South African’s National Liberation Movement


Statement on the outcomes of the African National Congress National Executive Committee Meeting, Held From 21 To 24 April 2023

The African National Congress (ANC) convened its National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting over a period 4 days at Birchwood in Boksburg, Ekurhuleni from 21 to 24 April 2023.  The NEC resolved on the following: –




The NEC meeting took place at a time when all freedom-loving people of South Africa and the world were marking the 30th anniversary of the passing of the longest serving President of the ANC, Comrade Oliver Reginald Tambo.  The ANC pays homage to this giant of our revolution and continues to draw inspiration from his leadership, sacrifices and unwavering dedication to the liberation struggle.




The President of SWAPO attended the NEC meeting at the invitation of the National Officials. SWAPO and the ANC share historic bonds which were forged and strengthened in the trenches during the struggle for liberation.


Both liberation movements shared perspectives on a range of issues. The NEC has drawn lessons from the experience of SWAPO, and the message from President Geingob has reaffirmed the ANC’s unwavering resolve to stay focused on the unity and renewal agenda.


The NEC resolved to arrange further engagements between the leadership of the two revolutionary movements as well as other fraternal parties in line with the 55th ANC National Conference resolutions.




The NEC had a fruitful engagement with the Disable People of South Africa (DPSA) and directed the Secretary General’s Office (SGO) to monitor implementation of the White Paper on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The NEC is determined to ensure that the rights of people with disabilities are neither undermined nor compromised. 




The ANC discussed the current electricity crisis and agreed on a number of measures to resolve the crisis. These being:


  • Introduction of urgent interventions to mitigate against the projected winter surge in electricity demand.
  • Improvement in the performance of ESKOM installed fleet including the exploitation of peaking plants that should be supported and closely monitored.
  • Implementation of a coordinated public campaign to encourage households and industries to reduce electricity demand.
  • Every effort should be made to ensure an uninterrupted supply of energy to strategic installations such as hospitals, data-centers and national key points.
  • The immediate and aggressive roll-out of rooftop solar solutions for households and industries.
  • The need to introduce financing facility to ensure equitable access to renewable solutions.
  • The need to closely monitor the scheduled return to operation of three units at Kusile and welcomes the accelerated path to operationalise of the unit in Medupi.
  • The need for an accelerated programme to bring renewables into the energy mix. The programme should be supported by measures to strengthen and build grid capacity.
  • Actions to industrialise on the back of the decarbonization agenda including the creation of requisite skills.


The NEC noted the need to revisit the decommissioning schedule in order to balance energy security and our climate commitments.




The NEC expressed serious concern regarding the high level of violent crime and an increase in hate crimes. The NEC called on the security cluster to redouble its efforts in order to defeat this scourge. The NEC resolved to convene a Special NEC to that would focus on the fight against crime.




The NEC had a robust discussion on strengthening the Alliance, and the challenges facing the Alliance.  


Alliance partners have been able to agree on fundamental strategies and tactical positions, whilst retaining their separate identities. The NEC noted that the form and content of the Alliance has evolved in the past nine decades. The NEC reaffirmed its commitment to the renewal of the ANC, SACP and COSATU in line with the core values and principles of the Alliance. The NEC also committed to a common programme of action that addresses our societal challenges and help to advance and defend the gains of democracy and freedom.


The NEC was unanimous in its assessment that without the Alliance, working together with a broad front of progressive sectoral organisations and movements, the transformation of South Africa and the National Democratic Revolution will be derailed.


The NEC will urgently engage the SACP and COSATU as instructed by its 55th ANC National Conference to ensure the unity and strengthening of the Alliance and tackle the weaknesses and challenges identified.


The ANC will participate in the May Day commemorations and will deploy its NEC members as per invitation of our alliance partner, COSATU.




The 55th ANC National Conference directed the NEC to develop a guiding paper on the ANC’s strategic perspective on coalition governments informed by a grave concern arising from the chaos and instability in hung municipalities.  


Based on the overall vision and core values of the ANC and the strategy and tactics of the national democratic revolution, the NEC adopted the following principles which are intended to stabilise and strengthen municipalities affected by coalitions:


  • Coalitions must be based on a common minimum programme that focuses measurable targets to service delivery and development in the communities. Such a programme must be made public and be subjected to discussions in community meetings.


  • Coalition partners must also commit to shared values – stability, accountability, ethics and integrity, community participation, good governance, respect for constitution and rule of law, social justice and equity, human dignity, non-racialism, and non-sexism.


  • The party that has won the largest votes should lead the coalition in that municipality and executive positions should be allocated in proportion to the votes obtained by coalition partners. Coalition governments should reflect the will of the people, not just elite deal-making among parties.


  • A threshold of a share of the electoral outcome should be introduced for representation in executives so that there is a degree of legitimacy regarding who qualifies to be part of the executive leadership of the coalition government.


  • The law should be amended to ensure that public administration is insulated from coalition deal-making and bargaining, and motions of no-confidence are not abused.


  • Where no party has a clear majority (50% plus one), the collective executive system should be instituted so that parties are presented in proportion to their votes and that they take collective responsibility to ensure a stable and functional government.


  • Coalitions should be transparent and accountable to the people in their jurisdiction by giving quarterly reports and accounting to citizen on service delivery progress and milestones.


