealth, and
  • The restructuring of the economy provides these opportunities to the youth.

Congress therefore resolves to,

  • Support the initiatives of the ANC led government in the economic transformation agenda with the focus on employment creation,
  • Avail its services to the youth in offering guidance about all the state development projects that can stimulate the development of small business, thus encouraging the youth to be self-employers and job creators,
  • Use the state institutions, such as UMSOBOMVU Fund, KHULA, NTSIKA, National Development Agency (NDA), Industrial Development Corporation (IDC), the Land Bank and others, and explore the possibilities of creating a Youth Bank, Credit Union and a Food Bank, to lend financial, material and advisory support to the youth in the development of their enterprises,
  • Engage government in the rollout of the Tourism and Cultural Learnership programmes to prioritise training of young people,
  • Engage government to look at the procurement policies and the restructuring of state owned enterprises (SOEs) process to make sure that there is a 10% share reserved for the youth as a pre-requirement to acquire tender or stakeholder shares in the SOEs,
  • Engage the education transformation process to ensure that the system leads to an integrated human resource development strategy that empowers the youth with the necessary skills to ease their entrance in the labour market,
  • Improve our engagement with the policy development process in all areas through strengthening our research capacity. In this regard the ANCYL must engage the ANC for the placement of a Researcher in the ANC Policy Research Institute focusing on youth development, the trends in the youth sector and the policy interventions,
  • Affirm the institution of the National Youth Service Programme as a way of engaging the youth in realising the development imperatives of our country. In this regard we need together with the National Youth Commission to engage the Defence Department in its definition of National Service (whether it should be voluntary or compulsory) and initiate the first massive pilot project, particularly in the provision of physical and social infrastructure,
  • Pursue the idea of increasing economic knowledge and stimulate debates amongst the youth by creating special projects with incentives, like, the launching of an annual memorial lecture and approach the private sector to fund the memorial lecture, and invite institutions of higher learning to participate through students in writing essays about the fundamentals of our economy and its developmental routes,
  • Convene a National Youth Economic Participation Conference in 2001,
  • Engage private industry (business) and SOEs to provide mentorship and in-service training programmes to the youth,
  • Support and join the campaign led by the SACP against red lining by the financial sector, as this directly affects the access of youth to allocative capital,
  • Campaign for the introduction of Community Re-investment Act to compel financial institutions to disclose their investment strategies, and to invest in poor areas (township and rural areas),
  • Support the call for the introduction of prescribed assets, which will require long-term capital institutions to increase the ratio assets, held in public bonds, thus reducing the ratio of state borrowing and reduce the ratio of assets held in equities,
  • Build and strengthen partnerships with civil society, business councils farmer agricultural unions, local business fora/chamber, and so forth,
  • Engage our international friends and allies in the campaign to restructure the international financial and economic system,
  • Encourage Inter-Provincial and Inter-Regional co-operation of ANCYL structures around projects and campaigns focusing on Youth Development,
  • Adopt programmatic recommendations made in the discussion document as the defining feature of our program on economy,
  • Uphold our resolve that the creation of a better life largely depends on our ability to transform the economy, and that this discourse would bring disgruntlement amongst us, but is a necessary exercise, and
  • Guide the process of the formation of the Youth Entrepreneurship Strategy to enable young people with skills and support them to establish viable businesses in the creation of employment and wealth.

2.2 Environment and Sustainable Development

We, delegates to the 21st National Congress of the ANCYL, reaffirm the 20th National Congress Resolution on environment, which stated the following:


  • The intimate relationship between the environment and sustainable development,
  • The lack of environmental education in our organisation, and as a result the low level of consciousness on the relationship between the environment and development.

Resolve to,

  • Develop an environmental education programme in the ANCYL, including the establishment of Eco-desks,
  • Encourage branches to initiate local clean-up campaigns and to form Eco-desks, which will forge links with other structures dealing with environment,
  • Forge links with international bodies,
  • Observe national days on the environment like Arbour day,
  • Link environment to tourism and job creation programs.

Further noting that,

  • Poor waste management continues to be a problem in our communities,
  • Industrial pollution is impacting negatively on the health of communities adjacent to industrial areas,
  • Deforestation in rural areas is resulting in the degradation of agricultural soil and indigenous forests,
  • Our communities have very limited awareness of the environment,
  • Profit driven land development leads to unsustainable development.

We therefore resolve,

On Waste Management

  • To train youth on waste management methods,
  • Start waste management projects.

On Industrial Pollution

  • Lobby for the decentralization of industrial land safe zones,
  • Encourage government strictly to apply the principle of ‘polluter pays’ as enshrined in the Environmental Management Act of 1997,

On Deforestation

  • To support the integrated rural development strategy,
  • To initiate awareness campaigns on green villages,
  • To start reforestation projects.

On Profit driven land development leads to environment degradation

  • To create awareness on land-use planning and its impact on land,
  • To engage in the IDP processes and ensure the involvement of people in Environment Impact Assessment (EIA),
  • To focus on environment
  • To lobby and urge all local authorities to implement local Agenda 21 principles and ensure that youth organisations participate in LA 21 and other sustainable development processes.

On Wildfires

  • To embark upon public education programmes on causes of wildfires,
  • To initiate youth community service projects to fight wildfires,
  • To strive for youth training in Disaster Management,
  • To lobby for the extension of fire-fighting services.

2.3 The Earth Summit

This Congress noting that,

  • The city of Johannesburg in the Republic of SA is selected to host the “Earth Summit “in the middle of 2002 to mark the 10th anniversary of Earth Summit 1 held at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1992.

Therefore resolves to,

  • Congratulate the Minister of Environment Affairs and Tourism, Comrade Mohammed Valli Moosa and his Department for winning the bid not only on behalf of SA but the entire African Continent during this African Century,
  • Mobilise the South African youth to participate during and after the conference to ensure that the agenda of the countries of the South is central and spearheaded,
  • Forge partnerships with South African environmental NGOs and other progressive formations from the South to facilitate the implementation of the Principles of Local Agenda 21 as spelt out during the historic Rio De Janeiro Summit.
  • Ensure that women and disadvantaged people of our country participate in this conference.

