South African’s National Liberation Movement


National Conference​


Provincial Reports

20 December 1994


Process of setting up provincial government

The legislative structures were the first to be set up. The legislature has established all the committees it had to establish. All of them are fully operational. Five acts have been introduced and there are a number of bills in the pipeline. These bills relate to the:

* Tender Board;

* Provincial Exchequer;

* Provincial Service commission;

* Provincial Public Protector;

* Commission of inquiry.

Twenty-three issues of the Provincial Gazette have been published.

The Executive Council is also operating and has met 24 times to date. Departments have been formally established. Their functions have been defined and the organisational structures are receiving the consideration of the newly-established Provincial Service Commission. Bisho/ King William’s Town has been designated as the provincial capital. Port Elizabeth, East London, Queenstown, Umtata and Kokstad are the administrative centres.

Advertisements for the new posts within the management echelon will be published soon.

The Provincial Bargaining Chamber has been established. The process of setting up provincial government structures has gone smoothly. The strategic management teams have finalised their work and they have done excellent work.

Major achievements since May 1994 The following are the province’s major achievements to date:

* the finalisation of mission statements and organograms which will underpin the administrative arm of the new government; * the introduction of the five acts which will form the foundation stone of the new government; * the establishment of proper accounting and financial control systems; * the holding of an RDP conference; * the establishment of an effective system regarding the functioning of the Executive Council; * the establishment of public service forums; * the establishment of contact with foreign governments in, particular the German government which is assisting in the training of civil servants; * the publication of our own Provincial Gazette; * the launching of a school nutrition programme; * the launching of RDP projects; * the launching of peace and safety campaigns; * the establishment of Transitional Local Councils and Local Government Negotiating Forums; * the holding of taxi forums; * the formal appointment of Provincial Service Commissioners; * the finalisation of Tender Board Regulations; * the appointment of a Provincial Director-General; * the establishment of the Provincial Housing Board.

Progress with regard to the RDP implementation: The Provincial RDP conference was held in East London in August. It was addressed by, among others, Cde Jeff Radebe and myself. Two Presidential projects will be launched in the next two weeks. Other projects are being considered.

The RDP Commission has been established in the premier’s office. An RDP coordinator has been appointed. He is assisted in his work by five task teams. The inter-departmental The committees are operating and their main purpose is to ensure coordination.

The Provincial Socio-Economic Council has not been established yet, but Local Development Fora have been established in 75 percent of the area constituting the province. It is envisaged that by mid-February all the structures will have been established. A special cabinet committee responsible for the RDP has been established.

Problems encountered: The debt inherited from the former homelands is impeding the implementation of RDP projects. The ANC ought to take a stand on this and I recommend that National Government writes off these debts.

The bringing together of two homelands has created a lot of problems. The boundaries issue has also created tensions, particularly in the area bordering KwaZulu/Natal.

Backlogs of the past relating to the conditions of service of civil servants has also led to strikes and other disruptions. The delay in setting up an effective police force is also hampering progress and the provision of proper protection to our communities.

The government has also received negative press coverage, but the situation has now changed and an appropriate media strategy is being formulated.

Unemployment is rife in the province. The guidelines formulated by the National Public Service Commission on the organisational structure of the provincial administration will result in many serving civil servants not being accommodated. This will worsen the unemployment situation.

The 1995/96 budget does not provide adequately for the funds sorely required to give this province a proper kick start.

The delay by national government in taking over homeland laws falling outside Schedule 6 of the constitution has affected the delivery process. This has also led to a lot of problems regarding the control of parastatals and the issue of business licences.

The traditional authorities are, in some instances, perceived as resisting the introduction of new local government structures. We need to come up with a unified position country-wide on this issue. The provision of pension to our unemployed comrades of the struggle in terms of section 189 of the constitution should also receive top priority as there are many of them in our province.

The organisation also has to address the relationship between the comrades in the executive and the comrades in the legislatures and parliament. Understanding on this issue will facilitate delivery.

Plans for future: The main objectives of the provincial government can be summarised as follows:

* establishing an effective government operating within a clear policy framework; * establishing effective delivery mechanisms and the implementation of the reconstruction and development programme; * establishing accountability and effective communication mechanisms between government, the movement, organs of civil society and our citizenry generally.

The government is committed to establishing a clean administration which is efficient and effective. In this regard the training of everyone involved in government will receive top priority.

The government is holding strategic planning sessions both at administrative and political levels. These are meant to ensure that government sticks to the vision it has set for itself. At these sessions key issues such as preparations for local government elections, the implementation of the RDP and others will receive top priority.

Regarding the future we will focus on the following important areas:

* the establishment of an effective administration in terms of the new laws formulated by the Government of National Unity;

* the establishment of a House of Traditional Leaders;

* strategic planning, the promotion of accountability to civil society and the establishment of a formal link between business, labour and government;

* preparations for local government elections;

* the implementation of the five provincial acts referred to previously and the finalisation of the process relating to the assignment by national government of executive authority to the province;

* capacity building and the training of civil servants;

* the formulation of a language policy for the province;

* the formulation of a legislation programme whose content will be influenced by the notion of a people-centred government. Legislation is also envisaged in the field of tourism;

* the rationalisation and creation of a unified and effective police force for the whole province;

* the promotion of debate on the constitution-making process leading to the enactment of a new South African constitution;

* the implementation of the RDP and the promotion of trade and industry.

Finally, I wish to record that the following matters also require consideration: * accountability to civil society; * the constitution-making process; * the definition of goals and objectives with regard to the restructuring and rationalisation of the civil service; * the possibility of ANC cabinet ministers and MEC’s meeting on a regular basis to coordinate policies and strategies; * the coordination of approaches within parliament and the legislatures.

I look forward to a fruitful and eventful year. The resolve to succeed is there. What remains to be done is for a coordinated plan of action to be implemented and for all of us to move forward together towards the attainment of the ANC’s goals.


Premier Mathews Phosa

Process of setting up provincial government

The ANC in the Eastern Transvaal started in mid-1993 with the formation of a so-called Transformation Committee, tasked, in anticipation of an election victory, with designing appropriate structures and strategies for the government to follow immediately after the election.

In this process the ANC acted on a very inclusive basis, co-opting expertise from outside the party to add value to the proposals formulated by the Transformation Committee.

This Transformation Committee was transformed into a Strategic Management Team immediately after the election, comprising of newly appointed officials as well as officials from the previous administrations, and reporting to the Executive Committee.

This Strategic Management Team had the task of integrating the administrations of KaNgwane, KwaNdebele, the old Transvaal Provincial Administration and certain offices of the central government. In each of the proposed departments similar structures (called Strategic Management Committees) were set up to come with specific proposals concerning their departmental integration.

The work of the pre-election Transformation Committee as well as the Eastern Transvaal Political Discussion Forum (a pre-election multi party forum) to a large extent prepared the groundwork for the Strategic Management Team to fulfill its task. By the end of September most of the work of integrating the different administrations, setting up of departments and doing audits of existing structures and legal frameworks had been completed

Major achievements since May 1994

Since May 1994 the Eastern Transvaal Provincial Government has achieved the following:

* Through wide consultation unanimously decided in the legislature on a capital, Nelspruit.

* Development of a system of macro-administration that includes the demarcation of the province, determining seats and sub-offices for each of the departments and developing a unique system of “one stop offices” in different towns of the province to make government more accessible, accountable and transparent.

* Appointed a Tender Board and Provincial Services Commission after passing the necessary legislation.

* Passed an Exchequer Act and prepared the groundwork and consultation for seven further bills to be considered in the legislature by the end of November.

* Spelled out clearly our goals in terms of priorities for social upliftment as well as economic growth.

* Progressed a long way towards establishing mechanisms to facilitate a social contract between labour and organised business, industry, mining and agriculture.

* Established a government of provincial unity which includes a minister from the National Party in the executive.

* Progressed extensively with infrastructure creation, especially in the areas of schools and houses.

An achievement of which the Eastern Transvaal is extremely proud is the signing of a protocol between the province and the German State of North-Rhine Westfalia.

This protocol focuses on human reconstruction within the framework of reconstruction and development and secures support from North-Rhine Westfalia in the following areas: * Vocational training; * establishment of business advice centres; * building of educational centres; * training support for small and informal businesses; * establishment of community friendly police stations; * tourism training in the private as well as the public sector; * leadership development in the youth sector; * extensive training in the field of public administration.

This support, if quantified, will give an enormous boost to capacity building as well as to economic empowerment in the province, and has provided and ideal springboard for the Re-

construction and Development Programme.

Progress with regard to the Reconstruction and Development Programme

The Eastern Transvaal has started a thorough process of consultation concerning the framework and structures to be implemented within which the Reconstruction and Development Programme should function.

A consultative conference has been held in this regard and we are also considering the necessary structures on executive level to focus on policy formulation regarding the RDP.

A transparent process is also being followed in the identifying of needs with the total government administration.

Problems encountered

The following were problems encountered in the process: * An unclear vision of the exact delimitation between government and provincial functions; * the incomplete demarcation of the different provinces; * the business-labour conflict; * very high expectations in the community concerning immediate delivery, especially in the field of basic infrastructure; * local government negotiations concerning transitional councils; * racial conflict in some communities; * the bridging of the gap from resistance politics to governing.

Plans for the future We have the following future vision: * A constitutional process to add value to the national process in the Constitutional Assembly with specific reference to making the Senate more representative of provincial interests and creating a better binding between provinces and central government.

* The completion of a strategic vision of priorities for the government in developing a longterm plan for the Eastern Transvaal.

* Marketing of the Eastern Transvaal as a haven for investments through the creation of peace and stability in the province.

* The furthering of the process of reconciliation and healing.

* Following an integrated approach to reconstruction and development through a total, multidimensional and multi-sectoral approach based on strategy rather than structure.

* Following an approach of focus on achievable results rather than a wish list

* Involving the whole community in our approach so that we attempt to end up with a unity of vision and purpose in the Eastern Transvaal.



Process of setting up provincial government

In the build-up to the elections we identified three major tasks confronting our movement, namely: * Successfully concluding the negotiation process; * fighting and winning the elections; * preparing to govern.

It is now history that we achieved – give and take shortcomings here and there – the first two objectives. The third objective was more illusive and has accounted for most of our postelection problems.

The process The procedure for setting up provincial government was guided from the centre. It involved, first, the reversion of all powers to the president as head of the central government. This means that the 15 administrations existing until then, collapsed into one national administration. Secondly, the relevant powers set out in Schedule 6 as provincial powers were then to be reassigned to the provinces b~ the president.

It was precisely at this point that our problems arose. No preparation for the devolution of powers had been made. The test to be applied to determine whether the provinces were indeed competent or not to exercise those powers set out in Schedule 6 entailed procedures which the centre could not exercise without establishment of required structures.

Consequently this led to the reported wrangle between provinces and the centre for powers.

