South African’s National Liberation Movement


National Elections Manifesto

The Next Five Years Our Vision

1 May 1999

The goal of the ANC remains the building of a united, non-racial, non-sexist and democratic South Africa. This goal guides our day-to-day actions. We are ready and determined to move with greater speed towards this goal.
The next 5 years will be:

5 Years of Accelerated Change

Now is the time to speed up provision of services; to build on what we have achieved; to make a bigger impact on the daily lives of the people.

Where there are blockages to change, we shall remove them. Where there is laziness, wastage and lack of focus, we will intervene with determination.

Building on 5 years of experience, the ANC will ensure that government becomes more effective, more focused on spearheading development and delivery, and more user-friendly.

5 Years of Partnership with the People

But we cannot meet the challenges of our country with the resources of government alone. Our country needs the mobilised energies and experience of millions of South Africans.

To fight crime, we need to stand together. We must build partnerships to create more jobs. Parents, teachers and students together must help to improve our schools.

5 Years of building a New Patriotism

The partnership between government and the people must be based on a common commitment to building a better life for all. Today, it is not just the old racial divisions of the past that pose a danger. Selfishness, the weakening of social discipline among some who want rights without responsibility, and disregard for the interests of the broader community are threatening our hard-won freedom.

The spirit of Masakhane and an RDP of the Soul are an essential part of the struggle for change. Together with all who share this vision, including communities of faith, the ANC will foster the moral renewal of our society.

5 Years of Working for a Better Africa and a Better World

Our success in SA depends on the success of our neighbours and progress on our continent. Today, a new generation of leaders is emerging across the continent, which recognises the need to unite our efforts for rapid development.

The ANC will work together with nations of Africa to realise democracy and rapid social and economic development. We shall work with forces across the globe who share this vision, who seek a better world of solidarity and caring.