2.4 Science and Technology

Congress noting that,

  • The primacy of science and technology for human progress,
  • This creates an unprecedented revolutionisation of the forces of production and the attainment of unprecedented levels of human development,
  • The field of science and technology is still a foreign field of interest for young people, especially black youth and African youth in particular,
  • Young women continue to be discriminated against in this field, which still remains male dominated,
  • The field of science and technology is also still new in our structures as a result of which our lower structures and general membership are not exposed to this development,
  • belongs to South Africa and her people and that the government is being taken to court over the control of

Believing that,

  • One of the critical features of the MAP is the campaign to bridge the digital and knowledge divides which continue to threaten equitable global development,
  • Given that the ICT sector is occupying the centre stage in the modern economy, we should continue to develop the necessary skills base and create economic opportunities for our people, particularly the youth and women,
  • The youth of our country and continent shall, in this endeavour, play a crucial role and, depending on this role, shall decide the outcome of this struggle.

Resolves to,

  • Embark on an awareness programme of encouraging youth to become active participations in the field of science and technology,
  • Support the President’s National and International Task Teams on Science and Technology,

    Further support government efforts to introduce information and technology in the areas of education, commerce and government,

  • Convene a summit of youth in preparation for the Telecommunications Youth Forum, which precedes the International Conference on Science and Technology,
  • Encourage black learners and young women to take up mathematics and science as school subjects,
  • Engage MPs and MPLs, and the private sector to embark on Adopt-a-School campaign that also encourages and assist learners with studies in these fields,
  • Encourage Science and Technology students at higher education to do community service teaching these subjects, especially in rural areas,
  • Encourage the department of communications to establish community tele-centres and internet cafés linked to schools,
  • Encourage all our members and the youth at large to make use of these facilities and to receive training in the use of information technology,
  • Convene a seminar on science and technology, which should be duplicated by regions and provinces,
  • Establish Science and Technology Units at all levels of the organisation,
  • Unequivocally support our government in ensuring that is owned by the country,
  • The NEC to publicly show the YL support through statements, condemning the arrogance of companies in the US,
  • Engage Universal Service Agency (USA) for the establishment of rural tele-centres,
  • Engage Vodacom, MTN and Cell-C on establishing Internet cafés in rural areas, and
  • Run a rural IT literacy education in our villages.


3.1 Integrated Rural Development Strategy

We, delegates to the 21st National Congress of the ANCYL, 

Noting that,

  • Rural areas continue to be the worst concentrations of poverty in our country,
  • Yet, they remain critical in the provision of food security,
  • They are not homogeneous and their levels of underdevelopment differ,
  • There is still a wide rural-urban divide,
  • The new system of municipal governance integrates rural and urban areas.

On the Traditional Political System:

  • Land ownership is still a problem because of the vast tracks of land still held in trust by the Traditional Leaders,
  • Youth are generally marginalized from land ownership,
  • The relationship between the ANCYL, ANC Councillors and the traditional leaders is very poor,
  • There is a poor definition of the powers, role and responsibilities of traditional leaders in development,
  • The traditional political system continues to undermine the rights of

On the social context:

  • Rural areas continue to be plagued by illiteracy,
  • Rural areas are still characterized by exorbitantly high levels of unemployment,
  • There is a rise of preventable and poverty-related diseases such as HIV/AIIDS and other poverty related diseases,
  • There are very limited social services for youth,
  • Teenage parenthood continues to stunt the personal development of rural youth especially young women,
  • Levels of superstition and other anti-social stereotypes are still prevalent in rural areas,
  • The ‘Dop system’, which inculcates alcoholism and poor family
    , is still a problem in the Western Cape,

On the rural economy

  • Farming and other economic activities are declining and resulting economic marginalisation of many of our rural areas,
  • Rural poor continue to lack financial services,
  • Infrastructure provision is still slow,
  • Rural areas lag far behind in the information technology revolution.

On racism:

  • There is continued racism in rural areas resulting in illegal land evictions, human rights abuse and farm violence.

On institutional arrangements:

  • Proper institutions to facilitate integrated rural development are weak or lacking.

Believing that,

  • The backbone of rural development lies in the economic regeneration of rural areas,
  • Rural areas must be more deeply integrated socially, politically and economically into the new local government system.

Therefore resolve that,

On Land reform

  • There must be a policy education process on land-oriented policies,
  • Youth, especially young women, must benefit from the land reform and farmer re-settlement programmes,
  • Youth must be trained on land ownership processes,
  • We must lead advocacy programmes on land ownership by youth.

On Illiteracy

  • We must advocate for sector specific and skills based ABET programmes,
  • We must advocate for the devolution of higher education facilities and opportunities,
  • Conditions of service for ABET teachers must be improved,
  • The ABET programmes must use unemployed graduates,
  • Advocate for the building of public libraries and resource centres.

On Unemployment

  • We must advocate for the establishment of agricultural co-operatives and village banks,
  • We must further advocate for youth brigades on various aspect of rural development to be deployed to the most needy rural areas,
  • We should strive to facilitate youth employment through income generating activities such as infrastructural development projects, wood-lords, catering services and other initiatives that re-orient youth away from job seeking towards wealth creation,
  • We should advocate for skills development on strategic economic and management

On The role of Traditional leaders in Local Government

  • We support the efforts of Department of Provincial and Local Government on the matter.

On Integrated Rural Development institutions

  • We must networking with NGO’s and CBO’s involved in the IRD,
  • The NYC and MPL’s and MP’s must set up units that focus on supporting rural development initiatives.

On financing rural development

  • We must develop a strategy to engage KHULA, NTSIKA, UMSOBOMVU Fund and other agencies for youth related rural development initiatives,
  • We must explore the establishment of a Youth or Village Bank,
  • Youth must benefit from rural housing projects and hence a loan or mortgage bonds are needed to facilitate and support this.

On Teenage parenthood

  • We must enhance sexuality education,
  • We must engage in public education campaign on the causes of teenage parenthood.

On Racism, Tribalism and Ethnicity

  • We must engage in mass education against these practices,
  • We must engage the Afrikanerbond Youth League and Afrikaner Farmers on a campaign against racism in farms, including a Human Rights Campaign,
  • We must convene a summit on youth and racism,
  • We must fight against the “dop system”,
  • We must campaign for the unionisation of farm workers.

3.2 Sports and Recreation

This 21st National Congress noting that,

  • Sports is a critical element in promoting nation building and a healthy nation,
  • Recreation is often neglected within this portfolio,
  • Backlog of recreational facilities still persists within our communities, especially rural and urban black communities,
  • Lip service continues to be paid to the development of women’s sports in terms of resources and other opportunities,
  • Government has played a crucial role in the development of sports in South Africa,
  • The private sector continues to neglect the development of sports and recreational facilities in black communities and schools,
  • South Africans are real sports fanatics.

