South African’s National Liberation Movement

ANC Statements


The National Executive Committee of the ANC held its regular meeting in a virtual session from 25-27 March 2022. The NEC deliberated on the reports from the National Working Committee on a range of organisational matters, as well as national and international developments.

The NEC welcomed the report by the National Officials on their visit to Deputy Secretary General Cde Jessie Duarte. The NEC wished her and her family well for her continued recovery. The NEC supported the deployment of Comrade Gwen Ramokgopa, a member of the NEC and NWC, as Co-ordinator in the Office of the Secretary General to reinforce the TG as he assists the DSG in conducting the work of the Secretary General’s Office.

South Africa continues to emerge from the ravages of the Covid 19 pandemic, allowing us to move towards lifting significant areas of restrictions over the last few months, and currently at Adjusted Level 1 of the State of National Disaster. As a nation, we must remain vigilant and continue to observe the public health measures of wearing masks, social distancing and hand hygiene.

We still fall short of our target to ensure vaccination of at least 70 percent of the adult population, to ensure adequate protection against future waves of the pandemic. The NEC urges all South Africans to get vaccinated, especially young people between 18 – 35 years old, of whom six million are not yet vaccinated. It calls upon community organisations, trade unions, business and professional associations, faith-based organisations and other sectoral formations to work with government to encourage vaccination.

Renewal ANC Organisational Structures

The Political Overview by President Cyril Ramaphosa, as well as other reports to the NEC highlighted the ongoing priority of the renewal and rebuilding of the African National Congress, its values and integrity and ability to be an even more effective instrument of liberation in the hands of the people.

The reports noted that the lifting of Covid 19 restrictions has also created space for ANC structures to rebuild and renew their mandates, especially ANC branches throughout the country.

To date over 2 300 ANC branches have held their branch biennial general meetings (BBGMS). The NEC encourages the remaining branches to hold their BBGMs, to renew their mandates so that they can focus on their primary mandate set out in the ANC Constitution, namely to:

(1) Identify basic service needs and grievances of residents in the community;

(2) Enter into collaborative partnerships with civic, sport, cultural, religious, business, women and youth

organisations in the community with a view to forming a common front to accelerate the delivery of basic


(3) Initiate the formation of street committees in urban areas to deepen democracy and to safeguard the personal

security of residents;

(4) Foster trust and cross-cultural relations among residents in an endeavour to build stable, non-racial and

non-sexist communities; and

(5) Receive and consider reports from ward councillors and make recommendations to councillors on basic service

needs and other challenges of residents.

The NEC considered and welcomed updates on preparations for regional and provincial conferences across the country, and the roadmaps submitted towards these conferences. Mpumalanga will hold its provincial conference from 1-3 April, the E Cape from 22-24 April and the conferences of W Cape, Northwest and Gauteng are scheduled to take place during May and June 2022.

ANC 2022 Programme of Action and Campaigns

The NEC welcomed the reports on the series of regional and provincial workshops held over the last month across

the country, in order to review the implications of the local government elections result for the ANC, and to discuss

implementation of our 2022 Programme of Action to ensure that the issues of basic services in communities,

engagements with communities and other issues, are addressed.

The proposal for a nation-wide Letsema campaign, to focus attention on local issues, for communities and

government to work together on challenges, was adopted by the NEC. The NEC also welcomed the revitalization of

government Imbizo programmes, started this week in the North West, to strengthen the link between government

and the people, and to engage citizens on the social compact to tackle unemployment and poverty.

ANC Renewal and Rebuilding

The NEC finalised the appointment of members of the ANC Renewal Commission, consisting of the following

members: Thoko Didiza (Chairperson), Naledi Pandor, Joel Netshitenzhe, Zingiswa Losi, Wally Serote, Mahlengi

Bhengu, Jeremy Cronin, Fasiha Hassan, Bheki Nkosi, Dr Billy Ramokgopa, Abba Omar and one member each


The Commission will be responsible for making recommendations to the 55th National Conference on a Vision

2032 describing the desired state of the ANC as it approaches its 120th year of existence.

The Commission will engage all ANC structures and cadres in discussions on the priorities and tasks of the

movement for the decade ahead and also encourage broader social formations – starting with Alliance partners –

to contribute to a debate on the role and place of the ANC in the fundamental transformation of society.

Organisational Discipline

The NEC agreed to proposals by the NWC to strengthen the National Disciplinary Committee (NDC) and National

Disciplinary Committee of Appeals (NDCA) to ensure that matters of ill-discipline in ANC structures are dealt with

more decisively and expeditiously, in a manner that is impartial and fair.

