January 8th Statements
Statement of the National Executive Committee on the occasion of the 102nd Anniversary of The ANC
- Address by ANC President Jacob Zuma
- 8 January 2014
- A
Comrades and Compatriots
The African National Congress celebrates one hundred and two years of service to our people today.
We have gathered to pay tribute to our organisation, our people and our country for the strides we have made together to free our country from apartheid colonialism and to build a National Democratic Society.
We meet just a few weeks after our loss of one of the greatest sons of our Movement, Isithwalandwe/Seaparankoe Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela.
Africa and the world descended upon our shores to celebrate the life of this giant of our struggle, produced by South Africa and the African National Congress.
Comrade Madiba`s contribution, as the first president of a democratic South Africa, laid the basis for and continues to inform our struggle to move South Africa forward.
May his soul, and the souls of all our fallen comrades, rest in peace.
Comrade Madiba exemplified the importance of adherence to the core values and traditions of the ANC.
He was unambiguous about the fact that the ANC has always been the organisation best placed to unite the broadest cross-section of South Africans around the objectives of the National Democratic Revolution and put in place a united, non-racial, non-sexist, democratic and prosperous South Africa as enshrined in the Freedom Charter.
The ideals of unity and non-racialism have been cornerstones of the ANC since before our formal establishment in 1912 and are succinctly captured by former president Pixley ka Isaka Seme when he said in 1911:
“The demon of tribalism and ethnicity . must be buried and forgotten; it has shed among us sufficient blood! We are one people. These divisions, these jealousies, are the cause of all our woes and of all our backwardness and ignorance today.”
This ideal, of a South Africa that is `one people` and united in our diversity, remains one that the ANC continues to strive for. Our emphasis on unity further demands that South Africans remain vigilant and actively combat the dangers of tribalism and ethnicity.
Equally, the ANC remains resolute and leads the quest for gender equality.
Our former president Comrade OR Tambo, said that the liberation of South Africa would not be complete until the women of this country were emancipated.
We reaffirm our commitment to all these core values and core principles of our movement, on this significant anniversary of our movement which coincides with the fifth national general elections to be held in this year.
The ANC, on this 102nd anniversary, humbly presents our 2014 National Elections Manifesto together with this Statement. The Manifesto is a pledge to move South Africa forward over the next five years, working with the masses of our people.
The commitments in the Manifesto represent the core elements of our plan to continue building the National Democratic Society.
We seek to mobilise and unite all South Africans around this common vision of building a South Africa that belongs to all who live in it.
This year, we celebrate the following important anniversaries:
We continue to suffer from the effects of this heinous piece of legislation that so unjustly deprived our people of their land.
IT HAS BEEN NINETY-FIVE YEARS SINCE THE FORMAL PROTESTS AGAINST PASS LAWS, firstly by women in the Free State and also anti-pass campaigns organised in the Transvaal.
IT HAS BEEN NINETY FIVE YEARS SINCE THE WITWATERSRAND STRIKE BY AFRICAN MINERS and the horrendous response by the racist regime`s police to these mostly peaceful protests. We honour those who lost their lives and were injured, during this strike, through our ongoing commitment to protecting workers` rights and conducting labour relations in a formalised and developmental manner.
IT HAS BEEN SEVENTY YEARS OF UNINTERRUPTED YOUTH STRUGGLES since the formation of the ANC Youth League; our preparatory school for the future leaders of the ANC.
IT HAS BEEN FIFTY YEARS SINCE THE END OF THE RIVONIA TRIAL and we celebrate the impact that the outcomes of this unjust and farcical trial had on mobilising the world against the horrendous apartheid regime.
IT HAS BEEN TWENTY YEARS OF FREEDOM. Our great nation will unite in celebrating that momentous achievement; brought through the sacrifice and dedication of many of our people, when South Africa ceased to be `the skunk of the world`.
We have made tremendous progress in the past 20 years. South Africa is a much better place to live in today than it was before 1994.
It has been 20 years of reconciliation and nation building n Discriminatory laws have been abolished and segregated institutions replaced by unified ones. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission helped heal the wounds of the past. We sing one national anthem, fly one national flag and embrace our cultural diversity.
Non-racialism is entrenched in our Constitution which states amongst other things, that nobody will be discriminated against, on the basis of their race.
