South African’s National Liberation Movement

Media Statement


The ANC’s list of candidates for the 2024 National and Provincial Elections is characterised by diversity, inclusivity and experience.

The candidates have been carefully selected through a rigorous, transparent and democratic process that reflects our commitment to organisational renewal.

The ANC’s focus on strengthening internal structures, such as the Electoral Committee and Integrity Commission, ensures that capable individuals are chosen to implement our programme of a better life for all.

The ANC candidate selection process, which began in August 2023, was guided by a new set of rules aimed at promoting transparency, integrity, meritocracy, vibrant internal democracy, broader participation of the Alliance and mass democratic movement, and a thorough evaluation of each candidate’s profile.

These rules ensured that only the most qualified individuals were considered for candidacy, according to strict criteria.

Candidates must meet requirements such as possessing a post-matric qualification, completing leadership modules at the Oliver Tambo School of Leadership, being ANC members in good standing, demonstrating commitment to the democratic movement, and having no criminal record.

By enforcing this criteria, we are paving the way for a new phase of governance that will drive our country’s transformation journey forward.

The ANC Candidate Selection process aims to ensure that only the most qualified and deserving individuals are nominated for positions.

Candidate Selection Criteria

We have implemented strict criteria to ensure the integrity and credibility of our candidates.

Firstly, it is important that candidates do not have any pending court cases or disciplinary hearings. This allows them to fully focus on their responsibilities without distractions or legal complications.

In addition, candidates who have been recommended for suspension by the NEC after their cases have been finalised by the Integrity Commission are also not eligible for nomination. This shows our commitment to upholding ethical standards and holding our members accountable.

Furthermore, candidates who are already public representatives or members of government executives must undergo a satisfactory performance review. This ensures that those in positions of responsibility are effectively fulfilling their duties and serving the interests of the people.

To maintain transparency and trust, all candidates must agree to have their criminal records vetted and make financial or other interest declarations before their final nomination. This allows us to have a clear understanding of their background and any potential conflicts of interest.

Candidates must also be willing to undergo a lifestyle audit or other investigations by the Provincial List Committee or Election Committee. This further demonstrates our commitment to transparency and accountability within our organisation.

Moreover, candidates must accept and abide by the organisational decisions of the ANC and adhere to the Electoral Code of Conduct. This ensures that they are aligned with our values and principles and are committed to upholding the integrity of the ANC.

Lastly, candidates must agree to sign deployment contracts, in which they undertake to implement the ANC’s electoral mandate and the decisions of the organisation. This may include redeployment and recall as circumstances may require. This ensures that our candidates prioritise the tasks outlined in the electoral mandate and are willing to comply with organisational decisions.

The Electoral Committee guidelines outline the specific requirements for the ANC list, which are crucial in ensuring that the ANC represents the diverse needs and aspirations of the South African population.

To begin with, the ANC list must encompass a wide range of skills, experiences and capacities to effectively address the complex challenges facing our nation.

Additionally, the list should be representative of all national groups, taking into account the provincial demographics. This guarantees that the ANC truly reflects the diversity of our society and gives a voice to all communities.

Moreover, the provincial lists should have a fair geographic distribution throughout each province to ensure that every region is adequately represented and no area is neglected.

The ANC list must also reflect the character of the liberation movement by including members from various organisations such as COSATU, SACP, SANCO, the mass democratic movement, and key sectors of society. This allows the ANC to effectively advocate for the interests of all South Africans.

The ANC candidates represent an inter-generational mix and advance the generational transition in our country. For the first time, the 1976 and 1980s generations (Gen X), together with Millennials, constitute over 60% of candidates on the ANC’s lists. The rest are made up of the remainder of the earlier generation of struggle veterans and Ama-2000s (Gen Z). The Tintswalos – the children of freedom – talented, educated, diverse and vibrant, are taking their rightful place in our movement and country.

Many of the pioneers of our democracy, those who formed part of our first thirty years of democratic parliaments, have retired. These include comrades Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, Pravin Gordhan, Pam Tshwete, Amos Masondo, Yunus Karrim and John Jeffery. We thank them for their contribution to our democracy and governance. We know that they will remain activists working for a better South Africa, and we will continue to draw on their wisdom and experience.

The qualifications, skills and combined experience of our 2024 Candidates reflect a party that has gained enormous experience in governance and development. The new additions to our lists bring with them experiences in civil society, business, the youth, student and trade union movements, and traditional leadership, which will only enrich how we govern and represent people over the coming five years.

The ANC lists also deliberately bring in candidates from all national groups. More than half of our candidates (53%) are women and 40% are young people, traditional leaders, persons with disability and members of the LGBTQI+ community.