The provincial executive The route the Free State took was to use a provisional provincial secretary to pilot the process of setting up the executive of the province. In this regard the Judge President was invited to preside over the election of the premier of the province in the first sitting of the provincial legislature.

After the election of the premier the burden of this process fell to him to complete it. First the majority party identified the prospective speaker from among its elected members. In the spirit of provincial unity the ANC caucus offered the second biggest party the position of deputy speaker. This was accepted.

After this round the position were:

Premier – Mr M.P. Lekota

Speaker – Rev. M. Chabaku (Ms)

Deputy Speaker – Dr. L. Nel

There then followed preparation for the appointment of the executive committee by the premier.

The caucus of the ANC then sat to determine which cabinet posts it regarded as crucial for the provincial government to fulfill its obligations to the people of the province. It then resolved to give away cabinet posts starting with the one it considered least important. Nine cabinet posts were occupied by the ANC and one by the National Party, the second biggest party in the legislature.

The premier presented caucus with a proposal. After the reactions and comments of the caucus he finalised the cabinet as follows:

Minister of Finance – Mr T. Makgoe

Minister of Economic Affairs – Mr A. Magashule

Minister of Health & Social Welfare – Ms S. Ntlabati

Minister of Education and Culture – Mr. T. Belot

Minister of Safety and Security – Mr P. Kganare

Minister of Local Government – Ms D. Motsumi

Minister of Agriculture – Mr C. Human

Minister of Public Works and Roads – Mr. G. Nthatisi

Minister of Housing – Mr. V Mayekiso

Minister of Transport – Mr. L van der Watt

The rest of the members of the legislature are:

P. Matosa (Leader of the House) (ANC) Mxolisi Dukoana (Chief whip) (ANC) Joe Mafereka (ANC) Emma Mereka (ANC) Mike Atolo (ANC) Annah Buthelezi (ANC) Mxolisi Dikoana (ANC) Papi Kanagare (ANC) Itumeleng Kotsoane (ANC) Henri Sebothelo (ANC) Kheiser Sebothelo (ANC) Eric Mahabane (ANC) Neo Phohleli (ANC) Inus Aucamp (NP) Petrus Tsiane (ANC Abrie Oosthuisen (FF) Kobie Gouws (FF)

Furthermore we has to set up committees of the legislature: * Select Committee * Portfolio Committee * Household Committee. Within these Committees there are sub-committee such as Internal Arrangements Committee, Financial Committee and the Rules and Order Committee.

Major achievements since May 1994

It is not simple to claim the advances which have been made until now as provincial successes. The nature of Government of National Unity (GNU) and the direction set out in the Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) are really national in character. Nevertheless, every province has its own particular circumstances and it is within that context that we comment on this subheading.

The atmosphere in this province was very tense before the election. Indeed large members of white right wing supporters went to the extent of buying and stockpiling canned food. The assertions of a pending civil war drove people to panic and hysteria. Our first test after the election was to counter this destabilising atmosphere of uncertainty. In the period since then we have succeeded reasonably in allaying fears of those who suffered from this syndrome. We report now that this was achieved.

Secondly, we persuaded and succeeded in winning most of our white counterparts to join in the effort to implement the RDP. We have thus developed a very constructive atmosphere in the province – in government with the other parties, with business, with the farmers, sports persons, with the churches and so on.

Starting from a very tense and uncertain interaction with our allies, especially the trade union movement, we have moved to a reasonably good working relationship at present.

At the beginning of our term there was great uncertainty and lack of cooperation from the area of QwaQwa. However, we may now report that the situation has stabilised and there is tremendous goodwill between the province and the people of QwaQwa. There is presently no significant political opposition to our movement.

The civil servants from QwaQwa, Thaba’Nchu and the old provincial administration of the Free State, have also come across positively in favour of working with the Government of National Unity. It is also in that measure that our provincial government has avoided some of the serious problems which might have confronted it.

From the point of view of black communities, significant members of elderly people and business persons, as well as former supporters of discredited parties, have swung sharply towards supporting the movement and many of them do so quite openly. Thus, our victory at the polls continued to be an impetus to the further growth and deepening of the ANC in the province.

Provincial government’s progress with regard to RDP

The provincial government has now identified two projects under the President’s programme:

* Thabong, Welkom. This township has been identified as an urban renewal project under the President’s programme. The plan is to engage all the ministries in an effort to clean the street and tar them. It is also intended to identify land for housing all these who are settled informally, to restore educational and health infrastructure where necessary and erect new structures where required. It is also intended to engage the community in advance and obtain commitment on its part both to pay services and to take part in the restoration process.

* From the point of view of rural projects the settlement of Botshabelo has been identified as a pilot project. This will entail restoration of similar facilities but with emphasis in linking work there with agricultural projects of a cooperative nature.

* Apart from these, provincial government has identified a number of towns for housing projects. We are now in the process of building housing in Kutloanong, Odendaalsrus. This is a joint project financed by the provincial government and mining houses. Both mine workers and ordinary residents will be entitled to obtain houses under this scheme.

* The provincial government is also constructing houses in Bohlokong, Bethlehem. Already the premier and the Minister of Housing have handed over the first seven houses to hitherto homeless families in a public ceremony.

* Feeding schemes. Feeding schemes have taken off in the region and several tens of schools, especially on farms, are receiving sustenance under the scheme. We are in the process of reaching out to all needy communities and schools.

* Medical care. With regard to the free medical schemes we have experienced reasonable success. A major problem in this regard is the position of rural communities, where there are no clinics or hospitals within easy reach. We are presently looking into ways of taking medical care to those inaccessible areas.

* When we came into office, we were faced with large numbers of former civil servants who had been dismissed from employment unfairly. We have been able now to return to work many of those who were dismissed for political views, wage demands, etc. This had helped in consolidating the confidence of people in the Government of National Unity.

* Eliminating symbols of apartheid: Our government of provincial unity also decide to eliminate the symbols of the past order which made reconciliation difficult. It took the decision to carry out the operation in a manner that would not provoke bitterness on the part of any community. It proceeded in such a way as to consolidate support from all communities. Only after thorough consultation with the other parties did it implement its decision.

Problems encountered

* The first problem we experienced related to the registration of candidates. One of the candidates on our provincial list was not properly registered, and this led to serious tensions in the process of appointing the provincial executive. It also exposed us to sharp criticism from opposition parties.

* Although most of the civil servants were helpful and cooperative a few senior persons were not so amenable to cooperation, and indeed some tension arose between themselves and some members of the legislature. To a very large extent lack of confidence between the old and the new hampered cooperation. This problem manifested itself in the tension between security personnel from the POA and the newly elected leaders.

* Rationalisation of staff and integration of administrations was also problematic. The standards used in the TBVC states were not the same as those used in the self-governing territories and the Free State. In the circumstances, any attempt to integrate these three arms created serious tension of how to equalise salaries, standards of training and educa-tion, as well as levels of discipline.

* Within the civil service, especially the police force, were individuals who over the years have been themselves utterly unacceptable to communities in which they served. After the elections and in spite of our commitments to keep civil servants in employment, many communities demanded summary expulsions of certain police persons, principals or teachers, prosecutors and/or magistrates. Such demands were done without any regard to the due process of law. Where leaders resisted this trend the impression was left that the new government is protective of corruption and corrupt individuals.

* The converse problem was that of the misinterpretation of freedom by serving civil servants, especially those who were themselves from our movement. The individuals regarded themselves as above the law. They failed to realise that freedom imposed far more stringent discipline on the party in power. Hence the involvement of some of them in the wholesale theft and looting of public property. It should therefore not surprise anybody when some such individuals are brought to the courts in the near future.



Major achievements

Following the closely contested elections in the province, we are proud to state that the ANC achieved the majority of seats in the Provincial Legislature.

The outcome of the first sitting of the legislature saw the election of one of the ANC cadre as the premier of the province and the establishment of the Executive Council. The Executive Council is constituted of the following members by portfolio: Chairperson, the Premier (ANC) Minister of Economic Affairs, Trade and Industry (ANC) Minister of Local Government and Housing (ANC) Minister of Education and Culture (ANC) Minister of Health and Welfare (ANC) Minister of Safety and Security (ANC) Minister of Finance (NP) Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Nature Conservation (NP) Minister of Transport (NP) Minister of Public Works (NP) Minister Without Portfolio (FF)

The above composition of the Executive Council clearly shows that we have been fortunate in our attempts to establish a government of national unity. Although the Freedom Front did not qualify for a seat in the Executive Council, they were invited to participate, and accepted, at the request of the Premier.

Problems we are facing

Some of the problems the provincial government is facing are: Redressing an impoverished economy dependent on mining and agriculture. As there is no database for economic planning, the province has commissioned a team of experts to carry out an economic rapid review. This will give the province an initial indication of the potential and possibilities of informed short-term development activities.

Water resources

The drought has sensitised the Northern Cape to its unexploited water resources. The province has one of the largest irrigation schemes in the country. This can be expanded provided that there is a proper water management strategy of the Highland Water project. Furthermore, the province is proceeding with feasibility studies in order to start a programme of village water supply which involves the drilling of boreholes as well as drawing up training programmes in underground water management strategy for affected communities.

Under its rural water supply scheme, the provincial government aims to providing 55 percent of the rural population which can at present be economically reached with water for human consumption. So far, 240 of the 350 rural settlements earmarked have been served with boreholes. The provincial government is examining how best it can reach the remaining 45 percent, which are in scattered settlements. Alongside this rural water supply for human consumption is another project of boreholes for livestock and wildlife.

Challenges that lie ahead The major challenges facing provincial government are to:

* have legislation in place that is aimed at facilitating the smooth running of government and meeting the expectations of the electorate;

* educate and inform all within the province on the aims and objectives of the Reconstruction and Development Programme;

* improve the socio-economic conditions in the province, which will have as a spin-off an improvement in the quality of life of all its people.

The province of the Northern Cape is one of the three newly-created provinces carved out of the Cape Province. Unlike the other two sister provinces, the Eastern Cape and Western Cape, the Northern Cape was administered as an outpost from Cape Town. Consequently, in taking over the administration of the province, the newly-established administration had to start from the beginning in establishing government structures.

In assuming the reigns of power, the newly-established provincial government identified a number of key challenges inter alia: * The provision of services on an equitable basis; * the empowerment of the historically disadvantaged especially in the rural communities; * the creation of an environment conducive to economic development.

Executive council

The most urgent challenge the Executive Council had to address was the control of the financial systems, flows, allocations and follow-up. The newly established provincial government believes that the importance of the financial control is the key which will enable it to get a first grasp of resource utilisation for the delivery of the public service and to position itself to influence the priorities of resource allocation.

Still in line with the above-mentioned priority challenge, the Executive Council took cognizance of the organisational development of the public service. The provincial government is moving ahead with deliberate speed to develop and provide organisational guidelines for the administration which will enable functions and services to be carried out in an efficient and effective manner.