In the past 5 years there have been several moments that have exemplified our sense of a common nationhood. In 2010, we welcomed the world to the first FIFA Soccer World Cup tournament in Africa.
Every year, on Nelson Mandela International Day, South Africans volunteer
67 minutes of their time in support of a worthy cause. Most recently, we came together as one people, to bid farewell to the father of our nation and first President of a democratic South Africa, Tata Madiba.
It has been 20 years of democratization
n Our constitutional democracy has advanced the right of our people to equality, to protection against racial, gender and other discrimination, and to the progressive realisation of access to the basic necessities of life.
An independent judiciary has been established and entrenched.
Representative and participatory democracy has been consolidated n In the past 5 years, as we advanced the rights of our people, we have remained true to the values of the Constitution.
n We have ensured the policies we implement advance the constitutional imperative to improve the quality of life of all citizens and free each person`s potential.
It has been 20 years of reconstruction, development and growth n We have gone a long way to overcome the systemic divisions of apartheid in the economy, education, health and human settlements. The lives of most South Africans have greatly improved.
n In the past 5 years we have worked together to achieve further improvements in the lives of all South Africans.
It has been 20 years of advancing workers interests and aspirations n The ANC has safeguarded and entrenched the hard-won rights of workers, including trade union workplace organising, collective bargaining, equal pay for equal work, health and safety, affirmative action, skills development, minimum wages for workers in vulnerable sectors, the right to strike, and the right to peaceful protest.
n In the past 5 years the ANC has begun to put in place measures to address labour broking and the casualisation of labour to protect vulnerable workers.
Unemployment insurance benefits have been improved.
It has been 20 years of championing the struggle for gender equality n In democratic South Africa, women`s voices are heard and women`s issues are seriously addressed. Institutional mechanisms have been established to protect women`s rights and dignity. Progress has been made in freeing women from customs and practices that undermine their rights. Progress in meeting basic needs such as housing and access to water has especially benefited women, redressing past inequalities.
- More girls are in school and tertiary education than ever before and more women are in employment. Women continue to benefit from economic empowerment programmes and they are the major recipients of social security programmes.
- In the past 5 years we have continued with active campaigns against the abuse of women and children. We have improved representation of women in parliament and government, and promoted a policy of equal representation of women and men in all institutions of government. We have continued to confront the challenge of violence against women and children and prioritised it in our strategies directed at creating a safe and secure society.
It has been 20 years of peace and security for all n The politically-inspired violence that engulfed many parts of our country before 1994, was brought to an end. Overall levels of serious crime have been reduced. We are working together to transform our security forces and judicial system to ensure they reflect the national and gender character of our country.
We have ensured fairness and equality for all before the law and enabled access to justice to millions more South Africans.
n In the past 5 years we have strengthened special institutions to fight corruption, with firm action taken against corrupt public servants, public representatives and private sector companies.
The last five years of delivering on the mandate given to the ANC by the people of our country have been years of tremendous progress.
On the economy and jobs, the last five years has been a period of unprecedented growth and development in this country.
Our national wealth has grown to a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of more than R3.5trillion and government`s annual revenue has grown to R880billion.
- We have been using our infrastructure expansion programme to improve our economic capabilities, create sustainable jobs and improve the lives of our people. Our landscape has changed significantly through the building and improvement of hospitals, schools, airports, roads, stadia, dams and other infrastructure for basic service delivery.
- The ANC is aware that the most critical problem facing South Africa is that of unemployment and particularly, youth unemployment. The ANC government has put in place one of the biggest public works programmes ever seen and in line with the 53rd Conference, we have directed that significant numbers of these jobs be reserved for young people.
We are also increasing the number of training and skilling opportunities for young people throughout the state owned enterprises and other government entities.
- Our infrastructure programme continues to generate massive numbers of sustainable jobs, whilst changing our landscape and economic capabilities.
This programme is complemented by our industrial and trade policies and other initiatives, which are all aimed at creating sustainable jobs and empowering South Africans to take an active part in their own development.
It has been five years of success in the implementation of the HIV and AIDS prevention and treatment programme introduced in December 2009.
We expanded treatment and the prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV programmes from 2009. We are proud that the average life expectancy of South Africans has improved from 54, 5 years in 2009 to 60 years in 2012 due to interventions.
The mother to child transmission of HIV has decreased by 66 percent in the past five years, saving the lives of many children.
