South African’s National Liberation Movement

ANC Statements


The National Executive Committee of the African National Congress met on Friday, 17 December 2021. The meeting reflected on key developments affecting the country and the organization during the past year, as well as preparations for the 110th anniversary of the ANC on 8 January 2022.

2021 was marked by a number of challenges and opportunities, including the ongoing global Covid 19 pandemic, the coming into effect of the African Continental Free Trade Area on 1 January 2021, the outbreaks of unrest across KwaZulu Natal, Gauteng and other parts of the country, the unemployment crisis and the 2021 local government elections on 1 November 2021.

The NEC conveyed its support and best wishes for speedy and complete recoveries to President Cde Cyril Ramaphosa and the Deputy Secretary General, Cde Yasmin Duarte.

The NEC congratulated ANC regions who successfully held their regional conferences during 2021, in the midst of Covid 19, and how they have adapted to ensure that delegates are protected. We implore all other ANC events and upcoming regional and provincial conferences to follow the same disciplined approach.

Vaccinate to mitigate impact of the Covid 19 Fourth Wave Health Minister, Cde Joe Phaahla confirmed to the NEC that South Africa is in the fourth wave of spiking coronavirus infections. This wave is driven by the new global Omicron variant, which is more infectious than other variants, and affecting all provinces, except the Northern Cape. On the positive side, despite rapidly rising numbers of infections, hospitalisations have been considerably less than experienced during similar stages of the previous waves.

The NEC urged all South Africans who are not yet vaccinated to undertake this procedure as soon as possible. Vaccination is the only proven preventive measure against serious illness. Government and private sector health institutions will be open for vaccinations during this festive season. The NEC supports the drive by government to ensure that 70 percent of the eligible population is fully vaccinated as soon as possible. The NEC urged government to finalise consultation with all social partners on introducing vaccine mandates in identified settings.

We repeat our calls for developed countries to release more vaccines to those in the developing world. We further call on developed nations to allow for a time-limited waiver of intellectual property rights on COVID-19 vaccines and therapies. This will allow developing countries to manufacture their own supply and ultimately, more equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines.

The NEC welcomed the decision by the National Coronavirus Command Council to maintain the country at

Adjusted Alert Level 1. The NEC called for stricter adherence to the public health safety measures such as

wearing masks, social distancing, hand hygiene and, especially, avoiding crowded indoor spaces and


The NEC reiterated its disappointement at the decision by certain countries to impose travel restrictions on

a number of Southern African countries, in reaction to the identification of the Omicron variant of the

Covid-19 virus.

The ANC urged all countries to be guided by a scientific and evidence-based approaches to contain the

Covid-19 pandemic. The ANC condemned the existing travel restrictions imposed by some countries as

ill-informed, unjustified, counterproductive and irrational. As such, these restrictions constitute unfair

discrimination against South Africa and other countries in Southern Africa.

No country should be punished for the advancements of its scientific community, instead we should

continue to share information in the spirit of global human solidarity.

The NEC called upon Alliance partners, MDM formations, business, labour and civil society to join in calling

for the lifting of these travel restrictions and welcomes the decision by certain countries to reverse their

ill-considered decisions.

Local Government

The NEC welcomed the fact that the establishment of new local government administrations following the 2021 local government elections is nearly concluded.

Despite a significant, and concerning decline in electoral support and low voter turnout, the ANC remains

the largest party in the country in the sphere of local government. The NEC recommited the ANC to work

with the people to continue to build better communities, ensure that ANC councilors and councils do better

in providing basic services and that public representatives are hard-working and accountable.

Where the ANC did not achieve majority representation, we have entered into coalitions or cooperation

agreements to ensure we continue our programme of social and economic transformation. The NEC

ratified the establishment of a structure to oversee and resolve any disputes arising from coalition and

cooperation agreements it has entered into, in the interests of ensuring political and administrative stability

in the affected councils.

In other councils, the ANC has taken its place on the opposition seats, and will play the role of a

progressive opposition that fight for the rights of residents at local level and ensure that councils service

communities, particularly in poor and working class areas.

The NEC welcomed initiatives by the South African Local Government Association (SALGA), to induct,

train and develop all newly elected councilors. It also welcomed initiatives by the OR Tambo School of

Leadership and the Education and Training Unit (ETU) to ensure that all ANC councilors live up to the

pledge they took to do better and tirelessly work to build better communities.