In response to these challenges, the province of the Northern Cape has negotiated with the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) to finance a project aimed at the development of a first budget (1995/96) which will reflect the priorities of the new political leadership, the development of a procedural framework for the 1996/97 budget, development of financial control and management of the province’s funds and the development of the overall organisational structure.

The needs of the administration are:

To develop sound financial management and control, including to: * develop and present a first comprehensive budget (for 1995/96). * develop a framework, structure, formats and procedures for the future budgets and for financial control and management. * implement financial management information systems.

To develop and provide organisational guidelines which will include: * develop and establish the organisational structure with regard to its role, functions, relationships and management; * staff the new structure; * develop human resource development plans for improvement of skills, knowledge and attitudes for the new public service; * set up human resource development programmes for adjustment of the administration to affirmative action.

The achievement of the above-mentioned process is to be in tune with the stated priority development needs of the province, namely:

* economic development and upliftment of the province; * the need to build adequate and additional political and administrative capacity; * the training and development of previously disadvantaged communities..

Provincial legislature

During the first sitting of the provincial legislature (23 August to 1 September 1994) the following landmark bills were tabled before the legislature:

* Exchequer Bill * Tender Board Bill * Provincial Service Commission Bill

All these enabling instruments of government were passed in the second sitting of the legislature and have now been promulgated as the governing laws of the province.

The cooperation and collaboration of all the members of the legislature, irrespective of their party political affiliations, contributed in a large measure to the ease with which these bills were passed into legislation. This clearly shows the unity of purpose and commitment that this government enjoys.

It is worth noting that the major highlights included in the Tender Board Bill makes for the provision of a certain percentage of all tenders to be sub-contracted to members of the historically disadvantaged communities. We believe that this is a major achievement which enhances the policy and spirit of the Reconstruction and Development Programme in our province and will ultimately contribute to the empowerment of all our people.

The provincial service commission has been appointed. The Commission is to commence with its task as of 1 December 1994.

Transitional Local Councils

The provincial government has been able to put in place transitional local councils in all the towns in the province, except for three which are dragging their feet in accepting the new order for local government.

The provincial government has also rapidly moved into advising and facilitating the various TLCs in developing a cultural of payment of rates and service among former boycotters.

Provincial government’s progress with regard to RDP implementation

The Presidential priority projects on free health care for children under 6 year of age and pregnant mothers started on 1 June 1994, and the primary school nutrition schemes commenced on 1 August 1994. These are all progressing well. The provincial government has established an interim RDP Commission. The commission is involved in the process of Restructuring the Regional Development Advisory Councils (RDACs) and other such structures in line with the reconstruction and development philosophy of inclusiveness. It is also assisting as well as facilitating the establishment of regional non-statutory and provincial statutory economic development fora.

Problems encountered

The lack of capacity within this large province which is sparsely populated, coupled with minimal infrastructure, is one of the critical problems encountered in the implementation of the RDP. Furthermore, the difficulties encountered in formalising an institutional framework to implement the RDP due to delays in the flow of funds from national to the provincial government, has become a major problem.

Drought has led to a drastic fall in food production. As a result a large number of farmers had to let go of their labour because they could not no longer afford to pay them. This has drastically increased the unemployment rate.

Plans for the future

Economic plans The economy of the province is dependent upon mining and agriculture which, between them, account for 40,7 percent of employment. These industries are surviving on a knife’s-edge. However, since they are the main pillars of the economy, they have to be expanded.

The provincial government is embarking on diversifying and broadening the base of the economy through strengthening the manufacturing sector with a view of achieving selfsufficiency in basic food, improving rural income and creating employment.

The manufacturing sector is responding appreciably to diversification. This sector faces, at the present time, the apparently insurmountable: the smallness of the provincial market, low purchasing power of the people and the lack of infrastructure. The consequences of these constraints pose a daunting challenge.

The long-term future plans of the provincial government are:

* To address capacity building at the public sector level which will include, the executive, the legislature, the civil service as well as the local councils at the lower end of governance.

* To establish a tertiary institution within the province for capacity building for both the public and private sector. It is envisaged that such an institution should have research ca-

pabilities in all areas of socio-economic development, and for science and technology for development.

* Develop and upgrade the infrastructure of the province in order to create a conducive environment for economic development as well as for investment promotion.




The legacy of apartheid will haunt the new provincial government for some time to come, with far reaching implications for the reconstruction and development of institutions and the economy. The government has inherited four ethnically-based regional administrations with different missions and at different levels of development. Worse still, corruption and inefficiency were pervasive and deeply imbedded.

This notwithstanding, the provincial government is presently tackling the task of dismantling all the institutions created by apartheid. The process of rationalisation and integration of the civil service is simultaneously underway. Obviously, this is not an easy task whose completion can easily be targeted with accuracy.

The process of setting up provincial government

Provincial ministries have been set up and are fully functioning. The following legislation has been gazetted and proclaimed and is currently in operation: * Exchequer Act * Tender Board Act * Provincial Service Commission Act

Commissioners have been appointed for the Tender Board and the Provincial Service Commission.

The following Bills were under consideration: Public Protector Bill, which is on hold pending the outcome of the Public Protector Bill at national level; the House of Traditional Leaders Bill, which is at second reading stage; the Bill on Corporations, and Powers and Privileges of Members of Provincial Legislature Bill.

Major achievements since May 1994

The process of departmentalisation of the various departments is almost complete. Work study teams are currently busy investigating all aspects of departmentalisation.

The RDP is included in all departmentalisation and the process of formalising the RDP in each department is underway in order to ensure service delivery.

Acting heads of departments have been appointed in some departments. The process of rationalisation is also progressing favourably.

Also of great importance is that both the Tender Board and the Provincial Service Commission are now functioning.

An Acting Director-General for the Province has been appointed, but the post of Director General has been re-advertised. Application are awaited.

Five commissioners have been appointed in the Office of the Premier and their work is well underway: * Reconstruction and Development (RDP) * Constitutional Affairs and Administration * Traditional Leaders * Youth * Women

Progress with regard to the RDP implementation

From its inception in May, the provincial government has paid special attention to the implementation of the RDP in the province.

Six RDP sub-provincial committees have been set up to enhance the implementation of the programme at local level. It is envisaged that in January 1995 a provincial RDP Council will be formed.

The provincial RDP is part of the Management Committee in respect of the following waterborne projects which are implemented by the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry: * Arabie Water Reticulation; * Makhado Wellfield Development; * Sinthumule/Kutuma Wellfield Development.

The Arabie Project is well in advance and the business plan thereof is being drawn up by the Northern Transvaal Water Board. which is leading the project.

The Project Preparation Facility (PPF) is at an advanced state of establishment. The PPF Business Plan has already been submitted to the Northern Transvaal Province.

Problems encountered

The task of integrating and rationalising the four former administrations (Venda, Lebowa Gazankulu and TPA) is not an easy one. The quota for senior management and professional posts set out in Chapter J. of the Public Service Regulations is too low a target to enhance efficiency and effectiveness of the provincial government if it is to include all competencies laid out in Schedule 6 of the constitution. This should be revised with a view to increasing the quota in order to enhance the capacity of government administration.

The principle of centralising the management of the province in Pietersburg has been accepted. However, there are serious problems with obtaining office and residential accommodation.

The province has had no respite from the scourge of drought which has continued to afflict the rural communities. Its effects, which are rather severe divert the attention of the government from more pressing problems.

Equally divisive is the more subtle problem of border dispute which is presently sapping the energy of the government. Surprisingly, those involved are all an ANC constituency. Conference should not allow the problem to be swept under the carpet and should come up with proposals for lasting solutions.

Plans for the future

The reconstruction, integration and rationalisation of the public service in the province has high priority.

A mechanism for ensuring the transformation of the public service into an effective, efficient and accountable one which embraces the RDP at all levels in order to deliver services to all people, is being investigated. This is also the case with all provincial ministries. The representation of the RDP is to be strengthened in a manner that all departments are actively involved in the promotion and implementation of the RDP.




The North West Provincial Government of Unity has, since its installation soon after the election, striven to set up the necessary structures of governance, in order to be able to deliver the services and development opportunities that the population of this province has come to expect. In setting up these structures it must be acknowledged that we were presented with a difficult task. The Interim Constitution, while representing a major achievement for the people of South Africa, required the establishment of an entirely new system of regional government with new powers and functions, and within new provincial boundaries. The constitution also contains certain provisions as to how and when the province may exercise its powers in terms of this constitution, thus placing certain restraints on the ability of the provincial government to act rapidly during the transition.

Notwithstanding this, however, we are pleased to note that commentators at a national level have generally been favourably impressed by the progress made in the North West Province in setting up structures of governance. Some have even put the North West at the top of the league in respect of certain criteria – the passing of the necessary legislation by the Provincial Legislature, for instance. This is, of course, is no reason to relax, and much remains to be done.

We would like to think that the North West Government did not spare much time in getting down to the business of governance immediately after elections. Strategic advantage was taken of the infrastructure (human and physical) inherited from erstwhile Bophuthatswana government and old provincial structures.

The challenge facing the democratically elected government included inculcating a spirit of “Northwestinism” in a province consisting of three entities inherited from the old political orders, viz Bophuthatswana, Western Transvaal and a small portion of the Cape Provincial Administration. A particularly daunting task was to integrate these sub-regions as well as their departments. The ex-Bophuthatswana administration had 26 departments, and the provinces about five departments each.

This report then reflects on the process of administrative integration of the province, as well as on related issues of restructuring and governance.

Office of the Premier and Executive Council

The Premier’s Office

Priority has been given to the establishment and functioning of the Premier’s Office. Progress has been made in this regard, especially in relation to determining the strategic perspective that this structure should adopt in providing political leadership to the provincial government.

A first step was the building of an organisational structure for the office of the premier. This was conducted as a transparent exercise in consultation with the office of the then acting director general and the premier. The recommendations were supported by the Cabinet Committee on Social and Administrative Affairs and approved by Executive Council (Exco) on 20 July 1994. The structure was approved by the Provincial Service Commission on 31 August 1994. The advertisement of the posts has already been done and the necessary interviews will be held in due course.

The Executive Council (EXCO)

The Executive Council has held 21 regular meetings and three special meetings since 13 May. The issues that are dealt with by EXCO are largely of a policy nature. In order to bring about efficiency in its work, EXCO has established a number of cabinet committees including: * Social and Administrative Affairs; * Economic Affairs Committee; * RDP Committee.

The secretariat to EXCO has been established in the Office of the Premier. The function of this secretariat being to service the meetings of EXCO, as well as communicating decisions for action to the various role players in government.

Appointment of director general and other management personnel

Director General

The acting director general was appointed on June 16 1994, to accept the responsibility as an accounting officer and head of staff for the provincial administration. The normal recruitment and employment procedures have nevertheless been carried out resulting in interviews for the post of director general which were conduced on 19 October 1994. As a result of this process the appointment of Mr Job Mokgoro as director general was announced on 26 October 1994.