The HIV testing programme has attracted more than 20 million South Africans.
We thank our people for cooperating and ensuring the success of the HIV and AIDS programme.
It has been five years of expanding access to education and of improving the quality.
Basic and higher education departments in the ANC government were separated to allow intensive attention to be paid to basic education. The intervention has yielded results. More children are receiving quality basic education including pre-school education and early childhood development.
The gradual improvement in matric results each year since 2009 is a cause for national pride and celebration. The achievement of our 2013 matric class has made our nation stand proud. All our learners carry our hopes for a better and brighter future.
We thank parents, guardians, teachers and communities for working together to make education a societal issue and ensuring progress and success.
It has been five years of expansion in higher education access with a massive increase in the number of enrolments in higher education institutions. Student enrolments at Further Education and Training colleges increased by 90%, from 345 566 in 2009 to 657 690 in 2012.
It has been five years of hard work in the rural development and agricultural programmes.
We have made inroads into addressing the legacy of apartheid and land removals. Nearly 5,000 farms, comprising 4.2 million hectares, have been transferred to black people, benefiting over 200,000 families. Nearly
80,000 land claims, totalling 3.4 million hectares, have been settled and
1.8 million people have benefited.
We have made progress in the first 20 years of democracy in eradicating the legacy of more than 360 years of colonialism and apartheid. However, we are aware that the legacy of apartheid still persists through poverty, unemployment and inequality. The ANC leads society in addressing these ongoing challenges, as we continue to address our people`s basic needs.
In our manifesto we set out the programmes and strategies that will help free our people from the economic and social legacy of apartheid.
The Manifesto commitments to our people are based on the ANC`s 53rd National Conference in Mangaung, 2012 which calls for decisive action to effect economic transformation and democratic consolidation.
It goes on to say that this, the second phase of our transition from apartheid colonialism to the national democratic society, should be characterised by united action by all South Africans to eradicate poverty, create full employment and reduce inequality.
In furtherance of these goals, Conference reiterated that unity is the rock upon which our Movement was founded and highlighted that a `united and revolutionary ANC and Alliance` must be rooted amongst the people for us to achieve our goals.
It is only through unity of purpose that we shall enable South Africans to become more active in our own development.
We committed ourselves to radical transformation which directly changes the apartheid patterns of economic and social development of this country.
It is undisputed that the overwhelming majority of the poor and disadvantaged of our country remain Black in general and African in particular, often female and very often rural. This situation will change.
The ANC adopted the National Development Plan in line with the objective to build the national democratic society.
The National Development Plan is a living and dynamic document and the overwhelming majority of South Africans support its objectives of eradicating poverty and inequality.
The ANC urges all our people to actively participate in its implementation, to move our country forward.
The NDP is the primary instrument that we shall use, taking full and united responsibility, together with our government, to move our country forward.
Our country is endowed with an abundance of mineral wealth and the Freedom Charter is clear that we must ensure that our people share in the wealth of the country.
The ANC is moving ahead with measures to strengthen the state mining company and to ensure increased beneficiation for industrialisation.
We have also broadened Mangaung`s call for increasing the share of mineral resource rents and will embark on comprehensive review of our tax system.
The ANC Manifesto contains our plans for addressing the scourges of poverty, unemployment and inequality.
We have, therefore, put radical economic transformation as the central focus of our plans for the next five years.
Our priorities during this term remain education, health, rural development, land reform and food security, the creation of more jobs, decent work and sustainable livelihoods, and the fight against crime and corruption.
We are also continuing to expand access to housing and basic services and building integrated human settlements.
The ANC is resolute that we shall put in place a democratic developmental state and create the conditions for the promotion of patriotism, social solidarity and social mobilisation.
Working together, we move South Africa forward!
Building a democratic developmental state We will continue efforts to build a democratic developmental state that will successfully lead efforts to address poverty, unemployment and inequality.
This state will increase its strategic role in the economy and decisively intervene in favour of the interests of the people, particularly the poor and workers. The state, in partnership with organised labour, the private sector and civil society, will create conditions to accelerate inclusive growth and job creation.
At the same time, the state directly contributes to radical transformation through strategic use of development finance institutions and other public agencies.
Our democratic developmental state continues to be decisive in dealing with corruption, holds public officials accountable and ensures that those found guilty face consequences.
