South African’s National Liberation Movement

Stop the War

Declaration of South Africans United To Stop The War in Iraq

25 February 2003

We are South Africans united to Stop the War!

Represented amongst us are men and women, young and old, from all sectors of society and from all shades of political opinion: all colours, all creeds, all religious beliefs and all spiritual convictions find expression in this diverse collective.

Our democracy celebrates the expression of diversity, and none of the participating organisations have agreed to withhold or modify their divergent positions on the many questions facing our country, our continent and the world. Nevertheless, our purpose is clear: to state simply and forthrightly that all South Africans have the responsibility to Stop the War and secure Peace for Development all over the world.

We are united in our conviction that war against Iraq is wrong. It is wrong because it is the poor who will be its main victims. It is wrong because it will inflame, rather than resolve, global conflicts, particularly those in the Middle East. It is wrong because the forces of power and greed motivate it.

The preparations for war currently underway therefore impose a challenge on all peace loving people around the world to act in unity to defend world peace and global democracy. We are convinced that, as a people, South Africans are united in their opposition to war.

We believe that it is of utmost importance that we show this to the world. We also call on the South African government to continue its work to bring about a peaceful settlement of the current dispute, through whatever mechanisms are available to it.

Together, we call on all our people to unite in support of the international day of action against war, on Saturday 15 February 2003. We will support the demonstrations planned in Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban and other major centres on that day. We will also join together, as a united people, to present our concerns to the United States Embassy in Pretoria on 19 February 2003.

Participating Organisations:

Africa Institute
African National Congress
AIDS Consortium
ANC Women`s League
ANC Youth League
Anti-Racist Movement
Azanian People`s Organisation
Ceasefire Campaign
Centre for Conflict Resolution
Centre for Justice and Reconciliation
Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation
Church of the Province of Southern Africa
Civil Society Initiative
Congress of South African Students
Congress of South African Trade Unions
Council of Muslim Theologians
Development Action Group
Electoral Institute of Southern Africa
Friends of Cuba Society
Gauteng Network on Violence Against Women
Gun Free South Africa
Human Rights Foundation
Human Rights Institute
Human Sciences Foundation
Institute for Democracy in South Africa
Institute for Global Dialogue
Institute for Multi-Party Democracy
Jamiatul Ulama
Jewish Voices
Lawyers for Human Rights
Media Review Network
Methodist Church of South Africa
Musician`s Union of South Africa
Muslim Alliance Against War
National African Federated Chamber of Business
Not In My Name
Pan African Youth Congress
Pan Africanist Congress of Azania
Religious Society of Friends
Safer Africa
Sankofa African Renaissance Development Institute
Sexual Harassment Education Project
South African Catholic Bishops Conference
South African Communist Party
South African Council of Churches
South African National Civics Organisation
South African Students Congress
South African Students Volunteer Organisation
Treatment Action Campaign
United Democratic Movement
Youth Power