We acknowledge that sports can,

  • Contribute to the moral rejuvenation of our society, and particularly amongst young people,
  • Act as a catalyst in ending the demon of racism in our country and the attainment of a non-racial society,

We therefore resolve to,

  • Affirm the 20th Congress resolution and urge that its implementation must be speeded up,
  • Actively participate in sports development programmes in our communities,
  • Encourage ANCYL branches and the broader membership to take an active part in sports activities and in the sports councils,
  • Engage in rolling mass action to force the racist Cape Town Metro Council to open the gates of the Newlands Stadium to soccer.

3.3 Arts and Culture


This Congress noting that,

  • Arts has a critical role in social development and potential to bridge relations between different communities,
  • That there is no homogeneity within the arts fraternity and this has given rise to the ascendancy of Euro-centric artistic forms through the establishment of institutions that cater for elect artistic forms,
  • In the past years there has been much focus on the Performing Arts constituted of Drama, Music, Dance and Theatre at the expense of other art forms. Institutions were established throughout provinces to enrich this art form, which is still dominated by Euro-centric artwork. These Provincial Performance Councils were created to serve and nurture talents, skills and potential of the minority.

Believing that,

  • There remain other artistic forms, which were not considered, as they mainly constituted traditionally, cultural and indigenous art forms,
  • The recognition of these artistic forms will elevate the pride, culture and custom of the disadvantaged masses of young people in our country,
  • We need to give priority to all artistic forms to broaden our scope in reaching the largest possible arts community to support reconciliation, nation building and patriotism.

We therefore resolve to,

  • Re-affirm the 20th National Congress resolution on Arts and Culture to involve branches and membership in Arts and Culture forums,
  • Engage in providing opportunities for the Creative Arts which include Poetry, Literature and Creative writing for our young people in branches and broader progressive cultural formations,
  • Continue to lobby for Community Arts and Culture Centres, especially in disadvantaged communities,
  • Market the component of our Visual Arts, which include crafts, pottery, sculpture, fine art at various world destinations through Eco-tourism and engage our Embassies to give exposure to young people’s creativity. These opportunities will provide exposure and cultural renaissance of our country and the continent,
  • Encourage young people to rebuild People’s Parks in important historical sites. To identify places to erect monuments, plaques and statues for young people who had laid their lives in the course of the NDR,
  • Lobby national arts and culture institutions to increase resources for the above neglected artistic forms’
  • Encourage our branches to continue to hold Annual Solomon Mahlangu memorial games, with an emphasis on the indigenous sports games.


This Congress noting that,

  • Culture is a way of life depicted by common customs, language, shared experiences and beliefs,
  • Cultural restoration and diversification will enhance our patriotism and nation-building,
  • South African culture remains unique in its diversification among cultural groups and communities across racial lines,
  • There is still a greater challenge to enhance cultural unity and understanding among the youth.

Believing that,

  • There are more common areas of cultural tolerance to limit tendencies forwards racism, tribalism, ethnicity and intolerance,
  • There is a need to enhance our understanding of various cultural phenomena within the country and continent,
  • ANCYL branches should observe the important cultural heritage and lineage of various cultural communities.

We therefore resolve to,

  • Utilise our cultural heritage to enhance the ANCYL’s role in nation building, patriotism and reconciliation,
  • Advocate for the utilisation of culture in building moral renewal among young people with a particular emphasis to humility to the poor and struggle,
  • Promote cultural exchange programmes within and between schools and religious institutions,
  • Ensure that our branches engage in Cultural Exchange Programs in the continent in line with the African Renaissance and Century.

3.4 Governance and Legislative Affairs

The 21st National Congress noting that,

  • Tremendous strides have been made to transform the legislative and government organs of the state,
  • This has helped to consolidate the legitimacy and strengthen the democratic process and system,
  • Great progress has been made to formulate progressive policies, pass progressive legislation, and make structures of government more open, transparent and participatory,
  • Greater coherence and integration has successfully been introduced in the functioning of government, with the President playing a pivotal role,
  • This is bring greatly infused into the entire system of government,
  • There are still huge challenges in this regard though, especially in terms of implementation and ensuring even greater public participation to transform our legislative and governance institutions into the tribunes of the people,
  • While the ANCYL has been participating in legislation and governance, this remains insufficient, reflective of the weakness of our policy capacity and thus denying youth of an active and decisive input,
  • There is generally poor participation by the youth sector in legislative and governance matter.

Believing that,

  • Even though such tremendous progress has been made, more remains to be done to eradicate the last remaining barriers that block the broader participation of more marginalised and disadvantaged groups such as women, rural people and youth that lack capacity, for example, language,
  • The public hearings which are convened on legislation considerably enhance the democratic process, however these often tend to be urban biased and biased towards the minority who have the material resources to access them,
  • While playing an important role, our constituency offices are not as effective and accessible as they could be,
  • Our legislative and governance programme needs to be massified within our ranks and amongst youth generally, to ensure that there is broad understanding and mobilisation,
  • The ANCYL has a central role to play, utilising its strategic political advantage as a youth organisation of a governing party, to advocate for youth rights and interests and rally youth actively to participate in governance and legislative matters,
  • There should be a stronger and tighter relationship between the ANCYL and young MPs, MPLs and Councillors, especially those who have emerged from our ranks, so that they can effectively take forward our positions and advance youth interests,
  • We need to intervene as early as possible in policy processes to make them youth-friendly,
  • Policy should derive from the ANC’s own resolutions and policy positions and this should inform the executive, elected representatives, and bureaucrats,
  • The ANC Policy Institute, as envisaged by the ANC NGC, will play a crucial role in enhancing our capacity to engage meaningfully with issues of governance and interpret statutes to everyday language for the consumption of our general membership.

