South African’s National Liberation Movement

ANC Statements


The National Working Committee (NWC) of the African National Congress (ANC) met on Monday, 28 February 2022 to conduct the current work of the organization and carry out decisions and instructions of the National Executive Committee (NEC).

The meeting noted with sadness the passing of Comrade Mandla Mabuza, former President of the South African Students Congress (SASCO) and former ANC national policy coordinator, conveyed its condolences to his family and loved ones.

The NWC wished the Deputy Secretary General (DSG), Comrade Jessie Duarte, well in her continued recovery. It expressed appreciation and support to the Treasurer General, Comrade Paul Mashatile, who has been requested to assist the DSG in conducting the work of the Secretary General’s Office.

Covid-19 Pandemic The President briefed the NWC on the ongoing work of the National Coronavirus Command Council (NCCC) to contain the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. It noted and supported the assessment being undertaken by government regarding the necessity and desirability of maintaining the National State of Disaster to contain and manage the Covid-19 pandemic in the interests of promoting economic reconstruction and recovery. We must continue to encourage our communities to vaccinate and observe the wearing of masks and hand hygiene.

Russia / Ukraine

The NWC expressed deep concern regarding the escalation of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

It reaffirmed the ANC’s conviction that international relations should be underpinned by a commitment to

development, democracy, human rights, peace and security, in line with the clarion call by the Freedom Charter that

“There Shall be Peace and Friendship!”

It expressed its abhorrence at the suffering caused to ordinary people in every country that is involved, either directly

or indirectly, in this conflict and called upon progressive formations globally to ensure that any harm to civilians invites

appropriate repercussions in line with the values of a humane, just, equitable, democratic, and free world. The NWC

reiterated the call by President Ramaphosa that the UN Security Council should pursue a peaceful and diplomatic

resolution of the conflict in line with the precepts of the UN Charter.

Preparations for 55th National Conference

The NWC received reports on preparations for the ANC’s 55th National Conference scheduled for 16 – 20 December


The discussion papers for National Conference are being finalized for distribution to ANC structures and will be

guided by the overarching priorities set by 54th National Conference in 2017, namely:

Organisational Renewal and Unity: restore the relationship between the ANC and the people, its integrity and role as

agent for change and leader in society.

Radical Socio-Economic Transformation: speed up economic transformation; land and agrarian reforms;

developmental, participatory, ethical and effective governance; quality and universal basic services, social cohesion

towards a truly non-sexist and non-racial society and a better life for all South Africans.

The NWC also received a report on the work of the ANC Electoral Committee, chaired by Comrade Kgalema


The Electoral Committee is empowered to make the rules for leadership and candidate selection in the ANC; propose

candidate selection rules to the NEC, and leadership selection rules to the NEC and the National Conference;

propose incorporation of permanent rules for both processes in the Constitution of the ANC; and to make rules for

campaigning, and the use of resources in campaigning, for leadership and candidate positions in the ANC.

According to the 55th National Conference Roadmap, nominations for the NEC by branches will start in August 2022,

after the National Policy Conference.

Renewal Commission

The NWC noted progress with the establishment of the ANC Renewal Commission and received a report from the

National Officials who were mandated by the NEC to constitute the members of the Commission.

The Commission will be responsible for making recommendations to the 55th National Conference on a Vision 2032

describing the desired state of the ANC as it approaches its 120th year of existence. The Commission will engage all

ANC structures and cadres in discussions on the priorities and tasks of the movement for the decade ahead and also

encourage broader social formations – starting with Alliance partners – to contribute to a debate on the role and place

of the ANC in the fundamental transformation of society.

Local Government Candidate Selection Disputes

The NWC called upon the ANC Electoral Committee to finalise outstanding appeals arising from the 2021 local

government candidate selection process and for these outcomes to be reported to ANC structures and communities

in line with the commitments made by the organization.

Violence in ANC Structures / Attacks on Councillors

The NWC expressed it strongest condemnation of a number incidents of violence in the activities of ANC structures,

in particular in the Eastern Cape, Mpumalanga, and KwaZulu- Natal, as well as attacks on ANC councillors. The

National Officials will be visiting all three provinces in the near future.

The NWC underscored the need to strength the capacity to deal decisively and expeditiously with disciplinary matters

and any manifestation of violence in ANC structures.

The NWC requested the NEC Sub-committee on Peace and Stability to be seized with these matters and the findings

and recommendations contained in the Report of the Expert Panel into the July 2021 Civil Unrest, including the impact

of internal ANC problems on the security and stability of the country.

Establishment of Provincial Task Teams

In terms of the ANC Constitution, Provincial Executive Committees (PECs) hold office for four years. The current PEC

of the ANC Eastern Cape Province was elected on 29 September – 1 October 2017 and the PEC of the ANC

Mpumalanga Province was elected on 13 – 15 December 2015. Accordingly, the terms of office of both PECs have


Therefore, the NWC, in conducting the current work of the ANC, decided that the PECs of the Eastern Cape and

Mpumalanga Provinces should be dissolved and that Provincial Task Teams be appointed.

The Provincial Task Teams will fulfil the functions of the PEC and will be responsible, amongst others, for ensuring

that Provincial Conferences are held to elect PECs.

The NWC noted that the terms of office of a number of other structures, including the NEC of the ANC Women’s

League and the National Youth Task Team of the ANC Youth League, have also expired. It requested the Secretary

General’s Office to report and make recommendations in this regard.

Launch of the Mwalimu Julius Nyerere School of Leadership

The NWC welcomed the launch of the Mwalimu Julius Nyerere School of Leadership in Tanzania on 23 February


The school is a joint project between the liberation movements: ANC (South Africa), Chama Cha Mapinduzi

(Tanzania), SWAPO (Namibia), MPLA (Angola), FRELIMO (Mozambique), ZANU PF (Zimbabwe) and the Chinese

Communist Party.

The school, which can accommodate 250 students, is located in the region of Kibaha, Tanzania. The next round of

courses will commence in March 2022.

NEC Meeting

The next meeting of the National Executive Committee will take place on 25 – 27 March 2022.





Pule Mabe

National Spokesperson

071 623 497