One of the priority functions of the director general is the responsibility for the establishment of an effective administrative machinery for the province having the depth and capacity for fiscal and administrative accountability.

Management/Support Staff for the Director General

The office of the Director General is nearly fully functional with seconded members from various departments and parastatals in the North West Province. It has specialists in labour relations, human resource, physical planning, finance, communications and administration. The organogram for the director generals has been approved by the Provincial Service Commission, and appointments should be effected in the near future.

The provincial legislature

The North West Provincial Legislature has been meeting regularly since its swearing in soon after the election, and has passed more legislation than any other provincial legislature. Emphasis has been placed on the passing of legislation crucial to the administrative functioning of the province. In addition, the legislature is also faced with the situation of having to rationalise separate sets of legislation within the province – from the former Bophuthatswana, the Transvaal and Cape Provincial Ordinances, as well as laws assigned from national level.

Standing Committees

To facilitate the work of the legislature a number of standing committees of the legislature have been established: * Financial, Economic Affairs and Agriculture * Service Commission, Premier and Legislature * Health and Education * Transport, Media and Broadcasting * Public Works and Local government * Health and Education * Internal Arrangements * Rules

Acts approved by the legislature

The province has made good progress with the passing of legislation necessary to effective functioning in a variety of fields. The following 13 Acts have been passed: * North West Provincial Public Protector Act, 1994 * North West Provincial Service Commission Act, 1994 * North West Provincial Tender Board Act, 1994 * North West Provincial Exchequer Act, 1994 * North West Provincial Legislature’s Powers, Privileges and Immunities Act, 1994 * North West Provincial Reconstruction and Development Programme Fund Act, 1994 * North West Tourism Council Amendment Act, 1994 * North West Hotels Amendment Act, 1994. * North West Housing Corporation Amendment Act, 1994 * Mmabana Cultural Foundation Amendment Act, 1994 * North West Consumer Affairs Amendment Act, 1994 * House of Traditional Leaders for the Province of the North West Act, 1994 * North West Casino, Gaming & Betting Amendment Act, 1994

Bills currently referred to committees

* North West Youth Commission Bill, 1994 * North West Agricultural College Amendment Bill, 1994 * North West Agricultural Marketing Amendment Bill, 1994 * Payment of Members of the North West Provincial Legislature Bill, 1994 * Payment of Members of the North West Provincial Service Commission Bill, 1994 * North West Delegation of Powers Bill, 1994 * North West Consumer Affairs Second Amendment Bill 1994 * North West General Law Amendment Bill, 1994

Office of the Provincial Legislature

In order to provide the necessary support for the provincial legislature, attention has been given to the establishment of the office of the legislature. The Secretary to the Legislature has been appointed and a post structure for the office of the secretary has been completed by the Provincial Service Commission. This process has not, however, been finalised as the discussion as to whether staff of the legislature should be part of the public service as in the Ex-Bop, or independent of the public service as in Cape Town, is still to be resolved.

Rationalisation of public service Provincial powers and functions The general expectation within the province was that as soon as the new provincial government was in place it would have the powers necessary to deliver services, as defined in Schedule 6 of the Interim Constitution. While certain laws were received in mid~June, the reality of the situation has been that the process of negotiating the division of functions with central government departments, and the assignment of certain other powers has proven to be somewhat protracted.

In terms of Proclamation 110 of 1994, published on 17 June 1994 the majority of Bophuthatswana laws resorting under the functional areas of Schedule 6, were assigned to the North West.

In the same proclamation also assigned, were ordinances of the Transvaal and Cape pertaining to Schedule 6 functional areas.

Where there has been a delay, is in the assignment of those national laws which pertain to the powers of the provinces in terms of Schedule 6. This has had the effect of delaying the creation of consolidating legislation for the province, as well as delaying the establlshment of comprehensive administrative control over the province as a whole.

Of the national laws the Transitional Local Government Act was assigned at a relatively early stage, but it was only on 31 October that legislation relating to health, education and certain other local government acts were assigned. An announcement has also been made in relation to the assignment of laws relating to agriculture, although we have not yet received the proclamation.

The delay in the assignment of national laws is rooted in the number of processes that have to be gone though in this regard, and it would be inappropriate to impute blame in relation to this issue. It is hoped, however, that the outstanding legislation will be assigned in the near future in order that the provincial government will have the necessary control over its areas of competence, in order to be fully able to deliver to its population.

Provincial Service Commission

A Provincial Service Commission, with Professor E Bain as chairperson, has been established. The North West being the first of the provinces to establish this essential structure. The commission, which was appointed in terms of Section 213 of the constitution and in terms of the North West Provincial Service Commission Act, had its first sitting on 31 August 1994.

A new national Public Service Act and the accompanying Regulations came into effect on 3 June 1994, with a new Public Service Staff code coming into operation on 10 June 1994.

Restructuring of Departments

While certain preparations had been made prior to the elections, the restructuring of departments within the province was properly structured and formalised with the adoption by EXCO of a document entitled Institutional Capacity Building. This document provided specific guidelines to manage the re-stucturing process.

The Workstudy Division of the Of fice of the Provincial Service Commission was divided into teams to get involved with departments and their Strategic Management Teams to initiate the building of structures. All the departments were taken on board and strategic planning sessions were organised and conducted with each department.

The determination of management posts has presented a problem in that the province is restricted by Chapter J of the Public Service Regulations which prescribes certain norms for the determination of the number of management posts. Organograms for the management structure within all the departments have, however, been completed and the advertisement of posts is in process.

Incorporating Functions and Structures From the Ex-Bop, TPA, CPA, and other Provinces

Although some uncertainty still prevails around the handling of components and functions to be incorporated into the Administration of the Province, action has already been taken to accomodate the various components. Representatives of the Ex-Bop, TPA, CPA and other roleplayers are included in strategic sessions handling the restructuring process.

In addition a number of issues relating to the ceding of parts of the Ex-Bop to other provinces are being dealt with.

* Thaba Nchu: The Provincial Service Commission met with the officials from the Orange Free State and some officials from the Department of Finance to handle the transferral of assets from Thaba Nchu to the Orange Free State. An inventory of assets is being drawn up.

* Moretele 2: A meeting is being set up by the Provincial Service Commission for the transferrals of Moretele II to the Eastern Transvaal.

Strategic Management Teams

In responding to a national directive Strategic Management-Teams (SMTs) were established in each of the ten new provincial departments, This was to ensure that the restructuring process was inclusive in that elements of the existing administrative components as well as outside consultants were included in these SMTs. The work of the majority of the SMTs has been completed in that organograms for the top management structure, mission statements, and a basic information base, have been compiled for each of the departments.

Demarcation of sub-regions

The Cabinet Committee on Social and Administrative Affairs instructed the Statistics Branch of the Department of Economic Affairs to solicit views of interested parties and role players on how they see the delimitation of the North West for effective and efficient administration and delivery of services.

A workshop, attended by 170 representatives from the various districts of the North West Province, was held to take the regional delimitation process forward. The output from this workshop is being fed into the ongoing deliberations.

Labour relations

Provincial Bargaining Chamber The North West Chamber of the Public Service Bargaining Council was founded on 29 September 1994 in Mmabatho.

Section 5 of the Public Service Labour Relations Act stipulates that a bargaining council should be established at central level, in all national departments and in each Province. The chamber should consist of employer representatives and employee representatives in the form of admitted unions or associations.

The objective of this Chamber is to prevent and settle disputes of a collective nature between the Provincial Administration as employer, and employee organisation.

Parity Pay Out

A great deal of effort. has been put into effecting the parity pay-out, the first phase of which was effected from Friday 30 September 1994.

Despite the parity payout, a large number of strikes have still been occurring reflecting that there is still some distance to go in normalising an acceptable culture of labour relations particularly in the Ex-Bop section of the province.

Common strategic vision

From its inception the North West Government has placed particular emphasis on a Change Management approach, recognising that establishing the new administration is more than merely creating new structures.

In order to give strategic direction and adjustment to restructuring activities in departments, it was deemed necessary to develop a common strategic vision, priorities to be pursued in realising this vision, and action plans for its implementation.

Two workshops were held, the first involving Acting Heads of Departments. SMT leaders and other senior officials in departments. The second workshop had all MECs and the Premier as participants.

The outcome of these workshops was a strategic framework, as contained in the document strategy for Governance in the North West Province in which five key strategic areas have been identified. These are. * Structures and management * Communication * RDP and civil society * Powers and legislation * Reorientation and retraining of the civil service.ø

Provincial Reconstruction and Implementation Task Teams (PRITTS) have been set up for each of the areas set out above.

Addressing the human element in the transformation process

The North West government appreciates the insecurities that the transition process has given rise to within the public services in the province.

It is against this background that the North West Provincial Government decided to pro-actively address the concerns and fears of the public servants through a series of workshops facilitated by a team of external consultants

These workshops, in addition to the PRITT process outlined above are ongoing in an effort to make the transition as smooth a process as possible for all concerned.

Developing financial administration capacity Budgets

Systems and accounting structures are in place to facilitate reporting of expenditure incurred by the erstwhile Bophutatswana administration. Accounting structures, in order to identify expenditure incurred on behalf of region which fall into Free Sate and Eastern Transvaal Provinces have not yet however, been put into place.

In respect of areas which did not previously form part of the Ex-Bop, arrangements have been made with the former provincial structures (TPA, CPA) to facilitate the reporting of expenditure for the new province. The 1994/95 financial year budget for the Province has been approved by State Expenditure. The 1995/96 Provincial Budget is presently drawn up in compliance with guidance as prescribed by State Expenditure. Departmental budget hearings have been held within the province, with a national budget hearing for the province, having being scheduled for 11 November.

Although state expenditure continues to require the budget be submitted on the basis of old political administration (in the case of North West, ex-Bop, TPA and CPA), progress has been achieved in integrating budgets from these three entities.

Financial Control

The establishment of institutions and systems that will facilitate financial control are reasonably well developed. However developments are still needed so as to improve financial management capacity. One critical challenge is to integrate the financial systems of the three territorial components so as to have a common base.

It should be noted in relation to the question of financial control that a Tender Board has been appointed for the province in order to oversee government policy on procurement.

Closing of Books in the Ex-Bop

Although the Provincial Government has inherited the ex-Bophuthatswana Department of Finance, the process of closing books in respect of Bophuthatswana has been somewhat problematic and is not yet completed.

Skweyiya Commission

As part of the process of clearing up the issue of alleged misuse of funds and to investigate the malpractice of the previous government, the Skweyiya Commission, under the leadership of Advocate Louis Skweyiya, has been established.

RDP commission

Structures for the implementation of the Reconstruction and Development Programme have been set up in the province. A Cabinet Committee on the RDP has been appointed, and an RDP Commission has been established in the Office of the Premier.

