South African’s National Liberation Movement

ANC Statements

ANC wishes the Class of 2021 well with their final National Senior Certificate Examinations

The African National Congress joins all parents, teachers, and everyone in South Africa, in wishing the Grade 12 Class of 2021 well with their final exams. These exams signify a crucial point in your schooling career, when you close-off your basic education years, and usher in an opportunity for a more enriching journey of higher education.

This examination is but one of the ways to attain a better life for learners, their families and South Africa at large. The outcome of this examination will determine the learners’ choice of career and their future prospects for self-actualization.

It is almost twenty months since the global COVID-19 pandemic reached our shores, and its arrival came with drastic changes on how teaching and learning is conducted in our schools. We had to find a new way of doing things, and after all the successes and challenges that came with this new normal, we are confident that the Matric Class of 2021 will do well in your exams.

We would like to encourage the Department of Basic Education and Provincial Departments of Education to continue creating an enabling environment for excellence in education for both learners and educators. This enabling environment will help South Africa and Her people in “choosing a path of unity, hard work, development, inclusivity and shared prosperity”.

We call upon all parents, relatives, teachers and friends to rally around these learners and emotionally support them throughout this sensitive period in their life time. This support should also be extended throughout the examination period also during the release of the results. This will ensure that there is no learner pressured regardless of the outcome of the

To the Class of 2021: you have come a long way, with sleepless nights, and many joyful moments throughout your journey of basic education. This is the moment to be fully present, and thoroughly apply the knowledge you have attained.

All the very best with your exams! Victory is upon you Class Of 2021!

Pule Mabe
National Spokesperson
+2771 623 4975