South African’s National Liberation Movement

3rd ANC International Solidarity Conference

25 – 28 October 2012


The ANC is planning what will be the 3rd ANC International Solidarity Conference, whose key objective is to reflect on the outcomes of preceding conferences and identify ways of strengthening international solidarity in the continued pursuit of the Freedom Charter goals. The theme for the event is “United for a Progressive, Better World”.

The Conference is aimed at continuing to unite the likeminded people of the world for peace, solidarity and social transformation to create a world free of human rights abuses and creation of sustainable environments. The conference will further;

  • Highlight the legacy of OR Tambo and his contribution to the world peace, solidarity and democracy;
  • Build on the achievements / lessons of the 1st and 2nd ANC International Solidarity Conferences;
  • Facilitate an international dialogue on hundred years of the history of the struggle and the ANC;
  • Reflect on South Africa’s engagement with the rest of the world after apartheid;
  • Contribute to the building of a global progressive movement for a better Africa and a better world;
  • Discuss solidarity with those still struggling for their right to self determination and against oppression and imperialism;
  • Promote a common understanding of shared and progressive values.


The event is expected to attract approximately 1000 delegates coming from all four directions of the worldand within South Africa.The criteria for participation will be determined by the ANC’s definition of progressive forces. The following categories will be targeted:

  • Former Anti-Apartheid Movement
  • Former National Liberation Movements
  • Solidarity groups
  • NGOs
  • Trade Union formations
  • Religious sector
  • Left formations
  • Community-Based Organisations
  • Anti-globalisation formations
  • Progressive political parties
  • Socialist International
  • Think tanks and academics
  • Regional organisations
  • International organisation
  • Eminent personalities

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