This commission has a number of structures that reflect the decentralized nature of the RDP viz: * The interdepartmental forum * RDP provincial council and * RDP community participation

The Commission has recently held meetings with Non Governmental Organisations and communities to discuss the role and ways of implementing the RDP in the province, an NGO summit is planned for the province and another meeting will be held with the Civics.

The national RDP Commission is developing proposals on Development capacity of the Civil Service. This process was initiated by the North West RDP Commission after their discussions with the Public Service Training component. A workshop is planned to orientate the entire civil service on the RDP. The commission will also involve all stakeholders in education and training in the province.

The RDP/White Paper is to be made available in Setswana, Afrikaans, English in that accessibility to the RDP, and community consultation are seen as key issues in its implementation.

Local government councils

The establishment of Transitional Local Councils is proceeding slowly in the North West, but it should be noted that there are already black Mayors or Deputy Mayors in a number of towns including Potchefstroom, Vryburg and Leeuwdoringstad. While in the initial stages the area of Local Government appeared to present the Provincial Government with a serious problem, a number of transitional Local Councils have been established, with others in the negotiations stage.

The Transitional Local government Act does not, however, cover rural areas, and the issue of rural local government still has to be comprehensively addressed.

Progress within departments

The provincial department within the North West have generally made good progress in restructuring and in beginning to tackle policy issues. Brief outlines of progress and some of the problems experienced by each department are provided below.

Agriculture and Environment Affairs

A Departmental Restructuring Implementation Committee was established on 10 June 1994 within this department its brief being to make recommendations on restructuring, as well as to function as an interim management. A departmental structure, with its main branches being Agricultural Services, Environmental and Conservation, Land Affairs and Administration, has been approved by EXCO.

An analysis of the functioning and future role of the agricultural parastatals inherited from the former Bophuthatswana, is being undertaken. The large cooperatives in the North West are also being engaged in discussions aimed at ensuring that these structures expand beyond their traditional role of servicing only the large commercial undertakings, towards a function which would see them serving the emerging small farm sector as well.

Similarly consultations have been initiated with the various farmers unions in the province, and a committee set up with a view to the formation of one North West Farmers Union.

The division of functions between national and provincial level in respect of Agriculture has been dealt with through the inter governmental Forum on Agriculture (IFA). Agreement has been reached on this division, although reservations have been expressed by the North West Department on the accompanying process of assigning officials from the, national level to province, along with the assignment of posts.

Economic Affairs

The Department of Economic Affairs has inherited a number of branches from the former Bophuthatswana government including administration, commerce, geological survey, mining, industries, planning, statistics. Of these mining, geological survey and statistics are not defined as provincial competencies and are due to go to national level, although this division of functions is still the subject of ongoing discussions, and EXCO has passed a resolution that the Statistics branch should be retained as a provincial function. A number of anomalies exist in respect of tourism in that the former BopTour is operating under the aegis of this department, but the SA Tourism Council operates in the province under national auspices. Discussions have been initiated on this matter.

There is also discussion with the department of Trade and Industry on the future division of functions in relation to industrial promotion in the province, including the question of the future of the Regional Industrial development programme (RIDP). It is apparent that there is great unevenness between the provinces in this respect in that the North West has inherited an industrial promotion structure and is keen to operate it, while certain other provinces have no such facility.

Education, Arts & Culture Sport & Recreation

The provincial department is faced with the task of integrating the 6 Departments of Education to be found in the province. An inclusive process has been set in motion to accommodate the views of all role players in the education field within the province, as well as negotiating, with the national department on the division of functions. With regard to the latter, problems have been experienced in relation to the question of the allocation of posts to the province being linked to the allocation of existing personnel, thus allowing leeway for new appointments who would reflect the new policy directions of the new government. The structure of the new department is however close to finalisation and management level posts should be advertised within the next weeks.

It is recognised that educators are facing a difficult task in meeting expectations of significant changes in the education field in the near future. The delay in the assignment of powers has caused a delay in acting on a number of urgent issues. Powers, however, were recently assigned on 31st October, and the provincial department is moving rapidly in order to give effect to the new dispensation. In particular, guidelines for a detailed admissions policy for 1995 are being drawn up, within the framework of national policy, in order to obviate any confusion that may arise at the start of the new school year. Steps are also being put into operation for the utilisation of 31 formerly white rural schools in the province, which have fallen into disuse due to a decline in the numbers of white pupils attending these schools.

Finance & Provincial Expenditure

The department of Finance and Provincial Expenditure has made rapid progress in its restructuring exercise and has reached the stage where top management posts have been advertised ie. Director General, Chief Director (Treasury) and Director for Information Services.

It should be recognised, however, that this department has inherited a problematic situation in relation to accounting backlogs in the closing of the books of the former Bophuthatswana for 1991/1992, and 1993/4. This has retarded progress in activating the Provincial Revenue Account.

The departments major functional activities have revolved around the preparation of the budget estimates for the province, together with the office of the Director General. Apart from this, however the department was involved in the launch of the North West Economic Forum on 18 November, and clearly also has a role in the mobilisation and optimal utilisation of resources towards the effective implementation of the RDP in the province.

Local Government, Housing, Planning & development

Restructuring of this department is in process with a key outstanding issue being the question as to whether the Traditional Authorities function falls within Local Government, or IS structured as a Directorate in the Office of the Premier. This issue is the subject of a number of discussions currently being held, and its resolution is anticipated in the near future.

Apart from its own restructuring this department has been focusing on preparations for the local government elections, as well as on developing a housing strategy for the North West within the overall national context. Preparations for local government elections are currently underway, with the North West being represented on the national Task Group, and the draft regulations having been submitted to the North West Law Advisor for comment. A committee on demarcation is in place to ensure a coordinated approach within the province to the demarcation issue.

The new provincial department has inherited a number of housing projects from the erstwhile Bophuthatswana, and is also embarking on a number of new projects in Winterveld, the Lehurutshe Senior citizens village, and the Diplankeng Redevelopment Plan. The North West Housing Corporation Amendment Act has been promulgated in order to harness the resources inherited in the form of the Bophuthatswana Housing Corporation, and a Provincial Housing board is also in the process of being set up.


The Departmentt of Transport has been undergoing a restructuring process in terms of its Schedule 6 functions and is establishing the following branches: Road Safety, Public Transport, Of ficial Motor Vehicle Division Administrative Services, Civil Aviation, and Traffic Control and Enforcement. Also under the control of this department are the state owned Bophuthatswana Transport investment (BTI), and Bop-Air (now trading as Sunair). Sun-Air is due to become self-sustaining by June 1995, and the nature of the subsidies to the BTH bus company is being reviewed, although it is acknowledged that subsidisation will in all likelihood be continued in order to provide affordable transport to the populace.

The department has had to spend time in fire fighting in relation to the taxi industry, and an office has been set up to deal proactively with the taxi industry. There has also been a considerable amount of work done on normalising the situation in relation to the location and use of government owned vehicle following the disruptions in the period of the overthrow of the previous administration.

A Draft Road Traffic Act has been drawn up by the department and the registration of vehicles next year should be in terms of a new system of North West number plates.

Health and Developmental Social Welfare

The Department of Health and Developmental Social Welfare, set up two Strategic Management Teams to plan the restructuring process one for Health and one for Welfare. The top management structure has been finalised and this department was the first provincial department to advertise its top management posts.

As part of an inclusive and comprehensive strategic planning process 21 commissions covering a wide range of activities and aspects related to service delivery were established by the department. Apart from a number of communication workshops which were aimed at disseminating the information gathered in this process, two news letters have also been produced and circulated to the 19 000 staff members and other interested parties. Final reports were given to the MEC by these commissions by the 1st of November. Apart from organisational restructuring, therefore, a solid basis has been laid for policy development on a wide range of health and welfare issues.

The Primary School Nutrition Programme was launched on 1 September, and was covering more than 200 000 children as at the end of October. Free health care for pregnant mothers and children under 6 has also been implimented, although this has increased the load of the health services in relation to both staffing and budgetary implications.

Transitional Management Committees have been established at provincial and district level to address immediate management problems and begin the process of intergration of services.

Public Works

The department of Public Works is one of the key departments for the delivery of the RDP and as such has been under going a thorough restructuring process as well as planning for the establishment of a Public Works Programme (PWP) the main objectives of the PWP would be:

* to reduce unemployment / create jobs,

* create, rehabilitate and maintain physical assets

* educate and train those on the programme as a means of economic empowerment,

* build the capacity of communities to mana~e their own affairs.

Two Working Groups have been set up within the department viz. Projects Working Group, and Policy Working Group. Both groups have started work and a number of projects amounting to more than R20m have been identified and the necessary arrangements for implementation are under way.

Safety and Security

A Provincial Change Team (PCT) was set up on 30 May 1994 to undertake and oversee the process of amalgamation and rationalisation of the two police forces that were inherited by the North West. This PCT has 4 subcommitees viz: Community Policing, Auditing, Intergration and Rationalisation, and Research.

The ability of the department to implement a new structure and policies is, however, seriously hampered by the lack of a new South African Police Service Act, and also by the lack of powers for the MEC. The latter restricts the ability of the MEC to position key police personnel in areas where they can be effective.

Notwithstanding these restrictions, however progress has been made in a number of areas. Interim mechanisms for cooperation have been set between the former SAP and ex Bop Police, allaying the fear and perceptions of these agencies of a takeover. Joint operations have also been set up in a number of areas to give visible effect to the process of creating a single force.

The Concept of community policing is becoming generally understood and is being accepted by the public and by the police alike. Community police forums are being set up in the former Bop territory and a number of workshops are being held for senior officers of the police.

Media and Information

Currently there is no departmental component to this portfolio, and it comprises two parastatals, the Information Services of Bophuthatswana (ISOB), and the Bop Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). In terms of the strategic planning process, this department would be relatively small covering aspects such as a government printer, a research and news bureau, and media support services. Much effort has gone into the transformation of ISOB from a relatively demoralised institution, to one that will be in a position to service the need of the new provincial government, ISOB has been providing a number of services, including a comprehensive plan for the communication of the RDP throughout the province. It is also producing Seipone, the government newspaper and Legis News, a new publication covering legislative developments. Preparations are underway in the drafting of a new Act for the governance of ISOB.

The restructuring of broadcasting services and of the Bop Broadcasting Corporation in particular is a complex process. The BBC is currently unable to extend its transmitter network to cover the whole of the North West Province in the absence of new licences issued by the IBA. A related issue is the restriction that is placed on the Bop TV antenna on the Brixton tower. Representations are being made to the SABC and to the IBA for these restrictions to be lifted in order to allow coverage to be extended to the greater Johannesburg area, in place of the present range within Soweto. The increased advertising revenue thus gained would have the effect of reducing the BBC’s reliance on government subsidies.

Peace and Reconciliation

The establishment of effective structures for governance and development in our province will mean little without the establishment of the necessary climate for peace and stability. Prior to the elections there were dire predictions on this aspect for our province, particularly in relation to the relative strength of right wing groups in the North West Province.

