South African’s National Liberation Movement


Statement by ANC Secretary-General Fikile Mbalula on Sunday World Misinformation

Today we woke up to a regrettable article from Sunday World that can at best be described as gossip. This is more so since the paper was advised about the factual inaccuracies it suggested was provided by its sources. The publication was duly informed that the information was factually inaccurate.

We are determined to succeed in all facets of the organisational renewal agenda as mandated by the 55th National Conference. In respect to the communication function of the ANC the National Conference resolved that:-

“The NEC must capacitate and resource the Department of Information Publicity (DIP). The DIP must be calibrated into a world class communication instrument to advance ANC policy positions and programmes. In turn, the DIP must strengthen the communications machinery of the ANC across all structures including at branch level. The NEC must lead the Communication machinery across the provinces and regions of the organisation to consolidate the organisational hegemony in the battle of ideas.”

We can report on tangible progress toward fulfilling this resolution mentioned above. For example:-

  • We have improved alignment of communication between our national, provincial and

    regional communication machinery

  • The National Executive Committee adopted a 3-year ANC Communications,

    Information and Publicity strategy which included a redefined communication

    structure that includes provincial and regional integration

  • We have elevated our strategic media engagement efforts. These include:

o ImprovedmediaaccessibilitytothePresidentoftheAfricanNationalCongress
o Live media engagements on the sidelines of NEC meetings thereby taking South Africans along whenever matters of national and geopolitical interests are being resolved by the ANC

o Spokesperson’sfortnightly#ANConTheRecordsessions

• We are continuously rolling out numerous deliberate digital media campaigns.

These positive developments are but to name a few accomplishments in a short space of time. Important to appreciate is that such outcomes only become possible under political and administrative leadership that has a clear vision and strong structures and processes in place.

President: C Ramaphosa, Deputy President: P Mashatile, National Chairperson: G Mantashe, Secretary General: F Mbalula, Deputy Secretary General: N Mokonyane, Deputy Secretary General: M Ramokgopa, Treasurer-General: G Ramokgopa

As stated by President Oliver Reginald Tambo:-

“Wage a relentless war against disrupters and defend the ANC against provocateurs and enemy agents. Defend the revolution against enemy propaganda, whatever form it takes. Be vigilant, comrades. The enemy is vigilant. Beware of the wedge-driver, the (woman) man who creeps from ear to ear, carrying a bag full of wedges, driving them in between you and the next (woman) man, between a group and another, a (woman) man who goes round creating splits and divisions. Beware of the wedge driver, comrades. Watch (her) his poisonous tongue.”

Comrade Mahlengi Bhengu-Motsiri is among those who have been responsible for leading the movement in the battle of ideas front and we can tangibly point at visible progress that’s been made under her leadership. In performing this role she continuously gets guidance and support from the Secretary-General, a relationship which is also in fulfilment of ANC’ prescripts.

As Secretary-General one must unequivocally state the fact that myself and officials of the ANC are highly appreciative of the outstanding efforts made by Comrade Mahlengi Bhengu- Motsiri and her management team. Any attempts to derail their efforts will be shunned by the African National Congress and be called out for the opportunistic malice it represents.



For media inquiries, please contact:

Mahlengi Bhengu-Motsiri

076 891 5420

JP Louw
066 056 0911