Hereby resolve to,

  • Endeavour to increase active public and especially youth participation in all aspects of governance, as part of the democratisation project of the NDR,
  • Take forward the democratisation of our governance structures, to enhance their transparency, accountability, and participatory nature,
  • Advocate for increased public involvement in policy and legislation, specifically in public hearings on all key policy and legislation and taking these hearings to the people especially in rural areas to increase their accessibility to the working class and the poor,
  • In line with increasing participation, convene our own public hearings on policy and legislation with a direct impact on the youth,
  • Engage the National Youth Commission and other agencies of government and NGOs with regard to the creation of capacity for youth organisations to participate in legislative and governance matters,
  • Ensure that constituency offices become youth-friendly and play a more active role in informing and involving communities, especially youth, about and on important legislative debates and developments,
  • Motivate for sectoral deployment to constituencies such as the youth, to supplement the current geographic deployment of MPs,
  • Work towards ongoing democracy and civic education, from school level upwards, to conscientise people about their rights and responsibilities,
  • To replicate and strengthen L&G structures at all levels of organisation, from branch to national. These structures should both link with the relevant legislative and governance structures of both government and the ANC as well as integrate this work within the overall political and organizational work of the organisation,
  • Step up our lobbying and advocacy to take forward youth interests,
  • Enhance our research and policy capacity as well as broaden these skills at all levels of our organisation,
  • Work towards Youth Parliaments or similar activities at all levels from local government to national parliament, to raise the profile of youth issues,
  • Interact closely with provincial and national Youth Commissions, as well as with the PYA, around issues of governance, and
  • Facilitate the adoption of National Youth Policy 2000 by our government and ensure that all government tiers implement it.

3.5 Local Government

This Congress noting that,

  • Great progress has been made with regard to local government transformation,
  • The November 5th 2000 municipal elections took us strides forward in terms of extending the system of democratic local governance to rural areas, thus ensuring that we earnestly begin the process to bridge the rural-urban divide and end the marginalisation of rural areas from democracy and development,
  • These elections established firmly the dominance of the ANC in South Africa, giving it the right to rule over 84% of the South African people,
  • There is a need to deepen democracy at a local level and to make local government account to the people,
  • Municipalities have great a developmental role to play, including in the area of job creation,
  • The community has got a pivotal role to play in the decision-making processes of the council
  • The Section 12 notice which guided the process of the establishment of the new municipalities made it optional for municipalities to choose whether to have ward committees or not,
  • In most areas the bureaucratic system is still dominated by the officials of the old order, who resist change and operate in a manner that puts the delivery of services into halt,
  • Youth development and participation is neglected at municipal government’s level and this has had a very negative effect in how youth regard local government,
  • Youth must take charge of their destiny and influence the decision making processes that impact on youth at a municipal level,
  • The new pieces of legislations, such as the Municipal Structures Act do not mandate municipal governments to establish Local Youth Units (LYUs),
  • Where LYUs exist, there is concern in terms of capacity and programmes in order for them to discharge their responsibilities in a coherent and consistent manner,
  • There is a need for Young Municipal Councillors (Y-MCs) to get a mandate and direction from the YL on issues affecting Youth at municipal level,
  • There is need for a co-ordinated approach at a local level in the area of youth development,
  • There is an ongoing misinformation of youth in rural areas with regard to the role of local government by some traditional leaders,
  • There is an ongoing campaign by certain sections of the media against ANC-led municipalities and ANC Councillors aimed at discrediting them and portray an image of inefficient, ineffective, corrupt, mismanaged and crisis-riddled structures,
  • Our communities still lack an understanding of their role in the decision making process of municipalities, that is, in the formulation of the “Peoples Budget” and Integrated Municipal Programme (IDP),
  • There are ongoing discussions on the role of the institution of traditional leaders in the new dispensation of local government.

We therefore resolve to,

  • Urge the ANC to spearhead and guide the process of the formation of democratically elected ward communities, in which the broad community, including the youth, will be represented,
  • Engage the ANC at a political level with a view of establishing the LYUs, including exploring a legislative process,
  • Develop a clear framework on the functions and responsibilities of the LYUs,
  • Develop a capacity building mechanism which will equip ANCYL deployees at this level,
  • Develop the capacity of our branch and regional structures to systematically engage municipal governments and input on decisions they take on youth matters,
  • Ensure the participation of ANCYL representatives at the said levels within the BECs and RECs to be part of ANC caucuses in order to influence the decision making process and report back to constitutional structures,
  • Engage the ANC with regard to the transformation of the local government bureaucracy, with emphasis on zero-tolerance for those bureaucrats working against development,
  • Ensure that the ANC Deployment Committee develops a strategy around the deployment of ANC members in the bureaucratic system of the municipalities in line with the Equity Act,
  • Ensure that all Y-MCs get incorporated into ANCYL work and structures and develop a system and programme to achieve this goal,
  • Initiate the process of establishing the Local Youth Development Forums (LYDF) where they do not exist and strengthen them where they exist, and give them proper direction as well,
  • Develop a uniform approach between national, provincial and local youth structure on issues that affect youth,
  • Lobby for the establishment of structures in rural areas that will serve as information tools to ensure that rural people are clear on the role of local government and can contribute on issues affecting them,
  • Engage the media on the negative coverage of our municipalities and Councillors,
  • Engage communities in a programme in order for them to be part of the formulation of budgets and the compilation of the IDP’s, LEDs and others,
  • Encourage communities to attend the proceedings of councils,
  • Encourage municipalities to be pro-active in formulating policies which enhance the creation of non-racial, non-sexist, democratic and prosperous society,
  • Encourage municipalities to create a conducive environment for those who were previously disadvantaged in order for them to access municipal contracts,
  • Encourage municipalities to establish business service centres in order to give advice to the aspiring business persons and small, micro and medium enterprises (SMME),
  • Encourage municipalities to have friendly policies, programmes and facilities towards the marginalised and vulnerable groups such as disabled persons, women and youth and allow them access to projects and other forms of employment,
  • Urge the ANC led-government to accelerate the conclusion of the debate to enable rural municipalities to continue with the programme of delivering basic services in an equitable and sustainable manner, without any hindrances,
  • Participate in the debate on the role of traditional leaders and ensure that this is concluded in an amicable manner,
  • Ensure that the ANC programme on the delivery of basic services is speeded up.

3.6 Youth Development

3.6.1 Programmatic Issues

This Congress noting that,

On youth employment and skills development

  • The Community Agency for Social Enquiry (CASE) has recently released its findings on the state of youth with a specific focus on youth unemployment and lack of skills,
  • The survey confirms our long held view that the majority of South African youth experience high levels of unemployment and low levels of skills,
  • The resolution of the Presidential Jobs Summit ’98 resolved on the formation of Youth Brigades and “Community Service” for reconstruction and development,
  • South Africa has now, among others, the skills development strategy, integrated rural development strategy, national youth policy and national youth service programme,
  • There is a lack of transformation in the financial sector, particularly the banks, who are still conservative with no “community re-investment” programmes,
  • Institutional mechanisms such as NTSIKA, KHULA and UMSOBOMVU Fund to advice and unlock funding for youth employment and skills development have been established.

