South African’s National Liberation Movement

Media Statement


The ANC has noted the fevered speculation driven by the Democratic Alliance on the ANC’s cadre development policy and deployment strategy and wishes to correct this deliberate disinformation campaign with facts.

Following the ruling of the Constitutional Court on 12th February 2024, the African National Congress is in a position to comply with the order of the court, and will do so by the end of business today.

A number of these records for the period 2018 – 2021 were handed over to the Commission on State Capture (Zondo Commission) as far back as 2021, and were the subject of thorough scrutiny by the Commission, including in testimony by the President and other National Officials of the ANC. The ANC has nothing to hide.

Similarly, the ANC indicated openly to the Commission as far back as 24 June 2021that:

“We have conducted a thorough search for minutes of the National Deployment Committee for the period December 2012 to December 2017. No minutes of the meetings of the National Deployment Committee for the relevant period could be found.”

Dr Leon Schreiber and the DA are fully aware these facts, but have chosen to engage in deliberate misrepresentation, threats and false expectations of what might be contained in the records.

In his testimony to the Zondo Commission, President Cyril Ramaphosa, committed that the ANC would do everything in its power to find the records.   The ANC has done so and will hand over all records that have been found, and give an explanation regarding those records which either do not exist, or have not been able to be found.

The ANC rejects the DA’s threats to lay charges of contempt of court against our leadership. The ANC has followed all requirements of the Promotion of Access to Information Act in complying with the court order.

Furthermore,precautions have been taken in order to comply with the provisions of the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) to protect the personal information of those who have not given consent for its release. The ANC calls upon Dr Schrieber to respect the rights of these individuals and to use the records handed to him for the purpose outlined in his PAIA application.

It would be regrettable if Dr Schreiber misuses the noble provisions of our Constitution which guarantees citizens the right of access to information for narrow party-political advantage.

The ANC points, once again, that deployment by members by political parties is not unique to the ANC or South Africa, as the DA is well, and directly, aware.

The ANC’s cadre development policy and deployment  strategy is designed to advance the constitutional goal of transformation.

Similar policies are implemented in a number of countries by different parties. The  Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) report, ‘Analysis on Political Engagement in Senior Staffing and on the Division of Responsibilities Between Ministers and Senior Civil Servants’ (2007) bears testimony to this.

The report  concluded that political involvement in governance is essential for the efficient operation of a democracy. It allows a new political administration to influence policy direction.

This conclusion is based on a practical evaluation of numerous national systems worldwide, such as Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy, Korea, Mexico, New Zealand, Poland, Sweden, the United Kingdom, the United States, and South Africa 

The OECD is a global organization made up of around 38 member countries, mainly situated in the Global North. South Africa, in addition to three other BRICS nations, is an associate of the OECD. The main goal of the OECD is to establish evidence-based global standards and address various social, economic, and environmental issues.

However, it is equally crucial to protect public services from being abused for narrow party  political objectives. Public services need technical expertise that transcends changes in government.

The OECD Report proposes that increased political influence in staffing decisions can be advantageous, as long as there are other mechanisms in place to supervise functional duties and prevent excessive political intervention in the public sector.

The DA and all South African political parties engage in deployment practices for identifying skilled and appropriately experienced professionals to serve on Parliamentary committees, boards, and senior administrative positions.

While it acknowledges that some past deployments have been problematic, the ANC affirms that over the years it has deployed individuals with impressive qualifications and credentials and is proud of its cadres who have achieved great outcomes for South Africa, and those who are shoulder to the wheel, driving transformation and societal renewal in challenging socio-economic circumstances.



For media inquiries, please contact:

Mahlengi Bhengu-Motsiri
076 891 5420

Martina Della Togna
082 355 3645

Mothusi Shupinyane Ka Ndaba
084 498 0105