A key component of the democratic developmental state is a disciplined, people-centred and professional public service.
Economy and Jobs
The ANC is resolute that the second phase of our transition will bring about the economic emancipation of our people.
We call on all our people government, business, labour and social organisations to actively contribute to economic transformation. South Africans must commit to take our country forward on the basis of hard work, contribution and sacrifice for equitable and shared benefits to all.
Part of the ANC`s contribution will take place through our government`s ongoing programmes of consolidated state-led industrialisation and infrastructure expansion for inclusive growth and jobs. This programme has already shown significant results over the last 5 years and we shall build on it.
These programmes are changing our landscape, creating sustainable jobs for our people and improving South Africa`s economic capabilities through improving our passenger and freight transport, gradually increasing local procurement and sustained investment in sectors that create jobs.
We will continue to build an inclusive economy which draws from the skills of all South Africans, affirms our people and reduces income inequality as we undo the legacy of discrimination at work on the grounds of race, gender and disability.
Building an inclusive economy will include continued transformation to promote broad-based black economic empowerment.
Our ongoing commitment to protecting the rights of workers find expression in our determination to deal with abusive practices related to atypical work and labour broking. The ANC will take practical steps to ensure that the introduction of the youth employment incentive scheme does not displace unsubsidised workers. We commit to investigating the modality for introduction of a national minimum wage as a key component of reducing inequality.
South Africa will produce more, cleaner energy and promote energy self-sufficiency in a manner that has regard to our development objectives.
The financial sector will be encouraged to become more inclusive and accessible.
We are also continuing to empower our youth through further education and employment opportunities and are committed to advancing equality and decent work at the workplace through our progressive laws and other support measures.
The ANC will expand our already significant public employment programme and we aim to provide 6 million work opportunities. The majority of these jobs will be reserved for young people.
Together, we move South Africa forward!
Rural development, land and agrarian reform and food security The ANC has consistently held that the 1913 Land Act and the resultant dispossessions are directly related to our current problems of poverty, unemployment and inequality.
Without land we cannot grow food to end hunger and guarantee food security for all.
Without land we cannot provide decent housing and basic services to remake our towns, cities and rural areas.
Without land our struggle for economic emancipation will be undermined. We must provide a radicalanswer to the land question. The ANC has such an answer!
Our rural development programme continues to give hope to our rural masses that their lives will change for the better. We shall expand our rural development programmes to ensure sustainable livelihoods in rural areas. We are confident that the ANC will, together with our people, work towards poverty eradication in the rural areas. There is wide-spread acknowledgement that the `willing-buyer, willing seller` principle has not been successful and it is being replaced with the just and equitable compensation principle in line with section 25 of the Constitution. We call on our public representatives to finalise the legislation meant to speed up expropriation of land in the public interest.
We shall grow sustainable rural enterprises and industries and intensify the development aspect of land reform. We are expanding our programmes to make sure that all land-reform farms become productive and contribute to our food security.
The Agricultural Policy Action Plan will be finalised and implemented to guide the strengthening of all components of the agricultural sector. The roll-out and expansion of different projects, e.g. aquaculture projects and support to small farmers, will enhance job creation and promote access to high protein food.
Human Settlements and Basic Services
Our longstanding policy of building integrated human settlements remains.
Bold programmes will be implemented to promote better located mixed income housing projects, improving housing conditions for the poor in all informal settlements and unlocking well-located land, especially state land, for affordable housing.
Amongst these are the provision of one million housing opportunities for qualifying households over the next 5 years, promoting integrated public transport and accelerating the roll-out of sanitation infrastructure in rural areas and informal settlements.
This will be accompanied by further provision of basic services and infrastructure in existing informal settlements and connecting additional homes to the electricity grid.
Improving and expanding education and training The ANC remains committed to the progressive realisation of free education at all levels. We have made exponential progress in achieving universal access to quality basic education and continue working hard to introduce free education in higher education and training.
Our key commitments for the next 5 years are making early childhood development a priority, eradicating illiteracy; improve quality in teaching and learning in schools and expanding and building capacity in higher education and training.
The ANC will intervene, through curriculum and assessment policies to improve performance in schools. Teacher development is key to our plans for the ongoing improvement of basic education. We shall implement further school safety programmes.
We continue to expand and improve access to higher training and education.
