South African’s National Liberation Movement


Resolution of the ANC National Executive Committee

10 December 2007

The National Executive Committee of the African National Congress has noted with outrage the reported comments of COSATU`s General Secretary Zwelinzima Vavi that men in the ANC who support the proposal for gender parity were “legendary womanisers who want the 50/50 representation so they can take advantage of the women they voted into power”.

He appears to be unaware that women at all levels of the membership have campaigned for gender parity, the ANC Policy Conference has adopted this policy and that all delegates, and not just a handful of male leaders, will have the opportunity to vote on this policy at the National Conference.

The COSATU General Secretary`s purported statement is not only based on ignorance, but exemplifies the worst and most backward aspects of sexism – namely considering all women as mindless beings easily manipulated, and incapable of rising to positions of political leadership without dispensing sexual favours.

The statement insults all ANC members, men and women, and needs to be withdrawn; and an apology extended to all members of the ANC.

Issued by:

ANC National Executive Committee

More information:

Smuts Ngonyama 082 994 2112