We therefore resolve to,

  • Advocate for that the macro-economic strategy, integral to which must be an industrial strategy should target youth,
  • Support the call made by the SACP against redlining by the financial sector especially banks,
  • Make an input into the national strategy for black economic empowerment strategy to ensure that it pays special attention to youth, particularly young women, disabled youth and those from rural areas,
  • Put pressures on government and the private sector to accelerate the implementation of the Presidential Job summit resolution on youth, and target the sector jobs summits,
  • Ensure that agencies such as NTSIKA, KHULA and UMSOBOMVU Fund re-aligned so that they can make a meaningful contribution to youth entrepreneurship,
  • Push for the idea to synchronise UMSOBOMVU FUND, KHULA, Labour Trust, Business Trust, Nation Trust and many others into one main fund and register it as our first National Co-operative Bank.

3.6.2 Institutions

Congress noting that;

  • The ANCYL has always led the struggle for youth development as an integral part of social transformation,
  • We have consistently championed the interests of young people both within the ANC and in society,
  • The achievement of political democracy has had a positive impact on improving the situation and profile of young people,
  • This has culminated in the establishment of youth development institutions, among which is the National Youth Commission (NYC), the South African Youth Council (SAYC) and others, and the adoption of policies and programmes aimed at improving the socio-economic position of young people,
  • Part of the outcome of the new political democracy is the emerging youth culture, promoting a specific identity for young people, through art, culture, and other forms of expressions,
  • The conditions of living for a majority of young people remains unchanged, such as for example, the high rate of unemployment,
  • A new approach is required to work with government, NGOs, society at large and even the private sector in addressing the needs of young people,
  • Institutional and other capacity must be created to facilitate and accelerate the addressing of these needs of youth.

We therefore resolve to,

  • Continue to advocate for the strengthening of the NYC and SAYC in particular and the building of capacity for both these structures to meet their mandates,
  • Engage in programmes to heighten the profile of the both these organisations,
  • Further encourage these two organs, representing such special complementary mandates as they do, to consolidate their relations and complement each other with regard to the implementation of youth development programmes,
  • Strengthen the relations between the ANCYL and these structures, increase our support and participation in their programmes,
  • Enhance the capacity of our branches, regions and provinces to engage these structures and provide political support to them,
  • Ensure that the ANC at all levels provides practical political support to them,
  • Ensure that government at all tiers provides them with ample political support which should include material resources,
  • Call for the formal adoption of the youth policy by government before the end of this year,
  • Lobby all relevant government departments to establish youth desks,
  • Enhance co-operation between the provincial and national structures of the youth structures,
  • Advocate for the strengthening of the inter-departmental committee on youth and ensure that youth issues are specifically represented in all Cabinet Clusters,
  • Continue to lobby for the establishment of a national legislative framework on the Provincial Youth Commissions to be integrated into the National Youth Commission Act,
  • Engage the Minister for Local Government and Provincial Affairs regarding the establishment of Local Youth Units in all municipalities,
  • Lobby for the establishment of integrated development plans within local government that integrate youth development programmes.

3.7 Culture, Heritage and Morality

This Congress noting that,

  • It is urgent to preserve and promote our culture and heritage in order to keep, define and promote our identity and pride as a people, while respecting and also promoting our cultural diversity,
  • Our African culture and heritage is deteriorating at an untold magnitude,
  • Our history on culture and heritage is grossly misrepresented,
  • Government has in the past years embarked upon programmes to research, preserve and promote our indigenous knowledge systems,
  • We have no local museums and youth monuments/parks in our areas,
  • There is a degree of corruption and moral decay in government, the private sector and society at large which manifests itself in various ways such as crime, tax evasion and others,
  • There have been major strides to fight corruption and attempts to regenerate the moral and ethical values of our society.

Believing that,

  • The renaissance of Africa should address among other things culture and heritage,
  • Our history on culture and heritage should be accurately told, and our diversity should be taught to promote tolerance and our identity as an African people,
  • Globalisation poses a dire threat to eradicate the culture and heritage of the poor and vulnerable and replace these with culture of the wealthy characterised as these are largely by unethical values such as individualism, selfishness, putting individual interests above and ahead those of the nation or collective,
  • Liberal values pose a similar threat and should be combated as an important element of waging an political and ideological struggle,
  • We should eradicate any form of corruption and moral decay in our structures of governance, politics, business and society in general.

We therefore resolve to,

  • Re-call on the South African Youth Council to convene an urgent Youth Moral Renewal Summit,
  • Support the government initiatives to eradicate corruption from the public service and to promote the code of conduct signed by public servants,
  • Challenge NGOs, business and other sectors also to commit themselves to the eradication of corruption and moral decay,
  • Develop a programme on culture and heritage that can be linked with our local tourism, and
  • Embark upon a massive ideological and political struggle among the youth to re-capture popular cultures and ethics/values linked to the fundamental interests of the working people and rural poor.

3.8 Human Resources Development

3.8.1 Making Schools Work and COLTS

This 21st National Congress noting that,

  • The resolutions of the 20th National Congress remain relevant in this regard,
  • Education transformation is central in the creation of a climate conducive to effective learning, teaching and service,
  • The introduction of Curriculum 2005 and TIRISANO are a drastic contribution in this regard,
  • Schools remain pivotal in the preparation of the youth for their further and later learning,
  • Learners, teachers, parents, school managers, government and communities at large constitute the primary motive forces for the creation of this conducive learning and teaching climate,
  • While great strides have been made in this direction, there still remain massive challenges posed by many factors affecting principally the historically black schools,

    especially the lack of sufficient resources to provide learning material and aid, libraries, infrastructure such as classrooms, promote sports and culture, maintain manageable teacher-learner ratios and others,

  • The exodus of many students to historically advantaged, especially private, schools poses a critical challenge to public education.

We, hereby, resolve to,

  • Vigorously campaign for the increasing of resources that go to public education, especially in historically disadvantaged schools, in order to promote high standards for public schools and promote public education,
  • Intensify capacity building of school managers and School Governing Bodies (SGBs) and encourage parents, especially progressive parents, to participate in these,
  • Build and consolidate COSAS so that it can play its required role in providing leadership to the students,
  • Establish strong education desks at all organisational levels and develop their capacity to engage with the all the challenges of education transformation,
  • Support the “Operation Mazibuye” Campaign,
  • Encourage our communities to make voluntary contributions to our education in any form,
  • Support the curriculum 2005 which seeks to address the societal needs,
  • Promote safety of our schools through establishing partnerships between schools, the CPFs and the Police to combat school vandalism, drug trafficking, rape and abuse of female students and others,
  • Campaign against illegally operating private schools (Fly by night),
  • Promote access to pre-primary education.