We will open two new universities in Mpumalanga and the Northern Cape during 2014. A third dedicated health sciences university will also be built.
We will also establish 12 new Further Education and Training (FET) College Campuses across the country and refurbish two other campuses as part of government`s infrastructure programme.
Our government will, working together with universities and FET colleges, intensify our efforts to support the needs of poor students.
Health and Social Security
The National Health Insurance (NHI) or universal health coverage remains our flagship programme and will be rolled out beyond the pilot phase during the next five years.
The unprecedented scheme will ensure that the poor also gain equal access to medical treatment.
All South Africans must work together in maintaining the momentum in our fight against HIV and AIDS and the ANC continues to encourage our people to get tested.
We also aim to improve the quality of public health care and reform private health care to drastically bring down the costs of health care.
We must increase the number of social service professionals to respond to the demand for social welfare services and make sure that all people who qualify for social services and grants receive them.
We further call upon the nation to reduce the burden of disease in the country by living healthy lifestyles and dealing decisively with high-risk factors, such as smoking, harmful use of alcohol, poor diet and lack of exercise.
The ANC government will also work towards the introduction of mandatory cover for retirement, disability and survivor benefits.
Fighting Crime and Corruption
The ANC remains very clear that corruption must be fought wherever it occurs and in all its manifestations. We shall continue to work with all sectors of society and all our anti-corruption agencies to address this scourge.
A central tender board, with representation by stakeholders, will be established to adjudicate tenders in all spheres of government. This body will work with the chief procurement officer whose main function will be to check on pricing and adherence to procedures as well as fairness.
Public servants and public representatives will be prohibited from doing business with the state and further measures will be developed to identify and prosecute corrupt actions by public servants and others.
ANC members and public representatives, who are found guilty of criminal activity by a court of law, are expected to step down from any position of leadership in the ANC, government and society. Where this does not happen, the ANC will follow our internal procedures, as agreed to by the 53rd National Conference, to swiftly and decisively address such instances.
We will continue to ensure that South Africans are safer and feel safer and will further reduce the levels of crime and increase the capacity of our police and criminal justice system. We will also continue to work with our communities to make our neighbourhoods and cities safer, especially through strengthening the anti-crime awareness and introducing stronger legislation to combat substance abuse.
It is vital that adults and children are protected from incidents of domestic violence and crimes against children. We shall, therefore, further strengthen the institutions working in this area and pursue a multi-disciplinary approach in our fight against violence against women and children.
A better Africa and a better world
The ANC remains an organisation with a proud internationalist outlook and a foreign policy directly related to our domestic policy and protecting our national interests. The ANC remains committed to promoting peace, development, democracy and prosperity on the continent. In this regard, we are actively working to strengthen African Union institutions, programmes and projects so that the AU continues to serve the interests of Africa`s people and promotes adherence to the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance.
We shall focus on regional integration and strengthening party-to-party relations to promote democracy and good governance.
We re-affirm our and support campaigns of peoples still struggling for freedom and democracy. Most notably, the peoples of Palestine and the Western Sahara. We continue to support efforts to end the economic blockade of Cuba and repeat our support for the release of the Cuban Five.
We express our solidarity with the people of South Sudan as they establish their fledgling country.
The ANC expresses our appreciation for the efforts of the South African National Defence Force in peacekeeping efforts on the African continent, especially in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, South Sudan and Somalia.
We shall also continue to strengthen South-South cooperation and partnership with the countries of the North.
The ANC will continue to participate in global governance institutions and work for their reform so that their decisions promote equity and fairness across the world.
The ANC remains committed to building of a progressive movement in the world and call upon the African diaspora to contribute to Africa`s rise and prosperity.
Social Cohesion and Nation Building
The ANC believes that united in our diversity, we will move our country forward.
We shall actively promote patriotism and honour our collective heritage by celebrating symbols and public reference points and the important historical and cultural sites and events of all our people.
It is important that we promote and preserve our heritage.
The ANC pledges that we shall build more museums and monuments and maintain our existing ones. We repeat that we shall maintain a culture of dialogue and commitments as part of building a social compact to move South Africa forward.
The people of our great country must be active participants in our development and the ANC will mobilise all sectors to contribute meaningfully in the implementation of our National Development Plan and the commitments we are making for the next five years.