The North West Government has done all in its power to promote a stable environment and to promote reconciliation. One of the key principles of the Constitution is Nation Building and Unity, and we have endeavoured to implement this. It is pleasing to report therefore that a number of meetings have been held with right wing groups in the province and that the process of reconciliation is proceeding well.


This report is a summary of progress achieved so far in setting up the necessary structures of governance, and of the attendant problems. It does not attempt to go into the detail of each. I and every activity, but rather represents an overview of the transition process.

On the whole, although the province has made considerable progress, tremendous challenges still lie ahead. Government is determined to drive the process of establishing the structures of governance with the vigour and enthusiasm expected by the residents of the North West, in order that it can become an effective entity in the crucial task of the development of this province and its people.




* The challenge of establishing a brand new Government and administration in the PWV area commenced prior to the election with the finalisation of the elections LIST PROCESS for Provincial candidates. This process, as part of the national list process for the selection of candidates for the Legislature went on in this Province relatively smoothly.

* The success of this process was due to the fact that the process was broadly consultative, very transparent and democratic right across the broad democratic alliance. The leadership of the ANC in this process as the final decision makers was emphasised from the onset and was jealously guarded.

* Affirmative Action was adhered to in the selection and positioning of candidates in the list with due regard to race, gender, age, skills and so on including political loyal to the African National Congress. All these factors are catered for in a fairly balanced way within the ANC’s 50 out of 86 candidates who now have seats in the Legislature. The ANC achieved more candidates in the PWV Legislature than all other Provinces.

The process of establishing new organs

The Legislative Assembly

* The PWV has a brand new multi-party Legislature in the Provincial Government of National Unity (GNU) consisting of total of 86 members from various political parties. The break-

down is as follows:

ANC: 50

NP: 21

DP: 5

IFP: 3

FF: 5

PAC: 1


* This process proceeded without one single political hitch in the sense of delays in opening the Legislature, walk-outs, in-fighting over choice of venue and so on.

* Until recently, due to the absence of a suitable place for the Legislative Assembly as no such structure was available, the Assembly was temporarily established at NASREC, Johannesburg. Subsequently, since November 1994 the Assembly has gone to its permanent place in the old Johannesburg City Hall which has been renovated for this purpose.

* The ANC enjoys leadership in the Legislature in various crucial Legislative positions viz the Speaker of the House, Chief Whip, Leader of the House, Chairpersonships of 8 out of the 17 Standing Committee and so on.

* Thus far, surprisingly for a politically cosmopolitan Province such as this one, there has been unanimity in many of the vital debates on issues, legislation etc., notwithstanding the snipping tactics of the DP which specialises in asking a lot of seemingly worthless questions to try to embarrass. It has been reduced by the electorate into a party of embarrassment.

* Concerning the business of the House as regards key legislation, we have passed laws such as the Exchequer Act, Tender Board Bill and as this paper goes to press, the Provincial Service Commission Bill is being passed. There are a string of theory laws which are essential for Provincial Government which are in the pipeline. The burning question of overall stability in the province, to be dealt with later in this report, has been uppermost in this critical province of our country, especially during the early days and occupied a greater portion of our time as firefighters both literally and theoretically. Had it not been so many more laws could been passed. Moreover we do not want to pass laws merely for the for the fun of doing so but to ensure that they are well prioritised and critical laws which will be filled with executive power to enable us to fulfill our tasks. Otherwise with the previous delays experienced in the devolving of power to the Provinces by Central Government such laws, would have been mere empty vessels devoid of executive content.

The Executive Cabinet

* The constitutional principle/requirement of the Government of National Unity has been effected from day one as well without any hitches in this Province. Besides the Premier who is from the ANC, of the ten Cabinet members, seven are also ANC and three NP. The portfolios are distributed as follows:

Health – ANC

Sports & Culture – ANC

Finance & Economic Affairs – ANC

Safety & Security – ANC

Housing & Local Government – ANC

Planning & Local Government – ANC

Education – ANC

Public Transport – NP

Welfare Services – NP

Agriculture & Conservation – NP

* The constitutional principle/requirements of consensus in respect of decision making within the executive has thus far been adhered to with success. No issue has been subjected to voting as yet within the Cabinet but most issues go through rigorous debates seldom with a sharp sting before compromises are reached. Various members enjoy the respect of one another and an understanding permeates within the executive that our different political policies and the sustaining sharpness of our deliberations should not be allowed to affect good governance, responsible decisions, executive integrity, and most importantly, the unity and stability of the people and Province respectively, as one part of the entire country.

The Executive Cabinet

* Johannesburg is the capital city of the Province and seat of Provincial Government. The unanimous decision, both by the executive and legislature for the elevation of Johannesburg to this status was arrived at due to first and foremost economic consideration and secondly due to political and other factors. This decision helped to stem the tide of the outflow of capital funds from the city centre which had experienced approximately 180 000 square meters of empty office space! This figure is being reduced as business gradually takes up this space.

* With the legislature and cabinet offices now situated in the city centre we have helped to bolster institutions such s the Reserve Bank, Jewel City, Bank City, Stock Exchange, the Carlton Centre environs, Park Station complex and many others in the endeavours to attract life back into this city is the cash flow of this country.

* The capitalization of Johannesburg was therefore aimed at restoring the dignity of this city as the commercial centre of the country to give back the city its economic viability and with multiplier effect in sight, it was part of our strategy of enhancing economic growth and more vitally to create jobs and reduce unemployment within and around this city.

The Bureaucracy

* The small geographic size of the PWV in relation to the administration we have inherited from the former TPA, poses a mammoth challenge. Eventually the administration will consist of approximately 100 000 employees, the largest of all the Provinces. The biggest headache is the need to draw in fresh blood a part of the programme of affirmative action to make the public service as representative of the mosaic of the population of our Province and country as possible.

* The are no easy answers for this. However a process has been set in motion to ensure that ultimately the administration is fully utilised to promote the government policy objectives of the RDP in this province. This, inter alia, requires a network of change agents within the administration and in the offices of Premier and MEC’s. Such change agents, for the sake of balanced approach are made of old and new officials for policy formulation, administrative re-organisation, budgeting and planning.

* Currently such capacity exists in the form of officials employed on a contractual basis. The Public Service Commission has been approached to assent to our suggestion of institution-

alizing the sole of such change agents via the avenue of limited political appointments.

* The legal constraints codified in the interim constitution in respect of job security for existing officials and employees in the civil service has made the task of transformation extremely difficult. This is made much worse by the challenge of fiscal discipline and the reduction of a bloated bureaucracy. This has posed serious problems for the RDP and affirmative action. The regulating framework of the Public Service Commission regarding new appointments has the consequence of serving to affirm existing officials the bulk of whom still have to reconcile themselves to the new democratic order. In order to assert our ballot box given authority in these matters a need has arisen for political intention at some level.


The first draft of the 1995-96 budget of the Province has been completed and submitted to the Department of State Expenditure. However, there will be no real increase. The Provincial Government is required to deliver on new priorities within severely limited budgetary constraints. We consider it to have been a grave error to have been hand-cuffed, as a government at all levels to the 1993/1994 budget as it stands which is not RDP orientated. It is unacceptable that housing, as an example, has around one percent allocation compared to the defence budget. Political intervention, in some form or other is essential in this regard especially in consideration of the housing backlog in this Province which is approximately 50ø/O of the national backlog.

RDP Implementation

* The largest presidential RDP project in the country, the Katorus project, has taken off in this province on the East Rand. This project for which funds to the tune of R600 million over the next five years have been allocated is addressing the legacy of destruction that resulted from the unprecedented violence that visited that part of this province since the unbanning of organisations in 1990.

* That violence also had a negative impact on the socio-economic life of the people of the East Rand in particular. After gearing with the institutions the R600 million shall become plus minus R2 billion over the next five years. Roads, streets, lighting, damaged houses, refuse removal, schools, clinics and sporting facilities – these are amongst other infrastructure elements targeted for repairs and sprucing-up as part of the RDP.

* Other projects such as the school feeding scheme and medical care for pregnant mother and children under six years are in place. However, hospitals and clinics are running to over capacity as many of the patients arriving come from other provinces where such services are inadequate.

* The province’s major RDP programme has been identified as housing. We see this urgent task as a critical programme for helping to kickstart the provincial and national economy. Job creation opportunities, empowerment of the small and medium business sector particularly construction and related industries, the involvement of large private sectors in the construction industry and most importantly the financial institutions – all these are essential economic elements of our housing plan/formula.

* However, initial hitches that saw the crossing of swords -rather shovels – between the national and provincial ministries on housing were settled by an independent Joint Technical Committee which had to evaluate the PWV plan. The JTC gave the thumbs-up to the basic idea of the plan formula as an essential and innovative provincial contribution to the challenge and strategy for housing nationally. Although the Botshabelo Housing Summit was very important as a media strategy and to bring various stakeholders together to sign the Housing Pledge, this pledge goes further than a mere pledge. It is the Housing White Paper that we are eagerly awaiting and hopefully it will take into account the initiatives of the Provinces – certainly ours – and the vital report of the JTC which the national ministry has vet to commented on.

* To the PWV which overburdened by people from all the other provinces, housing is a critical factor. The economic growth potential and job creation strategy which can emanate from this factor cannot be adequately emphasised. As for the site-and-service housing distortion and other apartheid-like economically non-viable approaches, these have been given the thumbs-down by the province. After all, we were and still are committed to decent housing for all the people.

Other Areas of critical concern

* A number of areas of concern include education where the struggle is to return the culture of learning and teaching both to students and teachers respectively, a concerted campaign to return the culture of payment for bulk services, repayments for bonds/rents etc. (we are soon convening a major conference on the payment of services). There are also moves afoot to give special attention into the problem of the homeless who grab land for themselves or try to invade empty buildings in the city centre. The bulk of these problems are socio-economic related but are exploited by some shady characters, in some kind of well planned and co-ordinated effort, who have agendas of their own. With the plans we have, we believe that we shall be on top of this situation in due course. This is top priority.

* However, the most outstanding single achievement of the province upon which everything hinged was restoring stability and completely doing away with politically inspired violence. These are no longer deaths of people on the basis of their affiliation – real or perceived to any political party. We used to have an average of twenty such deaths almost every week at railway stations, outside hostels, families wiped out in the middle of the night, bus stops, places of entertainment such as shebeens, along the railway tracks, etc. Self Defence Units, especially in the East Rand have established links with SPU’s in hostels where we are ourselves are frequent and welcome visitors! Some SDU and SPU members have been integrated into the SAPS while other are cooperating in the government anti-crime campaigns. Peace has generally been achieved in what was a bloody province.

* The doing away with politically related violence meant the exposure of the other form of violence which had dovetailed under political violence – criminal related violence. A special campaign to fight this scourge tooth and nail has seen communities linking up with the police in community-police forums to plan strategies against serious crimes such as murder, robbery, drug-peddling, child abuse, rape, burglary, car-highjackings, etc.