3.8.2 Higher Education Transformation

This Congress noting that,

  • Higher education is central to the national comprehensive human resources development strategy,
  • Its transformation remains a fundamental prerequisite towards the production of the skills and knowledge requisite for national reconstruction and development and for the pursuit of the objectives of the African Century,
  • The ANCYL, being a custodian of the socio-economic interests of young people has an immense task of ensuring that higher education is transformed and that we spend our energy and resources in developing cadreship, policies and programmes that meet these challenges,
  • The apartheid legacy is still prevalent, plaguing our higher education system reflected in disparities in the distribution of financial and human resources, in discrimination, bad governance, a curriculum that is not responsive to our human resource needs and not conducive to the African Renaissance,
  • Our government has spent the last six years developing and implementing policies that aim to address these crises through, the Higher Education Act, the National Student Financial Aid Scheme Act, the Higher Education Plan and the National Qualification Framework and others,
  • The resolutions of the 20th National Congress on the transformation of higher education,
  • All structures of governance including Councils, Senates and Boards are not representative of all institutional stakeholders,
  • There still exists a serious capacity problem amongst cadres and students in general, which hinders maximum participation in governance structures,
  • The National Student Financial Aid Scheme has played a pivotal role in increasing the access of historically disadvantaged students into higher education,
  • The current policies as determined by various institutions and NSFAS however still exclude a large section of our youth from accessing financial aid,
  • The student debt has reached a proportion that makes it difficult and sometimes impossible for institutions to function properly,
  • Higher education institutions continue to produce graduates, who do not plough back into their communities,
  • Various sectors of our society have expressed the need and commitment to engage in community service,
  • Many of our students, because of no linkage between academic education and vocation training, lack practical work experience at the end of their studies which inhibits their chances to get employment,
  • The process of policy development and curriculum review remains a terrain of few experts and specialists at the exclusion of stakeholder inputs and participation,
  • The ANCYL does not have the necessary policy development capacity to engage with issues of curriculum review,
  • The influx of private institutions continues to eliminate confidence on the public education system,
  • Our government has put in place procedures and mechanisms that aim to ensure the proper registration, accreditation and quality assurance of private higher education,
  • We have a higher education plan that aim to create a new landscape and framework for the consolidation and implementation of the higher education white paper,
  • The MDM Education Sector is relatively weak, and thus negatively impacting on capacity to intervene in the crises and to act proactively in the determination of a programme for the transformation of higher education,
  • Despite these weaknesses, our movement and the ANCYL in particular, has played a pivotal role in intervening and giving direction to this sector,
  • The organized progressive academic staff structures remains weak,
  • Our movement has not taken its priority to build and strengthen progressive academic staff associations,
  • SRCs remain important and strategic areas of power for the realisation of the transforming and transformed higher education system,
  • We have won a substantial number of SRCs in institution of higher learning,
  • There have been some isolated situations of tensions as it relates to deployment of our cadres in SRCs.

The 21st National Congress therefore resolves to,

  • Continue to participate and lobby for the stakeholder representation in all advisory bodies that shape and influence the policy direction of government,
  • Prioritise the deployment of our own cadres in research institutes and all structures of governance at institutions of learning,
  • Lobby for the registration of private higher education institutions to be reviewed biannually so that they do not detract from their registration conditions,
  • Engage in a massive campaign to eliminate the lack of confidence on the public education system,
  • Welcome and appreciate the unveiling of the higher education plan and call upon the Education Ministry to consult further on the issue of the unbundling of institutions of higher learning,
  • Mandate the National Executive Committee to put into process of the creation of a National Centre of Youth Leadership and Development that shall be responsible for capacity building and training of our cadres and students in general deployed in all centres of power,
  • Engage the ANC urgently to revive and strengthen the MDM Education Sector and its complimentary components at all levels of our organisation,
  • Rebuild the academic staff association and consider the formation of a national union of academic staff associations,
  • Continue to contest SRC elections in all institutions of learning together with the Progressive Youth Alliance,
  • Mandate the NEC to develop guidelines for the deployment of our cadreship in SRC’s with a purpose of ensuring that such deployee go through an induction process,
  • Call for the immediate enactment of the National Youth Service legislation that will ensure that all students at public higher education institutions contribute to the development of their communities,
  • Reaffirm the resolutions of the 20th National Congress and call upon the NEC to speed up the implementation in particular the convening of a National Human Resource Development Conference.

3.8.3 Training, Learnerships, Skills Development, Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET), Further Education and Training (FET) and out-of-school youth

The Congress noting that,

  • The continued structural inequities resulting from the apartheid legacy has bestowed a particular pattern of development, which entrenched unevenness in human resource development,
  • The youth who are the supposed beneficiaries of the FET programmes are constituted in the main by the unemployed youth, which constitute a significant proportion of South African youth,
  • That this sector has not benefited from the mainstream programmes that have been set up by government and organisations providing this service, and the concentration of resources is still skewed with regards to youth who are already in the learning system (general education stream),
  • FET has been under-rated,
  • The establishment of the FET Act in 1996 provided a basis for government to start engaging with this sector on a substantive basis,
  • That regardless of such an engagement this sector has received little support within and outside government,
  • The continued negligence of this sector further exacerbates the situation of youth who cannot be catered for in the formal learning environment,
  • There is very little understood about the content of the current policies and its impact by the ANCYL structures, that is, the Skills Development Act, Further Education and Training Act and others,
  • The absence of educational structures of the ANCYL and ANC especially at provincial, regional and branch levels further exacerbates the situation,
  • There is no framework for learnership programmes to equip students with practical work experience.

Believing that,

  • The situation of the unemployed youth cannot be left to linger forever without channelling of their energies into positive activities and engagement,
  • Training and skills development can be a machinery for self-reliance and self- empowerment

Therefore, this 21st National Congress resolves to,

  • Call upon the incoming NEC to dedicate time and resources to the area of FET with regards to its development at the level of the public discourse and policy positions,
  • Mandate the NEC Sub-committee on Education to co-ordinate the work being done by various departments such as Labour and Education to ensure that there is coherence at the level of anticipated outcomes and its impact on the needs of young people in this sector,
  • Ensure that the opportunities arising from this sector are fully utilised by co-ordinating resources and partnerships by the ANCYL, the South African Youth Council (SAYC) and the National and Provincial Youth Commissions,
  • To establish a skills and institutional audit of providers in the sector and their location to enable our structures to directly engage with them and containing this info in a database on FET provision,
  • Engage government and the private with regard to training, skills development and learnership programmes.

