South African’s National Liberation Movement


Kwazulu Natal 2010 Provincial General Council Declaration

14 August 2010

The African National Congress Youth League KwaZulu Natal Provincial General Council convened on the 13th and 14th of August 2010 to discuss and prepare ANC YL branches for the ANC YL National General Council happening between the 23rd and 27th of August 2010 and ANC NGC between the 20th and 25th of September 2010. The Provincial General Council was addressed by the ANC Youth League National Executive Committee on Nationalisation of Mines and received an instructive, inspirational address from the former ANC Youth League former President Fikile Mbalula.

The PGC resolved to intensify the battle for Nationalisation of Mines as part of the bigger war to attain economic freedom in our lifetime. Economic Freedom in our lifetime means that the entirety of the Freedom Charter objectives should be realised, particularly the clarion call that the people shall share in the country`s wealth. Branches, regions and the province of KwaZulu Natal will lobby all ANC structures to adopt a draft resolution of the ANC Youth League on Nationalisation of Mines. The PGC appreciates that Mines` nationalisation is not the only issue the ANC Youth League is raising on economic transformation. There are many issues, including on speedily resolving the land, banks and monopoly industries question as raised in the Freedom Charter.

The ANC YL KwaZulu Natal Council re-affirms the many resolutions taken before on the provision of free tertiary education to all needy and deserving students. The government of the ANC under President Zuma should come up with a credible model on how free education should be provided to poor, deserving students. In the same meantime, the ANC Youth League is KwaZulu Natal calls on the young people of the Province to rise to the occasion and make applications to institutions of higher learning and request assistance of the National Students Financial Aid scheme (NSFAS). Young people carry the responsibility to seize the opportunities presented by our democratic government.

Provincial General Council calls for the speedy implementation if the Youth Development Agency in the Province and Municipalities. The NYDA carries a responsibility to open economic opportunities for young people, and should not test our patience. Youth development is elementary to the lives of young people nothing should ever compromise opportunities that should be opened to young people. Provincial government should in the mainstream youth development through promotion of Youth enterprises and prioritisation of youth in procurement policies.

The ANC Youth League in KwaZulu Natal is solid towards the National General Councils of the ANC YL and ANC and will effectively raise all the relevant issues affecting young people and the national democratic revolution in its entirety. The Provincial Congress` resolution that President Julius Malema should be re-elected as President of the ANC Youth League in 2011 is affirmed by the Provincial General Council. He will successfully lead the ANC Youth League to the ANC centenary Conference in 2012, which will not only elect vibrant, youthful leadership, but will adopt a clearer economic transformation programme which will harness and enhance our struggles for economic freedom in our lifetime.

The Provincial General Council maintains the principle that all members of the ANC Youth League who take the organisation to Court should be automatically expelled. Discipline in the organisation should never be compromised and all members should learn to exhaust internal organisational process. Courts should stay away from political matters and allow our organisation to handle internal issues internally.

The ANC Youth League in KwaZulu calls for the reshuffling of the Provincial government cabinet, particularly the departments of Social Development and Public Works & Human Settlements. It is Council`s view that these departments should be looked into very closely.

Delegates in the Provincial General Council will towards the NGC report to their branches on the discussions and resolutions taken in the Council in order to take the entire membership along on issues that the ANC Youth League is raising.


For more information, Contact:
Sboniso Duma, ANC Youth League KwaZulu Natal Deputy Provincial Secretary-0824259270