South African’s National Liberation Movement


Declaration by Oliver Tambo, Deputy President of the African National Congress of South Africa, and J.R.D. Chikerema, Vice-President of the Zimbabwe African People`s Union

ANC-ZAPU alliance

5 August 1967

From: Sechaba, October 1967

Furious fighting has been and is taking place in various parts of Southern Rhodesia. From the thirteenth of this month, the area of Wankie has been the scene of the most daring battles ever fought between freedom fighters and the white oppressors` army in Rhodesia. Only last night the Rhodesian regime admitted having been engaged in a six-hour battle yesterday. In fact the fighting in this area has been going on continuously for a full six days.

Both the Rhodesian and South African regimes have admitted that South African freedom fighters belonging to the African National Congress have been involved in these courageous battles, fighting their way to strike at the Boers themselves in South Africa.

We wish to declare here that the fighting that is presently going on in the Wankie area is indeed being carried out by a combined force of ZAPU and ANC which marched into the country as comrades-in-arms on a common route, each bound to its destination. It is the determination of these Combined Forces to fight the common settler enemy to the finish, at any point of encounter as they make their way to their respective zones.

In the fighting front, the enemy has suffered untold casualties and as the fighting continues, the fighters are determined to inflict more harm without surrender. After all, as comrades-in-arms, we are facing a common fate – hence a combined force for a common onslaught against the enemy at every point of encounter as we march down for the liberation of our respective countries.

J.R.D. Chikerema
Zimbabwe African People`s Union

O.R. Tambo
Deputy President