South African’s National Liberation Movement

National Consultative Conference

Who attended the National Consultative Conference

16 December 1990

  • There were the very young and the very old, black, white, `coloured` and Indian.
  • Outside conference one activist confessed to it having been the first conference he attended where there was such a balanced blend of the young and old.
  • 1,589 delegates from 14 internal regions of the ANC, 31 external regions, the ANC Women`s and Youth Leagues, Umkhonto we Sizwe and 22 ANC departmental representatives attended conference.
  • There were also 58 observers from the SACP, UDF, Cosatu, Sansco and Nusas.
  • Of the grand total of 1,647, women constituted 15,52%.
  • Each branch sent two representatives and branches with membership exceeding 1,000 were granted one more delegate.
  • The PWV region, with 177 representatives, had the biggest delegation, followed by the Eastern Transvaal and the Western Cape with 171 and 164 respectively.
  • The smallest delegation (28) came from the Northern OFS, trailing behind the Western Transvaal and Northern Cape which, respectively, had 30 and 37 representatives.