The National Disciplinary Committee will consist of: Comrades Ralph Mgijima (Chair), Thandi Orleyn, Enver Surty,

Kerenza Millard, Robinson Ramaite, Vusi Pikoli, Susan Shabangu, Faith Muthambi, Lindiwe Maseko, and Nocawe


The National Disciplinary Committee of Appeal will consist of: Comrades Johnny de Lange (Chair), Lindiwe

Hendricks, Krish Govender, Max Boqwana, Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi, Firoz Cachalia, Sylvia Lucas, and Phumulo


The NEC decided that the majority of members of the NDC and NDCA should be non-NEC members to avoid any

perceptions of bias or conflicts of interest.

Task Team on Report of Commission of Inquiry into State Capture

The NEC welcomed the update by the task team on the Report of the Commission of Inquiry into State Capture,

chaired by Comrade Jeff Radebe. The task team was established to make comprehensive proposals on the ANC

response to the report and recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry into State Capture.

The task team briefed the NEC on its recommendations relating to ANC and its deployees; referrals of proposed

policies, legislative amendment and structures to NEC Sub-Committees for processing of proposed policies, and

matters to be referred to the Integrity Commission, the Renewal Commission and other structures for action.

It noted that a discussion paper prepared by the task team on preventing corruption and state capture will be

presented an extended NWC meeting to be held in early April 2022.

Local Government Candidate Selection Disputes

The NEC adopted the report and recommendations of the ANC Electoral Committee chaired by Comrade Kgalema

Montlanthe, regarding disputes arising from the ANC local government candidate selection process in 2021. The

committee and the various provincial list committees processed over 770 disputes and appeals, and made

determinations on each of the cases.

Consistent with the undertakings given to ANC structures and communities by President Ramaphosa, the NEC

urged the National Working Committee to develop a plan to ensure the urgent implementation Electoral Committee

recommendations, including a process of reporting back to ANC structures and communities.

The Electoral Committee will also embark on an internal process to review the entire candidate selection process

with a view to recommend measures to improve the process and strengthen internal democracy within the ANC.

Violence in ANC Structures

The NEC noted with great concern the instances of violence within its structures, and directed all ANC structures to

take disciplinary action against those who engage in violent and criminal behaviour. It furthermore called upon law

enforcement agencies to investigate and prosecute in such instances.

ANCYL 26th National Congress

The NEC received reports from the ANCYL National Youth Task Team (ANCYL NYTT) on preparations towards

the forthcoming 26th National Congress of the ANCYL scheduled for June 2022.

As part of its renewal and rebuilding process ANCYL Branch General Meetings are taking place throughout the

country. The ANCYL has successfully convened five regional conferences in Norman Mashabane, Peter Mokaba,

Waterburg and Vhembe regions in Limpopo as well as in the Emalahleni region in KwaZulu-Natal. This coming

weekend the ANCYL is expected to convene six more regional conferences in the Northern Cape and


The NEC commended the leadership of the ANC NYTT and wished them well as they work tirelessly to ensure that

the 26th National Congress of the ANCYL convenes in June.

The rebuilding of the ANCYL is critical to its core mandate of championing the interests of young people and

ensure their active participation in the life of the nation and of the ANC thereby tackling high youth unemployment,

promoting young people’s access to education and skills development, and combating social ills such as substance


ANC Women’s League National Conference

The NEC noted and supported the ANC Women’s League’s roadmap towards its National Conference.

Noting that the term of office of the NEC of the ANCWL has expired, the NEC supports the decision of the NWC

appoint a task team consisting of Comrades Thandi Modise (Convenor), Nathi Mthethwa, and Jenny Schreiner to

make recommendations regarding the status of the ANCWL NEC. It mandated the National Officials and the NWC

to process the report and of the Task Team and take decisions to be reported to the NEC for ratification.

Furthermore, it mandated the National Officials to attend to matters arising from the conviction of the ANCWL

President in line with ANC policy.

ANC Veterans League National Conference

The NEC noted the roadmap towards the Veterans League conference.

MK Veterans Unity Conference

The NEC took note of the report on preparations for the MK Veterans Unity Conference, now scheduled to take

place by the end of April 2022.

Preparations for the ANC 55th National Conference

The NEC received a report from the National Conference Preparatory Committee (NCPC) on preparations for the

National Policy Conference to be held in July 2022, and 55th National Conference scheduled to take place from

16-20 December 2022. The National Conference discussion papers will be finalised in April, and shortly thereafter

published in a special addition of the ANC’s journal, Umrabulo, for discussion in ANC structures and for inputs from

the all structures and members of society.

by the conflict.