  • The ANC will prioritise working with former liberation movements, small parties, community-based organisations, service delivery forums and independent candidates who are committed to redress and correct the legacy of apartheid and colonialism. Those parties that are playing a divisive and toxic role should not be considered.


  • Although the ANC has very serious political and ideological differences with some of the parties in our political landscape, this framework does not preclude the possibility of working with any party in a coalition government so long as it is in the public interest.


 The Secretary General was mandated to oversee and coordinate the implementation of this guiding framework across all structures, assisted by a team of NEC members who will constitute a National Task Team. Members of the National Task Team consist of Secretary General (Convenor), DSG Ramokgopa, DSG Mokonyane, Cdes D Makhura, M Ntuli, B Creecy, Z Godlimpi, T Nkadimeng, P Tau and P Majodina. The SGO is mandated to lead the process of engagement with other political parties and civil society on the ANC’s approach towards stabilising dysfunctional municipalities and unstable coalitions.  

 The NEC resolved that the ANC will work hard to regain the trust of the majority of South Africans so that our country does not find itself in the unfortunate position of being governed by an unstable and incoherent “pact” or coalition at national level which would grind the development, transformation and structural reforms we are pursuing to a complete halt.




The NEC adopted the Roadmap to 2024 National Election Candidate Selection presented by the Electoral Committee led by former President Kgalema Motlanthe. It was further resolved that the rules and procedure for candidate selection be earmarked for the next NEC meeting scheduled for 22 to 23 June 2023.




The NEC applauded the community and sectoral outreach initiatives led by the President which included the Easter Weekend church visits and the recent NWC meeting hosted in Limpopo. The NEC resolved to expand NWC engagements beyond the structures of the ANC and ensure a more targeted engagements with sectors beyond our own organization.




The NEC noted that the reconfigured NYTT has been given three months to convene its National Congress.


The NEC noted and supported the report on progress towards the holding of the ANC Women’s League National Conference.


The NEC noted and the report on progress regarding the roadmap towards the ANC Veterans League (ANCVL) National Conference. The SGO will engage the ANCVL regarding the mandate and role of the ANCVL.




The NEC noted and supported ongoing engagements that the SGO has been having with COSAS and SASCO as part of a process to rebuild the two student formations.


The SGO will also meet with SANCO’s two parallel national structures to advance the process of unity and to ensure that it plays a dynamic role in the Alliance.




The NEC welcomed the report on a meeting between the SGO and the ANC Integrity Commission. The Integrity Commission will meet with the National Officials as well as the NEC to enable a common understanding of their mandate and terms of reference. The NEC will refer all comrades named in the Report on State Capture, who have not presented themselves to the IC, to the National Disciplinary Committee. 


The NEC noted the Integrity Commission report regarding its engagement with Comrade Tina Joemat-Pettersson. It further noted that Comrade Tina Joemat-Pettersson has been cleared by Parliamentary processes and that neither the Zondo Commission, Public Protector, nor the High Court have made adverse findings against her. The NEC resolved that Cde Tina has been cleared.




The ANC has firmly located the South African struggle in the context of the African movement for decolonization and freedom, as well as a global context of self-determination and equality of nations, solidarity and non-alignment. It has thus been guided by progressive internationalism in its approach to international policy. This envisages a just, equitable, non-racial, non-patriarchal, diverse, democratic and equal world system that requires building alliances and solidarity with progressive forces in the South and North fighting for similar objectives in world affairs.


South Africa must reassert its leadership role in Africa and work to improve the coherence and strategic focus of the African Union on continental development. We must defend the integrity of African sovereignty against neo-colonialism and deepen unity as well as champion an effective strategy premised on global trade, economic development and peace.


The ANC also noted with concern the passing of legislation in some African countries, proactively criminalizing citizens of different sexual orientation and gender identity. The African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights confirmed by resolution 275 of the African Commission on Peoples and Human Rights discourages discrimination and persecution of persons or groups of persons on any basis and call on states to proactively ensure that all their citizens enjoy their full human rights.


We noted with grave concern the eruption of conflict in the Sudan and call for an immediate cease fire between the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in the Sudan. Urgent steps must be taken by the African Union to encourage the Sudan peace process and encourage the establishment of a transitional government that must work seriously to establish institutions of democratic civilian rule.


The NEC reiterated its concern that unilateralism is a growing problem with the West threatening to violate international law and sidestepping international consensus in order to impose its will. In this context, seeing itself as an enlightened civilisation it arrogated to itself the right to impose its will on others in the name of human rights and democracy.


On the International Criminal Court, the NEC noted its 55th National Conference Resolution that “the ANC and the South African government must rescind the withdrawal from the ICC Court and intensify its lobby for the ratification of the Malabo Protocol”.


The NEC aligns itself with a report of Amnesty International’s Annual Report of 2022 which exposes double standards throughout the world on human rights and the failure of the international community to unite around consistently applied human rights and universal values.


The ANC reiterates its call for UN’s key decision-making body, the Security Council, to be reformed.




The NEC conveyed condolences on the passing of Comrades Mosie Moola, Pule Thathe, Stephanie Kemp, Mbulelo Musi, Lawrence Khuzwayo, Tiego Moseneke, Chris Matlhako and Beatrice Marshoff.








Mahlengi Bhengu-Motsiri

National Spokesperson

Tel: 076 891 5420


Media Relations

Amos Phago

Tel: 076 750 6961