* We link the successes of such campaign to economic growth via domestic and foreign investments which will shy away from this country if the crime levels continue to spiral. We link such anti-crime campaigns to tourism and its further development as a vital factor of direct and indirect job-creation. The police are scoring many successes in the fight against crime. However, there are very serious constraints such as low salaries, long working hours, easy bail application for serious offenders such as child abusers, poor investigations, police involvement in crime syndicates etc. Definite proposals and recommendations are being considered such as tax law amendments regarding money launderers and drug-dealers. These cannot be dealt with in this report.

Local Government Elections

Preparations are being made with regard to the holding of local government elections next year. We perceive this as a difficult terrain to cross in respect of the finalisation of local government negotiations some of which are acrimonious, the establishment of TLC’s which are bedeviled by inter-alliance structural and personalities rivalries – particularly between some ANC and SANCO local structures. We advise that our focus of attention as provincial and national leader next year -right from the beginning after the festive season recess -should be deployment in all the local areas for constituency and local government work.


We have in this province, on behalf of the country at large, succeeded in setting up a brand new province where none existed, a brand new legislature and executive as vital organs of governance, inherited an enormous bureaucracy that must be reorganised to effectively serve the new democratic order; we have established a brand new capital city and have been able to establish a government of national unity at provincial level in the line with constitutional requirements. The next stage is to ensure that we can obtain the cooperation of all key players for RDP delivery which must be people driven. We have encountered and foresee further obstacles ahead some of which we can cope with, but other require a dynamic approach from the combined resources – human and material – of central and provincial government.

The importance of the PWV – which is due to undergo a name change can never be sufficiently emphasised for the entire country. We here are driven not by the desire to provide schools, houses, clinics, jobs etc. for the people as soon as yesterday, but by the will to demonstrate serious evidence that the needs of the people are being addressed. That’s what people desire and understand.



Chairperson JACOB ZUMA

Process of setting up provincial government

KwaZulu-Natal was beset with problems around the elections. The last minute deal-making to allow the IFP to enter the polling process had a number of problematic consequences. The most important here was the IFP and Buthelezi’s office in particular controlled the voting in KwaZulu. This meant that an enormous set of irregularities emerged around the voting process in KwaZulu-Natal. As a result of this major electoral fraud a strong case was prepared to set the result in KwaZulu-Natal aside. However, at an important meeting addressed by President Mandela the collective leadership agreed that such a court case would not be in the overall national interest in creating governments of national unity at a National and Provincial level.

Having accepted that we were the major opposition party in KwaZulu-Natal, the next hurdle to address was the allocation of portfolios to ANC Cabinet members. The ANC prioritized the following areas: Economic Affairs, Safety and Security, Transport and Health and were able to negotiate all except Safety and Security, including that the RDP would be coordinated through the office of the Minister of Economic Affairs. In addition, the key portfolio committees of Safety and Security, Local Government, Finance and Nature Conservation have ANC chairpersons.

The third major hurdle to overcome was the issue of the capital. Clearly, as the IFP has a majority in Parliament, it could have forced the vote on the issue but we were able to argue strongly that the matter not be addressed in an emotional way, but that instead: [i] a commission be set up to look at an interim arrangement for the capital and then that: [ii] the people of the province should vote on the matter. This vote will occur in 18 months after a voters roll is created and will provide an important point around which to mobilize.

Major achievements

The first major achievement is that the ANC is operating in government in KwaZulu-Natal. The province has historically been characterized by not only English conservatism but by a black reactionary organization which has used the state apparatus to exclude the ANC from most areas of the province.

Our operation in government has enhanced our legitimacy in the eyes of ordinary people who had never really known the ANC. Government and being in parliament means that the ANC can travel the length and breadth of the province allowing the ANC to be seen as a living government.

The third major achievement has been that His Majesty King Goodwill Zwelethini has adopted a non-partisan stand vis a vis party politics. This has meant that slowly but surely the IFP’s base among traditional leadership is crumbling as they realize that their future lies in a nonparty political stand. All political parties are now free to consult with His Majesty and this has been a great achievement for the province. Already the fruits of this are being seen in a widely diverse group of amakhosi, hostel residents, organs of civil society and the like, all committing themselves to the King’s Peace and Development Programme.

Implementation of RDP

The difficulty of operating in hostile terrain is evident in the difficulties associated with implementing the RDP. Firstly, the state bureaucracy is generally hostile to both the ANC and the RDP and this has meant that there is not a ready and available administrative team. The focus has therefore been on beginning to mobilize, particularly rural people into fora around their basic needs: health, roads, welfare, etc. Visits to places like Maphumulo, Ladysmith, KwaNgwanase, etc., by ANC ministers is unheard of and provides an important springboard for the next few years.

It is, however, clear that a mechanism within the state needs to be developed to ensure that the RDP is implemented.


The first and major problems is a structural one: the apartheid and bantustan state structures are still in place. While apartheid has been defeated nationally, this is not so locally. At the same time, the problems facing the ANC from the state would probably have been greater if the ANC had won the elections in the province.

A second major problem area is the level of violence which still is far too high. There is clear evidence of apartheid state elements which foster and ferment such violence and clearly our national response has been too slow and almost too little too late. The violence has demoralized communities.

A third major problem is that as the IFP’s power bases slowly crumble, they become more exposed and more dangerous. Their control over the amakhosi, for example, where they use their control over the purse strings to intimidate amakhosi into staying out of local government fora [and even the elections] is a cause of concern. While important inroads have been made to ensure such amakhosi move to a neutral base, they are held in fear if they move out of the IFP fold. The struggle to win the local government elections has already begun and amakhosi are being forced: [i] to stay out of local negotiations fora [even when they want to participate], and [u] to take a line that unless there is international mediation they won’t participate in the elections. In addition, they have put the legislature on notice that there will be separate electoral Processes for People living in tribal authority areas.

The IFP has returned to its tactics employed earlier this year around the elections. This time circumstances have changed and the ANC must ensure that the IFP’s bluff is called.

Future plans

Future plans revolve around firstly developing a united provincial leadership. The single greatest problem facing the ANC has been our inability to deal with the provincialism of the IFP with a single, clear provincial strategy. The ANC’s provincial structure will also ensure a leadership emerges at a regional level with the creation of 10 regions across the province. This means leadership is not only developed more broadly, but is closer to our constituencies and also reaches into areas untouched before.

A programme of peoples fora, report backs and cadre development programs are planned for early in the New Year and will all form part of a coordinated drive to win the local government elections next year.

The struggle to address the IFP will assume a variety of forms. Not only are they being challenged in the legislature and through taking issues to the people of KwaZulu-Natal, but the ANC is bringing a case before the constitutional court challenging the House of Traditional Leaders Act whose main purpose was to establish Buthelezi as the Traditional Advisor to King Goodwill Zwelithini.

All this will require strategic and critical support from national structures. Such support must not only be material but national leaders must be drawn into such programs across the province as a whole and particularly into areas where it was almost impossible to penetrate before.



Chairperson CHRIS NISSEN

Establishment of Provincial Government

* SMT’s were established to assist in putting together new departments and to restructure existing ones.

* Inter ministries forums were established, where provincial ministers and the respective national ministers discussed issues of mutual concern with special emphasis on the devolution of powers to the provinces. This was to ensure that as similar as possible structures were created in each province. Out of these ministerial forums, technical committees consisting of bureaucrats and SMT’s were established to concretize the agreements reached in these forums.

* A provincial task force was established by the director general which consisted of members of the SMT’s as well as senior officials of the respective departments. This task force is primarily responsible to coordinate the restructuring process in the province. However, due to the cumbersome size of this body, it is not possible for this body to be really effective.

* The EXCO has taken a keen interest in ensuring that the provincial government is established as soon as possible.

* At the moment no fully functional provincial government has been set up because we are still grappling with regard to the functions which need to be devolved to the provinces; the approval of the different ministries’ organograms; the creation of posts; appointment of staff; the allocation of funds to enable the ministries to become fully functional.

It, however, needs to be said that the process of setting up provincial government has been fraught with all sorts of problems, namely:

* The fact that we lost this province as the ANC, is clearly the most important reason for the state of affairs.

* It seems as if no coherent strategy has been worked out for establishing provincial governments and restructuring the civil service. In this regard the national government especially the minister of Public Service Administration should have played a more meaningful role. The fact that we dragged our feet in implementing change or developing a strategy from a national perspective, allowed the existing bureaucrats to entrench themselves and take charge of the process.

* The constitutional guarantee as espoused in the interim constitution, has clearly been a hindering factor in this process. The debate about the guarantee of jobs, vis a vis posts, is ultimately one of semantics and is not easily explainable to our comrades on the ground.

* Our SMT members have clearly been sidelined in the process of restructuring by the acting DG and his senior officials.

* The provinces, including this one, do not seem to have a coherent strategy.

* The fact that we, so soon after the elections, closed down the ANC structures dealing with the civil service units nationally and in the provinces was possibly a fundamental mistake.

* The introduction of “Chapter J’ by the public service commission has also severely complicated and hampered the process of setting up new departments.

Ministry of Environmental Affairs and Tourism

Major Achievements

* Due to the fact that no real powers have been devolved to this ministry and the organograms have not been approved, no major achievements could be made. The minister has however, on a number of occasions, publicly intervened in environmental matters. This ministry has also facilitated the establishment of a number of RDP forums in our communities. During the minister’s recent visit to Australia he managed to procure the hosting of the World Eco-tourism Conference in 1996 in Cape Town. This has potentially great benefit both from an environmental, as well as from a tourism perspective.

* The ministry hosted a successful strategic planning workshop with various stakeholders in the tourism and environmental fields.

Implementation of the RDP

* Besides facilitating the establishment of RDP forums, and the submission of possible presidential RDP projects, which have subsequently been approved by the national RDP office, no major achievements have been made with regard to the implementation of the RDP because no funding has been made available from central government for this purpose. This ministry has however, managed, together with a private sector company, to develop a small RDP project in the community of Langa concerning a fruit tree planting scheme. This project was due to have been implemented on 2 December 1994.

Our future plans

* This ministry is working towards the unveiling of a white paper on Tourism, Nature Conservation and Environmental Affairs. We also intend to enact legislation in this regard. The said legislation will be facilitatory in nature, rather than regulatory as it used to be in the past.

* This ministry is also thinking of establishing a tourism and environmental development fund to be used primarily for development and capacity building purposes.

* To establish a fully functional ministry and operationalise the whole question of affirmative action.

Ministry of Economic Affairs

The Department of Economic Affairs, Western Cape, comprises the Office of the RDP, Western Cape, and the Department of Trade and Industry. The Department grew out of the Strategic Management Team structure initiated immediately after the national election. To date we have made considerable achievements:

Major achievements

* The establishment of a new department in spite of a lack of powers and a budget. While organogram has not yet been finalized, significant progress has been made. We are currently negotiating with the Provincial Management Advisory Service to arrive at a suitable settlement.