Party-to-Party Relations and Strengthening International Solidarity

In keeping with its commitment to internationalism and international solidarity, the ANC continues to engage with a

wide range of organisations on our continent and across the world. The NEC received reports on meetings with

the Danish Social Democratic Party and the Olaff Palme Centre, attendance of the national congress of the

Prosperity Party of the Ethiopia. Bi-lateral meetings are scheduled with SWAPO, FRELIMO, Botswana National

Front and ZANU-PF.

The NEC also welcomed the launch of the Mwalimu Julius Nyerere School of Leadership, a joint project between

liberation movements ANC (South Africa), Chama Cha Mapinduzi (Tanzania), SWAPO (Namibia), MPLA (Angola),

FRELIMO (Mozambique), ZANU PF (Zimbabwe) and the Chinese Communist Party. The school, located in Kibaha

in Tanzania will accept its first intake of students during 2022.

The NEC noted that the SADC Troika remains seized with the situations in Mozambique, Eswatini and Lesotho,

with a view to assist the governments and peoples of our SADC neigbours to find lasting and peaceful solutions to

the challenges that their countries face.

Western Sahara

The NEC notes with dismay the announcement by the government of Spain recognising the Kingdom of Morocco’s

proposal that Western Sahara becomes an autonomous province of Morocco. This flies in the face of

long-standing African Union and United Nations resolutions, which confirm the right of the Saharawi people to

self-determination and stress that it is only a free and fair referendum of the Saharawi people that can decide their


The ANC condemns the declaration as an attempt to circumvent AU and UN resolutions and to create a Bantustan

denying the inalienable right of the Saharawi people to freedom, human rights and dignity.

The ANC calls on all freedom-loving peoples to stand in solidarity with the peoples of the Saharawi Arab Republic.

The NEC conveyed its fraternal greetings and solidarity to the Polisario Front as it continues to lead the struggles

of the Saharawi people.

Solidarity with Cuba

The NEC fully supports the government’s intention of providing humanitarian aid to Cuba at a time of economic

crisis and suffering in that country. Cuba is experiencing the worst economic crisis in its history, caused primarily by

the US economic embargo which is in its 61st year. This has made it virtually impossible to acquire medicines and

basic food items.

The NEC notes with disappointment the ruling by the North Gauteng High Court to temporarily interdict the

Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) from providing humanitarian aid, in the form of

food and medicines to Cuba. It notes that the matter will be fully ventilated in court in the near future.

We reaffirm our commitment to the principle of international solidarity, which played such a critical part in our own

struggles against apartheid colonialism.

Fatal Air Crash in China

The ANC conveys its heartfelt condolences to the government and people of the People’s Republic of China

following the crash of an China Eastern Airlines Boeing 737-800 crash that claimed the lives of all 132 people on

board, the worst air disaster in China in the past three decades.

Conclusion – Renewal is Multifaceted

The NEC concurred with the Closing remarks of the President when he said: “There is a direct dialectical

relationship between the revolutionary movement and the state of government. If we do not have a strong ANC we

cannot have effective government. Where we have allowed service delivery to fail, where there has been abuse of

state resources and mismanagement of government, our people’s trust in our organisation has faltered.”

The NEC therefore reaffirmed its determination to implement and lead the multi-facetted programme of renewal, in

governance, organisational and in its relationship with the people of South Africa, all sectors and all communities.

In Memoriam

The NEC noted with profound sadness the loss of the following comrades and conveyed its condolences to their

families and loved ones:

Former Matlosane mayor cde Ofentse Mogale (NW); Muslim Judicial Council life president, former ambassador to

Saudi Arabia, member of NCOP, Shaykh Abdul Ganief Babier; Veteran Ntate Richard Mothelo ”Pharephare”

Mothupi; Cde Maria Marks, sister in law of JB Marks; Ward councillor Ntaoleng Mpho Mofokeng (JHB); Dr Patric

Maesela; Mandla Mabuza, former SASCO President, ANC Policy coordinator; Nkosi Ngangomhlaba Matanzima;

Veteran Hank Tolelo (NW); Cde Claude Schroeder; NMM Ward Councilor Mzwandile Booi; Veteran Paulos Nkosi;

Cde Mxolisi Sokhatsha, Member of Parliament.



Pule Mabe

National Spokesperson

071 623 4975