3.9 State Transformation: the public service and criminal justice system

This Congress noting that,

  • The state is significant in advancing the goals of the National Democratic Revolution,
  • The democratic movement inherited a state that was designed to pursue an apartheid system, thus our state continues to have the features of the system of apartheid and the new democratic order,
  • The progress that has been made in transforming state into a true organ of people’s power, oriented towards development and fulfilling the aspirations of the working people and rural poor,
  • The public service and the criminal justice system continue to require transformation along the RDP principles and goals.

Believing that,

  • The state has to be transformed informed by the National, Class and Gender questions of the NDR,
  • The long-held strategic position of the democratic movement in relation to the kind of state we are building, that is, a democratic, developmental and interventionist state should be re-affirmed,
  • The state has to advance the strategic objective of the NDR, that is, bringing about genuine socio-economic emancipation of the black majority in general and the African masses in particular, with a working class bias,
  • The transformation of the public service has to increase its capacity in relation to effectiveness, efficiency, service delivery, guided by the Batho Pele principle and ethic, and engender a progressive doctrine, root out corruption, ensure public accountability and transparency,
  • Patriarchy and racism have to be rooted out all state organs,
  • State resources have to be prioritised in terms of the RDP principles and objectives.

Therefore resolve, with regard to the,

1. Public Service

  • The composition of the public service should reflect the demographics of our society in terms of gender and race, with a clear succession plan targeted at young people, including through providing learnerships and internships to tertiary students,
  • The doctrine, work ethics and modus operandi have to inspire the acceleration of service delivery and the Batho Pele policy has to be implemented more rapidly,
  • The size and structure of the public service must be in line with the imperatives of the RDP,
  • Enhance accountability and public participation consistently in the functioning of the public service and thus rooting out corruption and encouraging and rewarding exemplary leadership and conduct,
  • The ANCYL must at all levels keep a close link with young cadres in the senior and middle-management positions in the public service,
  • Young people should be continuously encouraged to participate in public sector programmes, for example, HIV/AIDS, Elections, Flood Relief and others, in enhancing public service delivery,
  • State assets need to be restructured to release resources for positive spending in enhancing service delivery, but should not lead to job losses, and in this regard encourage strict observance and adherence to the National Framework Agreement

2. Budget

  • The budget process should always be people driven and centred, both in terms of addressing basic needs and integrating popular participation,
  • The ANCYL should mobilise young people in this regard and at all times ensure that youth development issues are integrated in the budget process,
  • Increase our capacity to input in budgetary processes at various levels of government.

3. Provincial Governments and Legislatures

  • We should consciously stimulate a debate on the appropriateness, viability and effectiveness of Provincial Governments and legislatures as a sphere of governance vis-à-vis the ANC’s long held basic perspective of a unitary state, their legislative and executive powers, resource allocation to various spheres of government and the need to increase the capacity of local government,
  • The discussion should also assess the progress that has been made by this sphere of government since 1994.

4. Policy

Public participation should be integral to policy formulation, implementation and coordination by state institutions to assist in speeding up transformation.

6. Courts

  • The courts should be transformed to reflect the demographics of our society and ensure that sentences passed are victim friendly and sensitive, and in this regard a tighter regulation of sentences is important,
  • In this regard, welcome the current review process of sentencing being done by the Law Society,
  • The capacity of the Assessors of the Court has to be built in a manner that includes issues of rehabilitation and alternative sentences,
  • Issues of race and gender should be central in the appointment of judges.

7. Credibility of Criminal Justice Institutions

  • Systems and programmes such as the National Crime Prevention Strategy aimed at rooting out corruption and syndicates have to be consolidated in all the criminal justice bodies, that is prisons, the SAPS and Courts.

8. Human Rights Education Campaign

  • The organisation should engage in a massive human rights education campaign aimed at educating our youth and people about their rights and the various bodies established for protecting human rights.

9. Human Resource Development

  • Our Human Resource Development strategy should, among others, be aimed at building the requisite capacity in various state institutions, targeting particularly black public servants.

10. Transformation of the Juvenile and Youth Justice System

  • Call on government to expedite the adoption of a comprehensive policy and legislative framework on youth and children in the criminal justice system, in line with the National Youth Policy and international declarations and protocols.
  • Urge government to train the police and criminal justice personnel in the treatment of children and youth,
  • Advocate for the introduction of programmes that seek to assist young people involved with the law to rehabilitate,
  • The ANCYL must actively work with NGOs working with youth in prisons and to advocate for the rehabilitation and rights of young offenders, in the context of a victim friendly justice system.


4.1 International Perspective

This Congress noting that,

  • We live in a world dominated by the capitalist mode of production,
  • As a result of the unprecedented development of productive forces spurred by advancements in science and technology, there has developed massive and sufficient resources and capital to be able to reverse poverty and underdevelopment,
  • But, poverty, socio-economic disparities and levels of underdevelopment and marginalisation between and within countries have even more drastically widened without any hope that they will be closed,
  • The globalisation process is a direct product of an advanced stage of imperialism, that is, monopoly finance capitalism,
  • Benefits from this process are uneven, characterised by the further marginalisation and underdevelopment of the countries and peoples of the South while those of the North are even more developing,
  • There has developed a strong tendency towards the establishment of strong regional organisations and allies that advocate for a fair and better world economic and political order,
  • Africa stands at a unique position where she can strike forth in a continental renaissance,
  • This, Year 2001, is the year for the commencement of the African Century for peace, democracy and
  • Accordingly, there have been major strides to evolve an African development path, that is, the Millennium Partnership for the African Recovery Programme (MAP),
  • Many African countries have bought into this MAP and there is an active international programme to engage in constructive dialogue with and lobby the developed countries of the North,
  • There has been established an African Union and African Parliament which represents a progressive evolution from the Organisation of African Unity (OAU),
  • Southern Africa remains our strategic and first area of interaction with regard to our international programme,
  • There remains huge challenges on the continent with regard to peace and stability, democratisation, economic development and escalation of preventable and curable diseases (of poverty),
  • The progressive movement for the African Renaissance is lacking, even within the youth,
  • There have been positive developments in above regard with the formation of the Southern African Youth Forum (SAYF) and the October 2000 meeting between the leadership of the ANC, FRELIMO, MPLA, ZANU-PF,
  • The progressive international youth movement lacks ideological coherence and is divided,
  • There are huge expectations of the ANC and ANCYL from the progressive international movement and working masses,
  • Our bilateral relations are weak and ad-hoc.