60th Anniversary of Umkhonto we Sizwe

On 16 December 2021, we celebrated the 60th anniversary of the formation of the people’s liberation army,

Umkhonto weSizwe.

A number of activities were held across the country by MK veterans and ANC structures, to celebrate this

legacy. The main anniversary event on 16 December 2021 was addressed by ANC Deputy President

David Mabuza.

The NEC reaffirmed the words of its Deputy President at this event, when he said: the “celebration of six

decades of Umkhonto we Sizwe is a crucial chapter in our history. It is a heritage that should be preserved

by forging unity of all combatants of the people’s army in honor of their contribution to the struggle for

liberation of our country and the region. This is our glorious heritage and must inspire us to work for justice

and the consolidation of the democratic gains and freedoms won.”

The unity of MK veterans remains a critical part of the renewal of the movement, as instructed by the 54th

National Conference. The Peace and Stability subcommittee together with the All-In MK Conference

Preparatory Committee, will remain seized with the matter, as directed by the NEC.

110th ANC Anniversary

On 8 January 2022, the ANC will celebrate 110 years since its formation on 8 January 1912. The event will

be held in Limpopo, and will focus on the renewal of the movement and its mission, to build a united,

non-racial, non-sexist, democratic and prosperous South Africa.

This occasion will be 50 years since the first January 8 Statement was delivered by then ANC President,

Oliver Reginald Tambo in 1972, as a statement of intent and priorities for the year. We will honor this proud

legacy by, amongst others, releasing a January 8 Statement which sets out the movement’s priorities and

tasks for 2022.

As part of the celebrations, members of the National Executive Committee will be deployed to all

subregions in Limpopo, to engage with ANC structures, communities and local civil society organisations

and sectors.

The ANC assures South Africans that our anniversary celebrations will be conducted in line with all

applicable COVID protocols and in as safe a manner as possible.

International matters

The NEC welcomed the bilateral meeting between the ANC, led by Treasurer General Paul Mashatile, and

the delegation from the Zambian governing party, the United Party for National Development (UPND) led

by its Secretary General Mr Batuke Imenda. The meeting recognized the historic ties between Zambia and

South Africa, and agreed to form a working group to explore areas of cooperation.

The NEC welcomed ongoing solidarity campaigns by progressive civil society and ANC structures with

Palestine and Western Sahara. It noted ongoing efforts to find African solutions to African problems in

resolving the conflicts in Mozambique, Lesotho, the Kingdom of Eswatini, Sudan and Ethiopia.

The NEC valued the recent visit to a number of West African countries led by our South African President,

cde Cyril Ramaphosa. ECOWAS is a key region of the African Union, and plays an important part in the

integration, peace and security and economic development agenda of the continent. The agreements and

exchange of ideas which resulted from the trip, will play an important role in the African Agenda, and

building the Africa we want.

Other Organisational matters

The NEC also received a report from the National Working Committee regarding the following

organisational matters, and decided and noted as follows:

• The state of organisation and the continued process of completing Biennial Branch General Meetings

(BBGMs) and Regional conferences, and decided that all Provincial conferences be held by March 2022.

• Further noted that during 2022, the ANC Youth League is expected to hold its National Congress, and the

ANC will endeavour to support these efforts.

• In 2022, the ANC will also hold its National Policy Conference and the elective 55th National Conference.

• Notes delays with payment of ANC staff salaries, and directed Officials to take urgent steps to address the

plight of its staff.

• The Organisational Design proposals to ensure that ANC offices are appropriately and affordably

structured that will be presented to the NEC in January 2022.

High Court Judgement about Former President Zuma’s Medical Parole

The NEC noted the judgement by the Pretoria High Court about former President Zuma’s medical parole,

and the decision by the Department of Correctional Services to appeal the judgement. The NEC calls for

the legal processes to be allowed to take their course, and will remain seized with the matter.

Festive Season Wishes

The NEC wishes all South Africans a happy, healthy and safe festive season.

In this regard It called for vigilance and intensification of the fight against gender-based violence and

femicide during this period.

It also appealed to all drivers and pedestrians to obey the laws of the road and to exercise caution in order

to reduce road fatalities.

We must observe Covid 19 regulations and vaccinate, to mitigate and bring the fourth wave to an end.






Pule Mabe

National Spokesperson

071 623 4975