South African’s National Liberation Movement

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Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)

1996 - 1998

TRC Logo

The TRC was set up in terms of the Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation Act, No. 34 of 1995. The mandate of the commission was to bear witness to, record and in some cases grant amnesty to the perpetrators of crimes relating to human rights violations, reparation and rehabilitation.

The ANC made five seperate submission to the TRC:

  1. ANC Submission to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission – August 1996
  2. ANC Second Submission to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission – May 1997
  3. ANC Submission to the TRC on the Role of the Media – September 1997
  4. ANC Submission to the TRC on the Role of the Business – 12 November 1997
  5. ANC submission to the TRC in reply to the TRC’s “Findings on the ANC” 28 October 1998