Together, we move our country forward.
ANC members must recommit ourselves to the notion of service to the nation.
We must follow the example of Comrade Madiba, who dedicated his whole life to the people of South Africa, our continent and the world.
Mobilise towards the National Elections
We call on our members, supporters and volunteers to mobilise for an overwhelming victory in the coming National Elections.
The ANC will renew our peoples` contract with the nation and all activists must be at the forefront of sharing the good story of South Africa`s progress with our people. This ANC has the experience and drive to move our country forward and our members must spread our pledge to all corners.
ANC branches and structures must also be active in encouraging people to exercise their hard won democratic right to vote as part of broader programmes of teaching civic responsibility.
Branches of the ANC should ensure that every voter in their ward registers and goes out to vote on election day.
ANC volunteers are the army of the people`s movement. There should be no street, village, town or city that is not reached by ANC volunteers.
Unity of purpose and action to move our people forward We have repeated it often that unity is the rock upon which our Movement is built. It is imperative that every ANC member and our Alliance partners contribute in a strategic and positive manner to our overall unity.
Together with the South African Communist Party (SACP), the vanguard of our Movement, we must significantly step up our political education and development efforts. This will have significant effects in building unity across our Movement and in society.
The revolutionary workers` representative, the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), must be more active in guiding our collective efforts at safeguarding the rights of workers. We must all work harder to guard against certain destructive and opportunistic elements that are trying to divide this alliance partner and our Movement.
The South African National Civics Organisation (SANCO) has taken steps to become an even better representative of communities and we wish them a successful National Conference.
Our Leagues, as complementary structures within the ANC, have specific and focussed roles to play within their defined constituencies and our organisation. They must use these roles to promote our vision of a united, non-racial, non-sexist, democratic and prosperous society.
We call on our branches and structures to develop programmes that actively promote unity throughout our Movement.
Safeguarding our Core Values
Safeguarding and promoting our core values remain amongst the most critical tasks of members and structures of the ANC. These values include: selfless service, integrity, honesty, criticism and self-criticism and organisational discipline.
We shall develop comprehensive programmes to promote our core values and these will be combined with our expanded programme of political education and development at all levels of the Movement. Our branches and structures are directed to be active participants in these programmes.
Organisational Discipline
The nature of a mass-base organisation, like the ANC, can lend itself to the erosion of discipline if the organisation does not address issues of discipline in a consistent and timeous manner.
Discipline is a political tool that can foster greater unity and must encompass political education, mentoring, corrective action and formal disciplinary proceedings.
The ANC is very clear that actions that bring our organisation into disrepute will not be tolerated and every ANC member should conduct him or herself in a manner that is consistent with the core values and traditions of our Movement.
We repeat that we shall use all the measures agreed to at the 53rd Conference to deal with instances of ill-discipline.
Mobilising society around our common vision The ANC remains the body best placed to mobilise the broadest cross-section of society around our vision of a national democratic society and we must continue to earn this leadership position.
Our branches, structures and our public representatives must therefore ensure that they develop consistent programmes of interacting with communities and that there are dynamic lines of communication between the ANC and our people. Our Head Office will also, through our Monitoring and Evaluation Unit, track whether this is taking place.
The ANC will also develop educational material to interact with our people on issues of the NDP and other national government programmes so that we further empower society to take active part in moving our country forward.
Our structures, throughout the country, must ensure that our people are able to give input in how these programmes are implemented.
Finally, our branches must continue to work with various civil society organisations to assist our people in accessing the various services and measures provided by the ANC government as too many of our citizens are not aware of all the services at their disposal.
Isithwalandwe/Seaparankoe is the highest honour awarded by the ANC to those who have made an outstanding contribution and sacrifice to the liberation struggle. Isithwalandwe, literally translated, means “the one who wears the plumes of the rare bird”.
This was traditionally bestowed only on the bravest warriors of the people, on those who distinguished themselves in the eyes of all the people for exceptional qualities of leadership and heroism.
We are extremely proud to confer Isithwalandwe/Seaparankoe on two of our longest serving and most outstanding comrades.
* Comrade Ruth Mompati
* Comrade Gertrude Shope
The ANC takes this time to honour those comrades who passed away during 2013. These comrades made lasting contributions to our struggle for liberation and we salute their unflagging spirit and dedication which continues to be an inspiration.
Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, Reginald September, General Lehlohonolo Moloi, Priscilla Mokaba, Lieutenant General Layton Sean Mzondeki Tshabalala, Ismael Mahomed, Phyllis Naidoo, Amina Cachalia, Crosby Moni, Esther Molete, Vesta `Ma V` Smith, Maria Diniza Boikanyo, Mocumi Motlalepule, Monchwe Patrick Mokhotlhwa, Sametlha Leberegane, Tebogo Moolman, Klaas Gaetsewe, Jayson Seleke Morgan, Itumeleng Bankgantsang Moleele, Elsie Matupa, Joyce Maneng, Keorapetse Luycia Maloeng, Monica Trok, Fezile Andreas, Marel Maroane, Kraai Zwelinzima, Modise Mothibakgomo, Sara Mokgosi, Gaolatlhe Gaobepe Motlagomang, Alec Justice Moitse, Ketshabeng Talakase, Atalase Sekamoeng, Christopher Tshabalala, Mavis Makeleni, Raymond Mrawu, Nomakhaya Nkwali, Mzuvukile Ntunja, Victor Khomari, Dese Ntlathi, Stephen Nakedi, Joel Mafereka, David Motloung, Elisa Lande, Tsie Ramakarane, Monotla Mbongo, Volley Mabooe, Christopher Mrabalala, Manie Damon, AK Roomaney, Sherphard Matshoba, Sam Mtethwa, Pius Langa, Joshua Ndlovu, Makhosonke Msibi, Mtwana Russel Zulu, Elias Tshiseng, Mfanafuthi `Fu` Zwane, David Banda, Mdumiseni Radebe, Mbuso Kubheka, Sipho Kubheka, Lindokuhle Thusi, Mlungisi Ziqubu, Rebecca Molefe, Fikile Thwala, Robeen Mbuthuma, Khayalethu Khanyase, Mlungisi Xolo, Ziphathe Zwane, Lindeni Khomo, Gogo Dlamini, Nu Zulu, Bapholile Shinga, Manunu Cele, Dan Hlophe, Thembeka Gceba, Pamella Mnqayi, Cebolenkosi Mfekayi, Nhlakanipho Msomi, Siyabonga Mbili, Jafta Manqele Nomthandazo, Kunene Nontobeko, Maqashu Leonard Mdingi, Hlela Nelisiwe Latha, Nokuthula Mngadi, Sphiwe Gwala, Matshitshi Ndlovu, Sifiso Myende, Themba Mthalane, Mninimuzi Ngcobo, Bongani Sibiya, Solly Mnguni, Mandla Elias Mahlangu, Hellen Ngwenya, Thabo Moroape, Oswel Mavimbela, Lizzy Nkosi, Mamatjie Masilela, Sandile English Mondlane, Simon Sidumo Khubheko, Thomas Mbobo Msiza, Ncedi Nkosi, Mduduzi Masango, Zodwa Nkambule, Sesi Mabuza, Linnah Madonsela, Makhubo Thandi Madonsela, Albert Kunene, Sello Ndlavini Manamela, Skanka Maako, Kleinbooi Sithle, Salmita Riky Sehla, Johannes Tose Aphane, Sanara Gladys Vilakazi, Stevens Mathibela.
South Africa has made significant progress in addressing our challenges and the ANC pledges that it shall remain a loyal and faithful servant of the people of our country.
We shall endeavour to continue serving as the best examples of the core values of our Movement.
ANC members must live these values of self-discipline, humility, selflessness and honesty and thereby continue to earn our position as leader of society.
The commitments we present today in our Manifesto are coherent, realistic and achievable.
As the leading political representative of South Africans, with unmatched experience, capacity and political determination, the ANC will work to mobilise and unite all our people around this manifesto to take our country forward.
The ANC lives! The ANC leads!
The NEC declares 2014
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1993 January 8th Statement |
1992 January 8th Statement |
1991 January 8th Statement |
1990 January 8th Statement |
1989 January 8th Statement |
1988 January 8th Statement |
1987 January 8th Statement |
1986 January 8th Statement |
1985 January 8th Statement |
1984 January 8th Statement |
1983 January 8th Statement |
1982 January 8th Statement |
1981 January 8th Statement |
1980 January 8th Statement |
1979 January 8th Statement |
1972 January 8th Statement |