* Wesgro: The department has successfully completed negotiations to attach WESGRO, as an investment promotion agency, to the department.

* Consultative Workshops: A series of workshops and meetings was conducted, since our inception to inform business, trade unions, civics and the general community, with regard to the RDP, SMME and other matters so pertaining:

* General workshops were held with business [both black and white], the NGO sector, and other interested role players to introduce the RDP documentation and to start the progress of consultation pertaining to the establishment of the RDP Forums.

* A major summit with all stakeholders will be conducted in March to adopt the Western Cape Government RDP programme.

* Workshops were also conducted to introduce the Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises [SMME] policy document to the relevant role players and to seek their input into the second draft of the document.

* A capacity building workshop was conducted with the NGO sector to establish a Capacity Building Programme of action.

Black Business Investment Fund

The department returned recently from a highly successful mission overseas to procure funds for the establishment of a Black Business Investment Fund within the province. This initiative will start operations with a seed capital in excess of R million.

Capricorn Project

The Department is currently engaged in negotiations with the government of Japan, through Minister Trevor Manual, local business and the Cape Town City Council to establish the Capricorn Science and Industry Park. This project will create between 15 000 and 20 000 jobs over a 10 year period. An integral component of the park will be the Small Business Technical and Education Centre.

Small Business Development Corporation [SBDC] We are negotiating with the SBDC to pilot new approaches to service the SMME sector.

Twin City Agreements

The department is currently in negotiation to establish an agreement to develop a twin city relationship between Cape Town and the city of Atlanta in the USA.

Picking the Winners

We have completed a document entitled Picking the Winners, in which business with the potential to compete successfully both domestically and internationally are identified.

We have also compiled an extensive data base of business and NGO operating in the province.

Levi Strauss Being instrumental in procuring this investment in providing 300 new jobs [March 1995]

Implementing the RDP

* Establishment of RDP Forums: The department has played an important role in the establishment of RDP Forums within the community. Our primary task was that of facilitating and monitoring the process. The department visited the forums to brief the participants regarding their role and the process of linking with the Provincial Office. At present 80% in the rural areas and 60% in the urban.

* Evaluation of RDP projects: The Provincial Office of the RDP receives all Western Cape RDP project proposals. All such proposals are placed upon our data base, evaluated in terms of the RDP criteria set down by the national office, and interviews conducted with all proposals deemed satisfactory.

* Human Resource Development: The Office of the RDP is actively engaged in a process of consultation to establish Capacity Building Programme. We are constructing a strategic plan for Human Resource Development and public sector transformation within the province.

Future Plans

To consolidate and broaden the establishment of RDP forums; to finalize the structure of the Black Investment Fund; to continue to strive for more enabling legislation of the disadvantaged.

Ministry of Roads, Transport and Public Works

Major Achievements

* The creation of a task force charged with a specific brief to level the playing fields for all to participate and beginning a process of broad consultation with all stake holders in the transport field.

* Integrally involved in the process of getting an amicable solution to the continued taxi conflict.

* Instrumental in organizing the first Provincial Transport Conference.

Implementing the RDP

* We must set up a process that will address the huge imbalances created by apartheid and transform the department so that it is reflective of the province, and be restructured so that it is well geared to implement new functions assigned to provinces in line with the RDP.

* It is an essential service which is identified as such by the RDP and is basic to the provision of job opportunities, mobility and general social upliftment of especially the communities isolated by remote location of townships and less formal residential areas, brought about by the Group Areas Act and apartheid policies of the racist regime of the past.

* The RDP calls for the promotion of road safety. We need the whole community, the schools and churches and definitely all forms of the media to support us in these efforts. But most importantly we need a safety plan for the province that will address law enforcement and the strengthening of the capacity of traffic authorities in terms of staffing and education.

* The best contribution to the objective of the RDP is optimizing the programmes of roads and transport as a combined whole towards these objectives while meeting the stated criteria of the provision and maintenance of essential infrastructure with respect to roads and transport needs.

Future Aims:

* The central challenge is not to trivialize our apartheid past on one hand, and on the other hand, to develop policy and plans that present viable and practical options for the future in a way that is as inclusive and transparent as possible.

* The RDP requires decision making powers to be devolved to the level where implementation takes place.

* We must also recognize that transport policy and plans must be for the province as a whole and not be concentrated only on metropolitan areas. The genuine needs of rural communities who have to travel long distances to the nearest towns; children who have to walk long distances on foot to schools. The issue of rural transport in its entirety, is a grave concern and a process needs to be set in place to address this.

* There is a great need to structure the form and define the powers of The Provincial Transport Authority and the Metropolitan Transport Authority.

* It is essential that we, in cooperation with different communities, devise an integrated transport system comprising of all modes, each in its appropriate role, to best meet the needs of these communities. I refer to an efficient effective, safe, reliable and affordable system also catering for the special needs of the young, the aged, women and physically disadvantaged people.

* It also means the provision or upgrading of those roads in the townships, the so-called access roads and public transport routes, which are at present nothing more than mud tracks.

* We will have to revise our Metropolitan Transport Plan to provide for these routes and redirect government budget and expenditure to address these imbalances.

* The absence of regulation in the transport industry, in bus and taxi modes, characterized by the non existence or very poor policy frameworks that have resulted in, amongst other things, an unjust systems of subsidization is of grave concern.

* The whole matter of the provision of a multi mode service and the funding and subsidization of such a system will need concentrated attention.

* My ministry is deeply committed to provide an efficient, effective and affordable public transport service and infrastructure in a manner that will promote sustainable development and appropriate use.

* To initiate a coordinated and multi disciplinary approach which will appeal to all motorists and pedestrians to change their mind-set, towards showing greater care for their fellow vehicle operators and indeed for themselves in the way they drive, walk and use our roads.

* We need to look at the possibility of redefining these authorities with an aim of developing an efficient way of managing motor vehicle registration.

Ministry of Health and Social Welfare

Major Achievements

* Social Welfare

During the past 6 months the department has been involved in a wide range of activities:

* Securing the Schedule 6 competencies.

* Setting up crisis committees as part of the Flood Disaster Forum.

* Submitted project proposals for the Presidential 100 days; multi purpose centres and development workers.

* Attended a wide range of meetings; national, provincial, interdepartmental and community.

* Actively involved in the crisis management of the line function department,

* Commented on the 1995\6 budget.

* Transformation plan:

Organized a situation analysis of current work operation of the line function department.

* Studied all the relevant data to inform the new strategic plan.

* Developed a questionnaire to involve all stake holders in creating a new social services delivery system,

* Held urban and rural consultation sessions with communities and stake holders.

* Conducted workshops with all the line function staff at its head office, 3 regional offices and 14 service offices.

* Developed a functional chart and an organogram.

* Represented the minister at a variety of social events.

* Currently co-managing the Nisec pension ATM system.

* Policy issues.


* By the end of this year, we should have completed the drawing up of the Provincial Health Plan. To this end material was drawn together from 30 task teams, comprising approximately 400 people both from the services and outside.

* By the end of this year, every major town in the Western Cape should have been visited to set up working groups which will form the basis of a new district health system.

* The rationalization of the 2 academic hospitals is well under way. This will have a major effect on over expenditure.

The health organogram is still awaiting ratification at provincial legislative level.

Implementation of the RDP

An extensive community consultation programme around establishing needs has been undertaken. We have identified clinics for upgrading, as well as identified where clinics are needed. The SMT’s for welfare are currently drawing up the business plan for 3 new multipurpose Centres at a cost of R2,5 million per centre. A similar process is also happening for the upgrading of 3 existing centres at a cost of R626 000 per centre.

Problem Areas

The initial entry into the department was difficult because there appeared to be constant crises, for example, the flood, etc. The situation analysis presented by the line function department was incomplete and further work had to be done by the SMT’s to complete this task. The department also amalgamated its 4 race based departments on 1 April 1994 without the necessary consultation with its staff. This process is currently still a huge problem which impacts on the transformation plan. This incomplete process has forced the SMT’s to have in depth consultative workshops with all staff. Staff are only now starting to provide the SMT’s with information, because a measure of trust has developed and the initial fears of them losing their jobs have diminished.

Despite all these issues listed above the team is committed to completing the transformation plan by 1 January 1995.


The minister will require assistance to ensure the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the transformation plan.

Future Plans

Shift the basis of the existing health system to that of a primary health care model.

List of all MEC’s 1. Minister of Economic Affairs: Chris Nissen 2. Minister of Environment and Tourism Affairs: Lerumo Kalako 3. Minister of Roads, Transport and Public Works: Leonard Ramatlakane 4. Minister of Health and Social Services: Ebrahim Rassool

Problems experienced by the ANC in the Western Cape Government

* Administrative Obstacles: Guidelines for the operation of the EXCO were compiled by the old bureaucrats. As a result, Ministers are not given enough autonomy.

* Unilateral decision making: The existing civil service is oblivious to the changes in our country. For example, the allocation\status of senior posts was done without consultation. This resulted in the recent “walk out” by ANC MEC’s.

* Absence of “powers”: The absence of “powers” is severely debilitating. As a result we are unable to fulfill our responsibilities to our constituents.

* Lack of coordination amongst the Provincial Governments: Greater synergy will provide more effective government delivery. For example, attracting foreign investment.

ANC in the Western Cape since Provincial Conference

The Provincial Conference of the ANC held on the 10 and 11th of September 1994, brought in new leadership for the Western Cape. This leadership came in at a time when the state of organization was in a way chaotic and there was no leadership left as most people had gone to parliament or civil service. What remained was a skeleton staff and an ad hoc committee charged with running the of fice. The main difficulty faced was the need to recoup on the lost ground and potential seeds of demoralization. We had to earnestly reconnect with our structures and at the same time put our hands to ensuring efficient administration of the office.

We had also come from the April election which in our province had generated untold racism both in the general populace and within our ranks. Our first duty was to defuse this situation and to also discuss this openly in our [PEC] strategic meeting. There is a long way to go here but we are confident that we will overcome this.

Another difficulty we faced was in the establishment of the Local Government Transitional structure. This process generated a lot of interest in our branches which at the same time made our comrades embark on ill-considered and dangerous [politically] campaigns and infighting especially on the question of nominations. We have gone through this phase and in most areas the transitional structures are in place.

Immediate Plans

Our immediate plans are the following:

* Set up the Local Government election structures, we are discussing the way forward with the alliance plus one

* Establish strong leadership and try our level best to unite the democratic forces in the Western Cape

* Improvement in organizing work and an efficient and use friendly membership system

* Improve the political education with a special emphasis to the rural areas

* Peace and stability – eradicate\defuse the taxi violence and violence in the squatter communities which are bedeviling our very ability to organize and do our work.