South African’s National Liberation Movement

Media Statement


The African National Congress (ANC) dips its banners as it mourns the passing of Comrade Pravin Gordhan, a courageous soldier of our movement who dedicated his life fighting for and in the service of our people.

Cde Pravin Gordhan served the movement and the people of South Africa diligently from an early age at a time when our people faced the most brutal repression. His role in the underground structures of the movement, the labour and mass democratic movement and Umkhonto weSizwe (including Operation Vula) affirmed his commitment to the cause of our people and cemented his dedication to freedom and social justice. His life was a beacon of courage, and his contributions to the fight for a non-racial, non-sexist, and democratic South Africa will forever remain etched in the annals of our history.

Comrade Pravin played a pioneering role in the transformation of Local Government in the country serving as chairperson of the Political Committee that drove the drafting of the Local Government chapter in the Constitution and White Paper on Local Government working closely with Comrade Vali Moosa during 1997-8. He further served this country as SARS commissioner building a world-renowned institution that optimally serves the people of South

Africa. Comrade Pravin also served our people in various capacities as a cabinet minister of COGTA, Finance and Public Enterprises. The ANC calls upon all members and citizens from all walks of life to honour his memory by reaffirming their commitment to the ideals of a united, non-racial, non-sexist and prosperous South Africa, that truly belongs to all its peoples. His selfless dedication to the values of the African National Congress and the people’s struggle is a legacy we must uphold as we continue to advance the principles of our Freedom Charter.

His passing serves as a solemn reminder that the work to transform South Africa is far from complete. Let us draw 
inspiration from his courage, dedication and unwavering resolve, as we continue our collective efforts to build a better, united, and prosperous nation.

We send our deepest condolences to the family and loved ones during this difficult time. We stand with the people

of South Africa, the entire ANC membership, and all progressive forces across the globe in mourning this loss.



Zuko Godlimpi
Acting National Spokesperson
083 843 8446

For media enquiries:

Mothusi Shupinyane Ka Ndaba
Media Liaison Officer
084 498 0105