This is a team of the people, by the people, and for the people: ready to work with all South Africans to implement the ANC’s 2024 Election Manifesto, to do more, together!

These candidates were selected though a rigorous, democratic, participatory and transparent process that lasted over eight months, overseen by an independent ANC Electoral Committee, chaired by former President Kgalema Motlanthe.

We thank the Chairperson and all esteemed members of the Electoral Committee for the diligence, commitment and integrity with which they carried out this important task.
In carrying out the mandate given by the Special Extended NEC, the ANC Electoral Committee was asked to provide a list of candidates appearing on the ANC candidate lists who: appeared before the ANC Integrity Commission, and in respect of whom the Commission submitted reports; and are named in the State Capture Commission Report.

A number of individuals who fall into the above categories were either not nominated as candidates or were found by the Electoral Committee to be ineligible due to having criminal records, stepping aside as a result of criminal charges, or being suspended pending ANC disciplinary processes.

Of the persons named in State Capture Commission Report, only 20 are current or former NEC members and / or public representatives. Of these only 6 appear on the ANC 2024 candidate lists.

Based on the response of the Electoral Committee, the National Officials compiled a report containing the names of candidates, a summary of the matters in respect of which they engaged with the Integrity Commission and/or they were named in the State Capture Commission Report.

The report contains three parts dealing, respectively, with: (a) Candidates with no adverse findings by the Integrity Commission; (b) Candidates with adverse findings; (c) Candidates named in the State Capture Commission Report who have no Integrity Committee reports. The report deals with 16 persons who appear as ANC candidates.

The report was presented to a Special NEC meeting on Thursday, 7 March 2024.

In the report the National Officials made the following recommendations:

(1) Candidates in respect of whom the Integrity Commission made no adverse findings are eligible to stand as ANC candidates. A total of 9 of the 16 candidates fell into this category.

(2) Of the candidates in respect of whom the Integrity Commission made adverse findings:

(a) Three candidates are eligible to stand as ANC candidates pending finalisation of their reviews, appeals or other processes.

(b) Two candidates are not eligible to stand as ANC candidates.

(3) Candidates who are named in the State Capture Commission Report and who did not present themselves to the Integrity Commission as directed by the NEC, and who have been referred the National Disciplinary Committee, are not eligible to stand as candidates.

The Extended NEC noted the report and commended the National Officials and the Office of the Secretary General for the thorough and expeditious manner in which they discharged the mandate given to them.

The NEC reiterated both the principles that ANC candidates must be persons of integrity and that the organisation is committed to respecting the rights of its members to due and fair process.

Accordingly, the Special NEC resolved that the above candidates should be allowed to stand as ANC candidates pending completion of their various outstanding appeal, review or disciplinary processes. Should they be elected, their positions as public representatives will be re-assessed based on the outcomes of these processes.

The ANC’s 54th and 55th National Conferences highlighted the need for organisational renewal to address internal weaknesses that have affected the movement’s ability to lead socioeconomic transformation effectively.

The NEC is implementing various measures to renew the organisation, including strengthening the Electoral Committee and Integrity Commission, introducing stricter rules for candidate selection, enhancing cadre development, and promoting accountability, and introducing monitoring and evaluation initiatives.

The progress made in the renewal process demonstrates that the ANC is moving forward and will continue to do so with our collective efforts. Renewal is not a gimmick, but a means to empower the ANC as a more effective tool for liberation in the hands of the people. While candidate selection is crucial, it is just one step in the ongoing journey that the ANC is taking alongside the people of South Africa.

President Ramaphosa made the following clarion call at the launch of the ANC 2024 Elections Manifesto:

“All leaders and public representatives, once elected, must be held accountable through the rigorous monitoring and evaluation system adopted by the NEC.

The ANC remains committed and resolute to pursue the transformation agenda in order to build a better life for all, leaving no one behind.

We will do so in a manner that will ensure that when we celebrate the centenary of the Freedom Charter in the next 30 years, the legacies of apartheid, colonialism and patriarchy which still loom so large in South Africa, will be a matter of history.

Our confidence rests on the fact that: We’ve achieved the impossible together. Our biggest victories we’ve won together. Our deepest sorrows we’ve felt together. Our biggest strides, we’ve made together. The biggest odds, we’ve defied together.

And so today we can say with certainty:

We will do better, we will do more, and we will do it faster. Together.”



For media inquiries, please contact:

Mahlengi Bhengu-Motsiri
076 891 5420


Martina Della Togna
082 355 3645

Mothusi Shupinyane Ka Ndaba
084 498 0105