Believing that,

  • For as long it has existed, the ANC has known that it was born of the African people and is a child of their struggle against colonialism and imperialism,
  • Our struggle for national liberation is an integral component of the struggle to decolonise our continent, and hence our pursuit for national democracy is inseparable from that of the African Renaissance,
  • The success of this African Century hinges on the existence of a strong continent-wide progressive movement for democracy, peace and development,
  • Youth have a special role to play in the pursuit of this goal,
  • The ANC and ANCYL belong to and are at the centre the worldwide progressive movement for the pursuit of a new and better world order,
  • There is an urgent need to develop a comprehensive Strategic International Perspective of the ANCYL and the ANC.

We, therefore, resolve to,

  • Develop a comprehensive international perspective and strategy,
  • As part of this, to deliberate on an approach to globalisation, the international balance of forces, an approach to bilateral and multilateral relations and forums, ideological and political struggles, the MAP, internationalism, human solidarity and others.

4.2 Solidarity Campaigns

This Congress noting that,

  • The world is still unfair, develops unevenly and is still characterised by the prevalence of wars, occupations, dictatorships and despotic governments, and others.

Believing that,

  • There is continued need to adhere to and uphold our principle of revolutionary internationalism and solidarity with those in need in African and elsewhere,
  • Such principles must be promoted among youth in society at large and we must strive to ensure that they become one of the specific and unique features of the South African youth.

Therefore resolve,

  • To intensify solidarity campaigns and engage in practical actions, involving all our structures, youth allies and youth in general,
  • In this regard, to ensure that all our branches, regions and provinces establish International Affairs Sub-committees that will embark upon solidarity programmes,

On Cuba

  • Salute the fighting people of Cuba for their resilience to imperialism, their revolutionary internationalism and solidarity with the poor and fighting people all over the world Campaign for the ending of the blockade against the revolutionary Cuba,
  • Engage in solidarity campaigns with the revolutionary people of Cuba,
  • Engage in person-to-person exchanges,
  • Lobby for the speedy implementation of the UN resolutions on the blockade,
  • March to the US Embassy on July 26th to coincide with the launch of the Cuban July 26th Movement,


  • Hail the fighting youth of Palestine Embark upon solidarity campaigns with the Palestinian people,
  • Embark upon visits to Palestine, demand the immediate withdrawal of all Israeli security forces from the Palestinian territory to create a condition conducive to peace,
  • Lobby our government, as Chairperson of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), to engage the UN, the US and the Israeli government for the acceleration of the peace process,
  • Call for the immediate establishment of an independent and sovereign State of Palestine,

Western Sahara

  • Intensify our campaign for the immediate withdrawal of the Moroccan regime from Western Sahara and the speedy implementation of the referendum,
  • Embark upon solidarity programmes with the Saharawi people,
  • Urge the South African government to recognise the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic in the event the referendum is further delayed,


  • Further call for the ending of the Angolan war and the initiation of political processes to find ever-lasting political solutions to the war,
  • Continue to raise the plight of the Angolan people and mobilise solidarity and humanitarian support for the Angolan people,


  • Deepen solidarity with the struggling people of Swaziland by strengthening party to party relations,
  • Actively participate in the Swaziland Solidarity Network,
  • Assist SWAYOCO and PUPEMO in building their capacity to lead the Swaziland struggle,
  • Sensitise the South African population on the suffering of Swazi people and mobilise solidarity for them,


  • Lobby actively for the release of Min Ko Naing, President of ABFSU,
  • Demand the reopening of Universities in Burma,

The Democratic Republic of Congo

  • Encourage the steps taken by President Joseph Kabila and other organisations to find a lasting solution to the DRC conflict,
  • Support measures to remove foreign countries from the DRC,
  • Support the UN Peace-keeping Force and salute the South African soldiers involved in the operation for their commitment and solidarity,
  • Urge all parties to commit themselves to the peace process, the convening of the National Dialogue of the Congolese People and the resolution of conflicts and disagreements peacefully,


  • Support the Nigerian people’s efforts to consolidate democracy, peace and good governance,
  • Develop relations with and engage the People’s Democratic Party Youth League with a view to cadreship development.

4.3 International Multilateral Forums

This Congress noting that,

  • The progressive movement exists as a strategic and sharp political arsenal for progressive humankind to shape the future and develop a progressive development agenda,
  • This movement, however, is weak and divided,
  • The end of the Cold War threw this movement on the ideological defensive and created much ideological confusion within it,
  • The ANCYL participates actively in a number of regional, continental and international forums.

Believing that,

  • We must strengthen this international progressive movement and enhance our participation in them, seeking to impact on them ideologically and politically.

Therefore resolve to,

South African Youth Forum (SAYF)

  • Strengthen SAYF and enhance its role in the political and socio-economic developments in the region,
  • Enhance its ability to consolidate the relations between the progressive youth movement in the region,
  • Position SAYF to develop strong relations with other African regional youth organisations and other regions out of Africa,
  • Position SAYF to play a strong role within the SADC Youth Council,
  • Ensure that SAYF has a cadreship development role to perpetuate progressive perspectives and programmes among youth in the region.

Pan-African Youth Movement (PAYM)

  • Lobby our government to spearhead the fundamental restructuring of the PAYM with a view to making it a youth-owned and youth-driven non-governmental organisation ahead of the 9th Conference,
  • Revitalise and give new impetus and life to the PAYM,
  • Ensure that member states make the necessary contributions as expected,
  • Reposition the PAYM to ensure that it plays a critical role in the African Union,

World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY)

  • Strengthen WFDY to make it a critical role-player in the evolution of the progressive perspective on the creation of a new and better world order,
  • Enhance our ideological and political participation within this organisation.

International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY)

  • Campaign for the ideological restructuring of the IUSY and develop a perspective in this regard,
  • Campaign for the transformation of the IUSY so that it ceases to be Euro-centric and other regions play a value-adding and appreciated role within this organisation,
  • Prepare to host the IUSY World Congress,
  • Enhance our role as Africa Co-ordinator and play an active role in interacting with the continent.

Tactical Unity between WFDY and IUSY

  • Given the challenges of the progressive movement internationally, work among and between these organisations for the creation of a tactical platform which will unite them in common struggle for the elimination of global poverty and injustice,
  • In this regard, engage various regions and organisations bilaterally.